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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SkinnyMingo1408

  1. SkinnyMingo1408

    Telling others

    I was pretty open once the decision was made. I didn't carry a banner or anything but my close Co- workers knew, my boss knew and my family knew. Even now, if someone asks I tell. It's done, it's part of my story and if someone doesn't like it then they don't need to be apart of my story. I've always been a pretty open book to those around me. I haven't had any negative feedback yet. My mom got this surgery 15+ years ago so it wasn't new to my family. I've lost over 50lbs since the last time my coworkers saw me, probably closer to 60lbs by the time we return to work (yay summer break) and I'm cautiously optimistic about their reactions when they see me. I don't SEE the weightloss as much as I FEEL the weightloss if that makes sense? I'm hoping they can see it😁 .
  2. SkinnyMingo1408

    100+ Lbs gone! 🥳

    Great job! 🤩👍🎉🎊
  3. SkinnyMingo1408

    1 month post op

    Everyone is 100% right! You are doing great! I just came out of my first stall so I can totally empathize with feeling like you're failing. Like everyone said, stay the course- this will end and you'll get back to losing weight. You're body just needs to restart. Stay as far away from the scale as you can for the next week or 2.
  4. SkinnyMingo1408

    Lost 80 lbs pre surgery

    I think this is a decision only you can make. You know if you need the extra help that the surgery will give you. It seems like you are definitely on the right track and doing amazing! Even with the surgery a lifestyle change is necessary. The surgery is only a tool for your weightloss arsenal. Eventually you will be able to eat food that will cause weight gain and you'll have to make a choice. The only difference is you won't be able to eat as much or absorb as much. It sounds like you're doing really great! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. SkinnyMingo1408

    Stall broken!

    So after 2 weeks of not having my scale budge, this morning I was down a pound and a half! I finally got past 259! Going to really try to stay off the scale until Friday but it's a relief to finally have the scale move. And somehow I thought I was in week 3 of a stall but when I looked at the calendar I was actually in week 2... it just felt much longer. So relieved to have the scale move... I mean, my brain knew it would but my heart had doubts. Of I go! TTYL! Melly Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Hi everyone!😁 I'm Melly. I'm married with a teenager and a preteen. I've had trouble losing weight since my mid 20's, I'm in my 40's now. Just couldn't keep it off. Each time I failed a little more would stay on. I have PCOS, Diabetes, COPD and Asthma among other things but my weight made those worse. Climbing over 300lbs and have no quality of life was my line in the sand. I had my RNY surgery on June 7th (I can't figure out how to put that in my profile). I started my pre-op liquid diet on May 27th. I've lost 50lbs since then and I can't believe my mobility and energy. My goal is 160lbs. I have 100lbs to go. I know it's a journey and that RNY is just a tool but for the first time in a long time I feel like I have a chance. Right now I am in the middle of my first stall. I was really down on myself at first but continue eating correctly,in the past I would've gone for junk to self soothe but won't because I'm afraid of dumping. I finally called my doctors office and they explained that I stalled and it was natural and would happen 3-4 more times over the year. It started on July 3rd. I'm staying the course but it is a little frustrating that it hasn't broken yet. So thats me in a nutshell. I'm excited to get to know everyone and already appreciate the answers this board has given. Thanks! Later! Melly💋
  7. SkinnyMingo1408

    Doubling up on Protein

    I was told it's ok post-op to add powder to your Shakes because you drink so slowly your body has time to absorb it. Definitely ask you nutritionist.
  8. I would overbuy if not for my hubby. We'll be in the store and I'll say I want xxxx and he'll remind me it'll go bad before I can eat it all and I'm the only one that eats it. 🤪 A little frustrating at times.
  9. SkinnyMingo1408

    Getting sandwiches “canoed”

    But the best part is the bready part! I don't really crave anything but I do look forward to experimenting with low carb bread recipes. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. SkinnyMingo1408

    Soft food sooner than two weeks?

