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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by meschultz

  1. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Thanks to everyone.. Yes I am feeling up to typing a little.. I keep wanting to fall asleep though haha.. Bridgette do they have curves where you live?? That club is only like 30 a month down here and I know a lot of people who like it.. Just keep them in mind I hear they are great. the Wii fit is $85 and you also have to have the WII. it is pretty cool if you have it. I bought it for my mom on her birthday and everyone seems to get joy it.. there is a weight limit of 330 lbs so i have not been able to every use it ha ha..
  2. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Good Luck all OCT 2nd and 3rd.. bandsters.. I just got home from the hospital.. Surgery and recovery have not been so bad. Just please make sure you do what your doctor says... it is important to follow their rules.. Thanks for everyones well wishes .. I truly do appreciate it :cool2:
  3. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Here I go... See you all on the banded side :cursing: take care everyone.. and good luck to all other OCT 1st people.. and if I dont post before then good Luck and best wishes to all OCT 2nd take care and be well :cool2:
  4. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Lisa, My husband had never had surgery before either and he was banded last Wednesday. he is doing fantastic and he said he did not experience as much discomfort as he thought he would. He returned to work on Monday and has bee doing fine.. Try not to get to nervous, but make sure you let your doctor know if you are anxious maybe they can give you something that day to calm your nerves.. My surgery is tomorrow and I know even thought I know how well his went I am still a bit anxious ... Good lUCk to you and hubby.. take care
  5. Hi I sure will let you know. Thanks for dropping by and wishing me well that means a lot :) I am a huge ball of emotions.. a little cranky, a little nervous, very anxious, and ready for it to be 7 :30am :) I am super excited as well ha ha It is craziness ... thanks again :) hope you are well ;)

  6. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Anne---thanks.. that is very kind of you :thumbdown:
  7. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Alright everyone :biggrin: Good luck to tomorrows date bandseters :dita: Less then 24 hours for me.. Keep your fingers crossed please :tongue: I hope everyone is doing well and their pre op diets going good.. I am getting very anxious.. Looking forward to waking up banded :tongue: My thoughts and Prayers go out to everyone be banded this month..
  8. meschultz

    Moving toward Being Single??

    luv2teech... You cant blame the band for regaining self confidence.. IF anything it is a big bonus for you. IF a man you have been with for three years is not ready to marry you.. No matter how much you love him. He does not deserve your love. If he knows your wish is to move your relationship further and start a family and after three years he is not able to commit to something then honestly I believe you deserve so much better.. and lucky for you that band made your confident enough to realize you deserve better... SO go get your new life and your new man .. someone who will love and cherrish you for everything you are and will be.. Nothing says you cant remain friends with your current boyfriend.. Just move on with your life and make sure you are happy.. because before you can make ANYONE ELSE happy you must be happy yourself.. Here is wish you a life full of love and happiness.. Best of luck :thumbup:
  9. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Tyme2getrite... Good luck with your journey.. I have surgery on Wednesday and I am starting to get so anxious it is driving me crazy.. I wish it was today ha ha.. I know it will be soon enough, but all this waiting in is starting to get to me.. Once you know your surgery date it is like time can not move fast enough haha.. Good luck everyone .. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  10. meschultz

    Eating Frenzy!

    Tracy, I understand your need to want to eat the things you wont be able to once banded or on your liquid diet, but I would recommend starting to scale back .. it will make the transition in to the liquid diet a lot easier.. I will be banded on Wednesday and I only had to do a two week liquid diet, but I started learning the proper way to eat about a month 6 weeks before. I started off with a Protein shake for Breakfast and then had whatever I wanted for lunch.. then a two weeks later I went to a Protein Shake for breakfast and lunch and whatever I wanted for dinner and now I am of course on the liquid diet which started about a week and a half ago and will continue until wednesday when I have surgery.. I wish you the best in your journey.. I just hope you can find away to make it easier for yourself.. this journey takes a lot of learning and i would just simply suggest try to start learning sooner it will make later much more tolerable.. Good luck and enjoy your pre op time as you will see a bit of a weight loss if you do it right and it will give you more motivation to continue on full force.. take care
  11. meschultz

    Can't stop coughing! Help!!

    Ladybug.... did you get and incentive spirometer to use?? It helps make sure you are breathing deeply and opening up your lungs. When you have surgery your lungs partially go to sleep and it is important that you are taking slow deep breaths to open your lungs back up.. I would suggest if the coughing is persistent call your doctor and let him know what is going on...best of luck.. i hope you start getting relief soon
  12. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Purplerose... Congrats on your surgery date... I would totally recommend following what your doctor says... If I was you I might modify the diet a bit and cut out the carbs.. the biggest problem on the preop diet are carbs... My doctor just has us on 2 Protein Drinks a day and on no carb meal... we are allowed a 3rd Protein Drink if we think we need it... But if you are concerned ask him about your concerns and tell him you are worried.. They always want you to ask questions.. but more importantly remember the doctors are the professionals they have set up their meal plans for a reason :thumbup: I wish you success and the the quickest healthy recovery :frown:
  13. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    KarenK .. the rumblings will go away ... Craving prob not.. I am almost done with mine and I gotta tell you I still crave some stuff, but I find things I can have like pickles or fat free sugar free Jello and I have those instead and then I usually try to do something to take my mine away from food.. It is crazy but eventually they will go away and we will start craving the good stuff just like we crave the bad stuff now.. Eventually we will be looking for the nearest salad not the nearest drive thru :thumbup: I AM SO PROUD OF ALL OF US.... :frown: Even though my surgery is on Wednesday I will still stop by here to give encouragement to everyone still awaiting their October day, but I do like the Idea of starting a Smashing Pumpkins Post op thread Renita.. we should totally do that I hope everyone has a safe and fun pre op diet weekend
  14. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    SoCal.. that is why i started mine early.. Never to early to get used to not eating ha ha.. I think Sunday Monday and Tuesday I am going to do all liquid and not have my one no carb meal. I figure that is all I will be doing afterwards I might as well get used to it... :thumbup:
  15. meschultz

