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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by barbara465

  1. barbara465

    American Idol

    I really enjoyed the show last night. I was wondering how they were going to pull off 2 hours. At the start of the second hour we saw the first 8 minutes of hour 1 here in Texas. I thought NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I won't be able to see who won. About 8 minutes into the repeat the picture snaped and Taylor was singing. I think the American Idol tour is probably entertaining. Some of the numbers they did last night I bet they do in that performance. They all looked good. However, Clay Aiken looked a little weird with that hair. I loved the number with that other guy, but what was with that hair? Anyway, glad Taylor won. What to do on Tuesday night? Let's get out and walk, walk, walk. Great time to get our exercise. See you on the walking path!
  2. barbara465

    Hey Houston Bandsters

    Thanks Mary. Maybe Pam can do that and eliminate the wait.
  3. barbara465

    Hey Houston Bandsters

    It appears that Dr. Speigel is very busy these days. Some of us that planned on using him have had to scramble for new doctors. UHC and he have parted ways so I was going to be out lots of money to continue with him. There are several threads about him that indicate others are having issues. You might want to find another fill doctor, or be prepared to spend most of the day there. I don't think the situation will get better. You will have to decide how important it is to you and whether you can deal with the long wait to get someone you are now familiar with. You might not need that many more fills so an occasional 1/2 day visit is not a big deal. Good luck.
  4. barbara465

    UHC and Dr. Spiegel

    Melissa, Good luck to you. UHC didn't give me any trouble or required prereqs to get approved. However, I changed from Dr. Spiegel to Dr. Matthew St. Laurent and have to go through the process again. UHC said this was no big deal and would only take a few days once I selected a doctor. My follow-up call says now that they can have up to 15 days to respond. I don't think I'll have a problem, but wanted to get all of this resolved before vacation. I am pysched for my surgery date and really don't want it to slip. UHC gave me in network doctors names, but none of them I had heard of before. My new doc is not in network, but his charges were as if he was in network for me. My primary gave me Garth Davis and I confirmed that he was in network with UHC. I just didn't have any information on him. Best to look at is the after care. What is your doctor's plan and does it seem reasonable to you? Some make you come back monthly and also visit a dietician. I like my new doc and feel much more comfortable with the whole process. Good luck to you and hope you get approved soon.
  5. barbara465

    What is wrong with me?

    For some, being a full time mommy is not enough. Or being a full time mommy is exhausting and the results of our nuturing are sometimes years away. Not everyone is made to be a stay at home Mom. Don't beat yourself up if you are one of those. Do what is best for you, and as a result, you end up doing what's best for the family. I stayed home with my son when he was little, until he started kindergarten. I thought that would give him a good start in life. I found out years later that he doesn't remember that time, only my working years. Go figure!
  6. barbara465

    Need a dessert recipe, doesn't have to be band friendly

    I think a beautiful trifle will fit the night and be compact for a boat. You can make it low fat, bandster friendly, and elegant. I saw one above that looked good. Mine is: 1 sponge cake or pound cake lemon curd (in a jar is great) - could sub. low fat lemon pudding blueberries non fat whipped topping put a layer of cake in bite size pieces. Top with lemon curd, blueberries, and whipped topping. Repeat each layer until you reach the top of your triffle dish. Top with whipped topping and a few blueberries for garnish. This is very fresh tasting and light as Desserts go. Have fun!
  7. barbara465

    American Idol

    Taylor surely out sang Kat, but stranger things have happened. I do think he will win because he is so different from other Idol winners or wanna be's. It has been a good season, but as others have stated, it would have been nice to see Chris standing at one of the last two.
  8. barbara465

    I Am Really Ticked At Dr. Speigel

    Thank you for that wisdom shackdog. I think the ones of us affected have done that. It is difficult to redo the paperwork and wait again for approval after we had already done that. I still don't know if my surgery date will hold because UHC hasn't responded to the new doctor. I got the call on a Friday evening and I was on the phone on Monday. I had a new appointment on Friday and UHC was in the loop the whole time. It is very frustrating to have come so far, but this is just a setback. All of us will get through it and move on. It's the waiting that is driving us crazy and the reason we are put in this position that makes it frustrating.
  9. barbara465

    New Kid In Town - Costs

    Check with all of the services, doctor, hospital or facility, anesthesiologist, and any other resource the doctor requires (nutrionist, psych exam, etc.). I have been told that some will offer discounts because they don't have to file insurance. Also, self pays sometimes get up to a 1 year fills as part of the deal.
  10. barbara465

    Barbara in Houston

    Welcome from another Barbara. I should be getting my band on June 13th if UHC gets the paperwork to my new doctor. Best of luck to you.
  11. barbara465

    New Kid In Town - Costs

    That looks about the average from what I've read on this site. Some give cash discounts, which to them is self-pay. Many go to Mexico where the price seems to be around $8,000. Keep reading this site and you will probably get some very good information on costs, options, and locations. Good luck
  12. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'll still be away on June 2nd when some of you have surgery. Good luck to you and let us know how you are doing. This is the greatest adventure of our lives. I just can't wait.
  13. barbara465

    Being banded in 4 days...im freakin out!!

