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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Jeanniebug

  1. Jeanniebug

    Little to no weightloss

    Stop. You're making yourself crazy. Get off the scale. You can't eat 800 calories a day and not lose weight, eventually. It'll happen. Your body is still healing from a very traumatic surgery. You're going to have swelling and water retention for months. This is a normal and expected part of the process. If you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, then you have nothing to worry about. You'll get there. It takes time for our metabolism to get the message. Depriving your healing tissues of the protein they need in order to heal, is not something that I would suggest. You could cause yourself more harm than good.
  2. Jeanniebug

    Weight stall 7 days PO

    Stalls are a normal part of the process. If you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing, then you can trust that your weight will eventually get to where it's supposed to be. If the scale is making you crazy, stay off of it.
  3. Jeanniebug

    Clothes Sharing

    That's so sweet of you! I've had great luck giving away my clothes on craigslist. I mean, within hours of posting my ad, someone is here picking them up. Most people are trying to sell their used clothes for crazy prices. Free clothes go quick!
  4. Jeanniebug


    I'm 6.5 month po and have been in a stall for almost 2 months. The scale finally moved this morning! HalleluYah! Stalls are a normal part of the process. You just have to trust that if you're doing what you're supposed to do, your weight will eventually get to where it's supposed to be. After surgery, our stomachs are traumatized. They are firm and tight, due to the trauma of surgery. Because of this, we have a lot of restriction. It takes about a year for them to fully settle down and relax. As your tummy relaxes, you will be able to eat larger amounts of food. We have to be mindful not to overeat, as this happens. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.
  5. Yes!!! That towel NSV nearly made me cry when it happened. I still tear-up when I say that I'm no longer diabetic.
  6. I go out of my way to dress in such a way that a man's gaze will usually just bounce right off me. However, once in a while I will unintentionally make eye contact with someone. That's when I get their attention. I just say "hi" and walk away. I'm married and not trying to flirt with anyone. It's uncomfortable, for sure. Thankfully, I haven't had anyone hit on me - but I'm also older and dress very, very modestly when I leave the house. Confidence - or the lack thereof - is an inside job. I would suggest counseling to get help with this.
  7. Jeanniebug

    Weight loss slower than anticipated

    Welcome! It sounds like you have a couple of issues going on that could definitely affect your weight loss. Not to worry, the weight will eventually come off. It's just a bit slower for some of us.
  8. Jeanniebug


    You can take anything. If it's just for a few hours, nothing is going to go bad. The texture might change - dairy products get a little softer when they're room temperature. But, it's not going to make you sick. So, take whatever you want.
  9. Jeanniebug

    Hi, I'm new here

  10. Jeanniebug


    Snacking while watching movies is probably not the best idea. You'll be eating mindlessly and it will be really easy for you to overeat. If you struggle with the oral habit, perhaps you can try chewing gum..? If you must eat something, maybe make it something that you'll have to eat slowly... Beef jerky, maybe?
  11. Jeanniebug

    RNY surgery question

    Nope, everything is still in there. So - technically - the procedure is reversible. My surgeon has done it twice, in 30 years of doing these surgeries.
  12. I use the Bariatric Pal One Daily multivitamin with iron. I also supplement with calcium chews and a collagen/biotin gummy. So far, so good.
  13. Jeanniebug


    Hello, My name is Jeanne. I live in rural Central Oregon, USA, with my husband, two cats, two goats, a Scottish Highland steer, and a Basset Hound. I had my first appointment with the surgeon in January. For insurance purposes, I need to go through 6 months of Nutritionist appointments - my last one will be in August. I know that I do qualify for the surgery, so it's just a matter of jumping through their hoops. We are planning the RNY. Hoping for surgery this fall! I am 51 years old and 5'6". My highest weight was 245. When I met with the surgeon I as at 233. I'm currently at 219 - on Ozempic. Goal weight is 150.
  14. Jeanniebug


    Good for you! I'm so happy that you're able to do that. You know, only 5% of people are able to lose weight - and keep it off - with diet and exercise alone. Only 5%, isn't that crazy?!? Praise the Lord there are alternatives (like medications, or bariatric surgery) for the other 95% of us.
  15. Jeanniebug


    Hi Barbara, welcome! Did you have bariatric surgery?
  16. Jeanniebug

    4 months post op

    My first stall hit at 2 weeks post op and lasted about a month. Stalls are a normal part of the process. If the scale is making you crazy, stay off of it. Follow the plan. Trust the process. You'll be fine. The pattern that my body seems to have settled into is, I lose about 3 pounds. Stall for a couple of weeks. Gain back 2 pounds. And then stall for a week. And then it starts all over again. I'm losing on average of about a pound a week. So the scale is going down, but not without going up first. Your body is going to do what your body is going to do. If you're eating in a calorie deficit, you're going to lose weight.
  17. I would reach out to the surgeon's office and see if you can do video appointments with their dietician. My surgeon's office offered those. I had to go in for the first appointment, but all the rest were over video chat. You weigh 300 pounds, so yes, you should be eating enough protein for a 300 pound person. This will keep you from losing muscle. But, you'll need to adjust that, as you lose weight. So keep an eye on it.
  18. Jeanniebug

    5 Pounds lost in 6 weeks?

    You're looking fantastic! Keep up the great work!
  19. Jeanniebug


    I've said before, bariatric surgery is not a cheap hobby. LOL! Fairlife are expensive, but it's only temporary.
  20. Jeanniebug


    Fairlife were really the only ones I liked. Most of the others made me nauseous. I didn't use powders to drink, I used premade shakes. I used powders to add to things like soup and I mainly used the Isopure unflavored. Whey protein isolate is what you want, not whey protein concentrate.
  21. Jeanniebug

    5 Pounds lost in 6 weeks?

    If you're into bodybuilding, then you know that muscle is heavy. If you're going to be lifting weights, you have to let go of the scale. Go by your size (and it sounds like you're getting smaller). Why does your weight matter? If you're not wanting to be skinny, but you want to be muscular, then the scale means nothing. Your measurements mean everything. Remember, a bodybuilder can easily be classified as "overweight" on the BMI chart, but have very little body fat. So, stay off the scale. Stay in the measuring tape. As long as you're seeing progress, you're doing the right thing.
  22. Jeanniebug

    what do i do?

    They tested me for nicotine. I don't think they tested me for weed, but I'm not exposed to that so don't really care. I was worried about the nicotine, because my husband vaped at that time. I was afraid of the second hand exposure. But, it was fine. You might want to seek professional help for your addictions. This is actually going to come up later, because you might have an issue with transfer addiction to food. You want to set yourself up for the best success. Even if your drug tests come back negative, you're going to want to deal with these issues as soon as possible.
  23. Jeanniebug


    Because I was so scared of not meeting my protein goals, I just drank 3 shakes a day. Anything else was just extra, but I was relying on the shakes throughout my entire liquid and puree stages.
  24. Jeanniebug

    New here


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