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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by barbara465

  1. barbara465

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    Jenny, WOW what an experience. Glad you are feeling better now. Just a note about immune system. I have a history of problems and one thing that happened was my inability to absorb B12. I had balance problems and walked with a stagger. You might have them test and get B12 shots. It can't hurt and does increase your energy level. Keep us posted on your progress. It sounds like the band did setup some kind of negative reaction in your body. Hope you continue your success with WW.
  2. barbara465

    Dr. Spiegel Back in UHC Network!!

    This is fantastic. I am glad things worked out and I was able to get my surgery back with him, even at a higher cost. Now for the future fills this is good. I had surgery with him and have had zero complaints so far. Easiest recovery ever.
  3. barbara465

    Just started solids. Did I do Ok?

    My doctor has recommended not to eat steak for a long while. I have read on here it is the toughest of all foods for most to eat. You might want to remember that for after your fill. It doesn't appear you had any trouble with it though.
  4. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Went to the doctor yesterday. Well, maybe I should say I went to the office. Never saw the doctor only the nurse for 4 minutes. I traveled 90 minutes in Houston rush hour to get there for nothing. Just looked at my scars and said they looked good. She didn't even take off the steri strips. Said I could do that in a few days when I felt like it. Did lose 9lbs since surgery so that was nice. They gave me the number to call to make my fill appt. Now that makes me a little nervous. I am to get a fill at 4 weeks. Guess that's good because I won't have a chance to see how much I could eat without restriction! Anyway, continue to feel good. Still some tightness or muscle catch in one area and a little shoulder pain. Nothing else. Life is good.
  5. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks for all the posts. It like being there in Mexico with you. You will do fine and be out shopping before we know it!!!! and of course we will miss you today while you take care of business. Welcome to the other side. Now the real journey begins.
  6. barbara465

    Lap Band Surgery - No Pain Meds!

    I didn't take anything, not even Tylenol. You might not need it. THe pain wasn't there for me. If you do need something to take the edge off, most find that Tylenol does it. Get som Tylenol PM and it will help make you sleep. Good luck to you and hope your experience is painless.
  7. barbara465

    My one year bandiversary!

    Karen, Thank you for the wonderful post. I am just starting this journey. The road is new for me having been obsese all my life. You are a treasure and your sharing means a lot to many of us. Have a wonderful bandanniversary and please let us know how you are doing. You know what you must do to protect Trink. Hopefully, you will be successful with that and she will go on protecting you from the food demons.
  8. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Glad to hear its going well. Think of it as a vacation. I've heard of several that have gone shopping while there.
  9. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    We went on the Dawn Princess out of Seattle for 7 days. We just did the Inside passage, no extra land tours. I only wanted to be gone a week and wanted it to be easy. There are lots of cruises of the passage with additional land tours to Denali, etc. Well worth it. It was wonderful.
  10. barbara465


    Way to go. Welcome to bandland. I am 8 days in and have lost 10 lbs this week. No preop diet so its all afterwards.
  11. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Let's see if this works. Hubby and me on recent Alaskan cruise.
  12. barbara465

    New Teaching Job!! What would you do???

    Congradulations Poodles. It was a good decision for you and your family. Its sad to leave behind friends, but you must look forward now. New control on your diet, new job, and soon a new house. WOW, life is good.
  13. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good luck to you. I hear they treat you well there in Mexico. How exciting that you will have a few people to share the experience. Give us a shout and let us know everything went OK.
  14. barbara465

    Slippage & erosion seems very frequent.

    Thanks NaNa for your post. It was very informative to read and to remind us of what we are to do. I agree with most that only those seeking information, still on the journey, or having problems, are the most likely to remain on the board. Everynow and then a old timer comes on and tells their story of success and no problems. We must live the bandster rules and hope for the best. Its got to be better than the alternatives. Good luck in your decision.
  15. barbara465

    Just banded today 6/20/06 yeah!

    Congratulations! I am just 1 week post op and feel great. I have a little tightness in one area, but other than that fine. I have occasional gas and use the heating pad to ease that away. Walking and movement seem to help. I must say though I have been hungry from the get go. I had little swelling so I was able to sip my broth, drink my Protein drinks, and juice. This week I'm on thicker liquids and had a can of tomato Soup last night. That really filled me up and was so much better. Combination of a little thicker and warm felt good. Good luck to you.
  16. barbara465

    4000 calories with the Lap Band?

