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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Jeanniebug

  1. Jeanniebug

    How I got here...

  2. It was a negotiation between my doctor and I. LOL! They said, "160". I said, "145" because that's what I weighed after I had my second child. They said that because of my age, that was too low. So, I countered with "150". She just said, "160 - 155 at the lowest. We'll see." LOL!
  3. Jeanniebug

    One last hurrah?

    I was a low-BMI patient, so I didn't have to do the liver-shrinking diet. I did have a few food funerals, but I realize now that they weren't necessary. They were just my food addiction rearing its ugly head. Your journey to health begins today. Later on, you'll be able to have a bite or two of those foods you used to love. But you might not even want to! We think that we're going to miss the delicious garbage that we used to eat, but I really don't. And if my husband is eating something that just really makes me want it, I have one bite. That's enough - and it usually doesn't taste as good as I thought it would.
  4. Jeanniebug

    My progress so far.....

    You're a rockstar!!!
  5. Jeanniebug

    9 month post op

    That's amazing! October 18th was my surgery date, so I'm right behind you!
  6. Jeanniebug

    Goal Weight vs Current Weight

    I have 2 goal weights - my surgeon's and my own. My surgeon's goal for me was 163 lbs, by the 1-year mark. My own goal is 150 lbs. So far, I haven't hit 165. I've been bouncing between 166 and 170. I'm 9-months post op. It's worth noting that I haven't been able to exercise much, due to an issue with my diaphragm (surgeon thinks that perhaps my xiphoid process may have been injured during my bypass) and a rotator cuff injury. I'm currently taking a short course of Celebrex to see if that knocks out the pain. I know that once I can start lifting weights, my body will change. Walking doesn't seem to be enough. That said, I'm pretty happy where I am. I'm an easy keeper at this point. I'm not struggling with my diet. I'm maintaining well. I know that regain may happen and I'm hoping to prevent that with activity. I'm just super happy that I have other health wins. I'm no longer diabetic. My cholesterol is normal again. My blood pressure is back down to where it should be. I'm wearing a size XL - and while that's still fairly large, it's an off-the-rack size and I can shop in pretty much any store. So, goal weight... It's something to think about... But, I'm really more focused on my health and my size.
  7. Jeanniebug

    I just wanna eat!!!!!

    Before you know it, your tummy will heal. Your appetite will come back. And then you'll be scared that you're going to overeat and regain all your weight. Take this time to work on your mental relationship with food. We've only got a small window and it goes by so fast.
  8. Jeanniebug

    TMI Semi Liquid Diet Diahrrea

    I had diarrhea throughout my entire liquid diet.
  9. Most of us still have to diet and exercise, like everyone else. The surgery just gives us a little jumpstart on our weight loss, for the first year. We are given that small window of time to make changes to our mindset and eating habits. After that, it's all mental.
  10. Jeanniebug

    Exercise Before Surgery

    If walking bothers you, maybe you can do some weight lifting, instead..? Or maybe you can join an aquatic fitness class..? I don't know how much of an impact 3-week's worth of exercise is going to have on your surgical outcome. But, I'm sure every little bit helps. The problem with narcotics is that they will cause you to have pain, so that you have to take them. You might have an easier time weaning off of them, rather than just cold-turkey quitting.
  11. Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain in bariatric patients should never be ignored - no matter how far out from surgery we are. All humans are at risk of a bowel obstruction. Bariatric patients are at a higher risk. The main symptom is abdominal pain. It's often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  12. Jeanniebug

    So so angry!!!!!

    20mg and still taking 20mg.
  13. Jeanniebug

    So so angry!!!!!

    Ah man. I had GERD before surgery - that's one of the reasons why I had a bypass - because I didn't want to make it worse. But, I'm still on the Omeprazole - 9 months post op. I've tried to get off of it, but I have issues when I do. I reckon I'll probably be taking it forever.
  14. Jeanniebug

    No Loose Skin

    As long as it's not causing any rashes or skin infections, it's not harmful.
  15. Jeanniebug

    Liquids with food

    From what I understand, we will never be able to eat and drink at the same time, again. You'll get used to it. Edited to add: I will drink right before eating, but not for half an hour after eating.
  16. 3 months post op: Jan 9th - Ferritin - 162 (normal range 13-150), AST - 35 (normal 5-32), ALT - 51 (normal 5-33) 7 months post op: May 12 - Ferritin - 90.5, AST - 43, ALT - 77 - Ferritin has come down to normal and liver still going up. I saw my surgeon the day before yesterday. She said that high ferritin and high liver enzymes is fairly normal, after bariatric surgery.
  17. Jeanniebug

    Should I have the surgery?

    I agree with @The Greater Fool. Surgery really should be a last resort. It's the nuclear option. It's a life-changing event. You will forever be changing your relationship with food. The physical healing, complications, and learning how to eat are the easy part. When your hunger and food addiction issues kick in (and they will!), then the real work begins - and it's hard. I'm very happy that I had the surgery. I believe it saved my life. But, I had half a century of failed diets behind me and finally threw in the towel. If you think you can lose the weight by dieting, then I suggest that you do.
  18. Jeanniebug

    Gastric bypass

  19. Jeanniebug


    Ah, man, I'm sorry... Plenty of people lose a lot of weight with the sleeve. I hope they can get everything figured out for you.
  20. I got that too, after my surgery. It's an infiltration. Hot compresses should help.
  21. Jeanniebug

    Lap Band: Am I Crazy to Consider It?

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I had a bypass, so I still have all my parts. Technically, it's reversible, if something goes wrong. I don't know much about the latest advances in lap band technology. But, if you and your doctor think it's a good option for you, then I'd say go for it. You can always have it removed, if it doesn't work.
  22. I work a desk job, from home. I took 3 weeks off and I would have been happier taking more. I had an issue with my diaphragm - for several months - that made it difficult for me to sit straight up and down. So, sitting in my office chair (even with it reclined) was painful. The diaphragm issue is still there - 8-months post op - but it's much better. I can sit in my office chair all day and not have an issue.
  23. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT - Female, 52, 5'6" 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) - 13 lbs 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. - 220 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery - 201.6 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery - 182.8 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery - 172.0 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery - Not there yet.
  24. Welcome! Hang in there! This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it WILL pass.

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