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Everything posted by barbara465

  1. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    OK guys Tai Chi is deceivig. I had my first lesson yesterday. I was sweating and tired at the end of it. I was so thirsty as well. I came home tonight and got my B12 shot because tomorrow is another lesson. Then I'll have to do Curves on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to honor that committment. I am so busy at work that I'm not thinking of food. Maybe this is the new way for me to lose weight! I don't have enough restriction, but I'm going to stay this way for a while. Dick has surgery next Wednesday so I'm trying not to do anything to cause me to have problems. We bought a new sleep number mattress for our room. We are also having hardwood floors installed in early June. We are cleaning out the office and removing the bed from one of the guest rooms. Now the house is a mess and I can't stand it. Its only been one day. Yikes not sure I can handle this chaos. Hope everyone is on the mend from their various ailments and trials. Life goes on and somehow we learn to cope. My problems/issues are so trival in light of some of the burdens some of you are carrying. Sending positive thoughts to all of you.
  2. Good idea. I'm going to soak them after this wash. See you tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.
  3. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Don't worry Poodles. You were much too tight. Last night I went to dinner with friends and had 2 Cosmopolitians, 3 toast points with artchicoke dip, and 3 ozs of veal marsala and 3 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, and two pea pods and 2 slivers of carrots. I was getting full, but I think I could have eaten the rest if I had known the waiter wasn't going to wrap the rest for me in a to go box. :Banane43: I had a .2 fill on Wednesday. I was supposed to be on mushies, but that's hard at an upscale restaurant. I probably just should have drank. :thumbs_up: I'll see how I do on this and maybe if all goes well get another one in 2 weeks. Today I feel very full and I'm just sipping my coffee. I'll see how I am in a few hours.
  4. I'm washing mine now. I might just keep washing them. The guy told me that soften with wear. Ha! You have to get them on first! Did you put them in the dryer or let them drip dry? I watched a class for a few minutes on Saturday. No music, no instruction, just doing. I wonder how long before we can do that? It should be fun.
  5. Yes I tried one set on. It fit. You will need to wear like a tee shirt under the top. Socks or bare feet on the feet. They are rather stiff so if you can go by early and wash them you will be more comfortable. If you can't get there early to get home and wash them wear black exercise pants. that should get you by the first night. You can wear them like they are, but I just find them stiff.
  6. I'm all signed up. I only did it for a month to see if I like it. I got my black PJs, but they are more like cardboard. I hope they soften up after a few washings. I told them there was a 3 of us for Monday. Hope you all don't chicken out on me as I now have my PJs. :Banane43:
  7. OK bikergrammy you can't be our holdout. Why don't you try Tai Chi with us? If that's not for you then meet us at Humble Cafe Monday at 6:15. Wear black PJ's.
  8. I'm going Saturday to register and get my uniform. It only costs $30 and I could use them I guess. Let's meet at Humble Cafe at 6:15 for dinner. That way I can come in my new outfit or change back to my street clothes. I don't really care and it might be fun to show up in my black PJs. Dick has his meeting on Mondays so it works for me. We just got back from Fiesta Aztec on W. Lake Houston. the food was good, but it is very noisy. The marguertias were exceptional so I'm stress free for the night. Lana congrats on the weight loss. Enjoy it and get back with the program. I was still on liquids so I think my drinks were legal.
