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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SkinnyMingo1408

  1. Ok so has this happened to anyone else. The dress I wore almost 75 pounds heavier no one ever said two words about. The SAME DRESS 75 pounds smaller and I got like 5+ compliments. Cah-razy! And nice.
  2. SkinnyMingo1408

    It still hurts to eat and drink

    I weigh myself every morning(bad I know) in my panties after I pee before I shower. Every now and then I'm brain dead tired and weigh in my nightgown and it's almost a pound (sheesh I know right?!) And it wakes me right up and I catch my mistake and re-weigh. I do have weight up days though, they are few and far between but they happen. I take them on the chin and just keep on trucking. I know it will get better.
  3. SkinnyMingo1408

    It still hurts to eat and drink

    You'll get told again and again that weightloss is up and down. The ups suck but the great thing about the surgery is the downs are coming back!
  4. SkinnyMingo1408


    Yay! I'm officially under 250 I can't remember the last time I was under 250! So excited! This also brings my total weightloss to 63lbs. Another number I have never hit! Good start for the first day of school!
  5. I remember the first time I noticed not scooting to the edge of the couch before standing... it was amazing! Around that time I noticed I was just moving better in general, less grunting and waaaay less complaining from my body.
  6. SkinnyMingo1408

    My brain still thinks I'm a size 28

    You and I are in the same boat. At almost 70lbs down and going from 3-4x(24/26) size clothing to xl(20/22). Yesterday was the first time I looked in the mirror and actually SAW a different shape. I startled myself. Today I noticed my chins were gone. I still struggle to SEE the difference even though the physical evidence is there. The clothes are smaller, the jewelry is loose, heck even my shoe size has gone down but in the mirror I still see 312lbs. It's a process. Also 44 years old and approximately 20 years since I saw the right side of a healthy size.
  7. SkinnyMingo1408

    BMI under 40!

    My BMI is 39.9 as of this morning. I can't even remember the last time I had it this low! I know I'm still morbidly obese but hey I'm getting there!
  8. SkinnyMingo1408

    It still hurts to eat and drink

    Food varies for everyone. I would try 1oz of liquid and drink 15 minutes apart... time yourself if you need to. And like @SleeveDiva2022said try warm liquids. Also a heating pad on and off every 20 minutes may help by shooting any inflammation you have going on. Sorry your going through this!
  9. SkinnyMingo1408

    Holy weight loss, Batman!!!!!!

    Great job! Just keep on going and you'll get there!
  10. SkinnyMingo1408

    Will I ever enjoy eggs again?

    Eggs are my go to. Every morning I have 1 scrambled egg and an applesauce cup. Been that way for at least 4 weeks. I don't know how else I would've survived!
  11. SkinnyMingo1408

    I gained 3 lbs one month post op

    I stalled for 2 weeks and found I had lost quite a few inches when I measured. It saved my sanity. You're doing great! Just keep on the plan and you'll start losing again.
  12. SkinnyMingo1408

    This seems too easy...

    Aside from the worst gas pain I have ever felt post op (upper right shoulder) that motivated me to get to walking asap, which in turn probably aided in my recovery. I have no complaints about my surgery or the road I've come down. Can't say I've really been hungry yet(10 weeks post op and down 65lbs) but if I forget to eat and I'm super active I will feel weak. I'm lucky if I get 600-800 calories, usually get between 65-80 protein and 20-40 carbs. I take colace and Benefiber because otherwise I "back up". Most days I burn what I eat in walking because of my job. But I have good energy and I'm thriving so it's all good. ☺️
  13. SkinnyMingo1408

    Diet right after surgery?

    24 hours after surgery I wasn't allowed anything until I had my barium xray to make sure I didn't have a leak. Then I was given clear liquids to include jello day 2 in the hospital drinking every 15 minutes 1oz, full liquids started towards the end of day two maybe dinner? Then day 3 in hospital was full liquids and drinking every 15 minutes 1oz. At home was 1 week on full liquids, 3 weeks on pureed,3 weeks on soft, and currently introducing solid at a very slow pace. Honestly I'm terrified I'll start to gain if I introduce too many new things. What I'm eating now works. Tuesday is 10 weeks post op.
  14. I went shoe shopping for dress shoes today... first time in a LOOOOOONG time I've thought of having anything but sneakers on my feet. I got 3 pair! And not only are they nice looking I went from a size 10 wide to a size 9 1/2 regular! And did I mention they felt nice? So excited to be able to wear nice clothes to work and match with nice shoes.
  15. SkinnyMingo1408


    I was diabetic controlled by Metformin pre- surgery. I stopped taking my Metformin when I started my pre- surgery diet. I'm 9 weeks post op and haven't had to go back on it. I feel good and have good energy. I've lost 63lbs so far.
  16. SkinnyMingo1408

    Average time off from work?

