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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TheGh0st

  1. OUCHH!! is right

    I suppose I understand if you get a larger portion of the "estate" then you would "owe" him more but it still doesn't make much sense that if you keep a property that is going to cost you more in upkeep than if you sold it that you then have to turn around and pay him more as well.

    What if you "bought" him out of his share of the house with a one-time payment would that bring the alimony down?

  2. Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    BooBooKitty for those of you who may not know is also the woman pictured at the top of Lapbandtalk.

    She is currently competing in a pin-up photoshoot contest. Yes I did say Pin-Up. Can you believe it? Who would have thought any of us would ever lose so much weight and gain so much self confidence to do something like a pin-up photoshoot? She has been a total inspiration to me. I've even started looking for a good photographer. Though I can't imagine them turning out as well as hers.

    Her Pin-Up name is Ginger Rayne and here is the link.

    www.bravenet.com - A Bravenet.com Vote

    You can vote once per day / per computer.

    Lets blow her competition out of the Water.

  3. Let's all help BooBooKitty (The Face of LBT)

    BooBooKitty for those of you who may not know is also the woman pictured at the top of Lapbandtalk.

    She is currently competing in a pin-up photoshoot contest. Yes I did say Pin-Up. Can you believe it? Who would have thought any of us would ever lose so much weight and gain so much self confidence to do something like a pin-up photoshoot? She has been a total inspiration to me. I've even started looking for a good photographer. Though I can't imagine them turning out as well as hers.

    Her Pin-Up name is Ginger Rayne and here is the link.

    www.bravenet.com - A Bravenet.com Vote

    You can vote once per day / per computer.

    Lets blow her competition out of the Water.

  4. The Band CAN be done over a bypass. I have 2 friends here in town I know personally that have done it and are being successfull with it. I also have seen a dozen or so here on LBT that have discussed they were banded over the RNY.

    This site is so large it is sometimes difficult to find a small subset of people as you are discussing. If you don't get responses from enough people that have done this send me a PM and I'll ask my local friends if they would be willing to log on and respond.

    Good Luck no matter what path you choose!

  5. But what if you wanted to know which was the best cat for you - persians or siamese? :cry_smile:

    Then I would suggest going to www.cats.com to research both breeds at one site or I'd suggest going to www.persians.com to research persians and www.siamese.com to research the siameses cats. I would never advise someone to go to www.siamese.com to research persian cats. :thumbup:

    That said I'm a very firm believer that there should be forums for those that converted to different WLS' after the band on this site. I don't think losing the band should get you kicked off the site any more than I think that people considering RNY, the Sleeve or DS should come to a site titled Lapbandtalk looking for any non-biased advice or research on those surgeries.

    My opinion has nothing to do with any lack of respect for the other surgeries. Its just like your analogy, If you are looking for info on two different breeds of cats. The only benefit for looking up info on one breed at the other breeds site would be specifically to look for the negative hype out there and then to take it with MANY grains of salt.

  6. i eat all fruits & veggies, with no problems either.

    like aubrie, i tend to stay away from the starchy ones mostly - but not completely. i do love a baked sweet potato here/there.

    banans/edamame/cabbage/grapes - part of the wkly diet, plus more. i'd have a problem w/a "diet" that didn't allow for these food groups in the mix...they're important!

    I second Luluc's comment. Though I do take some extra care with overly fibrous fruits and veggies such as pinapple & asparagus. I still eat them I just try to cut them cross grain so they don't end up as a mass of strings in my mouth that I can't chew up well enough to swallow.

  7. Does anyone know if it is alright to go to the tanning bed after surgery? I am 11 days post op and would love to go tanning.

    As I'm fond of saying I am no medical professional nor do I wish to play one on LBT. That said I would personally discourage it. Only as I've heard that too much sun (or Tanning Bed) exposure can lead to increased discoloration in the healing of scars such as those from our surgery. Now if you were to cover the few small incisions with a towel or something while tanning to protect them I don't see why it would be a problem.

  8. Shoot, I knew you'd ask. I have it at home and can't remember the name. I found it at CVS (or maybe Walgreens) it was in a small tub like containger maybe 4-5" diameter and 3-4" tall.

    The doc had said there should be minimum of 2,000 i.u. of Vitamin E in the lotion. Which posed the biggest problem as it was hard to find any lotions that listed its Vitamin E content. The lotion I found came in two versions one was a 2,000 i.u. and the other was 5,000 i.u. I'd had some lotion at home that claimed to have vitamin E but didn't state the quantity so to save money and stretch the lotion out I bought the 5,000 i.u. tub and mixed it 50/50 with the lotion at home.

