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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by barbara465

  1. barbara465

    shoulder pain...and fills

    I have had the shoulder pain off and on since surgery. I discovered it is really bad when I overeat. I've also noticed I start getting twinges when I'm eating. Maybe this is my "full" signal. I just got back from lunch and had a thick soup. Shoulder pain big time. I get a fill tomorrow so I'll see if that causes it as well. I use a heating pad and wrap it around my left shoulder front and back and lay on it. I have noticed that after that I have gas. Some say it is gas, others say it is nerve damage during surgery. I don't know what it is but it is definitely related to the band and eating.
  2. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Glad to see some of you post. I thought you all had left. I take a B12 shot every week. The inability to absorb B12 through oral intake is most likely the result of the stomach. This happened to me when I got a series of immune problems, including pernicious anemia. Since surgery I haven't been as tired as usual and I don't wait in anticipation for my shot. I now have been over a week between shots. Its not because of my tremendous weight loss, i.e. 10 lbs. The reason you don't drink is because food collects in the small pouch made by the band. There are no digestive juices in that pouch so nothing breaks down the food. It passes with time through to the large stomach, taking about 1 - 1/2 hours. If you don't drink the pouch will stay fuller longer giving the sensation of being full. The nerves that tell you that you are full are at the top of the pouch. Drinking will push the food through faster and thus you will feel hungry. Chewing the food gets it to a consistency that will allow it to flow through, but think of it as a funnel. If you have food particles it will take it longer to go through the funnel. Liquid will make it go through much faster. pills shouldn't just lay in the pouch. I think that is why they want them crushed or liquid. It will allow them to pass quickly to the large stomach and out into your bloodstream. You wouldn't want some of those medicines just laying in the pouch and irritating the skin. I am still scared enough of the band not to try some things. I would love pizza and Pasta, but it just scares me. I must say that I ate a bite of toast on Sunday and nothing happened. I chewed it really well, but I was afraid that it would swell on me and sit there like a plug. I hope I remain scared because that is the only thing saving me at the moment. On the back of my picture it says I have a 10 cc band. Does that mean I have the Vanguard large one? If so, no wonder I have no restriction. I can't wait to get my answers tomorrow at the fill. I hope they can do it and that these hard lumps are not a problem. I want to get on with it, but I am hungry most of the time. I am really trying not to obsess about food. I am not looking at the foods I can't eat, but more on what I can eat. I told DH that we were not going out to eat for a week or so after my fill. It is just too scary for me and who needs that. Keep up the good work everyone. These are our challenging days. Let's hope we all survive the fills and no PBs. Let's go slow and stop before we get in trouble. Only eat moist meat covered with some type of low cal sauce to make it easier. Keep the faith. We can do this.
  3. barbara465

    Another portion question

    With no restriction you are hungry. I am too and I'm 4 weeks out. You shouldn't try to eat that much in one seating. The stomach is healing and the "weight" of the food in the pouch is what they are trying to avoid in the beginning stages. If you are really hungry eat smaller meals, but more of them, until you can get a fill. Don't let the soreness come after eating. That being said, when in doubt, call your doctor for instructions.
  4. I would just eat soft foods and things that won't stay in the pouch long. that way, the pouch won't get overworked or too full. You may try very small meals more than 3 times a day until you get this resolved. Just my opinion. :confused:
  5. barbara465

    not the sharpest tool today

    OK, I'm in hell with you. I can eat way more than I should. I am eating good food, but too much of it. I have been hungry almost from day one. I don't think I had much swelling. I do have a very large area that is hard, from below my brest to the large incision. I don't think the port is this big so not sure what is going on. I will have a fill on Wednesday and hope I won't be able to eat as much. You are not alone in bandster hell.
  6. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Great news Cutiern. Glad to hear its a simple process. I'll be there on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. Did your doctor do the fill or a PA. I was "encouraged" to schedule with his PA. I like the idea of it being done under floro as they can see right away whether you are too tight. I also plan on doing liquids the day of and 24-48 hours after. Glad it went so well.
  7. barbara465