  9. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Yes Bally's spa. Check it out and I'll make appointments. I also want to see if we can get a cabana reserved for the pool. I think it would be fun to sip our drinks and lounge by the pool. :fish:
  10. What about the uniform? Did they make you get one? It doesn't mater to me as I have to change clothes from work. Just as well get into a black pair of PJs. Can we go to Humble Cafe afterwards dressed like that? :fish:
  11. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Reginia what an accomplishment, but not the best way. :fish: glad you are getting stronger. Welcome Mary. We all have our issues with this band. We are still learning how to live with it. Poodles I know you feel better after the unfill. Good for you. Now let's see how you do. I feel fuller with this fill. I started taking my aciphex tonight. I don't have heartburn pain, but the fullness in the esphogus that comes with it. I'm going to take it for at least 10 days and see if that makes a difference. We are going to a nice Italian restaurant Saturday night with another couple. Technically I'm still on mushies so don't know yet what I'll eat. I know minnestroni soup would be good. Maybe I'll just drink some wine. :cool:
  12. I would love to walk with you. I need to get into our Tai Chi routine. I hope that if I can't make a 5 class some nights that I can go later on Wednesday or Saturday. I will ask them Sat when I go to register. I have been so busy at work. I can bring some of it home which is good and I dont have to stay in town so late. I think its great you can post late in the evening. When I was at my worst with the CFS I was lucky if I knew my name at noon. :fish: By evening I was useless. I go to bed now at 9 as that is all I can take in one day. :cool:
  13. I don't think he has the answers. I think he says the same things over and over. He did tell me to eat more meat, have my thyroid checked, and walk and increase cardio. All that was good. I don't think Curves is hurting me. I don't think I'm building mass or bulk as he said. He did say I must be sensitive to fills. Duh. He did say until I lost the weight I shouldn't try to build mass (tone). I just listened, but I didn't believe all he said. I was strangely in a "better" place in my mind when I left. I think my own self resolve kicked in. I want to lose 15-20 lbs more. I would be happy with that.
  14. Glad OA had a positive effect. I think I want to do it, but not at this time. Maybe as we get closer to summer. I have other things to work on for now, but I know the old habits were coming back for me as well. I got a .2 fill today so we'll see if this works for now. Interesting side note, doctor told me I was bulking up too much. Wanted me to walk and more cardio and no machines. I just smiled. He said I couldn't do machines until I lost the weight. He felt my arms as he was saying this. Now you know how that made me feel. One day at a time, one day at a time, one day ....
  15. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Back from my fill. I only let them put .2 in. The barium swallow showed I was wide open. So what else is new. Doctor told me I was building too much bulk and should not do machines or curves. Just walk and more cardio. I just laughed. Thought maybe I should have my hormones checked to see if I was getting the right dosage of thyroid. blah, blah, blah. I'll just see how this goes. I'm getting old with all of this. I need a little break from thinking of it. I'm starting Tai Chi classes on Monday. Hopefully that will de-stress me. Mini vacation sounds good Barbara. I could use one of those myself. I need to make spa reservations soon for Vegas. PM me for what you want. I'm going to have a facial and massage. I was also thinking of reserving a cabana for the pool area for Friday and Saturday. there is so much to do and see, but a little R&R goes a long way to restoring our energies. Remember PinkyLee we will have all day thursday and thursday night to see the sights. We will also have Friday night. Vegas never sleeps. Hope all are doing better today. Sending positive thoughts to everyone. PS. this site is driving me crazy. Slower, advertisements, and buggy code makes it difficult. Hang in there. This too shall pass.
  16. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    This board is acting very weird. On another thread a reply I posted days ago suddently was at the top of the new posts as if I replied at that time. It was days ago. Off for my fill at 1:00. This better work as I can't take much more of these. This doctor doesn't listen to me so I'm on my own. I wanted to wait until after June to change doctors, but I might ask him about it today. He doesn't have time for problem patients and I don't have time for him. I'll let you know
  17. From the pictures on the website it looks like everyone wears the uniform. Oh gosh we might as well get imersed in the program. Let us know about OA. It might be good. I just think its going to be emotional. PS. I like Tuesday night better than Saturdays.
  18. OK I like the 2 times a week Mon/Wed. I like going to dinner after Mondays Tai Chi every other week. I'm going to the place on Saturday to register. It looks like we buy the outfit to wear from them. I learned a lot on their website. It looks like a good place. The outfit is $30. I want to be all ready because I will have to change clothes when I get there and won't have much time. I should get there about 4:45. I found out it is good for people with arthritis and fibrolmalgia. I'm all for it. What about you Bikergrammy? Are you game for Tai Chi? Lana you could get in almost a full month before you had to leave for the wedding. I'm going for a fill tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. I've decided I'm not going to OA on Saturday. I can only deal with so much at one time. Dick gave me a scare today with his heart and the impending surgery for his back is on my mind. I think between that, Tai Chi, and Curves, I'm working my program. OA may just be too emotional right now. Maybe later when things settle down.