    Your post wasn't arrogant. I thought it interesting. I think I would consult with a nutrionist or lap band doctor when the time comes. They would be the best to advice you. That is such a wonderful goal and I know you will be able to do it when the time is right.
  17. barbara465

    How Do You Take Your Pills

    My doctor wants all pills crushed no matter their size. I put them in a little bit of boost or ensure and drink them down in the morning. I take 6 pills. I stopped taking my aciphex. lap doctor said i shouldn't have to take it anymore. So far he's right. no problems. I have also put the crushed pills in a little bit of coffee. However, the heat may affect some type of pills so I don't do that as often anymore.
  18. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi to the newbies. Glad some of you are doing well. Sorry to hear of your complications denverbrodie. That was my big fear as I have chronic fatigue and fibromalgia (immune diseases). I was so afraid that my body would reject the band. I'm on my 8th day and so far so good. Still feeling good. Back to work at the office on Monday and put in two long days. Glad I could have thicker soup tonight. Its more satisfying than broth. Let us know those that had surgery today how you are doing.
  19. barbara465

    I'm home in SK and S T A R V I N G...

    I'm on clear liquids first week, thicker liquids 2nd week, mushies 3rd week, and 4th soft foods. I have been stomach hungry from the beginning. I finally when I got close to the end of the 1st week took a thicker soup and thinned it out with skim milk. It was a little more filling than just the broth. I also had won ton soup without the won tons and strained. The broth was real good. Last night was the end of my clear liquids and I had a can of cream of tomato soup. I felt so full and good and got a good nights sleep. I also have to drink 1-3 Protein drinks a day. I have been able to drink 2-3 day. My doctor doesn't want any powdered protein so I can't use the unjury I bought for the purpose of adding to my foods. Good luck.
  20. barbara465

    why do I feel so hungry?

    I have been hungry from day one. I must not have any swelling. However, my doctor wants liquids 1 wk, thicker liquids 2nd wk, mushies 3rd week, and 4th wk real food. I can drink 3 Protein drinks a day. I had a WW strawberry and banana smoothie last night and that did fill me up. I also made some potato soup with leeks and carrots and then blended it and strained it. It was very satisfying. Hang in there.
  21. barbara465

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I'm a certified IT Project Manager with 20+ years experience. I am a contractor for a chemical company.
  22. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I don[t have port pain either. My port is in a strange place, like up from waist but more in middle of stomach. I can sleep on either side. I do have a catch on my right side and had it right from waking up from surgery. That is the only place I've had pain. There is nothing there but one incisision way down low. They told me that's where the camera was inserted. I'm not complaining either! You shouldn't have any restrictions drinking. There is nothing to stop anything as the pouch is unfilled and probably not swollen. I have been able to drink well from the start. We will be the ones that have to have wil power until the first fill as we will probably be able to eat more than we should with no problem. Liquids are so the stomach doesn't work too hard and pull stitches. Continued good luck.
  23. Try to walk some. You might have to do it in small increments. Moving around gets the gas out and that causes most of the pain. Try the heating pad. Although I have realtively little pain I still get that pulling feeling in my left shoulder. I sit with a heating pad, then walk around, then out comes the gas. Relief. Hang in there. It definitely gets better. Keep the fluids in because that gives you energy. If you can't get your Protein shakes in you need to call your doctor. Good luck
  24. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello to a rainy, rainy, Monday morning in Houston. All my careful plans on returning to work were scraped. I had to take the bus which makes me walk about 6 blks. Lucky we have a tunnel system in Houston. I then had to go up a flight of stairs. I was carrying my briefcase, my liquids, and a umbrella. I made it here without much pain so now hopefully I will be able to return home tonight. I go to doctor tomorrow for my 1 week check. I'm still on liquids getting ready to move into thicker liquids. I made some watered down potato Soup yesterday and it was sure good. I puree the potatoes, leeks, and carrorts, and used non fat milk instead of cream to thicken. It was good and I was glad to get a little something in me that was substanial. One more week of liquids before mushies. I must say I really have had it easy. A little left shoulder discomfort that the heating pad takes care of. A little hard to turn over in bed. Other than that. Nothing. I am so thankful. Hope all of you have speedy recoveries. Sorry to hear about the Wendy's chili. I think I'll stay away from that.
  25. barbara465

    Unethical bandsters?

    Cashley, You have hit on the point I've been trying to make. This is now big business and I think there are lots of doctors out there that will push the limits. If the patient is self-pay who do they have to justify the surgery to? I am worried that this is now seen as the next best thing to slice bread. Here in Houston they air so many lapband ads that everyone is very much aware of what it is. They are glamourizing it. To me it is the last step in changing a unhealthy lifestyle. I can't seem to do it on my own. Maybe I feel like a failure in that I had to have the surgery and sheer willpower wasn't cutting it for me. I don't know. I just know that if there is a dime to be made, there are plenty out there willing to rake it in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
