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Status Updates posted by meschultz

  1. Hi I sure will let you know. Thanks for dropping by and wishing me well that means a lot :) I am a huge ball of emotions.. a little cranky, a little nervous, very anxious, and ready for it to be 7 :30am :) I am super excited as well ha ha It is craziness ... thanks again :) hope you are well ;)

  2. Hey thanks for stopping by.. when were u banded?? My weight loss is crazy one week I will loose nothing and the next week I will loose 10 lbs. I dont get it and honestly as long as it keeps coming off I dont care ha ha.. I do find the more I walk the better it comes off.. :) I hope you are doing well. thanks for your well wishes.. keep in touch.. best wishes to u

  3. Hey.. thanks for the comment.. I am working my butt off literally ha ha.. As far as the swine flue. In my department I have not had many questions.. YET ha ha, but I am sure they will arrive .. I just hope this fizzles out very quickly and people get better soon..

  4. Just stopping by to say hello. I hope you are doing well.. Take care :)

  5. Makulafamy.. You had a nice and helpful post.. congrats on your weightloss you are doing great..

  6. Congrats on your weight loss you have done an amazing job..

  7. Hey handsome.. I am having a good day. Only because I get to think about you during it.. I can't wait to get home and see you. Love and hugs :)

  8. Hey Sun.. I dont drink so that is not an issue for me.. it is not because I am a goody goody or anything I just never really want to drink so I dont ha ha.. As far as eating post op is the hardest, but I found as long as I told family and friend what I was doing it was much easier to get past people making offers I might have not been able to resist.. As far as holidays go.. I am not at all worried.. I am usually not hungry anymore so I dont really ever crave anything.. I have my 3 meals a day and one snack.. so I just make sure what I am going to have for a snack is what I really love or maybe what I have been craving if I have been craving anything.. It works out really well for me.. I have found I have a lot more will power knowing I have this band... and even before I had it because I knew I was working for something I really wanted... even though I have ALWAYS wanted to be skinnier it was not as easy to not give in, but now I dont ever get hungry and I have learned ways to avoid snacking through out the day.. You really just have to find things that work for you... read post and take Ideas from others and if you like them see if they work for you.. :)

  9. yeah it was a lovely clearwater beach ha ha.. I am not a big fan of clearwater, but it was the closest one this past weekend.. So we are taking ourselves to a disney water park this weekend.. hoping it is fun.. :)

  10. AZTrish Best wishes on your journey.. I hope you have an extremely successful one..

  11. Hey.. I am glad you are home.. I know it is hard to be back at work .. the first few days were pretty rough for me.. You will do well. Just take it easy.. I have lost a few pounds, but it certainly slowed down since I went from liquids to food..I was thinking about going back to protein drinks for a few days, but I really just dont think I can handle the protein drinks again ha ha not yet anyways, but I am taking it one day at a time. I never eat over my alotted amounth and only have 1 snack a day so we will see what happens. The doctor said we would see a period were we would not loose any because our body was healing. I am hoping that is all mine is doing right now. I go for my first fill on 11/04..

    keep me posted and take care

  12. Bim. I left a comment on your blog the other day, but I thought I would stop by here as well and say hi. Glad you are home and feeling well. Just remember to take it easy. I am reading here you went with Bypass.. Really take it easy and keep us posted on how you are doing :) take care

  13. Nazzy..thanks.. it is much easier doing this with the hubby. I cant imagine how it would have felt to do it without him. heck he is in his mushies stage and I feel like I am being tortured everytime he makes eggs ad I have to drink these steakin protein shakes ha ha.. My mushie stage will come soon.. :) hope you are doing well.. stay in touch..

  14. Hi just wanted to send my best wishes for your surgery date.. You will do great.. Awesome Christmas Present for yourself.. Take care :)

  15. Hey I just wanted to check in with you.. how are you feeling and how is everything going??

  16. Glad to hear you are doing well. I have my preop appointment on 09-18 and my surgery has been scheduled for 10-01 i am so excited. I am glad you are feeling well.. keep in touch

  17. restless.. I have to say. I am super excited for you on your weightloss so far. congrats. I hope I can have that much success early on. I am so looking forward to the new me.. Don't get me wrong. I love the old me, but to be here on this earth longer with my family, my son, my husband is my ultimate goal and to be able to sit on a plane with out feeling bad for the person next to me is going to be awesome also.. ha ha.. I just cant wait to start living a life with out wondering "if" my butt will fit into a seat.. well i wish you continued success.. :)

  18. Hey.. When did you have surgery?? How are you feeling??? I hope things are going well.. Take care and best wishes :)

  19. Hi how are you?? well surgery day was yesterday. I got home today at 1015 it has been nice to be home and I am feeling pretty good. just muscle pain. other then that everything went well.. my best wishes to you.. take care

  20. Hey Nazzy I have had 4 fills so far and lost 79lbs.. I am stocked. I am glad you are doing well.. My hubby did have the surgery and he is doing great. I think he also has had 4 or 5 fills not sure.. He has lost a little over 60 lbs. both doing great.. how have you been feeling?? Glad you finally have restriction. It certainly makes a difference :)

  21. Thanks for stopping by and the compliment.. I appreciate it :)

  22. I am doing great.. working my butt off to loose this weight I am down 80lbs trying to hit 100 by the end of month.. Prob wont make that goal but want to get as close as possible haha.. how are you doing?? You look well :)

  23. Hey just dropping in to see how your surgery was??? did everything go well??? How are you feeling?? Give me an update once u are up and about :) my best wishes

  24. Nazz.. Thanks.. we are doing good.. i am glad to hear of your weightloss that is awesome... I am probably getting another fill next week. I have had a really rough month with birthdays and baby showers ha ha.. have not lost anything, but I am on the loosing wagon again now that all the parties are over and glad for it.. woo hoo.. I hope all goes well with this fill and all the weight falls off.. best of luck. keep me posted

  25. Nazzy.. You are doing great.. i had to give up a lot of snacking too and it is hard.. I know for about a month i did not loose weight and I finally realized it was because I was snacking.. I was not eating bad food they were all good snacks, but it put me over what I was suppose to eat so i would not gain weight, but was not losing and it was so frustrating.. ha ha.. But anyway. you are doing GREAT.. just keep working on cutting out chocolate remember everything is good in moderation :) and this is a learning curve. we did not get heavy overnight so we wont loose it overnight (even though I dream I could) ha ha.. we are going to succeed at being healthy in due time :)

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