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Florida Pete

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Florida Pete

  1. Ok so here is the top five from the first poll. Vote for your all time choice for our group name!
  2. Florida Pete

    Post Op

    Pictures of me as I progress after surgery.
  3. From January until the day before surgery I had lost about 15% of my total weight that I need to lose. I had a high BMI to start off with so even after my weight loss I am still over a 40 BMI. No biggy to me cause I will get down to what I plan!
  4. Florida Pete

    Surgery in Mexico?

    I just returned home last night from getting my band from Dr. Pedro Kuri (www.lapbandsurgery.com) at Hospital Angeles in Tijuana, Mexico. The hospital was an excellent hospital. Very clean. I have to say it was cleaner then most hospitals in the USA. The staff was top notch. Most of the staff couldn't speak a lick of english but there was always someone else around that could translate if needed. Dr. Kuri was very exceptional in his care and I would recommend him to anyone. My surgery was $7500 that included everything including two nights stay at the hospital and two nights stay at a local hotel that was pretty nice too. Although I have to say the hospital was nicer then the hotel was. LOL If you have anymore questions please feel free to PM me.
  5. Florida Pete

    Last thoughts before being banded.

    When I was at Hospital Angeles in Tijuana I wrote a little blog on paper that morning that I wanted to share. My last thoughts before surgery..... Dec. 5th, 2008 - 4 am Just a few hours left before my surgery. I feel really good about it. The hospital is very clean. It reminds me a lot of Jupiter Medical Center back home. The staff have all been very nice and accommodating. Not very many of them speak English but there usually is someone around that does. I met with Dr. Peterson yesterday for my medical history and his exam. He was pleased with how small my live feels. First Goal Accomplished!!! So today is surgery. I am Dr. Kuri's first patient of the day. Then the three gals who came for surgery too. Everyone is just so nice. Saara and her friend Leisha are a lot of fun to be around and talk to. I met Saara on the forums. Judy, Saara, Leisha, and I all actually met at the airport and have shared this trip together. This should be exciting to see how things turn out in the long run. In the last few moments before surgery I have been thinking a lot about Karen and Nicholas. I love them both so much. I can't wait to get home to them so that I can really be the husband and the father that they deserve to have. They truly are the reason that I push forward with this and with this dedication. I know Karen worries that I will get thin and then no longer be attracted to her but that is just not so. She is my best friend. She is my lover. She is the best thing that God has given/put into my life in a long long time. She belongs in my life and deserves my love, dedication, devotion, and respect. I love you Karen with all my heart and sole. Today after my surgery they want us up and walking within 2 hours. I intend to do it too. I know that is one of the many keys to success for this. That specifically was why I started walking again just over a month ago. I really want to get to where I can go running again. I used to love running in the morning and hope to be there once again. Well my final weigh in yesterday morning was 442.2 lbs. Never again will I weigh this much. This I swear to you with my sole. BRING ON THE BAND!
  6. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    This is great to see so many take on the challenge this month! I look forward to meeting and beat these goals!!!
  7. Florida Pete

    2 days post op heres my journey so far...

    Congrats on getting Banded Mike! Keep up the walking as that will really help those gas feelings go away not to mention that it is just something we need to do anyways. I am two days post op now as well. Hard to believe it. I am still in Tiajuana but will be heading for the airport in just about 2 hours now. Can't wait to get home. Everything went very well down here. The hospital was amazing, the staff even better, and Dr. Kuri was top notch. There was three others down here for surgery the same day and we all have hung out together along with our emotional supports we all brought. Saara in MN is one of the others here with me and she came out great. It was great meeting someone on the boards here who actually was going to Dr. Kuri for the same day and all. I will be home before you know it and well on my way to a healthier and thinner me. I haven't hardly had any pain so sorry to hear that you have Mike. Just some soreness around the port incission like I think most people will have. Walk walk walk and drink lots of liquids is the key now. I will talk to you all tomorrow when I am back home. Take care and good luck to those that are heading out tomorrow for their surgeries!!!
  8. Thanks for the words of encouragement! My surgery went very well. I am still in Tiajuana right now but will be heading to the airport to go home in just a few more hours. This has been an amazing journey and I am extremely impressed with the hospital, the staff, and above all Dr. Kuri. 2 days post op and loving life. Now I just can't wait to get home to my son and loving wife. I'll keep everyone posted once I am home!!! Hugs to everyone

