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    Supafly82 got a reaction from Brooklynwmn in Taking ibuprofen right after I check out from the hospital   
    So my doctor told me I can take both Tylenol and ibuprofen every 3-6 hours in rotations. I thought you are not supposed to have ibuprofen because you can develop stomach ulcers. What should I do?
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    Supafly82 got a reaction from KimA-GA in I can eat a lot more than I should - 2 months post op   
    So my Surgery was on June 29 which is a little over 2 months ago but I am noticing my appetite is increasing. I just finished a 6 oz sirloin steak. Is that concerning? Should I be eating up-to 4 oz of food at a time? Am I overeating? I’m still only eating upto 1000 calorie a day but for me to be able to finish a 6 oz steak was alarming. I know people can usually eat 6 oz of food maybe 10 months out but I’m able to eat it now. Any advice?
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    Supafly82 reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    I think when I start introducing more fiber into my diet by way of complex carbs I'll be able to trade off and lessen the "helpers". I'm only 6 weeks out and can start introducing different solids on Thursday. Honestly I'm going to avoid Pasta, bread, rice etc. Cause they will be my undoing and I fear dumping and going back. I will be introducing more veggies though and that should help with moving things along more naturally. There are worse things to have to do.
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    Supafly82 reacted to Candigrl1 in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    I'm sorry you are going through this. I have had issues with Constipation and now I take Miralax if I don't go within 2 days. I also use Benefiber in my yogurt every day. I had two days of the worst constipation of my life and i keep an enema bottle for emergencies in my bathroom in case the Miralax doesn't work. I was taking a Vitamin with 45 mg of Iron and switched it out to one with 18 mg, I also have added a bit of fruit and Beans to my diet and things seemed smoother. Things will get better once your fiber intake increases. Good luck I'm sure you will be fine.
  5. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to SleeverSk in Cheating during post op   
    You need to every careful you stomach is still healing.There is a reason for the post op food guidelines and I have to wonder if you are willing to eat this type of food so early how are you going to go In the long run
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    Supafly82 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Cheating during post op   
    Definitely not good. You want to watch this because your stomach is still healing and you're eating things that it's in no way ready for. You're also very early to be cheating. It sounds like head hunger got the better of you, which happens, but you have to get to the root of what caused you to not be able to resist the nachos. Some of us (myself included) never lost true hunger, and as a result, we have to train our stomachs and brains that we're eating enough and don't need to overeat or cheat to be satisfied.
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    Supafly82 reacted to KimberlyA1967 in Cheating during post op   
    Remem;er why you went through all of this. It took you a long time to get to this point. Don't give in now, stay with the plan! You owe it to yourself. Maybe meeting with your nutritionist would be helpful as you are obviously missing something that you are craving and they might be able to help you brainstorm appropriate replacement foods when in this situation again. God bless!!

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  8. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Cheating during post op   
    You need to careful. It's awful early to start slipping. With this surgery there is a promise we make to ourselves to eat better. It would be upsetting to say the least if you went through major surgery and A) lost and then gained it all back or not lose all the weight you want to in the first place.
    You are also still healing. Be kind to your tummy.
    This is an opportunity to succeed where you may have struggled before, you got this. shake off the slip and come back more committed then ever. You can do this!
  9. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to Sleeve_Me_Alone in Cheating during post op   
    "Cheating" aside, the idea that you had to "skip" a meal to pay penance for your slip up is extremely unhealthy. You likely had bariatric surgery to break free from the cycle of dieting, restriction, and your unhealthy relationship with food. This behavior is a HUGE red flag and indicates you still have some mental/emotional work to do. I'd suggest 1) getting into some counseling -and- 2) sticking to your eating plan. As others have said, you are on a plan for a reason, at this point primarily to heal from major surgery, and you aren't doing yourself any favors by going off plan so early.
  10. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to catwoman7 in Cheating during post op   
    you need to watch this. It's very easy to slip back into old habits and stall your weight loss permanently - or worse yet, gain all the weight back. I almost never went off plan until I hit maintenance at 20 months out.
  11. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to Arabesque in Cheating during post op   
    Ok, you ate something you probably shouldn’t at this stage but you realise this & that’s the positive. And yes, some people do slip at any time as they’re progressing so you’re not alone.
    The real question is what are you going to do next time? This is a great learning opportunity. Why couldn’t you resist the nachos? Was it something you wanted? Was it out of habit? Was it because others were eating? Did you need to eat? Was it your lunch or dinner time? Etc. Once you’ve worked out why you can start thinking about how you can manage this or similar situations in the future. Like, next time I go to the movies I’ll drink Water or tea or I’ll sneak in a shake, some Jerky or string cheese, etc.
    Eating nachos now while you’re losing isn’t a great idea but in the future sure you may be able to have some but you’ll work that out.
    PS - Actually you didn’t skip dinner. A shake is a Meal Replacement so you still had a meal. Just something to watch if you are on a three meal a day plan but plans are different.
  12. Like
    Supafly82 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    Ok so I have been having bowel movement every 4-5 days and todays Bowel movement I had to put a lot of pressure and when I passed the stool, I had an excruciating pain in the rectal area. What should I do? Should I continue start taking the softener? When will this issue end? Is it because I’m taking Multi Vitamins with Iron? My doctor told me stop taking mult Vitamins with iron for. a week.
    My Fiber intake bas been low because I’m avoiding grains and Beans. Should I start taking fiber supplements? I have equate Prebiotic fiber supplements I can take? Please help.
    Pain is very bad. I just applied some preparation it’s not helping. Maybe I’ll try witch hazel wipes.
    Did anyone go through this? Any suggestions??
