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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kat1215

  1. Kat1215


    I used Meridia when it first became available. I quickly worked up to the max dose and stayed on it for 6+ months. My ins. wouldn't pay for it and it was really expensive. I lost weight for first couple of months (about 15 lbs. total) then stopped. When I got off I gained back all I lost + extra. It was just another one of those things that didn't work.
  2. Kat1215

    Sleeping position

    I'm normally a stomach sleeper, too. I'm glad to hear that so many of you were able to sleep on your stomach after a few weeks. My banding was Monday, two days ago, and the only place I've been able to sleep is in our recliner. The trapped gas is way too uncomfortable when I lay in my bed. I am anxious to start feeling normal again.
  3. Just saying hello. I am also new to the forum. I was banded yesterday. Your 22 lb. loss is awesome. I know you're already feeling better. Good luck to you.
  4. Kat1215

    What was your turning point?

    My turing point was more of a gradual realization instead of just one thing. Over time I have noticed that I turn down social invitaions because of my weight. I am embarrassed for my husband to have to introduce me to people he knows because I figure they're wondering what he's doing with such a fat wife. Also, since I am a teacher I work on a campus with about 60 or 70 other women and I'm tired of being one of the heaviest. I have been telling myself that I am the same person fat or not but I'm not sure about that anymore. I'm hoping to get healthier and to gain more self-confidence as I get thinner.
  5. Kat1215

    I had my banding yesterday

    Thanks for all the support. Darcy I'm going to look for the protein powder. Susan, I have a post-op diet that is liquids only for the first few days and then soft foods for 4 weeks. At the end of the first month I will be able to eat a more regular diet. I'm trying to be really careful about sipping until I can get a feel for my intake amount. At least I am home all week for Spring Break which gives me time to come up with a plan for work. The hard part will be lunch because I only have 25 minutes. I think I'll stick with protein shakes for lunch for a while just to keep it easy. Thanks again for your input. I'm glad I found this forum so I don't feel like I'm the only person with a band.
  6. Kat1215

    I found a Protein drink

    Mary, Can it only be ordered online or did you buy it in a store?
  7. Kat1215

    My surgery is Wednesday 3/15/06

    Good luck, Carla! I had mine done yesterday in Houston. I was nervous about the anesthesia, too. All went well and I know yours will too. I prayed all the way down the hall to surgery, it helped me feel a little less anxious.
  8. Hey mini me, Dr. Spivak is doing my surgery tomorrow too! I have to arrive at the Surgery Center at 7:00, I'm scheduled for 8:00. Good luck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
