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Lee anne

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Posts posted by Lee anne

  1. 1 hour ago, Ninabnina77 said:

    Thank you so much for the reply. I got the sleeve back in june 2019, I never felt real restriction, for the past 3 yrs I have been thinking its all in my head. I got an endoscopy done last week to find out I have a small hiatal hernia and my sleeve is " the body of my stomach is markedly enlarged". After I got these results back, it all made sense, my sleeve was not tight enough from the get go. I have mild gerd. Will my mild gerd and small hiatal hernia disqualify me for a resleeve? I was never able to reach goal weight the first time around and I have gained 17 lbs since reaching my lowest weight after the sleeve. I am 3 yrs out now. How much did you resleeve cost and who was your surgeon at mexicali? When did you get the sleeve reconstruction?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had mine in May 2022 the first time was in December 2022. My reconstruction was 6500. It's on the high end for MX but I was in a hospital. Dr Campo was one of the surgeons. If you will look up Mexicali Bariatrics you will see they have a few surgeons. They had two to do the surgery and a doctor that puts you to sleep. Each day I was there I had at least two visits from the doctors. They did three leak test. The surgeon explained to me they did not do the surgery tight enough but also only did the middle of the stomach. He said it was an old technique. I had mild qerd. I had a barium swallow there to confirm the best option was to have it reconstructed. If it had been done correct the first time and it was just that I ate to much and stretched it they might suggest a by pass

  2. 49 minutes ago, Ninabnina77 said:

    How did your resleeve surgery go?
    I did have a lot of scar tissue and increased pain but after 5 days I did not take pain meds. My doctor was very kind and increased pain meds when I asked. The gas was bad the first day but walking. Gas x and heating pad helped. The pain was not unbearable. I noticed I had 5 incisions instead of three the first time. When I woke up in the Post op I had pain but they took care of it. I am losing slowly but recently my doctor her started me on a low dose of thyroid medication that helped a lot with energy and depression. I exercise daily swimming and riding the bike. I feel really good and lost 26lbs in 11 weeks. I gain 8lbs after surgery but I had a lot of scar tissue that caused my surgery to be 2 1/2 hours that's normally 1hr. They said I had unusual amount of scar tissue.
    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. On 4/20/2022 at 1:14 PM, DreamBelieveAchieve said:

    Hi, I’ve been resleeved!

    I had my first sleeve in the UK in 2018. First couple of months I lost weight dramatically but I was always hungry (from the second day post op!!!) to the point I felt sick, no matter how often I drank. I could also eat a lot more/not feel my restriction as quick as others seemed to despite how slow I ate. Needless to say I stabilised after just 6 months and then Covid hit and I started regaining when I wasn’t able to be as active/go to the gym.

    I went to Turkey last year and got a resleeve. The surgeon said that the top of my sleeve was much bigger than it should have been, part may possibly have been from me restretching it but he said the top part was large and looked like not all of my hunger hormone producing part of the stomach had been removed. He removed all the excess including my hunger hormone and made my stomach nice and small again. Results have been amazing, I’m 8 months post op, still losing although obviously slowing as I approach goal weight and I can still only eat a few mouthfuls!!

    My experience with my resleeve is very different, I got horrific gas pain post op for a start which I didn’t get the first time (but normal and not uncommon, just walk walk walk). If I eat too quickly I will vomit/get pain, again another normal side effect they tell you about but I didn’t experience any of it first time round. I’m so pleased I went for my resleeve even though I was worried about going abroad, it’s been the best decision I ever made! 🙂

    Hi DreamBelieveAchieve

    How are you doing? I was resleeve for the same reason. I had xray from the first time to prove that they did not take out the top of the stomach. I am losing so slow thus time. I am 11 weeks. I am exercising daily so I do think I gained muscle. I think I need to pick up cardio. I am swimming and riding my bike but I have slowly gain strength to ride futher. My shortness of breath has dismissed since I am exercising daily. My BP is in normal limits. I have lost more inches than weight. I still have issues with carbs. I don't eat Pasta, bread, rice ect. I do like oatmeal or cream of wheat. I don't get very hungry now. Having issues getting my fluids in but my Protein is around 60 to 80 daily. Any suggestions to increase weight loss.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Ninabnina77 said:

    I did not have the resleeve or a revision yet, I am considering it. Did you have the resleeve?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Hi Nina I had a revision or reconstruction for the same reason as dream believe. I went to Mexicali MX to a hospital. Mexicali Bariatrics did the reconstruction. It's been a slow process and I am 11 weeks. I feel very satisfied with limited food. I am exercising a lot more this time. I have more energy. I had to have a barium swallow and I had xray from the first sleeve. He told me it was not my fault for the weight regain. The did a barium swallow after revision checking for leaks and to show me the difference in the restriction. I lost 60lbs really fast the first time. I gained 25lbs over 6 years. I have lost 26lbs so far. The first time I lost a lb a day the first month. If your not happy get the second opinion.