    My doctor said 2 weeks after surgery.
  8. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    How is everyone doing this week? I have a very hard tummy from just under my breast to the large scar and all around the large scar. I can't believe this is just scar tissue forming. If it is it must be forming all along the tubing. Still don't know if the port is near the large scar or under my breast. It has bothered me all weekend. Last night I finally put a heating pad on the area. This morning it is a little better. I don't think I should have this much hardness over such a large area. I get a fill on Wednesday so hopefully they can tell me something. Meanwhile, I am eating why too much. I'm eating OK foods, but just more than I should. The fill should stop that and I get on with the program. Hope everyone is doing great. Let us know how the fills are as each gets theirs. I'm real curious about them. I hope we all do well and no PBs!!!!
  9. barbara465

    terrified & excited

    I'm 59, have fibromalgia, chronic fatigue, and various other immune issues. I was scared that I wouldn't have any energy after surgery, since I barely had any before. I can only tell you that I'm 4 weeks out, was wide awake after surgery, sailed through it, and have more energy now then before. I don't know what happened, if its my attitude or what. I feel better now then before so don't worry about the energy!!!!
  10. barbara465

    Gallstones or bad gas or constipation?

    I was extremely constipated for 4 days. Rolling stomach pains and contradtractions when on the john. Finally, DH got me an enema. That helped. I started eating Activia for 3 days and now regular. It says to eat one a day for two weeks and it guarantees you to get regular. Its in the yogurt section. When I tried the benefiber tablets I think that made it worse. Try this first and see if you can get unclogged. :confused:
  11. barbara465

    ~*~Have you ever lied about your weight?~*~

    No one except DH asks me. It is obvious that I'm obsese so what would a number tell them? My DH asks me a lot. I think he is just curious, and likes to track my progress. He wants to be a part of the weight loss. I never told him. I would just laugh or say I lost 3 lbs, etc. The day of my surgery he asked me if I weighed. I said yes. He said well what are we starting with? I told him. He said OK and that was it. I told him this morning that I have 3 weights - the one at home, the one at the doctor's office, and the one at the surgicenter. Since I have a digital scale and it is different all the time, I decided I would go by the surgicenter scale. I don't think we should volunteer information we are not comfortable in giving. If we don't want to say we shouldn't feel pressured to say anything. I never have felt threated here sharing my weight, but I did feel uncomfortable sharing with DH. That was personal and embarassing until the day of surgery. That day everything was different.
  12. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Poodles, From what I've read most are tight in the morning. In fact, my doctor says to drink protein drink in morning and regular meals the rest of the time. Maybe you should try something warm, coffee, tea, broth at the beginning of meal to "open" yourself up. Yes, liquids and mushies the rest of the day. No need to compound the problem with solid food once you've PBd. Hope this settles down for you and you stop PBing.
  13. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I too can eat anything. I haven't ventured too far, but I know I can have wheat crackers w/peanut butter, pretzels, eggs, and cheese enchilladas. I am still too scared to get too off course, but I am hungry. Not so much in the morning. Its like I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat. As the day goes on I get more hungry. I have a 10 band, but not sure if its the Vanguard. Will ask at my first fill. I have no restriction. I started taking the Activia that's supposed to make you regular. So far that is working. The benefiber tablets were not and causing some problems. So far this seems to be doing the trick and I'll just add the extra 100 calories into the meal plan. I still have some hardness above the large scar and some residual pain on the right side. I've had this from the time I woke up from surgery. Its more an anoyance than anything. I still can't be sure I've found the port so real anxious to see what happens at the fill. I sure hope it isn't flipped or floating somewhere in my body. :confused: Hope everyone is doing well. I now believe that at the first chance of a fill you should take it. It doesn't get the program started without it and this hunger has got to stop!
  14. barbara465

    swallowing pills

    My doctor insists that everything be crushed. I crush mine daily and take with a little yogurt or in my protein drink. I also do the chewable vitamins and liquid vitamins when I need to.
  15. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    You may want to go on liquids the rest of the day if you PB. I think chicken has to be really moist and covered with something to be able to eat. We got a rotisierie chicken and I took two bites and said this isn't going to work. I gave the rest to my dog. I had chineese last night and it had chicken pieces in brown sauce. I could eat that with no problem. Anything dry, especially chicken, is a no go. I also tried to eat a snow pea, which I just love. I chewed and chewed and then swallowed. If I had had a fill I would have been in trouble. I guess that and string beans are out after Wednesday. I was so scared. I didn't do any harm. I just knew that it would have been disaster if I had had a fill. Let us know Cindy how the fill goes. I get mine on Wednesday and I'm both excited and scared. I think the real work begins once you have a fill.
  16. barbara465

