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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SkinnyMingo1408

  1. That is my ultimate favorite!! AND THEY STAY BY THEMSELVES!!! No death grip on my ankle to hold them there.
  2. So I just had open bladder surgery(not bypass related or caused) and had to stay in the hospital post opp...I was SO scared when they went to move me from my strecher to my room bed but it was EASY! I had m my bypass surgery 6/22 and I'm 130lbs down. Aside from the post op pneumonia everything about this surgery has been easier, walking, moving, standing, showing and I have a 3+ inch incision going from my belly button down, 15+staples and 7 stitches on my bladder on the inside. It's one of the biggest Surgeries I've ever had and pneumonia aside pretty easy recovery so far.
  3. Mine are loose. As soon as I get a little lower I am going to have them resized.
  4. SkinnyMingo1408

    Pizza! No flour!

    Ok so I just tried this and it was surprisingly yummy. Crust 1 cup mozzerella 1/4 parmesian 1 egg Seasoning of your choice (I used Italian seasoning and garlic powder) Topping Low carb marinara (I used Rao's) Sprinkle of mozzerella Turkey pepperoni Mix all the crust ingredients together. Put parchment paper on a pan. Spray with cooking spray. Shape mixture into the size of a personal pan pizza (6" or so) on topof the parchment paper. Spread marinara on top of crust mixture. Sprinkle mozzerella. Add turkey pepperoni (I use 6 pieces- you can use more or less). Cook 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool when it comes out of the oven. I side into 4 pieces, ate 2 and my daughter ate the other 2. Add toppings. Experiment. This really scratched the pizza itch and was surprisingly healthy.
  5. I definitely have lost the padding around my tail bone. I find sitting at an angle helps when I can. Straight back sitting can be miserable and for long car rides I have a pillow. It does get better though. You either learn how to sit or maybe it's getting better. After a long day I can feel my tailbone when I lay down.
  6. I LOVE the high rise trends right now. Conceals the apron of my weight loss. I tend to go for the baggy high rise though. I like that loose pants are a choice now.
  7. Welcome to the bariatric world! I think everyone has a sagging skin issue. I didn't have a lot with my arms, neck and face thankfully but I do have an apron now and my boobs sag more then they did before surgery (tmi?), and while I am tickled my thighs no longer touch when I walk, if I walk fast they slap. I plan on having a mommy makeover surgery to fix the things I don't like. They next time I see my doctor I'll be talking to his plastic surgeon about fixing the issues. I had surgery 6/7/22 and I've lost 122lbs. Even with the sagging skin I'm down from a 26/28 to a size 14 that is starting to get loose. I have such a better quality of life. I would not change one day post op. Even if I never got a mommy makeover. I think the majority of my brothers and sisters in the bariatric world would agree that they are happier post op sagging skin and all. You'll do great! We are here to support you!
  8. It is surreal walking into a regular clothing store and not needing to ask where or if they have plus size clothing. I bought size 14 old navy pants and I LOVE them. They are high waist button up. 10-11 months ago I was 24-26.
  9. SkinnyMingo1408


    I'm 11 months post op and I take 3 Colace every day with my pm meds. I don't think I'll ever be regular without help.
  10. Crossing my legs is a top 5 NSV for me. It's awesome. I can cross them now and they stay there on their own. I LOVE to cross my legs. 😍❤️
  11. -My boyfriend picked me up (no guy has ever done that or attempted to) I proceeded to freak out and say don't do that again because I was so scared it was too much and he laughed and said it wasn't bad and I'm being crazy I've never liked being picked up. Before it was because I worried I'd break the person picking me up now I worry I'll get hurt. Being able to sit on fallen treen branches without snapping them (I spend a lot of time outside/hiking/by the Water and it's nice to sit on them now) Not necessarily Tree branches but there are some camping chairs I had to avoid in the past because I was so big and now I don't even weight check. Just fitting in any seat and not having to worry about it anymore I love this probably top 5 NSV of my surgery. Not worrying about fitting or breaking the seat. Having small boobs relative to the rest of my body (I hated having big boobs) My boobs are still big compared to the rest of me. Plan on fixing that surgically next summer.
  12. I walked into Old Navy and bought jeans size 14 that are loose enough I can pull them on and off with out un doing them.
  13. Yes. I didn't realize I had lost my neck and shoulders until I got them back. I can carry a purse now and not have it constantly falling off or have to keep my alternate hand on it to keep it in place. So cool!
  14. That is a great milestone! 😆😂
  15. Work with Ese at times and the first time I was running with a student and keeping up and not dying I almost passed out from shock thar my body could do that now.
  16. SkinnyMingo1408

    Before and After Pics

    9 months 9999 months 9 months post op. 115lbs. Only thing that hasn't shrunk are my ears! 🐘 I've gone from 26/28 to 12/14 and 3xl/4xl to large. I think I want to lose around 10-15 more pounds but I'm pretty content right now.
  17. SkinnyMingo1408

    had surgery yesterday

    I think it depends on what you do. I'm fortunate that I teach so I did it beginning of June and went back in the middle of July.
  18. Lol! I love this. My 17 year old and I have the same size panties now. She's be horrified if she figured that out.
  19. So I'm at a comicon type convention and I'm sitting in the stadium people watching and I couldn't help but notice the heavier citizens needing to lean forward to manage a hazardous step. I don't do that anymore! I can manage steps in a full upright position. 😀 Also, I'm not suction cupped into the seat there's room on both sides.
  20. It's pretty neat. I love to sit on things now. They've gone from too small and embarrassing, to comfortable and/or even too big. Secretly, I'm showing off every time I cross my legs at the knee. I even don't mind sitting on the floor and I HATED when I had to sit on the floor or ground as a plus size. Getting down, sitting comfortably and then getting back up was just such a struggle. It was AWFUL and heaven forbid I was seated close to someone because they were (at the very least) going to get my butt in their face and at the very worst get part of them stepped on because I couldn't keep track of all my parts at once. And the body parts that would fall asleep after just moments on the floor! My body was so awful, but I wasn't kind to it either. I didn't know it then. If I knew I'd feel this good after surgery I would've gotten it so much sooner.
  21. So true! The couch at my therapists office is getting bigger and bigger.😊 The world finally fitting is definitely a plus.
  22. I can relate to the seating issues. I work in a high school and last year (I had my RNY 6/22) I had to SQUEEZE in and out of the desks and HATED it. I felt like every time I stood up all the kids were watching and judging (high Schoolers that could've cared less). I had to push my way out. Now I get in and out so easy! Again, the students could care less.
  23. SkinnyMingo1408


    What is it for?
  24. Yay! I almost have that problem! Great job!
  25. I have to admit fitting into a size 14 that I haven't been able to wear since the 90's was quite thrilling and shocking. I am surprised that I keep getting surprised. They were cute too and in the clearance aisle at Target.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