  5. I had this problem at one time. The first key is fluids. I found Water with flavor was the best. Get hydrated first. You might need something with electrolytes in it. A good one is pedi light they have it for adults as well. It's close to 2.50 a bottle. You are only going to use it when you are really low on fluids it has glucose in it ( its normallyin any drug store, Walmart ect close to the over counter nausea medication). Another one I really like is "liquid IV". It's normally in the section with the flavors powders are in walmart or Amazon.

    I found I need the Fluid on my stomach the first thing in the morning before I can tolerate Protein. I drink about 4 oz but it will depend on you. I do not do Protein Shakes that are ready made. I found they make nausea. I use unflavored Protein Powder I put in water or hot tea or anything to get my protein. If my tea is not sweet enough then I add stevia .

    After I got enough fluids and my nausea got better then I could drink protein powder that had flavor. I had to add more water than it called for. I like hot coco with protein in 12 ozs of water instead of 8.

    Yes you need to wait 30mins after drinking to eat and 30 mins after eating . But you need to be well hydrated. Look at your urine and how often you urinate.

    I drink the 4 oz then I have the 12 oz with protein and water first thing in the morning. After the protein drinkni make I drink another 4 ozs. This gets me on my way for the day very hydrated since I did not drink anything for at least 8 hrs while I slept.

    Then I would eat cream of wheat, yogurt or water down oatmeal. Then sipping afterwards. lunch I would eat a turkey sausage links or cottage cheese or two meat balls with sauce. Or baked fish chopped up. Now I have been adding soft veggies or Beans for a snack.

    Sip between meals, wait at least 30 mins after eating. Eat only 2 or 3 oz of food at a time. Take small bits I used "diet tools" from amazon. Their spoon is the right size for a bit. Take 30 mins to eat. Bit wait a few minutes then bit again.

    It will get better. Listen to your body , we all are different. The fluid in the morning was the game changer for me. Plus using the Baritastic app to track everything and get my calories between 600 to 800 daily.

  6. 6 hours ago, Darcell76 said:

    So I’m in the beginning of week three and I have not lost any weight all week. I’m also constipated. I’m down a total of 28lbs since the preop liquid diet. I started at 249lbs and I’m now 221lbs. What are you taking for constipation? How long is the stall period?

    Over the counter stool softener Colace. If it's really bad senna. You can get senna plus it has colace in it. Senna is a laxative. I normally never constipated, but the increase of Protein caused a problem, I now take colace daily and if it gets bad I add the senna. I was not drinking enough fluids . Walking and increasing my Fluid intake it's helped. BTW I am week 4. I lost 10lbs the first 2 weeks, nothing of 10 days. They say that we lose Water first then as we increase our fluids we are losing inches even though it appears we are not losing weight. I have increased my walking. I have changed up my intake. I don't if that helped or just time as my body adjusted but I lost 4 oz for 3 days in a row then 1lb. It's not much lost 2lbs in 4 days but it's something.

  7. I had a sleeve reconstruction due to the first time they used an old technique and left the sleeve large at the top of the stomach, so I am a slow loser this time. The first time I lost a pound a day the first month. I lost 50lbs by 3 months and 60 by 6 months. So stick really to the diet for max weight loss. I lost total of 65 lbs but 4 years later gained 25 back.

    I had surgery May 13. I was so swollen because of scar tissue. The surgeon said my surgery lasted over double the time due to scar tissue. I had no nausea or heartburn like I did the first time. I am sticking to the diet and monitoring everything I eat by logging it in the barasitic app. I have lost total of 14lbs but that counts the weight I gained after surgery due to swelling. I have heard slow losers will pick up weight loss as they heal and the body adjust. I definitely can tell the restriction compared to last time. It's just hard to have patience. Just follow your diet plan and take measurements so if the scales are not moving you can see inches lost.

  8. 1 hour ago, okinc10 said:

    So two things - one - does anyone know if this is normal to stop losing beginning of week 3 and actually went up .4 ??
    two - chicken- I tried pulverized chicken breast with a bit of fat free mayo yesterday my left side of tummy gut hurts yesterday and this morning. I feel like as soon as I introduced something other than liquid I am getting constipated also. I think back to Soups for a couple days. Very discouraging set back but I’ll keep on keepin on.

