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Posts posted by bambam31

  1. That was always my understanding - that "starvation mode" referred to the metabolism slowing down. That's what I mean by it, anyways.

    Precisely on target IMO... The bottom line though is no 2 people have the same body, same nutrition needs, same job activity, same exercise patterns, etc., etc., etc., You have to learn your body through trial and error... BUT... basic principles still apply... Your body is an evolutionary masterpiece. Its' will to survive is far greater than we give credit. When that internal engine senses a reduction in fuel - it begins to make adjustments. Not in one swoop - but steadily. So you will be able to trick it for a short while by eating very low calories. That's why people on very low calorie diets lose massive amounts of weight within the first few weeks. But those losses are going to come to a screeching halt as your body successfully adjusts your metabolism. And then you're left with weak, sluggish, undernourished people eating 800 calories a day and not losing - or worse yet - gaining weight. That is what most people mean when they refer to the starvation mode - a crashed metabolism... As an aside - if you lose 5 pounds a week eating low calories and think that's all fat - you aren't kidding anyone but yourself - but that's a whole other discussion.

    Catabolism is something different. Your body doesn't have a storage system for Protein as it does carbohydrate. There are 9 essential amino acids. If you fail to provide these - and in sufficient quantity - when your body needs them - then your body will break down lean muscle tissue in order the supply itself with the nutrition it needs. That is a double edged sword for people trying to lose fat because it requires so many more calories to maintain lean muscle tissue than it does fat. The less lean muscle tissue you have - the harder it is to lose fat.

  2. Great posts everyone. Post op depression can be a side effect for any surgery. What did most of us do when we got depressed??? EAT! I think we underestimate how important food was to our everyday life. For most of us food was a security blanket. Once you take away that ability to eat whatever food in whatever quantity it hits you like a ton of bricks and can make us even more depressed. It will get better. Once you get exercising and have sufficient restriction from fills the pounds will start to drop off and you will see that just how motivating that is! It can be like its own euphoria inducing drug.

  3. Well you say you had the surgery Wednesday so I'm guessing this post is less than 24 hours post op... Lots of gas and swelling from the surgery no doubt. Rest in a comfortable position, drink lots of fluids, and get on your feet moving around as much as you can. You will feel much better as the hours pass... Whenever in doubt though contact your surgeon just to have the peace of mind that all is as he/she expects. Its hard to focus on healing right now because all you want to do is get this new tool put to good use - but that won't actually happen for awhile. Focus on healing.

  4. Body composition is, IMO, a more important factor than a scale number. If you gained that much weight though, no doubt a significant part of that was fat. I would focus on your eating habits and you'll soon be back to where you feel comfortable. Go back to the basics and determine how your eating habits changed after the unfill vs before the unfill... If you find you cannot manage the hunger to keep from overeating, then it's time for a tiny fill...

  5. @BamBam, Depressing? You're right. so in order for me to seek the true friendship that you mentioned, I suppose I have to start all over with a new set of people that never knew me before at all. Is that the answere?

    Well only you can determine if these people are truly friends or not. Sure seems like jealously is the issue and if they shut you out based on jealousy then it's hard to say they are a true friend. I can say, from my own experiences, that people tend to congregate with like subjects. When you were big you were just one of the girls, but now that you have made so much progress your presence is an immediate reminder of what they don't like about their own life - excessive weight. Conversely, there are a lot of fit people who never gave me the time of day when I was heavy - but now seem to consider themselves my friend. That doesn't exactly sound like true friend material either. Wouldn't it be so much easier if life had defined lines in the sand? lol

  6. The experiences you share are very depressing in what should be a happier time in your life. True friendship is about love and support - no matter what. These "friendships" may not pass that test - only you can decide. Everyone deserves to be happy and have meaningful relationships and friendships - this you must seek.

  7. well im trying to figure this out myself because i was doing cardio but after seeing some of these before and after pics, seems as if some of them are working their stomachs out but i was advised not to do any exercise for my stomach due to the injectable port and possibly moving. my dr told me that theres not much i can do for my stomach but idk if thats true cuz some of these ppl look good with GREAT stomachs unless im missing something.

    I specifically asked my surgeon about abdominal exercises. He said there was no exercise I could do that would risk my port. Just another difference between surgeons I guess.

    How well any specific part of your body recovers is very individualized. But you can't get a flat belly doing ab exercises... You can strengthen and tone the muscles, but it's cardio that is going to burn the fat off that's covering those muscles. And unfortunately there's no "spot" burning. Only your body decides where the burnt fat stores come from. Since we tend to store a lot of fat in the abdominal region, its typically the last to go. Kinda like our fat stores are a melting chunk of ice - the ice is just thicker to start in the ab region so it takes so much longer.

