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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by meschultz

  1. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hey everyone.. Sorry for not stopping by so much, but honestly I read a lo on the bored, but it seems like every time I got to type something I get really tired and start falling asleep while typing.. ha ha I know it is sad.. Well I am going back to work tomorrow.. 5 days post op and looking forward to getting out of the house... I have gotten out and walked a lot this past few days, but I dont think it is quite the same as just returning to your normal every day routine .. i think normal takes your mind off any pain your are still having and really helps you recoupe. as long as your dont over do it of course.. I have been doing ok.. it took until yesterday for the gas to really start moving and I am really sick of my protein drinks so make sure you have a huge variety.. and if you are on a clear liquid only the first week I would recommend picking up those clear protein shots.. I never tasted them because I was able to have full liquids, but most other clears you get zero protein from and you need the protein to help you heal faster... I must say I have switched between slimfast low carb, atkins advantage, plain milk, and carnation breakfast .. switching has really helped me because the first few days where I was only drinking slimfast was really getting to me and I was not sure how I was going to make it the whole 7 days, but now I am doing good and it is only a few more days until mushies.. once I go back to work I will prob not notice the time and Thursday will be here before I know it .. I hope all the bandsters from last week are healing well and all the bandsters this week have a easy surgery and a healthy recovery.. remember to take it easy and relax after surgery, but also WALK WALK WALK.. I would have to say my worst after surgery experience has been the blood thinner shot and that is not because it hurts, but because i hate doing that to myself . I am not a huge fan on needles.. My hubby offered to give them to me, but well it makes me nervous.. at least if I force myself to do it I know how much pain it is going to be ( NOT A LOT) i just over analyze it in my head and no matter how much I say it wont hurt I still think it will ha ha.. only 4 more shots. Cant wait until that is over.. remember the post op is a time to heal not loose weight, but I have to tell ya when I stood on my scale and was down 8 lbs I was excited.. woo hoo :tongue2: Take care everyone. I will stop babbling and will check on everyone later.. Keep me posted.. Renewedhope--- Thanks so much for giving us an insight to what we could be celebrating in a year.. and your continued visit here would be much appreciated.. I hope your upcoming reconstructive surgery goes well and hopefully as painless as possible.. Take good care of you
  2. I hope everyone is feeling a little better today. I made it through the entire day with out pain meds until about 10 pm and I just could not bare it any longer.. Thanks goodness they are liquids because they work almost instantly.. The gas is moving a long a little easier today. Not having to lean forward as much and the pressure is slowly leaving.. When I walk for a long time though it really bugs me..my upper back and shoulders start to hurt a long with my left side where the port is. I feel like i am aged after trying to walk for a long time ha ha I know this too shall pass.. I am just wondering how much longer ha ha I love my walks they are so relaxing in the evening and now I just go out there and wonder how long i am going to make it before something hurts.. Recovery its a b*tch ha ha but thats ok it will all be worth it shortly.. take care everyone
  3. Sara...I know exactly what you are going through I had my surgery on Wednesday and still question if I am hungry, gassy, or if it is nausea..It is rough to get used to the changes our bodys are going through now.. I have sort of figured out the nausea one, but sometimes I get a terrible pain going through my tummy and I totally think it is gas because it has not been so long since I drank some Protein, but who really knows.. I know I dont ha ha.. I just walk a lot and try to avoid the nausea feeling and I make sure to drink what and when they told me.. However I must tell you at about day 3 the Protein shakes start tasting funny and get rather old to drink.. I am glad you can handle jello.. I was hoping I could handle it, but as of right now I can not it makes me feel really sick.. I am still suffering from a slightly annoying pain on my left side whenever I breath in deep and I think it is just because that is the side all the instruments were on.. I know one that is for sure and that is I can not wait to feel better and know what my growling stomach is saying to me.. I hope your recovery goes well.. keep us posted..
  4. Slim N TN my doc also told me 48-64 oz of Fluid a day to make sure stay hydrated.. So everyone else .. All those who said they feel pressure in chest like they have to belch and can not.. I know this is stupid sounding, but I have found if I am standing up and lean forward putting my hands on the bed or table I am able to get a belch or two out at a time and let me tell you when it comes out it is like such a relief even though i is only for a short amount of time.. ha ha best of luck to everyone
  5. hey..Glad to hear your preop is going well. One main suggestions I can give you is have a huge variety of protein beverages for after surgery. I am so sick of my protein drinks already and I have 5 days left.. YUCK.. Oh well. I know I can do this ha ha it is just tough to sip on something you are grossed out by ha ha well i hope you have a great weekend. Keep me updated with any questions you might have and best wishes on a continued successful pre op diet ;)