    I wouldn't rush it because your tummy is healing and bad juju can happen. I mean you could get lucky and not have any consequences but that will only encourage you to take more risks. In my honest opinion the slower you go the better. My plan had me on 2 weeks full liquid, then 3 weeks pureed, and finally on soft now. Never realized just how good scrambled eggs were until I had to wait to have them. As they say, it's your journey but going slow now will pay off in your future. Give yourself your best chance to succeed. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. SkinnyMingo1408

    Favorite sugar free and other low calorie sauces

    Sweet Baby Rays also has Rays no sugar added BBQ sauce that is pretty good. Not as sweet as the original but no weird after taste and fills the need. It's a good fit for BBQ sauce. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. SkinnyMingo1408

    Only here will understand

    Weight isn't listed on the Florida DL. Congrats on that victory though! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. SkinnyMingo1408

    Trouble eating food after bypass

    I had surgery June 7th and I know that "stuck" feeling. I find that tapping(and sometimes pounding) on my chest helps. It causes me to burp and allows room for the food. It's definitely a miserable feeling. Usually when I get the stuck feeling I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating and ate too fast or didn't chew it enough or took too big a bite. It seldom happens at home but has happened a few times since I returned to work. I get caught up talking to my co-workers and stop paying attention to what and how I'm eating. I stop eating when that happens. It's just not worth risking more getting jammed. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. SkinnyMingo1408

    weight loss tracker journal

    I love the Baritastic app!!! It really does cover all the bases and since I don't go anywhere without my phone, I always have it at my fingertips. It's great! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. SkinnyMingo1408


    Good Luck! I'm on week 5 post op and I already feel a difference. I'm moving easier, breathing easier and much to my husband's delight, snoring less. [emoji1787] You can do this! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. SkinnyMingo1408

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    I hope so! I'm ready to be losing again!
  17. SkinnyMingo1408

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    I didn't notice the names! That is cute🤣
  18. SkinnyMingo1408

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    That is really hard for me. I'm trying to limit it to Fridays. Though I may change it to Saturdays so if it's not in my favor I can be grumpy at home🤪.
  19. SkinnyMingo1408

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    I measured myself because I had seen it suggested on other posts that even though you're not losing pounds you might be losing inches and I have lost about 5in since the beginning of July. That makes a total of 24in since June 7th. Not bad!
  20. SkinnyMingo1408

    Surgery day questions--Assistance please.

    How long it took your doctor to complete your surgery? About 2 hours. I had a routine RNY. How long was your hospital stay? I stayed for 3 days. How was your doctor's bedside manner? My doctor and his PA were great. They answered all my questions. What can I expect when I get to the hospital before surgery? I arrive at 7:15am for a 9:30am surgery. Get there when your surgeon says NOT when the hospital tells you. If I had listened to the hospital I would've missed my surgery completely! The put 2 iv's in me, 1 in each hand, different sizes. Just in case one blew out. I saw my surgeon, anesthesiologist, and the nurse that would be in the operating room. Once I was taken back to pre-op it all happened very quickly. What was your biggest struggle at the hospital and at home? Realizing my limits. This is MAJOR SURGERY! Give your body grace and allow it time to heal. When did you go back to work? A little over 4 weeks post-op If there was one thing that you could have changed, what would it be? Nothing. I'm content with how things have gone so far. What did you pack to take to the hospital? I packed an extra long phone charging cord, toiletries, book, some crosswords, I downloaded some movies to my phone in case the wifi wasn't dependable. I wore loose clothing and crocs to the hospital, wore the hospital gown at the hospital(in case i bled or got sick- better their gown then my clothes), and wore the same clothes to come home. I found that between sleeping, walking(they were pretty clear they wanted me up as fast and as often as I felt capable) and drinking slowly the TV in the room was extra enough. Oh and chapstick! That will really help with any dry mouth! Eye drops will help if your eyes get irritated easily. I think that's everything. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. SkinnyMingo1408

    Needing help

    I'm in week 5 and still have no hunger/food cravings. I have an am schedule that involves eating first and lunch/dinner are usually based on how long ago the previous meal was OR if I start feeling icky and realize I lost track of time and haven't had any intake in 4-6 hours depending on my activity. This usually happens with dinner on my days off if I don't cook. I do enjoy looking at the different ways to fix the food I used to eat in healthier ways. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. SkinnyMingo1408


    I'm on soft food and I can have canned fruits like Peaches and pears in juice. I was VERY, VERY happy when I was allowed to have unsweetened applesauce. It's still the best tasting thing I've had so far. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. SkinnyMingo1408


    Awesome! Way to go! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. SkinnyMingo1408

    Sore shoulder?

    After being constipated for about a week I was put on ducolax by my doctor. He doesn't care for miralax, feels it's too harsh on the new pouch. I take the ducolax twice a day. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. SkinnyMingo1408


    Now that I think about it (I'm 5 weeks out) I drank from a straw when my daughter brought me home a baby Smoothie from her job. It was habit, I did it without thinking and had no ill effects. I do avoid them because I get air build up easily. Side note: how do you add you surgery info onto your profile? Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