    As far as why lotion over oil, and he did seem adamant about that. The best reason his nurse could give me was that the oil would work into the skin to quickly which might tempt you to not massage long or hard enough. She seemed to thing the massaging aspect was almost more important than the vitamin E, and by using the lotion you would naturally end up rubbing longer than with the oil to get it worked into the skin.

    Whatever the reason it really did work for me I can even tell a difference in the internal scar tissue from my C-section 5 years ago. It definitely took a commitment to do twice a day for 3-4 months but it was definitely worth the effort.

  9. I would like to add the liquid and even the mushie stage like Leslie said is for healing purposes not for torture. But it is also worth making it clear that the damage you can do to yourself by not following the doctors post-op diet may can sometime not be found for months or even years later. These stages are vital to helping the stomach heal with the band in an optimal position to reduce the risk of complications such as slippage or erosion.

    Yes the risks of these complications may be relatively small and I know of no stats that can say how much those risks are elevated by not following the post-op diet but the fact is it does increase those risks.

    If you have "cheated" STOP NOW! Even if you feel fine and are losing weight you may be setting yourself up for complications down the road. NONE of us here wish that on anyone and we ALL wish nothing but the best for everyone here. I am not trying to beat any of you up for what you may have ate. Whatever it was its done and over with and any of us on LBT that appear to have a problem with it need to get over it and move forward with being there to support you on the rest of your journey.

    But understand part of that support is writing posts like this one in the hopes we can help stop you from taking any additional risks as well as the hope of stopping someone else reading this thread before they fall off their post-op diet.

  10. that post that Leslie wrote is so wonderful, i'm quoting it and bringing it over... in case someone doesnt have time to click the link.

    Losing you beat me to it.

    I'm slipping in here to post while at work so not always easy. But I was just wrapping up a post to this thread that also copied Leslie's post over when I thought I ought to double check for any other new posts before I sent mine.

  11. Come on guys. I know this is Rants and Raves but that thread is not a very good example of a "bad" thread.

    Yes FairyFacade you had a wonderful post that was definitely a voice of reason. But so did. Littlefroggy, restless monkey, marynascar, lanakila, long2bfree and even vegasgirl who despite thinking she was eating too much of her blenderized Soups was at least eating Soup and went on to give suggestions on what liquids the OP could try as well as talking about it being better to be safe than sorry while your stomach is healing from surgery.

    There were two other posters who felt guilty for eating egg drop soup and for starting mushies one day early but were clear that they . and two more that had cheated with a "well-chewed" pork chop, grilled cheese and chicken. Yes, terrible cheats I'll grant you but not one of the posters said what she had done was OK or that it was fine for others to do it.

    Infact only one of the posters made the dreaded "don't worry I think we all slip from time to time" comment but that was part of a larger comment that also said the OP should call her doctor.

    Actually this is an example of a pretty wonderfull post-op "newbie" thread as the responses were on the whole supportive of her and her struggles while at the same time clear that she (and other new bandsters) need to stick to their post op diets not for the fun of it or to lose a few extra pounds but for a healthy recovery from surgery. I was very pleased to see her post a thankyou to everyone and tell of how she was no longer cheating.

    I know it can be frustrating to hear the newbies posting about how they went out and ate a steak just days after surgery as we all know what dangers that may pose for them even years down the road. But while I agree we shouldn't hold their hand and tell them it's OK we all do it (which we don't/I didn't) I do think we should do our best to encourage them to get back on track at the same time hoping that some other newbie lurking out there will be able to use the thread as motivation to not start cheating.

  12. I sure hope so. I know what I should be eating and I am eating high Protein foods like egg dishes and cottage cheese but it has been hard to force myself to eat the food I know will help me feel full longer. NOT because I want to be hungry or because I want to eat more. I just had so many bad cases of heartburn, reflux etc with the "right" foods when I was too tight that now I'm battlling all the negative re-inforcement I received from those foods when I was too tight.

    I've practically gagged when trying to eat some of the more solid foods. But I know it is all in my head. I'm not stuck and the foods are ones I use to love. UHGHHH!!! Just one more reason not to let yourself get too tight for any prolonged period. It messes with your head.

  13. I didn't really have any problems with gas pains either.

    If by some chance you do. Remeber this is from the gas they pumped into your body to perform the surgery. Many people on LBT try to suggest Gas-X will help. But other than as a placebo effect there really isn't any way it can help as far as I understand, as Gas-X is suppose to help with stopping the production of gas in your stomach and this gas is NOT being produced by your stomach nor is it in your stomach.

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