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Florida Pete

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Florida Pete

  1. Florida Pete
    Well another week has gone by and another 2lbs lost! It's great to keep losing week after week even with a couple of tiny set backs I am still happy about my weight loss. I honestly can't tell you the last time I weighed this "little". It has to be about 8 or 9 years ago now or more.
    I still contribute the weight loss to eating better and exercise. The walking greatly helps and makes me feel better as well. The hardest part with being unemployed now is keeping up on a good schedule with walking. I think tho that will get a little easier this next week since starting Monday my boy will be home with me and no longer in daycare. So my plan is to get up in the mornings like usual and get us ready for the day with breakfast and all that. Then at about the time that we would normally leave to go to daycare and me to work I will instead put him in the stroller and go for a good walk. It's still cool enough at that time of the morning that we can enjoy it and not be melting in the humidity. Then after our walk I am thinking we'd go to the pool to cool off especially since he likes the pool so much. Then in the afternoons depending on how things are going I am thinking we'll be making trips over to the mall to take a walk there too with a stop off at the play ground on the way back. Should really help me keep up on my exercise as well as give him plenty of time outdoors playing.
    The other thing I have to make sure to keep up with is my diet. I don't want to get lax and start eating bad just cause I am not working. So keeping up with a healthy breakfast. Not snacking through the day and making sure to have a decent lunch is very important. Finally continuing to have a sensible dinner to round out the day.
    Sounds like a lot of planning and such but I think it's going to help me mentally through this time which is key to my past eating habits. Something I don't want to fall into again. Not to mention needing to make sure I keep a good schedule for my son. We have found all his life he's very much a schedule person. He knows when he's suppose to eat, when we're suppose to get ready in the mornings, what the nightly routine is etc etc. It's kind of funny but also a pain when we want to do something a little different we have to plan it to make sure he'll be ok to go with the flow. LOL
    Ok well back to the weight loss and the totals for the week.....
    Week 35
    This week 2 pounds lost
    Current Weight - 353 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 89 lbs (35 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 132 lbs
  2. Florida Pete
    So I am a day early this week but that's because we're heading out of town tonight after work for a family reunion tomorrow. So for this week today's weigh in for me is on Thursday. But I have good news. The scale reads 355 lbs! I lost 3 pounds this week. Back on track and very happy about it.
    Of course I am back to walking just haven't gotten back up to the speed I was doing before my groin injury. But that's ok I will get back up to the faster pace. I can still tell there is some tightness in the groin muscle and just needs a little more time before I am back to full pace.
    Dieting is still going pretty well. The one change I have talked about is eating cereal in the mornings to change things up from just eggs and bacon all the time. So pretty much I rotate now from eggs and bacon one day to FiberOne® cereal the next day. It's actually been pretty nice not having to make breakfast every day and I like the change up in foods. Eggs and bacon can actually get pretty boring after a while. LOL
    Ok so here are the totals for this week....
    This week 3 pounds lost
    Current Weight - 355 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 87 lbs (32 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 130 lbs
  3. Florida Pete
    Ok so I am late in blogging this week. What can I say? It's been busy and this was memorial day weekend :thumbup: But hey the good news I lost 3 pounds this last week. I am working hard on my power walks and really trying to get my speed up. I have been getting a good pace and working up a good sweat. Amazing to say that really cause it's been since my late teens early twenties that I actually liked working up a good sweat.
    My diet is going well. I really am surprised at the foods I can eat but not at the amount that I can eat. I have started using the small plates to eat with too. Seems to really help. Whenever I use the big plates I tend to serve myself to much food and can never finish it. I can't tell you how good that actually feels.
    So my wife was ever so kind and took me to a discount store and got me a couple of shirts for work. I think right now I am starting to get between shirt sizes. I tried several on from different brands and it's amazing how different they fit from one to another. But it still is wonderful to fit into a smaller size. I think the last time I wore a 4x shirt was back when I was living in Colorado so that's like 8 years ago.
    Ok so brass tax. Totals for the week are....
    This week 3 pound lost
    Current Weight - 369 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 73 lbs (24 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 116 lbs
  4. Florida Pete
    Well I passed the 3 months mark now losing another pound this week. Not a big loss this week but still a loss. Some times it surprises me that I continue to lose from week to week to week. I have never experience continual weight loss like this. It's great to be putting on clothes that I haven't worn in several years. A big exciting thing too is pretty soon I will be in sizes that I can shop at Walmart for clothes. Yeah I know it's Walmart but hey it's not shopping at the Big & Tall store. For the last 10 plus year that's the ONLY place I have been able to shop and so if I can buy clothes at a normal store that will be a huge change for me. I think I am only about 10 to 20 lbs away from being able to accomplish that NSV Milestone.