    I work with the school system and worked 5 weeks after my surgery with the ESY Summer school. With the exception of eating a little fast a couple times because I was talking and not paying attention, so I got that stuck feeling until I burped a couple times, I did fine. I even ran with some kids. Participated in everything and had a great 2 weeks. I'm back at my regular job (since August 2nd) and school starts in 3 days (August 10th) and other then nerves begging to be fed(I'm starting a new position) I'm doing really well. I come home worn out once I hit my front door and I'm asleep by 8:30pm but I have good energy throughout the day. I don't allow snacking though other then a protein shake before school starts so that helps with nervous eating. I do have a couple different sources of protein(cheese squares in my mini fridge and beef jerky) in case I start feeling bad and need a boost. They are already portioned so i won't overeat. I don't know how much energy I'll need when I'm actually dealing with students.
  17. I also brought a bunch of stuff but in the end (2 night stay) I only used my slippers, extra long phone charging cord, plug, phone stand and toiletries. I did download some movies on my phone that were favorites and this helped me fall asleep. I wore home what I wore to the hospital. Comfy, loose pants and a t-shirt. I slept, drank and walked.
  18. SkinnyMingo1408

    2 Weeks Post Op... Some issues?

    I found chapstick helped with the dry mouth... it didn't totally get rid of it but it helps. I would definitely get a doctor to look into the black/ tarry stools, that's a red flag. I use a stool softener and Benefiber daily and I (now) go at least once a day. If I eat something heavy-ish it might be 2 days but not longer.
  19. SkinnyMingo1408

    Gonna make sure I follow the rules

    Depends on the food but I've had that "eat too fast" feeling. It's only caused me to throw up 2x but it was enough. I chew slowly now and really try to pay attention to what I'm eating. I have found in group settings it's just better for me to eat beforehand otherwise I get caught up in the conversation and tend to eat or drink too fast. Heck I made myself sick drinking water because I drank it so fast that I was in in pain about 4 weeks post op. It was a family dinner. I ended up excusing myself from the table and went to the bathroom and threw up the excess water. Hated that but felt better afterwards. Now I'm very cautious and the only sweets I've had is the low carb/ low calorie ice cream. 2/3 a cup at a time and spread out. A pint is taking forever and that used to be a serving for me!
  20. SkinnyMingo1408

    Food intolerance after wls

    I would starve without eggs! I'm with you on the plain water but fruit punch is my favorite flavor. I've not had any aversion to what I've tried so far but I'm pretty cautious about what I eat. I only get carbs from my fruit and veggies. I don't eat any potatoes(except if I'm out and Mashed potatoes are an option... I've had them 2x in 9 weeks), no pasta, no rice, no bread. First because I was told to wait 6 months post op and second because I'm worried they'll show my weightloss. The weirdest taste thing for me was that I now ❤️LOVE❤️Applesauce. It's the first thing I had post surgery that had any real flavor and now we buy the cups by the case because I have at least 1 a day with breakfast. It's my favorite food!
  21. SkinnyMingo1408

    Surgery seems like a long way away!

    It will fly. Use this time to address any reasons why you might overeat or soothe with food so when you get to the post-op you'll already have tools to address it and not have to fight it WITH healing from surgery.
  22. SkinnyMingo1408

    Surgery seems like a long way away!

    It will fly. Use this time to address any reasons why you might overeat or soothe with food so when you get to the post-op you'll already have tools to address it and not have to fight it WITH healing from surgery.
  23. SkinnyMingo1408

    Swallowable bariatric vitamins

    I use Celebrate Multivitamin with iron and I take that 30 minutes after breakfast with my morning meds. Then I take my Celebrate Calcium 3 tablets 2x a day at 2pm and when I take the second dose with my nighttime meds about 2-4 hours after dinner. I have a alarm set for the 2pm one and have a bottle of Calcium at work in my lockable filling cabinet so I don't have to remember to bring it everyday.
  24. SkinnyMingo1408

    BMI below 30!

    Great job!
  25. SkinnyMingo1408

    Liquid diet

    I had Celebrate Multivitamin with Iron chewables, Celebrate B12 and Calcium chewable until 6 weeks post op. I didn't take the calcium chewable because they just made me nauseous. Now I'm taking Celebrate Multivitamin with iron capsule (warning it's huge), Celebrate b12, Celebrate Calcium tablet (another not so small pill and I take 3-2x a day separate from my multi) and Bariatric Fusion B-50 complex. I haven't had any nausea but I have to be careful with my night dose of Calcium because it's also with my meds and I've learned it needs to be at least 2-3 hours since dinner or I'll be uncomfortable for a 30 minute to an hour because it's a lot. I'm off most of my medical meds but I have mental meds, Progesterone, colace and the Calcium and that takes like 4-5 swallows with a couple pills at a time. I think I'm doing well on them though. I've had better energy and not as tired as pre-surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