  6. Hey Lapbandgirl4life..thanks for checking on me.. Yes I am 4 days post op and it has been pretty crazy.. Day of and day after I was ok .. Friday was a pretty painful day, but as long as you keep up on your pain meds it is manageable.. today seems to be starting out a little better I am not feeling as much pain.. I would say one of the hardest things is the protein drinks. for some reason after surgery they have an odd taste and I am bored with them. I would seriously recommend getting a variety. I was reading my post op packet this morning and it said i could have carnation instant breakfast so i think I am going to try that and hopefully it taste alright..I got on the scale this morning and it said I had lost 7 lbs since surgery, but I am not putting any changes on my profile when I go to doctors office.. I need to weigh on my scale and theirs so I know how far apart they are in accuracy..It has not been to bad. it will totally be worth all the changes..


    My best wishes go out to you. Feel free to contact me whenever. Take care

  7. Hey everyone.. I hope everyone is feeling some what better.. I asked my surgeon about the pain I was having and he said the gas leaves your body almost immediately that what most people are feeling are your muscles because they were stretched out for so long during the procedure.. I have a little pressure in my chest it feels like I need to belch, but nothing will come up or when one finally does come up it is tiny and does not seem worth it.. He advised me just to walk and drink slowly on warm liquids and it will help the stomach and that my stomach was swollen right now so It will take sometime to feel 100% normal.. My husband had his surgery on 9/24 and me on Oct1st. I asked him if he ever experienced what I was and he said yes.. I asked him why he did not whine a little more so I knew what to expect ha ha.. Anyways from what I hear it is pretty common.. If anyone has major concerns you should contact your doctor. I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy recovery... time will heal and we will wake up one more and feel 100% better and it will all be worth it.. best wishes everyone
  8. meschultz

    Freaking out!!!!

    tracie30.. I know the two week pre op is not easy but just remind yourself why you are doing this and that is just the beginning of a wonderful journey. I never thought I would get through my pre op, but I did and now I am on the other side trying to force the amount of protein in that I should have for a day..and it is really hard to continue to drink when you are so not feeling hungry.. I am ready for mushies just so i can feel something other then a protein shake go on my taste buds.. I am so sick of shakes I could scream ha ha.. But it is all worth it and it will help us get to our goals sooner.. Stay strong.. U can do this..
  9. meschultz

    Do I Unfill? HELP! SOS!

    My sister had that problem and when her doctor took out .2cc she has instant relief.. i would recommend getting in touch with surgeon and probably getting a little bit taken out.. You dont want to start choking on your own saliva
  10. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    toosy... i am not 100% sure, but I think once you have approval from your insurance they wont go back on their approval just because of the weight loss. it is to be expected on an all protein diet that one would loose some weight and with how long your doctor put you on one i would think they would expect u to loose quite a bit.. I started myself on a protein drink diet on Aug 22nd and used the shakes for breakfast and lunch and then had pretty much whatever i wanted for dinner until about 2 weeks before surgery were my dinner went to no carb.. I only lost 19lbs, but I am glad I lost that much.. I think you will be fine.. just keep focusing on your health and my best wishes go out to you
  11. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    I had surgery on the 1st and plan return to work on the 6th. My husband had his surgery on sept 24th and was able to return to work on sept 29th.. No matter how much time you take off just make sure you are taking care of yourself.. walking and drinking protein or water are three of the best things you can do during recovery.. Good luck everyone.
  12. It sounds to me that your stomach is no longer swollen and you are left with little or no restriction.this is the hard part.. Now you need to maintain eating and drink as if you had a fill.. I would prob check with dr to see if you could get a fill sooner and also to make sure the band was still in place.. Good Luck
  13. meschultz