    I have got to say I directly see the difference between the weeks I work really hard at exercising and the weight loss. I wasn't as stringent this last week and it has shown with only a 1 pound weight loss. So I have got to kick myself in the butt again and get back on track. It's often times hard when other things around you aren't going as well but that can't be used as an excuse for changing your life in a way that will make you live longer and healthier with your family.
    Today I am heading out to do some photography and I know I will be able to walk around without getting wore out easily. Just months ago that would have really taken it's toll on me but now I see it in that I can actually enjoy being outside without sweating up a storm and getting short winded.
    Well onto another week and continued weight loss.
    Current Weight - 390 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 52 lbs (13 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 95 lbs (1yr 1mo)
  5. Florida Pete
    Finally! After the last month floating right at 380 I have broke it! Today's weigh in was 378!!! It feels great to finally break into the 370's and continue working my way down that ladder.
    Another week of continuous walks at night and some additional exercise. One thing I have started new this week is getting up at 5am and heading out for a power walk. I am doing the same walk we normally do but by myself I am able to power walk it and it feels great too! It's a great way to start my day actually.
    I can still feel a decent amount of restriction. I eat less then what I used too. Breakfast is still the toughest to get down but I do make sure to have a high protein breakfast as directed by my doctor. Pretty much every day I make breakfast for Karen and I and I think it's really helped us both think more about our eating and making better food choices. Still a lot more work but we're getting there.
    A big NSV I have experienced this last week has been fitting into some old size 50 jeans that I had. I honestly can't remember when I bought them. They have got to be at least 6 years old. It's amazing to think it's been 6 years since I was this size. I am still very large and a big guy and that's what amazes me is that I am this size after loosing over a 100 pounds! Well I am working to get the next 100 off now!
    Ok so the totals for this week....
    This week 2 pound lost
    Current Weight - 378 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 64 lbs (21 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 107 lbs
  6. Florida Pete
    Another week down and another pound lost. Not as much as I would have liked but still a pound is a pound. I have been struggling a little this week with eating. Not in the amount that I can eat but in what I can eat. I have had a few things come right back up after eating. I am not sure if it's been the food itself, maybe not chewing enough, taking to big of bites, or eating to fast. Probably some of all. LOL Still it's been taking getting some used to with the tightness of the band but I am getting there.
    On another note my wife and I have gotten to the point with our walking that we both feel it's not a weight loss tool for us. We are still walking and will continue to walk largely because we really have grown to enjoy our evening walks as a family and it's a solid part of our daily routine. But now we both feel we have to add in additional exercise into our daily routine. What we're looking at now and trying is that right after our walk we put our son down for the night and then she heads over to the gym and I do my DVD workout. We are making sure to get all of our workout in before settling down for the night. Additionally I am thinking about trying to get up earlier in the morning to get another workout in. The hardest part right now is getting my bum out of bed early enough. So we will see.
    So totals for the week are....
    This week 1 pound lost
    Current Weight - 381 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 61 lbs (19 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 104 lbs
  7. Florida Pete
    So this last several weeks I have strayed off the path and know it. I slowed to losing a pound a week for several weeks then this last week I stopped the loss and gained instead. Yes it was only a pound but that is one pound that I had previously worked off. I know I didn't go through the last 6 months of pre-op work and then post-op work to lose the weight I have to only start going back words. No I did not. So now it's time to get back on track.
    I know I need a fill. I can eat way to much and my appetite returns very quickly after I do eat. Unfortunately I have a three week wait until I my appointment for my fill so what do I do in the mean time? Well I immediately have to be stricter about my diet and make sure that I am getting plenty of protein. The protein will help me feel full longer which I should be doing in the first place. Also I need to continue making sure I drink plenty of water. Also I need to continue to measure my food out rather then eye ball the amounts I eat.
    Next, which really will help me get back on track, I need to get back to doing my exercise video tapes. Since I began the whole process Karen and I have been walking nightly. We have continued to do that but now it has become more maintaining the weight and not as much of a weight loss too. So in order to continue the weight loss I have to get back on track with my exercise videos. So I did it. Tonight I did my exercise video with the low impact aerobics workout. Tomorrow night I will continue on with the weight training and alternate back and fourth like I had done before. I have to say it felt great to work up a good sweat tonight. I actually feel more energized after the workout and look foreword to tomorrow nights workout.
    So back on track with my weight loss and back to working towards my goals!
  8. Florida Pete
    Today I filled out the first initial paperwork that the surgeon needs. Took me a little while to fill everything out as accurately as I could.
    You know my family has talked to me off and on for a few years now about getting the surgery and I had been of the opinion well I can do it on my own if I just put my mind to it. Ha! We all know how that really works.