    Thank you so much.
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  13. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to Arabesque in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    You’ve likely strained/stretched your anus or maybe even caused a small tear. Add some soluble non swelling fibre to your diet & maybe try a stool softener. I used to take one if I got to day 3 without a BM. Though some need a stronger or higher dose. If I left it longer the poop would get harder, more compacted & more painful to pass.
    Iron is renowned for causing Constipation so it likely did contribute as did your reduced diet. Not going every day is okay because we’re not eating a lot & it’s nutritionally dense so we don’t have a lot to poop out but it is beneficial to keep on top of it & try to establish some sort of routine.
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    Supafly82 reacted to jenuinelygenuinely in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    This happened to me and I had a horrible hemorrhoid which I had to go to urgent care. Yes try increasing your fiber. What helped me with bowel movements are chia seeds. I add chia seeds to my yogurt and to any smoothies. I also eat yellow dragon-fruit as a natural detox which makes me go.
    Praying everything is ok and the pain goes away for you!
  15. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Terrible pain in the recital area - 28 days post   
    Ground chia seeds and ground flax seeds literally have been my lifesavers. I was having to take Colace and Milk of Magnesia all the time because I just wasn't going. Now I go at LEAST every other day, sometimes everyday. In the beginning I had to take fiber supplements because I just couldn't get enough in. Chia and flax seeds are both high in fiber. You can add them to ANYTHING. And there's no flavor to them.
  16. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to Arabesque in Eating ritz reduced fat crackers   
    I think a lot of crackers are slider foods. Rice crackers esp brown rice ones are for me as are Jatz (which are like ritz). Are you eating them for the crunch or the salt? The other consideration is considering how little you are able to eat at the moment is it worth filling up on a cracker which has very little nutritious value to you at the moment.
    Personally I would leave them until at least you start on solid food - crunchy, crisp foods with bite are on the food to avoid for a while (even if they can turn to mush if you chew them a lot before swallowing).
    But definitely speak with your dietiican first.
    I was able to add crackers in maintenance but was advised they had to be multi or whole grain ones by my dietician.
  17. Like
    Supafly82 reacted to Arabesque in Chewing food rule   
    Yeah, I never understood that rule either. Fortunately I was never told to do it just to take small bites. I used a teaspoon - just like feeding a baby without the need for a bib 😉. Chewing a lot certainly helps with slowing your eating & being more mindful about your eating but so to does just putting down your cutlery & sitting back from the table between bites. If you keep your food tender, moist with gravies & sauces, eat slowly & take small bites you should be able to swallow without issue (discomfort, food getting stuck, restriction, etc.) which is likely the real reason behind the chewing a lot guideline.
    I still eat slowly - 30-60minutes. If it gets too cold I just reheat it in the microwave. Easy.
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    Supafly82 reacted to liveaboard15 in Chewing food rule   
    That's one rule i stopped following after the 1st month lol. No issues whatsoever. I also dont do the take 30-45 minutes a meal either. food gets so cold and gross waiting that long. But you should for as long as possible to heal up better. The whole purpose is to heal.
  19. Like
    Supafly82 got a reaction from Arabesque in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    Ok so took the vitamin chewable tablet with food and I was ok.

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    Supafly82 reacted to ShoppGirl in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    Ooh good. Glad to hear it.
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    Supafly82 reacted to ShoppGirl in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    Most likely your nutritionist will recommend you get in the habit of eating Breakfast so that won’t be an issue anymore but if you choose not to or can’t for whatever reason. You most likely will be able to tolerate a multi without Iron on an empty stomach. For MOST people it’s the iron that causes an issue. Pro Care health is a bariatric Vitamin that sells their one a day multi capsule with and without iron and with two different mg of iron. You will of course want to take the iron in a separate tablet at another time in the day with food. Nothing says you have to take your vitamin in the morning though. You can take it with dinner if that’s easier for you. Or lunch. Just don’t forget that if you take Calcium as well it should be separated from the iron by like 2 hours.
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    Supafly82 reacted to ShoppGirl in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    Ooh taking it with food should help alot. I took mine with my shake every morning without issue and one day I guess i was ahead of the game in my routine and I took it earlier on in terms of how much shake I had drank first and up it came instantly. That’s the only time I vomited post op and I never did it again. Arabesques idea to split them would work with your chewable one too. That’s a good idea If you can’t drink a full shake at once I bet.
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    Supafly82 reacted to Arabesque in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    Yeah, Multi Vitamins can cause nausea & vomiting. Iron is usually the culprit but a lot of the others can cause nausea too. I was nauseous every day & vomited a few times. It can be a juggling act because you need to take them with food but you’re hardly eating anything. I took mine after I ate & I split the dose - one in the am & one at night.
    Can you split your tablet so you can spread out when you take it? Or try a capsule or patch. Someone posted about a liquid multi Vitamin recently. My Vitamin D & K, which I take in winter, comes in a mouth spray. Some find trying a different brand helps.
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    Supafly82 reacted to Candigrl1 in Vomiting after taking multi vitamin chewable tablet - 10th day post   
    I had an early issue with my Vitamins as well. I had to break up the chewable tablet and made sure I took it with one of my shakes or with food.
  25. Like
    Supafly82 got a reaction from Tomo in Surgery today   
    Went in at 8:00 am. Got done at 10 am. Heavy pains because of gas after but did a lot of walking and now burping many times, it’s much much better and now it’s 9 pm. All is good and excited for new life.
    Age: 39
    Height: 5’8.75
    Starting weight: 272
    Pre op weight: 250
    Post op weight: will update
    Here is my selfie lol
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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