  9. Florida Pete


    Today my wife received the news that tomorrow is her last day at work. They are down sizing and her along with 14 others are all losing their jobs tomorrow. This news is hitting us really hard. She got the warning about 2 weeks ago that this might happen by the end of November but we didn't expect it this soon. This has come as a really hard hit to us since my work at the beginning of September had reduced company wide everyone's salaries by 20% instead of layoffs. My first reaction has been to eat. Granted I am not banded yet so I don't have to worry about blockage or anything like that but I have been doing so well in preparing for the band. Next I started thinking about weather I should get banded or not since it is a major cost impact that we are going to have to take. Just so many mixed feelings and fears going on right now. My wife has gotten a call for an interview and thankfully that is on Monday but she also learned that the job she applied for that they had also had over 400 resumes for the same position. We're not talking about a top paying job. We're just talking about an administrative assistant job. The one good part that hopefully will be good in all this is she knows the gal that is interviewing her and is a company that she had done business with for 4 years in an older job that she had. Right now we're both just praying that God has a plan for us. She is very scared I know and all I can offer up to my wife is my support to tell her that we will make it through this. With our 13 month old son tougher times then we've already been going through this last two months are ahead. Anyway I just wanted to share this with others. I really didn't know who to talk to but I figured this was a good place to talk. Thank you for listening.
  10. Florida Pete


    I just wanted to give everyone an update that was following my wife and I on this. Great news! Karen, my wife, got a job offer on Tuesday for a position that she is really going to enjoy. She's accepted the position and will be starting her new job Dec. 15th. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and kindness. God bless you all!
  11. Florida Pete

    Holiday Hotties begin!!!

    Well I head for the airport in about 20 minutes. Just want to pop in and say good luck to everyone today and tomorrow! I am saying a little prayer for you Joann.
  12. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    Well I am on my way to my goal. I have lost another 4.4 lbs and that is the first 4.4 lbs for my December challenge! Woot!
  13. Florida Pete

    Calendar/ info

    That really sucks that you had this happen to you. But I am glad to hear that the docs are on top of this and that your getting this taken care of quickly. Even though your band date is changing we're still here to cheer you on!!!
  14. Florida Pete

    December 3rd anyone?

    I fly out Thursday morning at 6:30am. So I still have one more day before heading to Mexico. Funny part is the weather there and the weather here are almost the same right now for me so I am going from one warm climate to another. LOL - so flip flops, shorts, and tee shirts are all packed. :smile2:
  15. Florida Pete


    Two days before surgery. 446.6 lbs
  16. Florida Pete

    Face Closeup

    From the album: Pre-Op

  17. Florida Pete

    Back Topless

    From the album: Pre-Op

  18. Florida Pete

    Side Shirt

    From the album: Pre-Op

  19. Florida Pete

    Front Shirt

    From the album: Pre-Op

  20. Florida Pete

    Front Topless

    From the album: Pre-Op

  21. Florida Pete

    Side Topless

    From the album: Pre-Op

  22. Florida Pete

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Actually I had a 3 week liver shrinking diet. 2 meals a day Atkins shakes and the third me a low carb low fat meal. I lost 18 lbs on the diet.
  23. Just wanted to drop you a note saying hi from another Palm Beacher and December 08 Bandster!

  24. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    Of course I am still on my pre-op diet today. Tomorrow is pre-op testing and then Friday is surgery. So after then is on the band. I have been walking every night and plan to continue that plus of course eating better...or should I say for the rest of December, drinking. LOL
  25. Florida Pete

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Good luck to the two of you and all others whose surgeries are today! Also good luck to all those with the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th! I fly out tomorrow morning to Mexico for my surgery on Friday and won't be back until the 8th! Viva la Banda Vuelta

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