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Posts posted by Heavyweight555

  1. 7 minutes ago, oldandtired said:

    I have nausea, and I am 3 months post - op. The doc prescribed one nausea med, and that sort of worked, some.. So I went back and he prescribed me another, 2 x a day. That helped--some. When I went back I said this isn't right. He said it is a hormone imbalance, and he has never seen it after seven months post-op. Whereupon I said, "Quality of life???" Then I told him that 2 a day didn't cut it, I was sitting with a trash can between my legs at work, and I had upped the dosage myself to 3 a day, and I could survive with that. (DISCLAIMER-BECAUSE I DID IT, DOES NOT MEAN I AM SUGGESTING THIS TO THIS GROUP.) I looked up the drug online, saw that it could be given in a higher dose, and tried it. He gave me a new script for it 3 x a day. I can cope this way.

    Can you state what medicine helped you?

    We have tried Zofran, Drobinal which was way too strong. I'm tired of feeling this way. My doctor has tried everything. I've gone to every type of doctor and nothing. I never throw up, just ALWAYS nausea.

  2. Hi all,

    I have contacted my surgeon, and she doesn't know why it's happening. This group was my last hope. I guess I have more research to do.

    It happens as soon as I wake up, goes away while eating, and comes right back after eating.

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