  8. Low carb intake day after day has a cumulative effect and can greatly impact leptin levels which will hamper fat burning. If I have 3-5 low carb / reduced calorie days I will follow it up with a hi carb / hi calorie day. On that day though I don't cram slider foods in at once, rather spread the calories out. This is also a great strategy to break plateau's or even avoid them in the first place. And on a high carb day I'm not at all above including ice cream and chocoloate... lol Ice cream is probably something I'd die without... lol

  9. Tough topic for sure! We all wanna lose weight fast and furiously but slow and steady is actually best when it comes to your skin as it lets it adjust... Don't think your doomed though just because you have stretch marks. I had lots and some are many are still there but not all that noticeable. Definitely a "YMMV" topic. I wouldn't have been caught dead in public without a shirt on a few years ago but now I really enjoy shirtless summers.

    Hydration, exercise, and rest are HUGE factors for your skin - but no two people are going to get the same results. IMO you just have to tip the scale in your favor and do everything you can to aid in skin recovery. Drink lots of Water, get adequate rest and exercise, plus quality lotions and cremes and you'll achieve the best results possible.

  10. Nice progress everyone! Hard work pays off!

    It's no secret that I don't like long term periods of low calorie eating. I don't track any longer, however, did for months at a time to the point of obsession. I have had 750 calorie days all the way up to 5000 calorie days (only a couple times). On average I consume approximately 1200 - 3000 depending where I'm at with my calorie cycling.

    IMO it's most important to schedule your fuel based on your level of activities. Someone working out 5 days a week and having an active workplace is going to have very different calorie needs that someone who is not exercising and has a desk job.

  11. I was wondering the same thing. I have coffee every mornong i get up 4am to go to the hospital for work. But i know i need to jump start my metabolism too how much of a Protein shake would get things started? 4oz or more?

    My response would be it depends on your daily Protein needs/goals... I would look at it more in terms of carb and protein grams rather than volume... For instance, I start my day with a Protein Shake consisting of roughly 30 grams of protein. And I sip on it until its gone, which may be upwards of an hour and a half...

    There are, however, differing approaches. Jachut, for example, is not as pro-protein as I, and has acheived amazing results. You may be fine with a food choice that is far less protein dense. At any rate, I would be certain to get some form of balanced nutrition to start your day - don't just settle for non-nutritive beverages.

  12. And the debate goes on....
    Look, in all seriousness... When it comes to life, DON'T BE SHEEP!!! If one person says caffeine stimulates hunger don't say "OMG I have to cut back caffeine!" As previously stated I would not recommend ignoring your doctor's orders - but challenge them! You hired them for God's sake!

    Remember, new and more in depth research is done all the time! For everyone insisting that caffeine is without question a diuretic - perhaps you should read this study....
    Progress comes through challenge peeps...

    There are also conclusive studies that some people are more sensitive to caffeine... as is also the case with different GI value carbs and on and on and on... There is no "one size fits all"

    Just don't be sheep...

  13. Stay determined but read...read...read and read some more.... living with a band requires self education... of all the pre-op hoops they made us jump through, what to expect and how to proceed is badly lacking... as previously stated, you are healing... the real weight loss wont begin until you are healed and getting restriction... begin exercising as soon as permitted and continually increase your exercise intensity as your activities get easier... you will get there but you have to know what to reasonably expect... but most of all realize the band is only a tool and a getting lean and healthy is a long journey... do some searches on bandster hell - that is what you are currently experiencing and most all of us have been there at the outset... the topic is well covered on LBT.... stay focused, determined, and educate yourself!

  14. You are not eating enough! Eat more but not at once ... spread it out throughout the day.... Six meals evenly spaced out is optimal... and if your are stuck in a rut the calorie cycling can mix things up and keep your metabolism burning... Don't eat a low calorie diet on an active lifestyle - your metabolism will adjust to it!

  15. Not being able to eat early in the day is VERY common. In fact sitting and eating any meal for me is really a rare thing... I'm a grazer now... I eat a bite or two and then walk around doing other things and then return for a few more bites. It's more comfortable for me to eat standing and I frequently stretch too... There's no way I could just eat three meals a day in the 20 minutes or so I used too.

    That being said... It is VERY counterproductive to outright skip consuming any nutrition in the first hour after rising. coffee and Water, of course, have no nutritional value. And waiting until lunch or afternoon to eat will cause long term problems, both in fat loss and everyday performance. This will kill your metabolism and fat loss efforts. Simply put, your body - like your car - runs on fuel - and it won't run well on crappy fuel or no fuel. Get some carbs and Protein even if it requires a Protein shake for breakfast everyday.

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