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Only Me

Pre Op
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Posts posted by Only Me

  1. When I went to my 6 week post op consultation ,I happened to sit in close proximity to a woman who had also had the Gastric Sleeve .She thought she looked wonderful - I thought she looked terminally ill ."I'm nearly at my wedding weight " she said proudly .I smiled and said nothing .She was the opposite of how I wanted to look .Her hair was thin and lack lustre , her skin sagging and dull .I listened in horror as she explained she was still trying to lose weight .I thought she summed up the very look I never wanted to have .Her slimness did nothing to inspire me .So I am 3 months post op .I can now walk freely , breathe better ,and I fit into my favourite jeans .I am not at my ideal BMI but if I don't lose further weight ,I'll be content .I eat more healthily and do more . So I suppose that is my story and I'm happy with it .

    I with when you are right.. I haven't even gotten to my goal weight but it's ok.... The only problem I have is that I had to alter my anatomy [emoji2378]

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Oh, yeah, everyone experiences them. Just look at them as your body taking a break. It’s been going through a lot & just like when our lives get a bit too much & stressful, your body is just pulling the covers over its head & saying nope, can’t deal with anything else for a while. Don’t stress it out more by making changes to your diet & activity levels. Stick to your plan as others have advised & the scale will start to move again.
    Great way to look at it Thanks

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. My first stall happened at 2 weeks post op. It lasted for 2.5 weeks. Finally, about 4 days ago, the scale started to move again. But, my ring started falling off and I was starting to see the weight loss in my face and feel it in my clothes. So, even though the scale wasn't moving, I was losing inches.
    Stay the course. Be patient. If you're making yourself crazy, stay off the scale.
    Will do Thank you

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. UGH I am in a stall, too! I am so bummed because I finally got back into the 160s, for the first time since 2016...then nothing lost in two weeks. But I am trying to stay optimistic and sticking to the program.
    What's funny is I decided to search for "stall" here on these board, thinking I would pull up a few dozen threads. No, there were 17,501 results. That made me feel a little better!
    So it's common then... ? Glad to hear that

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Definition of "stall" varies pretty widely, but generally 3+ weeks with no loss is a stall. So if you haven't seen the scale move in a few days, that's really not a stall at all, especially so early out when you are still very much healing from surgery. And in fact, many surgeons and dietitians HIGHLY recommend not weighing daily, as your weight absolutely WILL fluctuate from day to day. And, as others have said, the 3 week "stall" is pretty notorious. Stick to your plan, consider weighing once a week instead of daily, and just give it time.
    Ok Thanks

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. that's actually really late for your first plateau - most people have their first one about three weeks after surgery! But like the others said, do nothing. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks. If you stick to your plan, it'll break and you'll be on your way again. And like sillykitty said, this won't be your last one.
    Thank you

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. food varies for everyone. I would try 1oz of liquid and drink 15 minutes apart... time yourself if you need to. And like [mention=417858]SleeveDiva2022[/mention]said try warm liquids. Also a heating pad on and off every 20 minutes may help by shooting any inflammation you have going on. Sorry your going through this!

    Will and Thank yooouuu

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I'm 2 days post gastric sleeve bypass. Eating/drinking hurt so much that I had to stay in the hospital an extra day. Today is better with very small sips, but if I forget and take a "normal" sip it still hurts. I'm assuming this will stop, but you are 12 days and still feeling it. Have you talked with your Dr. about it?

    Not yet I go see my Dr next week

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Hi all! I just had VSG last Wednesday. I was really nervous leading up to it, but am incredibly grateful that recovery has been amazing! Like...dare I say, almost seems too easy? I haven't thrown up, was really only nauseous the following day, pain has been completely tolerable without any pain meds, I'm down 5lbs and i only get gas pains a couple times a day. I'm hitting my Protein goal through shakes and bariatric Soup and today I even had unsweetened applesauce. Took me a bit to eat, but I had no problems thereafter.

    I'm not complaining, but I guess I assumed recovery would be more difficult and I would be turned off by food (or thought of food) completely. So many people say how they have to force themselves to eat and it's just not my case. Has anyone else had a similar recovery? Did you still get great results? Is this something I should be worried about. I know this question probly seems silly..and again let me reiterate, I am fortunate and grateful to not be having any serious issues.

    I am the same way... I was thinking did they really do my surgery lol .. The only problem I had was that my BP stayed high..

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hi. I’m new here. I’m hoping for some encouragement and advice. I had surgery yesterday, the 13th. I just got home today. I’m dealing with a severe headache and backache. Whenever I drink something (sip that is) I can feel it hit my stomach like a brick. So when I take my meds, I have to space them out so that it doesn’t make me sick. I have had some regret and am trying to stay positive. I like the Premier Protein drinks, but am having a hard tim with them needing to be room temperature. So how am I going to get Protein in my system, besides the very little broth I'm sipping? I’m drinking Gatorade zero and diet tea because I am use to a lot of caffeine and this is the best I can do. I’m assuming drinking and then laying down isn’t a good idea either. I keep getting what feels like hunger pangs.

    I'm having headaches as well. I wonder what it's from...

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. There was another woman on here that she was opened up and her liver was still too large and her surgeon could not do her surgery so she was closed up. All that for nothing.
    Keep that in mind next time you want to cheat. Thinking about how horrible it would be to be put under and cut up all for nothing and have to go thru this pre-op process again!
    PS: Not being rude by any means, just thought it might help you stay focused.
    Thank you. I totally get it [emoji3059]

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. You are a whole 7 days from surgery, you will be fine, just don't go outside your guidelines again. Stick to your pre op diet like glue. Its torture, we all know it because we have done it and succeeded in shrinking our livers so the surgery was safe to go ahead.
    About 3 weeks ago somebody posted that the surgeon began the surgery and stopped because the patient had a huge liver. They were devastated. You can do this
    OMG ok..... I'm sticking to it like glue

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Just get back on track & you should be fine since your surgery is still days away but I would alert your team ASAP. You don't want to get into surgery and they find things in your bowels & may not continue with the surgery. Also, post-op surgery slips are really dangerous due to healing issues so it's good to get in the mind frame to dedicate yourself to follow the post-op plan for your safety. Good luck!
    Will do.... Thank you

    Sent from my WTCELERO5G using BariatricPal mobile app

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