    That's OK, worry about that small stuff, and keep your mind off the surgery! From what I've read on this board, you will meet others down there doing what you are doing. They seem to form instant bonds with each other and manage to even go shopping! You will do fine. Think of it as a great adventure, of which it is. Enjoy your time away and be optimistic for your future. Get as much rest as you can. And tell the nice nurse to take care of your glasses! You will do just fine!
  14. barbara465

    Pre-op -- May 25, 2006 Nervous

    Ron, Congradulations and good luck. Once you set it in motion it looks like it went pretty fast for you. I hope to join you in bandland on 6/13. I had to change doctors so waiting for insurance company to recertify. Sounds like you have a great support system in place. You will do fine.
  15. barbara465

    Ziploc Omelettes

    This is great. My DH makes wonderful omelets, but they are a little on the greasy side. This will be a good way to get rid of the "fat" and the mess in the kitchen.
  16. barbara465

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    I really enjoyed this post. It made me smile. Have you ever thought of stand up? You tell a good story.
  17. barbara465

    The Honeymoon Phase

    There is a lot of wisdom in these posts, and a lot of "heart". I come hear to get information, to better understand what lies ahead of me, and to try to get my head in the right place for the life-long journey ahead of me. I have finally come to understand that food is an addiction, not unlike alcohol or drugs. Its not illegal to eat, but it is a sin to do what we have done to our bodies. I don't gorge, make myself throw up, or eat 2-3 hamburgers at a time. Yet, somehow I have lived my adult life overweight. Through this board I have realized I'd better approach this as an alcoholic must do that wants to get sober. Alcohol, even a little bit, will send them back to the world of alcohol. Bad food, even a little bit, will lead me to failure. The agreement to overcome my food addiction has to last forever and I must make the right choices forever if I am to succeed. Susan, I have looked for your posts for the last few months I have been on this board. You are so willing to help newcomers with good sound information. You are succeding in your struggle with weight. Don't stop being there for those of us that need your help. My hope for me is that as time goes by food and food restriction won't be a daily thought. When I gave up smoking 20 years ago I did it cold turkey. It was rough, but over time it was just a way of life. I can't imagine smoking now. In fact, its something I can hardly tolerant in others. That isn't to say that sometimes something triggers a thought and I remember what it was like to enjoy a smoke. Hopefully, the band will help me with the food and that overtime I won't be thinking all the time what can I eat next. We all come into this journey from different places, different mindsets, and even different histories. The one thing that we have in common is an addiction to food and the inability to keep our weight at a healthy level. Through this board, the use of the lapband as a tool, and our conviction that we will overcome this addiction, we all will be successful. It is a struggle we will have forever, but hopefully it will become easier over time. Thank all of you for your wisdom, your willingness to share, and for your honesty. It helps to know that others have walked the road I'm about to take and have found the journey rewarding, even if painful at times.
  18. barbara465

    Breast Biopsy

    What a relief!!! Its OK. I gave up doing self breast exams because everything I felt was a lump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck on your lapband surgery.
  19. barbara465

    Quiche recipe!!!!

    Buy a pie crust, I use the ones that come in the box. Mix at least 6-8 eggs with fat free half and half . You can use some egg beaters if you want and you can use some skim milk if you want. However do use some half and half to hold it together. Drain frozen spinach really well and add it with some mushrooms. You can also add green onion if you want. Bake it in a 350 oven for 1 hour or until set and golden. Grill the salmon and serve it on the side.
  20. barbara465

    American Idol

    I think Taylor will win. He didn't fit the mold and the public likes to shake things up. They all will do well and Chris will survive. I would like to see Taylor win as I like it when the public does something unexpected!
  21. barbara465

    I Am Really Ticked At Dr. Speigel

    Well I can be pissed because I started with Dr. Spiegel before the change. I was approved, surgery date set, and then the phone call. Not only did he want $4,500, but the surgicenter wanted $2,900. My out of network out of pocket maximum is $6,000. Dr. Spiegel's office offered me no alternatives. I called UHC, but they would not do an exception. UHC gave me names of doctors I had never heard of as In Network. Rather than take that chance I called Dr. Matthew St. Laurent as I heard good things about him. His office was so very helpful and before I set foot in the door we agreed on a total price, including the surgicenter. I am paying $3,000 to him and $300 deductible. They are writing off everything else and taking what UHC gives them. When I went in to their office it was such a world of difference from Spiegel's setup. I finally felt comfortable in what I was doing. I didn't feel like a fat cow in a mass of people. I felt like a human being. Now UHC told me it would be just a few days to switch doctors. WRONG. It goes back through the approval process and they are allowed 15 days to make the change. I hopefully can make my June 13th date, but I don't think you'll make Memorial day weekend. Just my experience and maybe you will have better luck than me. UHC says its a simple change, but then they hide behind the red tape. Sorry to vent here, but Dr. Spiegel's setup just gets me going. They are all trying to go after the money and make money at the expense of human misery. Climbing off my soap box now. :second:
  22. barbara465

    Which Band Do You Think Is Best?

    My doctor was telling me that the pillows can sometimes cause problems during fills. In some cases, the saline gets trapped in one or more of the pillows so they don't know exactly how much is really there when they extract and then fill. His opinion was that they were a little more tempermental when doing fills. I have no earthly idea of that is correct. It's just what he told me.
  23. barbara465

    Can't find a thread about it

    I have seen on here that the first 4-6 weeks is the healing phase. Each day gets better, but everyone heals at different rates. I think we should expect to be swollen for at least 3 weeks. You are on liquids I am assuming and then will move to mushies. Just follow your doctor's orders. This is the time to heal, not necessarily lose weight. Good luck
  24. Try Dr. Matthew St. Laurent. He is not In Network, but he is very reasonable and uses the same facilities as Spiegel. His office is located at Methodist Hospital at Willowbrook. His number is 281 921-1890. Explain your situation and they will probably work a deal with you. I switched my surgery from Spiegel to St. Laurent mostly because of UHC.
  25. barbara465

    American Idol

    WOW what a show. I actually thought this was a very good show. I don't know who I would vote for. I think Elliott is the weakest from an overall performer. He is painful to watch as it seems he is always trying too hard to connect. I thought Kat sang well and Taylor was wonderful. Taylor is so different, but I love to watch what he is going to do. I think Elliott will leave and Taylor will win the whole thing.

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