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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by meschultz

  1. meschultz

    Early 2008

    From the album: Before surgery

  2. meschultz

    Easter 2007

    From the album: Before surgery

  3. meschultz

    Our Family 03/2005

    From the album: Before surgery

  4. meschultz


    My husband just went through his pre op diet and the nutritionist told him to alternate 5oz protein drink 1 hour and water the next hour. It will feel like you are drinking all day because it should still take you 30 minutes to drink your protein drink, but they want us to make sure to have 5oz of a protein drink every other hour that we are awake during the day time. I hope this helps. let me know if you have any questions. We are both having the surgery he is just a week ahead of me, but I was at his pre op appointment so i have a little head start on the info
  5. Well keep me posted on how you are and any suggestions or advise you have would be helpful. I am looking forward to surgery date. I am glad I made this decision as well. My husband is also have surgery. His is on the 24th .. He is doing well with his prep. I am sure it helps that I am already prepping with him so he is not doing it alone. He is a little nervous about surgery as he has made it his entire life without having one. I just keep assuring him he will be fine.. Well take care of yourself. drop me a line whenever :)

  6. Glad to hear you are doing well. I have my preop appointment on 09-18 and my surgery has been scheduled for 10-01 i am so excited. I am glad you are feeling well.. keep in touch

  7. Hi everyone.. Heres the thing. I am on my 4 week pre op diet.. I have no issues with lunch or Breakfast, but when it comes to dinner I have a hard time deciding what to do.. Some nights are very easy, but does anyone have any suggestions that are VERY VERY easy for those nights when one just does not feel like cooking?? Please provided suggestions.. I wanna stick to to my diet, but apparently I still need to adjust. The nutritionist said it will get easier going into week two and three so I am looking forward to those weeks.. I don't mind eating healthy infact I LOVE IT.. I just get tired of cooking EVERY night.. Any suggestions will be appreciated.. Thanks to everyone in advance :cursing::biggrin:
  8. meschultz

    Anyone have suggestions????

    Thanks for all the suggestions
  9. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will keep them in mind. I have tried the slimfast low carb which is ok just super thick and I have a muscle milk light here that i got from GNC but I am afraid to try it ha ha. My father in law pick up one for me the other day that was not so bad, but it was 17 oz and that is to much. I am really looking for the protein shakes for pretty much the week or two before surgery so I figured I would find this time to find them. Also, it is not a bad option for me in the morning if I can find an RTD because I have a hard time finding the time for breakfast so having a drink to hold me to lunch and giving me my protein works out nicely. Whosya I will definitely look into some you suggested..I dont really want to buy a powder one because I don't want anything that will have a grainy feel.. Well thanks so much if anyone else has suggestions keep them coming I have about 3 more weeks to find one I can tolerate haha :thumbup:
  10. Linda Hey I just wanted to see how you were doing after surgery. I just got my cardiac clearance so now I need to get my pre op scheduled with Dr. Dietrick.. I hope you are well :)

  11. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    OH yeah.. One more question.. does ANYONE have a suggestion on a protein shake that is not to thick and has a good taste?? I know I am asking a lot, but I have tried the slim fast low carb chocolate which is tolerable, but kind of thick and makes me feel sick to my stomach afterwards it has 20 grams of protein and I would like to stick between 20-30 grams for the morning since it is my meal replacement.. Thanks in advance. hope everyone is well
  12. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Thanks Hoos... I dont konw if anyone on here has ever had a Dobutamine stress echocardiogram, but I can tell you it is a very weird feeling.. Nothing to be nervous about like I was, but very strange. I was just glad to hear the Doctor say your heart looks GREAT.. so that made me super duper excited and made all the worry worth it :w00t:
  13. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    WOOO HOOO.. I received Cardiac Clearance today. I am so excited. .. Now I just have to finish out my 4 week diet plan and get my preop appt and surgery scheduled.. :cool2::w00t::cursing:
  14. meschultz

