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Everything posted by skyeblu79

  1. skyeblu79

    Overnight Stay?

    I went home the same day. Surgery started around 8 or 8:30 and I was on the way back to the hotel by 12:00 something that afternoon. I was only self-pay and I think my doc only made you stay overnight if you had no one with you to help after surgery. Courtneyjeter- I can kind of understand what you are going through with your parents. I still haven't told mine how much the surgery cost. They didn't ask either though. I actually moved back home with them to save up for surgery.
  2. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Okay, I have stopped laughing.... Are you referring to me? I didn't compare your mother to a rapist. I gave you an example of how bad actions don't change the bad things you did in life. People may view you differently, but you still do the action. I don't know how else to explain it to you. How on Earth did you get that I compared your mother to a rapist? I don't know your mother... Question: Did your doctor require a psych eval?
  3. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    I almost spit out my food on that one.:nervous
  4. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Who's your leader foodstampchamp?
  5. skyeblu79

    Question ... memory loss

    I have a horrible memory. My doctors says she thinks some of it may be stress related and lack of sleep..I don't have sleep apnea.. If wouldn't shock me down the road to hear it was weight related.
  6. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    You are right..I need to get checking out the bandster stuff. I guess I see if more of right and wrong than controversy, but what you are saying is true.
  7. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    :nervous LOL @ REDICULUS.... Thanks Persistance!!
  8. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    So, b/c she did some good things in her life changes anything wrong she did how? Why are you trying to hard to prove that? If you think she's a good person, you think she's a good person.:phanvan If someone is a rapist and later saves someone's life doesn't change the fact that they still raped someone.....
  9. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    What is wrong with you? I think you are forgetting what you wrote. Are you joking? I know you have a weird sense of humor:phanvan Did you forget you said that black people can say anything and it's okay? :faint: You also said you wished you were black so you could say anything.
  10. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    I'm not upset, I just wish you could see the error of your ways. I know everyone like you can't be saved, but I guess I have to try.
  11. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Yeah, right..You are dreaming..I did read what you said. Why b/c I disagree am I not reading your posts. You need therapy!!
  12. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Did rappers coin the term ho? I was hearing ho/whore long before I even really knew what rap is. You can blame rap music all you want, if still doesn't change a thing. Do you know anything about rap music or what you call "rap language." As I have stated previously, I don't understand where this became about Al Sharpton. People with nothing to say what to address everything but the issue and continue to blame other people. Once again, Al Sharpton is not the end to all...All Sharpton is not the president of the black community. You need to blame the media as much as you blame Al...Al is not the messiah of the black community. How many people have talked about the problems with rap music? Why for you does it have to be Sharpton????????? Inquiring minds want to know. :phanvan And since whites are still the majority in this country and since white kids are the main ones keeping the rap game alive why more doing something about it. While the majority of American is at it take a look at some other problems in society. If people worried more about rearing the children and what goes on in their house we may have better children. Stop letting hip hop, Paris Hilton, and Barney raise your kids. I guarantee you some people know more about what's going on with Brittany Spears than they do their own kids.
  13. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    :bored What does it change since other people are saying that too? They aren't too bright!! So, you don't think people ever twist the 1st amendment to fit their warped world? What have I said that was ignorant? Is there anything you can actually prove is inaccurate?
  14. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Can you elaborate? Do you have any quotes? I don't even know what you are talking about. I'm from the South. Southerners get knocked all the time. My coworker from NY picks on us all the time. Our radio stations here pick on northerners all the time. I love North Carolina. People out of the south may think it's a negative thing, most embrace it. I hope he didn't call Gretchen Wilson a white trash ho. I love Gretchen!! I would be mad if he did.
  15. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Here is exactly what you said, "I don't know that I agree with "most" of the hip/hop or rap music being about one's own struggles. I believe there is just as much gangster/kill people/slap your ho/i'm a pimp/f---white people hip/hop/rap as their is personal struggles music. There is really no way to know for sure but I do think people are deciding to focus on one or the other without recognizing the other. I happened to have heard some neo-nazi music as well. There is actually a market for that (in my opinion) crap. Obviously not as big a market as hip/hop (which I personally love)." I guess b/c you are talking out 2 sides of your mouth. You clearly don't know anything about hip hop. Most hip hop artists (I assume who you are referring to as the gangsters) have the rap sheets to prove their story. Doesn't 50 cent (who I don't listen to) have the bullet wounds to prove it. I doubt most of them are still standing on the corner selling drugs and stuff. What's positive about your post?
  16. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Yup, I am reading it just makes no sense...Maybe old could be counted as ageism....What does that have to do w/his race? Any race can have ugly creeps.:phanvan
  17. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Yeah, I would have been offended if my mom frequently called me names that were typically used to describe animals...I sure don't believe it's appropriate for parents to call their kids mutts or nappy headed hos... Common sense has to do w/everything. Look up common sense. I did it can pretty much apply to everything. Therefore the lack there of is a bad bad thing.
  18. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    Click quote on someone comment
  19. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    I love the show too....Isiah Washington should have never called T.R. Knight a faggot though, b/c it was wrong!! Since you watch the show you know he's black right, so that throws you other statement out of the window.
  20. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    No one is trying to take anything away from you. People need to learn there are repercussions for their actions. The government didn't come in and fire Imus, his boss did!!
  21. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    It should be called When you can't think of anything else to say cry 1st amendment. :phanvan That's so 6th grade. IMO, it diminishes why we have the 1st amendment. Most people don't even understand half the amendments..Shoot most people couldn't list the amendments, but always cry 1-10. P.S.-Don't scream fire in a crowded building...And you know you can be sued for slander.
  22. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    :phanvan Oh, come on....Explain this what was the point of the example you gave?!!? Honestly, I really don't get the point of the story other than to make you look even worse. Eventhough you said you didn't except him to accept your apology, it really sounded like you did. Later in the story you made it clear you didn't even understand why he was still mad since you had apologized. Didn't you also also call him a crybaby:phanvan
  23. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    What did he say? If it was something to the affect of nappy headed hos he should be fired.
  24. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    You have only listed negative things about hip hop music. I don't even listen to much hip hop, but I know it's not all about bitches, hos and killing people... Half the things you listed in your statement would apply to the Sopranos as well...Does that make Imus' statement even more funny to you?:phanvan
  25. skyeblu79

    Imus show suspended due to racial comments

    She didn't say anything about his race. Where'd you get that from?:phanvan

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