    Thanks Bev... Your words help. My hubby had his surgery on the 24th and since you can never feel anyone elses pain I just thought by friday he was not doing to bad, but I am feeling ok not as god as I wish I was feeling.. I just keep praying that everything heals well. i am so nervous .. I just want success with this.. Good Luck on your journey Bev.. You are doing great..
  14. No problem. best of luck. Keep us posted on how you do. Consider yourself a lucky one for not having to be in that period where you have no restriction and cant get a fill yet.. I hear that referred to as bandster hell ha ha.. I am not sure I am only 48 hours post op ad I have not had any hunger at all I keep up with my drinking the shakes and water just to stay healthy, but I have not actually felt hunger so I am happy. Take care
  15. my doctor stated some people do not need fills.. Sometimes the band can be restriction enough alone, but if I was you I would go see the MD just to let him/her know how you have been doing. what you have been eating or drinking and how long each meal is lasting you.. From there they will be able to determine if you should have a fill or not.. Good LUCK
  16. meschultz


    Hi everyone.. i am new to this thread. I was just banded on the 1st and I am looking forward to seeing my BMI drop below 60.. This is going to be a long journey, but one that will be so worth it. I wanted to wish everyone great success thanks.. ME
  17. meschultz

    Anyone Start with a BMI of 50+?

    BAMS01. I just wanted to say congrats on the weight loss you are an inspiration to me and doing a fantastic job ..:tongue: best wishes to you always..
  18. meschultz

    Anyone Start with a BMI of 50+?

    Lindas0809.. I am starting out with a high BMI as well and like others stated my surgeon did not once try to discourage me from the band. Infact he liked to steer people in that direction. He does both procedures but he says he sees more long term good effects with the band and that the RNY is just to invasive .. I am sure there are people who make good candidates for that surgery, but I am glad I had done my research. I have been looking into both procedures for over 7 years and it just took me so long because I was nervous, but now I was banded on OCT 1st and every pound I drop off makes me smile and know I made the right decision for me. I am less then 48 hours post op and feel pretty darn good.. I cant wait to feel 100 % and be able to exercise more.. I did walk one mile tonight and will try to go a little longer tomorrow night. I just get tired really quick from the pain meds so it is hard to walk for to long, but I am also trying to slowly avoid using them.. I try to only take them before laying down so when i wake up I wont be as sore.. Anyways, good luck to you and if you have questions just ask.. this website ha been a very inspiring guide to me during this journey. I am thankful to everyone and their fantastic advice and tips..
  19. Hey everyone.. i am not sure what your doctors have ordered for you, but I was banded on Wednesday the 1st and our dietician said to drink 1-5oz of a protein drink one hour and 5oz of another liquid the next such as broth, water, jello, milk and so on.. If you are really concerned keep track of what you are drinking call your doctor and ask if it is enough. I know they are all different. I get to move to mushies one week post op, but my sister had to do clear liquids for 1 week post up and then protein liquids for 2 more weeks before moving on. I cant figure out how anyone gets protein from clear liquids.. anyways she did it she was really tired, but she did not get sick and she made it through so be thankful you can have some protein :tongue:
  20. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Good Luck Marybnsc... You are going to do awesome.. Welcome as a SMASHING PUMPKIN.. day by day we are becoming bandsters and will be here to support post op instead of pre op :tongue: good luck through your date. I am very happy for you :tongue:
  21. Hi how are you?? well surgery day was yesterday. I got home today at 1015 it has been nice to be home and I am feeling pretty good. just muscle pain. other then that everything went well.. my best wishes to you.. take care

  22. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Dixie.. I was just taking a nap and my cat totally just jumped on my stomach too. I thought I was going to have to take her down.. HA HA.. She has been trying to eat the head phones to my ipod and my breathing inspirometer.. She is being crazy.. I think they know we are not feeling 100% and they are just trying to help, but don't realize they end up hurting us ha ha
  23. meschultz

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Can I just express how annoying it is when I post a whole reply and hit to post in and the site goes down.. SO ANNOYING.. anyways. I hope all the bandsters from yesterday and today are feeling well. I am doing ok. Still just a little sore, but it is tolerable.. I was not feel at all hungry, but I woke up from a nap where I had been dreaming about cereal ha ha.. CRAZY DREAMS. 7 MORE DAYS until I can have mushie foods ha ha.. I can make it.. well good luck to everyone..WE have a second chance at a new great life.. we have been so blessed :w00t:
  24. meschultz

    Me shortly after midnight

    From the album: After Surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