    A little over a year ago was the first time that I had a doctor actually suggest bariatric surgery to me. At that time I wasn't ready to admit it. Then about a month ago now I started with a new doctor and one of the first things she talked to me about was my weight and the surgery.
    I guess it's just been coming to terms with myself in accepting that I have not been able to do what I thought I could and that I need to be real about it. I have a 10 month old baby boy that I want to be around for years. I want to see him grow up and want to be there when he is older. On top of that of course goes more to knowing myself and knowing that I don't feel like a normal person.
    For years now I have not been able to do the things I really enjoy doing. In my late teens and early twenties I was actually a pretty active person. I would go out camping where I actually would hike into a lake a good 8 to 15 miles from any civilization. I used to love to get up early in the morning and go for a good run. It was great getting out in the early morning air when the sun is coming up and just run. It was also great being able to go to any store and look at clothes. Anything from Wal-Mart to Nordstrom's. Ha! Best I can do now days is Casual Male or the JC Penny Big & Tall catalog.
    What does this all really tell me? That I am not happy with the way I am and I need to change it. I also have had to admit to myself that I am not healthy with all this weight on me. I do have leaky heart valves, high blood pressure, varicose/venous stasis, high triglyceride, as well as the other typical things like achy joints, chronic fatigue, lower back pain, etc etc.
    So in finally coming to realize that I need to change everything I realize that I cannot do it completely on my own. So now with the doctors referral to talk a surgeon about bariatric surgery I am looking into the next steps.
    Here I start looking at the different surgery's and figure out which is really best for me. LapBand or Gastric By-Pass....That is the question. That is the decision to make; Not weather I need bariatric surgery or not.
  9. Florida Pete
    First of I lost another 3 lbs this week. I can hardly believe it's been 12 weeks now and I have lost 51 lbs since surgery. This weeks weigh in came in at 391 lbs. I am on my way down and love that. I have had some big stresses happen this week with cut backs at work and so I wasn't sure how I was going to do with my weight loss. I did cheat a little on my diet but very quickly got back on track. I had originally set a 15 lbs weight loss goal for February which I didn't beat but I did lose 11 lbs for this month so I am still very happy with my weight loss.
    As far as my appetite goes I can tell I am just about ready for another fill. I have one scheduled for the beginning of April so I will have to stay strong until then. I can do it I know. Hard work and dedication is helping me a lot in this journey. Sometimes I think the band has been more of a moral support for me then it has been of a physical one. I know it has helped a lot in my appetite but not as much as people might think. Anyway I am grateful for getting the band and know it's been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
    A big NSV (Non-Scale Victory) for me this week is I can now wear my black jeans comfortably. They are a size 48 which is a size I haven't worn in several years. This weekend Karen and I plan to get out into our garage and find the rest of the small clothes that I have saved. It's amazing what I can and cannot wear now.
    So what's the totals???
    For the week - 3 lbs
    For the month - 11 lbs
    Since surgery - 51 lbs
    Since my highest weight - 94 lbs
  10. Florida Pete
    Down another pound this week. It sometimes amazes me that I continue to lose week after week. Sure I have a couple of weeks that I have gained but I have lost everything that I gained back and more. I certainly do feel a lot better but now I need to work to obtain my next goal. So I need to get back on track with my exercise. I am still good with walking it's the extra routine that I have been struggling with lately.
    One thing I am wanting to do is to get up a little earlier in the mornings so I can get an early morning workout done. I feel like my metabolism might respond better if I spread my workouts from all even to one in the morning and one in the evening. So starting tomorrow morning I will be getting my bum out of bed before the rest of the family gets up and get a workout in for myself.
    Since I begun my change back in October my diet has completely changed. We don't eat potatoes, rice, or bread with any of our meals. We eat fish a couple of times a week. And most foods I make are either grilled, baked, or broiled. I hardly fry any foods. I steam vegetables pretty regularly and garnish with some shredded cheese. It's pretty amazing how good the foods taste and really how little we miss fast food. Our fast food consumption has gone down from two to three times a week to about twice a month. Our dinning out at a sit down restaurant has gone down also. Even when we do dine out I have worked hard on making good food choices when we dine out. Oh and I drink water like crazy. It feels great to be able to say that I have not had a soda since the middle of October last year.
    The tightness of the band I think is at a pretty good place. I am sure I will need some slight adjustment in a month or so but right now I get full pretty easily and if I do eat to fast or to big of bites my body sure lets me know. So it's good to know that the band is working.
    If you haven't read the next blog down do so. It's about a non-scale victory I had this last week :thumbup:
    So here is the totals for this week...