    I have read a lot of stalls between weeks 2 and 4. I watched a video that talked about the three week stall. The doctor explained at first we are losing a lot of Water weight. Then as we get fluids we gain Fluid but is losing pounds. So it does not show we really are losing. If you do measurements you can see that you lost inches during this time. If you will google the 3 week stall with weight loss surgery or sleeve .... you can fine a lot of videos from different doctors. I am in a stall going on 10 days. I have heard people talking about long stalls but started losing faster. If your exercising you might gain muscle but losing fat. I belong to several gastic sleeve support groups ob face book and learned alot.

  9. 5 hours ago, healthy granny said:

    I'm in a similar situation. Surgery May 19, lost 10lbs immediately and now am stalled. I'm getting my Protein and usually my Water in. I feel like I don't any restriction on food, eating a little less. I'm sticking to around 600-800 calories. I'm a little frustrated for sure.

    I definitely feel restriction. I can't eat chicken even pureed. It's just easier to eat soft or pureed food. I did over eat on chicken and it was painful. I had to throw that up. Lesson learned. I try to remember to stop eating before I am full. It takes a bit for your brain to catch up to your stomach. I have always been a fast eater. So learning to slow down has been an issue.

  10. 3 hours ago, okinc10 said:

    Any chance you experienced similar to me? My surgery was 23rd of May only lost 9 and it’s The 6th of June. It is coming off literally in 2 oz or nothing at a time. With less than 500 cal a day not sure I understand that. Getting Water and Protein in. Doing everything doc said. ? Puzzled. I lost 9 from the 4th to the 23rd on the 1200 cal and bike and walking.

    I did my measurements and found I lost an inch in my waist, hips and chest each. I am doing what I suppose to but have not lost weight in the last 12 days. I am 24 days po. I have lost 14lb since day 3 po. The scales are driving me crazy. I want to numbers move so bad just for some encouragement. I hear from. So many that their weight lost started to pick up after a long stall.

  11. 27 minutes ago, sprukop0924 said:

    Update on my progress. Surgery was May 13. I lost a pound per day the first week, then stalled for 2 weeks. Finally loosing again! Down 26lbs so far, including pre-op diet. Have been working out 5 days per week on elliptical and on regular food now as of Friday. Struggling to get my 60 oz of Water in, but started using my timer yesterday to remind me to sip something every 15 minutes except before and after meals. I have only had nausea once and have only vomited once - both times caused by drinking too close to meals.

    Overall, this has been a much better experience than I anticipated since I am 62 yrs old. Surgeon says I'm doing great! I only took 3 days off work, and then worked from home for 2 weeks (desk job).

    Hello, I had surgery May 13 as well. I am 55. I had my surgery in MX and paid out of pocket since my insurance had a clause stating it did not cover the surgery. I did not have to do a pre op diet just low carbs. When I decided to do it I schedule 2 weeks before. I am losing slowly. The first two weeks I lost 14lbs. Now I am stalling. One day I gained two pounds. I am sure it's the Water I am drinking. I record everything on the bariatric app. It's been good to look back and see my numbers and sticking to the plan. I am having difficulty with water. All this Protein I take in its difficult to fit in fluids. I normally get at least 48 oz. I reach my protein goals and low carbs. I hoping I will start losing again. I did measurements and I have lost an inch from my chest, hips and waist.

  12. 25 minutes ago, FarfelDiego said:

    I texted my doc/team yesterday about my extreme aversion to everything I can eat during the liquids phase. I’m several days out from puréed/soft. I was hoping that they’d say oh ok have a nice scrambled egg. They didn’t.
    I found a recipe in my bariatric cookbook for a shake with spinach and avocado and Granny Smith apple. I’m going to try that.

    Might not be your issues but I have found I need to be hydrated before I can take heavy liquids. I sip on Water with a flavor powder I like. After getting 8 oz down in the morning then I can start sipping on something with Protein in it. Right now I like hot coco from WonderSlim that has 12g of protein. I add unflavored protein to get the content higher. I add more water or almond milk so it's not very rich . To take fluids at the liquid point I had to add water with every thing. That's what my doctor said was common and it worked. I could not have any pureed for 20 days. I could have cream of wheat at 10days out. Popsicles were a life savor as well.

  13. I work from home but only 4 hrs a day. I started back but definitely can tell when I have sat for 4 hrs. I stand up and my stomach sore. It's better. Today I went to the grocery and did not drink enough before going and I got weak. Ever get behind on drinking fluids it takes a while to catch up.