    DSC 0394

    Man that was a good dinner.. Next time we go there we won't be sitting at the chef table.. We will be having soup and share a side of grilled shrimp love ya sissy... Wish me luck this week.. I am nervous as heck I just want everything to go well.
  15. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Wow I see they do have it in PINK now .. I am shocked.. haha. I have not kept up with the new stuff since I left.. I tied to purge 9 years of information haha.. I just check it out on the website. It looks nice.. I actually work in registration right now, but am hoping to move to the a cancer data research spot.. Keep your fingers crossed for me:) there is a certification required for it, but the head man for that area said I could get it after I have started.. We will see. this place takes awhile to actually make processes complete. the job I have now took a total of 5 months to get.. INSANE ha ha.. But at least I have proven my work ethic and hopefully that will be taken into account when being considered for the new spot. It will be very interesting.. Typing is not to bad. Once you do it for so many years it is like a second nature.. I take a lot of short cuts in personal emails and posting and things because I have to make sure everything is perfect at work haha
  16. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    No I no longer work for a wireless company. I swore if I ever left Verizon Wireless. I would NEVER work for a wireless company again. I just recently left there and it was the best decision ever.. I work in a hospital now and although I work with some super lazy and complaining people it is a pretty great job.. Mainly because I get to spend so much more time with my husband and son and family.. It is awesome to finally have a life again and be able to focus on our family more...I hope you enjoy your curve.. i would have loved that phone if it came in pink when I was buying mine, but verizon only has it in silver and black..
  17. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    hoosierpoms.... I Have got to say.... I used to work for Verizon Wireless and I worked there for 9 years.. IN my 9 YEARS of srvs to them. I NEVER once saw a person use 19,000 text message... so an award should be given to your 14 year old :biggrin: maybe join one of those text competitions haha.. I am thankful for u that you have unlimited text because one thing I have seen are EXTREMELY high bills from parents who did not believe $.10 per message could add up...Could you imagine if you did not have a text plan it would have cost you $1900.00 ALONE for texting..INSANE.. I have to agree with you all cell phone companies do stink.. but they were my bread and butter for so long I have to appreciate them somewhat... my only word of advice.. WHEN IN DOUBT with what someone there tells you ask questions to multiple people and ALWAYS monitor your usage and ALWAYS avoid shady sales people..GOOD luck to all have a good day
  18. meschultz

    Florida Bansters

    Butch... I was just curious if you had a chance to call Dr Dietrick and see if he could do your fills??? Hope all is well. Just check on your status. Take care.. ME
  19. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Deanna.. Having to apply the pressure sounds all to familiar.. that is the only way I could stand it was to lay over the arm of the couch.. No imagine a pregnant pleasantly plump (and that is putting it nicely ha ha) person doing that hahaha oh memories..Anyways I hope it works out well for you.. It might be nothing, but why risk it.. Take care
  20. meschultz

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Deanna... Just a mention on the gall bladder.. I would suggest if you think you may be having problems with yours FOR SURE ask your doctor for an ultrasound.. TRUST ME.. you do not want to get to the point where it is so bad you can barely function.. I had mine removed shortly after having my son and it was the most painful experience .. Worse then having the baby.. Anyways.. I am sure you already knew you should get it check into, but I just wanted to share the story.. It took me three months to get doctors to believe I was in pain and actually do something about it.. When I finally found a doctor to believe me they found I had stones stuck and was a few days away from liver failure..It was not a fun experience.. Well good luck everyone.. Tigerlili08 I want video of U "my dear sister" doing Zumba HAHAHAHAHAHA :wink2:
  21. meschultz

    New Member From Florida.

    Hey Melisa .. Do you realize how hard it is for me to type melisa with only one S ha ha.. Anyways, I hope your appointments went well.. I am looking forward to my next one.. I have no appointments this week and I feel like I am forgetting to do something haha.. Oh well next week will start busy busy appointments again :wink2: just wanted to see how it went.. have a good evening.
  22. Hi everyone.. My name is Melissa.. I hope to be banded in October.. I have already begun my pre surgery test.. I have my 3rd appointment on Aug 26th and then we will schedule my pre op appointment for the middle of september and hopefully surgery in the first week of OCT. I am super excited and look forward this is very challenging and rewarding chapter of my life..I am blessed to be starting this journey with my husband who will have his surgery about two weeks before me and My sister who had hers back in May.. I will post some before pictures shortly. I can't wait to be able to post my one year post ops like I have been looking at on here.. It is going to be an amazing journey. Congrats to all those who have began their journey, good luck to those who are just beginning, and best wishes to everyone as we continue our journey for life I look forward to talking with everyone..:biggrin2:
  23. meschultz

    New Member From Florida.

    Hey Melisa. Good Luck with your process.. I am very excited about this transition and journey. I can not wait to get my cardiac clearance and then I meet with the dietician. I am blessed to have an insurance that does give difficulties in approving the surgery. I wish you the best of luck and hope all goes well for you.. Heres hoping for a surgery in the next month for you :thumbup: and one in OCT for me
  24. meschultz

    New Member From Florida.

    Dr. Dietrick is also my Doctor.. I have my cardiac clearance on the 19th I could not find a doctor to get me in sooner then I meet with the dietician on the 26th.. Good Luck on your surgery.. You are going to do WONDERFUL...

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