    This week 1 pound lost
    Current Weight - 380 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 62 lbs (20 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 105 lbs
  11. Florida Pete
    And the scale reads 359 pounds! I lost 4 pounds this week and it feels great! Let me start off with I didn't start the workout routine that I had planned but still did change up my walking pattern. I have increased my pace even more on the walking now completing 3 miles in 47 minutes down from the 52 minutes it was taking me. It's really helped too I think. I still plan to add a workout routine into my schedule just didn't happen yet. LOL
    I had my 3rd fill/adjustment appointment with the doctor this last Monday and it has helps some to keep me full a little longer then what I had been. Before this fill I would start to get hungry about 2 to 3 hours after eating. Now I am going from just about meal time to meal time without getting hungry. What does that do you say? Well it keeps me from snacking as well as keeps me from over eating at meal time because I don't have the hunger. Granted I still cannot eat like I used to and I do feel a little more restriction then I had before the fill but it's still work. I still have to make better food choices and still have to get out and exercise on a regular basis.
    A friend ask me the other day what do I eat. Well it's pretty simple actually. For breakfast I have 1 egg usually with a spring of cheese on it and a couple of slices of bacon. Sometimes I will switch out the bacon for sausage or ham. Then I will have a banana or a yogurt when I get to work. That rounds off breakfast. Then for lunch it's usually leftovers from dinners which 9 times out of 10 is a meat (chicken, beef, pork, or fish) and a vegi that is usually steamed. Once in a great while I will allow myself to have a carb meal meaning spaghetti, pizza, or something along those lines. We don't buy bread, rice, or potatoes to have with our meals. Those are high carb low dietary value and so we have cut them out of our diet. Granted if we go out to eat and fries is the side I will have them but again it's not a daily part of my diet and we just don't go out that often at all to eat. For drinks I am pretty much a Crystal Lite person. Ocean Spray and Koolaid both have drink mixes like Crystal Lite now so I drink those also which means I am drinking no sugar added drinks. It's mostly water but a little flavoring goes a long way and has helped me drink more liquids throughout my day.
    Ok well I have got the rest of my morning going so here are the totals for the week!!!
    This week 4 pounds lost
    Current Weight - 359 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 83 lbs (29 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 126 lbs
  12. Florida Pete
    Well I have started off the next 6 months in the right direction. I lost 3 pounds this week and increased my walking to 3 miles a day. My goal for the next 6 months is to lose 75 lbs. Sounds like a lot but really it isn't. That's just under 3 pounds a week which I should be able to do with little trouble.
    My appetite has been a bit more this week then what it has been so I went ahead and got my 6 month lab work done this week and scheduled for my next follow-up/fill appointment with Dr. Perez. So that should help with the appetite and even the amount of food I can consume. Don't get me wrong I still am not consuming anything near what I was before surgery.
    I had planned on taking a few weeks to work myself up in my walking from the 2 miles a day that I was doing to 3 miles a day. But, when I got out there to walk on Monday it just felt good to keep the pace going and next thing I knew I was rounding the corner at the mile and a half mark and back home for a 3 mile walk. So I just continued that habit this week. Great progress if I do say so myself.
    Oh I said I would post some 6 month progress photos. Ok here they are....

    So onto another week of weightloss!

    This week 3 pound lost
    Current Weight - 364 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 78 lbs (27 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 121 lbs
  13. Florida Pete
    Ok I know I didn't blog last week. First off I gained 2 pounds last week but then I lost 2 pounds this week so it is a wash for the last two weeks.
    Let's talk about week 33 really quick. On Sunday the family and I were coming back from a reunion at my in-laws and I blew a tired on the freeway on the way back. Scary I know. Well in changing the tire I injured my back and hamstrings. As a precaution to keep from hurting myself any further I did not walk for the week. Thus the two pound weight gain. My injuries did heal thank the lord.
    Now for this week I walked on Monday. It felt great. Then Monday afternoon we had a meeting at work which was to inform us that we as employees needed to make a choice. We could either be laid off and go on unemployment or we could take an hours cut and only work 16 hours a week. Well for me that meant dire financial consequences as it would anyone and so my wife and I had to discuss what to do. As a result my stress level has been on high all week. I have hardly slept through the week. Today will be my last day at work but yesterday we learned at my work place that a client may be needing major work done which would bring everyone back to full time and keep us there for several months. So there is a glimmer of hope that the layoff will be short lived.
    My diet and exercise has not been the for thought in my life this week. So I can only attribute the weight loss this week to stress. However I am getting back on track and will continue to work on it. It feels so much better to to have lost what I have but I still have plenty more to go. I also will be back on track with blogging weekly and hope you all continue to check in on my blog each week!
    Weight loss totals for the last two weeks...
    Week 33
    This week 2 pounds gained
    Current Weight - 357 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 85 lbs (33 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 128 lbs
    Week 34
    This week 2 pounds lost
    Current Weight - 355 lbs
    Loss Since Surgery - 87 lbs (34 weeks)
    Total Weight Loss - 130 lbs

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