  14. 3 hours ago, sprukop0924 said:

    So, did anyone else “stall” on week 2? I know about the 3 week stall, but I stalled when I switched to full liquid - even though I’m still under 500 cal per day. I actually gained a pound after the first day of full liquids. I am now day 13 post surgery and at same weight as day 7! I’m getting 60-70 G Protein, struggling a little with Water, but managing 50-64g and most days having around 420 - 450 cal/day. I am also doing 30 minutes on elliptical 4-5 days/week since Day 5 post-surgery.

    Good video explaining it

  15. 47 minutes ago, Darcell76 said:

    Hello everyone I’m new to the group. My surgery is in two days May 27th via gastric sleeve. I’m excited and definitely nervous. I see everyone is talking about packing their bag. I didn’t think I would need one considering I’m supposed to be out the next day. Can someone check in and let me know how you’re feeling and diet after surgery.

    If I was staying one night I would want an heating pad. Of course something comfortable to wear home. As soon as I got out of recovery I was still in pain in my shoulder blade area. Referred gas pain. Walking helps but I was still groggy, the heating pad was wonderful. I went back ti sleep and slept a couple hours. When I woke up I got up to the bathroom and walked some to help with gas pain.

  16. 2 hours ago, Dschmitty said:

    I can relate to you as far as sipping goes, I’m doing the same thing you are. Can you share some smoothie recipes with me? I’m going to start drinking those. I think I will also look into the Proti Diet from Amazon.

    I make my smoothies as I go. I learned using the Baritastic App some food choices to keep the calories and carbs down. I love sweet frozen cherries, they have less calories than using even a half of a banana. I use a little yogurt. I used silk dairy free but have to be careful of the calories. I use almond milk and plant base unflavored Protein power. I add blueberries as well. It's never the same thing exactly just what I am in the mood for. I have to be careful not to make a big one like I use to. I even put avocado in it for the nutrition. You don't taste it. I went to frys and in the freezer section bought cherries they don't have seeds. I like the sweet cherries. Then I would get other berries and peaches.

    Tonight I had protein Diet oatmeal it was good and not to sweet. I added some unflavored protein and a table spoon of no added sugar apple sauce. The oatmeal was 15 protein and 7 carbs. It took a while to eat it but it was really good.

  17. 1 hour ago, FarfelDiego said:

    Enjoy the journey! It’s not a race!

    One week out from post-op, two weeks of liquids to go.
    Today’s flavortown sensation is whey Protein isolate mango orange from costco. I feel like I’m on a tropical island living the good life. It has 20 grams of Protein and such a lovely tangy flavor. Mmm! Mmm! I need a tiny umbrella for that tiny sipping cup.

    My blood sugar numbers are so good. They haven’t been like this since 2019! I put a call into my primary doctor asking about adjusting my meds. I’m on metformin, glipicide, and sitogliptin for my diabetes. Saturday night, after I took evening meds I felt dizzy so I took a glucose reading and it was 87. I usually don’t take a bedtime reading but this seemed low. So, the next day I decided to self-adjust the meds and keep track of my readings. I took the am metformin but not the sit or glip and tested my blood glucose in the evening. It was 97 so I decided not to take the pm metformin. This morning my reading was 101. Great! I was hoping that this surgery would help kick diabetes into remission and I’m delighted that my blood glucose readings are this good this soon.

    That's awesome. I am not on diabetic medicine yet but my A1C was boarder line. I hope this will stop it developing to diabetes. My cholesterol is a little high, can't wait to do new labs and see where I am at.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Dschmitty said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I’m 5 days post op and I’m doing 4 oz of full liquids plus meals. At my doctors appointment today my doctor asked me if I met my Protein and liquid goals. Which confuses me because in Class 3 they were saying to make sure for the first week that you make sure to get the liquids in so you don’t get dehydrated. So in my mind for the first week decided to play it safe and follow the page they gave me at the hospital for meals and liquids. I would rather be safe then sorry I guess.

    I sip Water with Protein Powder or liquid IV all day to get my 64 oz in. At meals I was told not to drink any 30 mins before during and 30 after to get your meal in. I mainly just sip all the time to get my Protein and fluids in. During my clear liquid week I did not really have meals. I had broth I would sip on. I am on full liquids now. I make a smoothie for Breakfast. I had some oatmeal that was mainly water but creamy. I bought it from Proti Diet on Amazon. A packet is 7 carbs and 15 protein. I put a tablespoon of unsweetened apple sauce in it. I did that for late lunch. I am just sipping.

  19. My husband and I went deep sea fishing at night. We caught the best red snapper. Love to do that again. I love meat. Mainly chicken, fish and pork. I would love to have some Pho. Now that I live in AZ I don't know of a restaurant that has it. In Nashville we had plenty of places. I have not had Thai in a long time either. Thai tea would be nice. I love the peanut sauce they use on their dishes.

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