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Everything posted by SkinnyMingo1408

  1. So this is kinda neat... the first picture is my old size and the skirts available, and the second pic is my current size with the same skirts and what is available... it goes from 1 skirt to all of them. Weeeee! Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. Simple as that. Just had major bloodwork ran and all my numbers are super great. Doc was pleased with my progress and my numbers. I went from being an almost on insulin diabetic to a A1C of of 5.1 without medicine. Cholesterol is within normal limits; vitamins are within normal limits. I'm off all the medication I had to take before I had the surgery for medical reasons since I left the hospital. Heck I've even reduced some of my mental meds. I've started listening to my body like I didn't before, and I don't force-feed UNLESS it's the 2nd meal I've skipped then I'll at least eat a string cheese or yogurt or something small since it's usually me skipping lunch and dinner and I don't want to wake up at 11pm hangry. I'm not one to skip breakfast because I know I'll be hangry around 2nd period and not really be able to do much about it. It's almost impossible to concentrate when my new tiny tummy demands to be fed... it seems louder and more persistent than my older, bigger one 😁. Edited to add: Also felt it necessary to say that I don't skip meals often... some days may be smaller meals than others but it's not very often that I skip a meal unless I am just flat out, not hungry, the thought of eating makes me feel nauseous (and that can be because of emotions or exhaustion as much as anything else). Otherwise, especially when I'm working, I'm on a pretty good breakfast, lunch, dinner schedule and I eat when it's time to eat and I eat until I'm no longer hungry which can change the amount. The recent successful bloodwork makes me feel like I'm on the right path.
  3. That's such a good feeling!! Congratulations! I wore my 26's until they literally fell off me (at home thankfully and not in my class). Hubby grabbed 22's I had in my closet, and I was like, "Those are not going to fit me." Could've passed out when they did and now, I'm in 16's and I'm just waiting for someone to tell me it's a cruel joke and they changed the size on my pants. I don't have to lay down on the bed or suck in my stomach or anything... they just fit. I haven't been this small in 20+ years. It makes me wonder where I'll be when I hit my goal in 40-50 pounds and then again after my mommy makeover. I have an "apron" I can't wait to lose.
  4. SkinnyMingo1408

    Before and After Pics

    OK so here is a before and after from me... I am 6 months out and 100+ pounds down. I think the biggest surprise for me is realizing I didn't have a neck before. I just had chins...My glasses are actually getting comically big for my face.
  5. SkinnyMingo1408


    I am the one dressed like Minnie on the right.
  6. SkinnyMingo1408

    Liquid Diet

    I remember when I was allowed a scrambled egg and it was HEAVEN! I lived off them through my puree diet and soft food. So good!
  7. IKWYM. I hold up the 2XL & 3XL clothes now and they look so big to me. I have an inner battle that has me thinking I'm still in 2x+clothes when I'm in 16 and L/xl. When I started I was "outgrowing" 26-28. I can't believe I've lost 10 sizes in 6 months. I can go in the"normal" section and get the cute clothes. I'm in awe.
  8. I feel my tailbone more then ever. Sitting, lying down... very annoying. I'm thinking when I get my mommy makeover in a a few months I'll have them add padding if that's even possible.
  9. I've said before and I'll say it again... crossing my legs like a lady and not requiring a death grip to keep them there is my greatest victory so far. I mean the weight loss and energy and added ability and clothes are great but by golly I can sit like a lady comfortably! I never realized how much it bothered me until I could do it.
  10. Still my most amazing accomplishment and now my favorite way to sit. I feel a little smug(truth be told) each time I cross my legs at the knees and keep them there without effort. Like, "Wow! Look what I can do!"
  11. SkinnyMingo1408

    Tailbone found!

    Ok so I might just be weird but at over 100lbs lost I now notice my tailbone when I sit on firm surfaces... like it's uncomfortable! Going to get an xray to make sure one of my overweight falls didn't do damage that I just didn't feel until now but anyone else experience this? It's uncomfortable to drive now, I have to use a pillow.
  12. SkinnyMingo1408

    Tailbone found!

    I know this is probably TMI but it's like I'm sitting on a terd when I KNOW (being a grown woman and all) that I'm not. Very uncomfortable. I do have a travel pillow that I bought that I keep in my car that adds enough cushion to make driving ok again. It was less then $4 at Walmart and fits my seat perfectly.
  13. IKWYM! I put on a size 16 not expecting to get them past my thighs let alone button them, but my 22's were getting dangerously loose, luckily baggy is in. Not only did they get past my thighs but I was able to button them without laying down or sucking in. I was in tears. I mean you know you'll get results but going from 26-28 to 16 in 6 months just puts me in awe. My youngest(12F) told me today she saw an old picture of me and didn't realize until that moment just how much weight I had lost.
  14. SkinnyMingo1408

    Tailbone found!

    I ended up getting a travel pillow at Walmart for me to sit on when I'm driving. That's when it's the worst. I have leather seats and there's no cushion for my tushy. I sit 85% of the day at work with no issue, so far just in the car.
  15. I think my biggest "aha" moment so far has between crossing my legs at the knee with little to no effort to keep them there. Used to have to have a death grip on my ankle to cross my legs at the knee and ankle and now it just happens... like it's normal and stuff! Silly I know but I always felt manly not being able to cross my legs at the knee. Now I can just do it and it's even comfortable! A little secret just between us... it makes me feel fancy! That has been absent from my life for awhile.
  16. Ok so on Saturday I went to a band exhibition and walked over 10,000 steps most of which was uphill(I wish I was joking). And I'm still alive today And only had reasonable soreness the next day. One of the other chaperones even joked about how weird me and another chaperone were because we managed to hold a conversation the entire up hill climb from busses to stadium. It struck me then I never would've been able to do that 6 months ago, nor would I have been able to recover so quickly. And it was a 17 hour day and I managed to keep my energy up all day.
  17. SkinnyMingo1408


    I have an issue with constipation. I take 2 colace in the morning and 1 at night and after talking to my team about it last week I've added fiber gummies with some success. I was going 1-2 weeks with no bm and then pooping what felt like solid boulders(I know TMI!!!) Pushing to the point of almost passing out. I eat food, healthier food but food. Definitely no longer on the liquid stage. Thing should be at least every other day. Hoping the new gummies will help. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. So my blood pressure is ranging with the top number in the 90's and bottom number in the 60's. My surgeon isn't worried since I have no other symptoms but my "in nursing school" hubby doesn't like it at all. He's worried I'm going to pass out or something. Anyone else experience a drop in BP when they lost weight? I'm down 89lbs.i never had high BP to begin with. I used to joke with my doctor that if I came in and it was high get me to the ER ASAP because something is horribly wrong. Just wondering. Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. So this caught my attention...I was chaperone at my schools homecoming Dance and I guarded a door the majority of the night, not complaining, my students found me and said hi. What struck me as a NSV is in my"fancy dress" I could cross my legs at my knees and keep them crossed with very little effort. I didn't need to hold on to my legs and frankly 3 months ago I couldn't cross my legs at the knees, I could only cross ankle to knee and I had to hold onto my foot to keep it there. I felt so refined. It was nice.
  20. Oh that's a great problem to have!

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