  19. Your photos look great Betsy. They are just the right size. You can really tell a difference in your face. Lana ended up coming after all so we had a nice visit. We had decided every other week. It doesn't mater to me, we just need to get our schedules straight. I think I'll pass tomorrow night. I'm big into American Idol and that's on. I would like to try Saturday at the other church. I'm getting a fill on Wednesday. I may be crazy, but I'm trying a small one one more time. If I have a bad reaction then I'm giving up on fills.
  20. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    OK guys I made an appointment for a fill for Wednesday. Color me crazy. I'm going to put my hand over my port and make sure they only give me .2. I had to make it with spiegel, but at least its at the surgicenter. This was my last chance to get a fill until June. My schedule is crazy the next couple of Wednesdays so I called today and they said come in Wednesday. I just didn't think long about it. If this fill doesn't work I'm not getting any more. I just can't take the big PB episodes that close you up where you can't swallow your spit. This last time was the worse. Hope everyone is on the mend. Poodles take a rest. You have had a hard time of it. Maybe its time for a little rest. Maybe you can keep some in just to keep you honest. Reginia hope you are doing better today. You are in my thoughts.
  21. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Right now I'm sure the band is the least of your worries. Just take of yourself and try to get stronger each day. It's just so hard to believe what should have been such an easy operation and recovery turned so bad. Its a good thing you were not alone and your family was near.
  22. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Oh my gosh Reginia. I'm sending prayers your way for healing and for peace. I can't even imagine the panic you must be feeling. I am so glad you are a fighter and didn't give up. We are here for you. If we can do anything at all for you or your family please let us know.
  23. barbara465

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Where is everybody? Out enjoying the weekend I hope. I'm catching up on everyone for the last few days. Wedding jitters and everything goes wrong at the last minute syndrome. Aimee you have a good attitude and it will see you through. It is so stressfull planning a wedding. When things don't go the way we want it just builds more stress. Take a few deep breathes and decide what is important and let the rest of it go. It sounds like you came up with some good compromises. I know it will be a beautiful event and you will be a beautiful bride. Janelle glad you got the unfill. I really think the fill/unfill part of this band is the most frustrating. I'm not sure the docs understand it all. Just think if we couldn't get an unfill and had to live through the restriction. I wonder if that is what happens with bypass. In essence its the same thing. They have a small pouch to get food through. Cathy it sounds like life is going well for you, except for a few golf balls. Chicken is a killer to some. Hope all is well now. I feel pretty good after my unfill. I'm back to eating what I could before. I'm not sure I'll ever get these 12 lbs off that would put me into onederland. I'm going to try harder. Curves said I lost about 4 inches this month. None in my arms! I've lost 10lbs according to their scale since I started 2 months ago. I'll take it. I bought a few poncho type wraps that tie at the waist yesterdy at a fair. They are really cute and can be added over a cami or shell. I bought a black/red one, a wild purple/gold, and a gold/multicolored one. They are cute and I think sexy. They tie at the waist so I can pull them tighter as I lose weight. I am finding that I'm wearing a little sexier cut of clothes! Not bad for a 60 year old broad! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone.
  24. Why is this discussion limited to First Lady? What happens when we elect Hillary and Bill has a heartattack? Or any other illness. The fact that the spouse has an illness plays no bearing on who you vote for as President. After all, most of us cannot predict the future and you will run the chance of illness with anyone you vote for.
  25. I found an ad for Yoga in Kingwood. They have a website www.kingwoodyoga.com . I guess if we don't find something a little more closer, we could go there. Dick is off Saturday so it would be better for me to wait another week. Let's try to plan to go the following Saturday. Are we meeting Monday at La Villa?

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