    Me and my Angel - Aug 2000

    Man it is amazing what 8 years of marriage will do to someone ha ha... Love u baby.. What am I talking about .. You are still hot
  16. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    Bridgette, I am so excited you told your parents..I hope they were supportive..Let me know how the bullet works out.. I am very intersted in getting one..The day Matt had surgery he was not in to much pain he only took 2 shots of the pain med and they gave him two or three shots of toridol which is like a high dose motrin.. He said the ride home was awful.. I pre warned him to take a pillow.. Make sure you take a pillow for the car all the bumps can get to you.. He was in a little more pain yesterday, but nothing that the pain meds did not take care of :thumbup: .. Not sure what your doctor perscribes, but ours believes highly in pain meds so we got pretty strong stuff.. He said laying down in a flat bed was weird.. I guess because he was still filled with gas when he laid on his side he said if felt like things moved around but nothing uncomfortable.. He is doing really good.. Today before work I laid out a 5oz cup for each hour I would be gone and labeled it what he should be drinking that hour and what time that drink happens.. Since my son was taking care of him this made it easy for him to help his daddy.. But he knows that he had to walk daddy at least 3 to 4 times around the block while mommy was at work.. He is just getting the biggest kick out of having to take care of him.. it is precious well I hope everyone is having a good day... I am so glad it is the weekend.. It is so close to OCT 1st I am getting SUPER EXCITED :drool:
  17. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    I sure hope you like them Bino.. I like the Slimfast low carb and the Atkins Advantage shakes.. They are the best so far and I have tried plenty ha ha :tongue2: Let me know how you feel about them
  18. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    Bino...I certainly hope you like the Isopure.. I tried it once and it was just awful.. I even made my father in law try it and he is a huge protein shake fan, but he also disliked it. it leaves a very odd after taste in your in your mouth.
  19. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    Bridgette and Sarajaneq.. I know I have not posted much in here, but I have been reading up on all your alls suggestions and I love them. this week has been so busy with everything and the suggestions are really helping me prep for my surgery and get hubby everything he needs after his... Bridgette how is the magic bullet??? i was seriously considering getting one it seems so easy.. let me know before i make the purchase.. Also incase you all had not thought of it. I bought those 5 oz dixie cups from sams a huge bag.. I am not sure how much your doctors want you to drink after surgery but we were told alternate 5 oz every hour.. one Water or drink of choice and one Protein.. I thought they were awesome because we dont have to measure just fill them up.. They have been very useful for hubby today :tongue2: well i hope everyone is well.. good night
  20. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    Cyndyg .. thank you so much he is doing fantastic.. We appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers. they are much needed :tongue2: we send out the same to everyone going through this journey with us.. Hubby was laughing at me because he is suppose to alternate between 5 oz of Protein one hour and Water or broth or juice the next hour so I put out a 5 oz dixie cup for each hour i will be at work tomorrow and labeled it for what he should be drinking that hour. he thinks i am just so funny.. I am making my son stay home from school and take care of daddy while i am at work tomorrow.. he is super excited.. I will feel better knowing someone is here with him :wink2:
  21. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    HEY EVERYONE :tongue2: I feel like I missed out on so much the past two days and I still have not had time to read all the post.. to all the never October bandsters.. WeLCOME and my best wishes.. To everyone on pre op.. we are staying strong right :wink2: My hubby had his surgery yesterday and he is doing great.. I hope my recovery and surgery go as great as his have been.. I figured his first surgery and all it might have been tough, but he is doing amazing.. well I am going to try to get some rest since i am running on like 2 hours of sleep in 48 hours.. take care and I will try to catch up tomorrow. well wishes to everyone.. Sassy.. that list is getting huge :wub: You go girl.. thanks for all your hard work in keeping track of the dates
  22. meschultz

    What have you done so far?

    Bridgette, I totally agree with you it is pretty freaky.. but we are going to be ok.. this is all for a new way of life and a better one at that.. My hubby goes in for his surgery in about 6 hours .. I can't sleep. I am nervous for him.. I know he will be fine, but he has never had surgery before and I know he must be feeling nervous too.. keep us in your thoughts.. I hope you have a good evening.. Just remember why you are doing this.. and it really makes it much easier :rolleyes2:
  23. meschultz

    Dr. Dietrick's Friends - Tampa

    Patty.... There have been a few questions.. I have called them once or twice but it was prior to pre op.. I am sure they are glad to be getting a break from me ha ha.. Anyways.. yes we are all set.. I am trying to avoid the stuffies as well.. I have been having allergies to a cat that we are cat sitting, but I am hoping once it leaves I clear up.. Let me know what kind of questions you ask them.. Maybe they are ones I am forgetting :confused: always share good info and I will do the same..

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