    Doctor Speigel in Houston

    Garth Davis is who my PCP gave me as a possibility. He has done lots of GB surgeries. Not sure how many lapbands. I was the same way, I wanted Methodist and one in network. However, I opted for a surgeon who had done thousands and a surgicenter that does nothing but lapbands. Good luck to you and let us know how you do.
  17. barbara465

    I Am Really Ticked At Dr. Speigel

    Yes its true. He is now back with UHC.
  18. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I can eat anything. I'm hungry all the time. I try to drink a protein drink in the morning. I am now eating an Activia a day. It is supposed to make you regular after 2 weeks. I'll try to keep that end under control. :grouphug: I am ready for the fill. I don't even think I have a band. Still too scared to test it, but I know I could eat more than I do. It's just my self control that is holding me and it is wanning fast. I've started having a big pretezel each day and chew, chew, chew. It doesn't seem to faze me at all. I get my fill on the 12th under floro. The PA at the surgi center is doing it. I didn't want to wait to make a doctor's appointment, which they discouraged. I think he is now letting them do his fills.
  19. barbara465

    Doctor Speigel in Houston

    I've got to tell you its just not his office. When dealing with insurance its a slippery surface. I had problems as well and switched doctors. They told me they had approval, but they didn't. Two days before surgery I switched back to Spiegel. My insurance had already approved him, but he had gone out of network. That's what made me look for another doctor. In the end Spiegel did my surgery. I'm glad he did. He is a fine surgeon. His office and his manner aside, I've had no problems as a result of the surgery. When dealing with the insurance company you have to stay on top of it. Don't rely on the doctor's office to do all the work. That's been my experience and from what I've read, others as well. Keep on the insurance to get approval, no matter who the surgeon turns out to be. Good luck to you.
  20. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Yes thanks I saw it. I still get a small twinge, but nothing like before. I've been off the heating pad for about 4 days now. Things are looking good.
  21. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hapy Fourth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are never alone. You have us, your sisters and brothers in the fight against our fat! We are united as no others can be. OK we might not see each other, but we're here for you. Hang in there. Treat yourself nice (not with food) and enjoy your new life. This is my 4th week. I got on the scales and I think I'm down 13 lbs. I'll wait until the 12th for the official count. I think I'm going to be a turtle in the losing department, but that's OK. Slow and steady wins the race as they say. I stayed home yesterday, put on a mumu, and just watched movies. It was great. My husband doesn't understand that need to generate your batteries, but I loved it. Today no special plans. He is off playing golf this morning so I get some quiet time. Later we go for a ride. Tonight we will try to calm our little dog who doesn't care for fireworks. Tomorrow, back to work Have a great day Junies. Enjoy the day.
  22. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Since I can't go swimming until after 2 weeks, I would think it would be the same. However, to be safe call your doctor. It might be 3-4 weeks before they want them softened to that extent.
  23. barbara465

    I'm confused

    You are probably not chewing and eating too fast. If you can eat large amounts you definitely need a fill. Nerves can play an important part in all of this too. Relax, chew, and one bite per minute. See if you can get the golfballs to go away. You don't want to be sore and then get a fill.
  24. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Most bandsters say they can feel their port and some activities make them feel it more. I don't know if that hard lump just below my breasts is my port, but it hurts. After my bout with constipation I am very sore across the stomach. I do hope I haven't done any damage. I guess I'll find out on fill day. I have absolutely no restriction. I can eat, but I choose not to. I am trying to eat bandster portions so I won't have many surprises after the fill. I increased my water yesterday and will try again today to increase it more. It is raining in Houston and will be doing so all week. A good time to get some chores done in the house. I should be at the office today, but will be working from home. I know there won't be many people in and it seems a waste to commute back and forth for nothing. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. I needed this time to regroup and feel ready to face the world come Wednesday.
  25. barbara465

    lap band for non-obese

    Unfortunately I think what would happen if you had a lapband to be much worse than the eating disorders you were trying to avoid. Overeating with the band causes major problems including slipage. This could permanently damage your stomach, but not rid you of the disorder. Bulimia would cause vomiting, again another drastic behavior for the band. The lapband would not cure the underlying causes of those disorders. In my opinion, you would be better off working with a doctor to modify the behavior. The lapband won't help you with that. Good luck to you. We are all suffering with disorders. Lapband owners overeat and eat the wrong things. We are life-long abusers of food. Stay strong and asking for help is the first step.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
