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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by noosagirl

  1. noosagirl

    me at durham july 08

    Unbelievable!!! Your just amazing!!!
  2. noosagirl

    How did you decide your goal weight?

    Years ago when I was taking adifax my BMI was 19, I was really healthy and my weight stayed stable for about about 6 years while taking it, so for me I will get down to BMI 20. That might seem low but I have tiny bone structure, I have to buy kids size hats and gloves. My husband calls me pin head and I call him fat head cause he has the opposite problem.
  3. noosagirl

    Water retention

    I think it helps you lose body fat but I found this web site about water, it will explain it to you a lot better. http://www.ultimatefatburner.com/articles/water.html
  4. noosagirl

    My husband does not find me attractive!

    Thank you so much for all of your advice, it means so much to me. I won't make any decisions until I have lost weight and I'm happy within myself. I know I am a good person and I would never intentionally hurt anyone which is why this is so confusing for me. Unfortunately I think I already know the answer though, but people do change and I am hoping that he will. SORRY BUT NOW I HAVE TO VENT! He smokes pot daily and has done for nearly 20 years and I think it is catching up with him, I have asked him in several times with many different approaches to give up. He is so critical of everyone and I knew this from the start, I feel like such an idiot. I always thought wow he must really love me cause he is so critical about everyone but me, but now it is directed at me. I like everyone,it is rare for me not to like someone and even if I didn't get along with them I would always be polite. My husband can be so loving and generous but its becoming less and less. I know things will get better for me I just need all your great advice! Thanks again everyone!
  5. noosagirl

    HELP!!! First Fill Refused???

    That is a massive amount of weight in a very short period of time, if I were you I wouldn't get a fill until you stop losing and plateu, and then get a fill. Good luck!
  6. noosagirl

    Let me introduce myself

    I really feel for you. You must be so frustrated. I hope other people can help and give you some good advice. I'm thinking of you!
  7. noosagirl

    surgery embarrassing questions

    I was in a gown until they knocked me out. I never thought about being nude, I guess I was, but it doesn't count if I can't remember it! Yes I had the runs for two weeks post op (which is very unusual for me), but some people find the opposite and others no change to their regular routine. Everyone is different.
  8. noosagirl

    Weight Loss Makeover

    I am starting now by trying to have more adventures, i'm taking risks in my life and i'm going to back pack around India for 2 or 3 months when I reach goal. I deserve it!
  9. noosagirl

    pain in left side?

    The first week post op I found it difficult to walk cause of side pain on the left side, just like a bad stitch. Week 2 started going away week 3 started coming back week 4 getting worse. I was banded on 3rd Sept 08, I did a bit of lifting yesterday and it is worse today, like I said it feels like a really bad stitch. Do you think it is just stomach muscles?
  10. noosagirl

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    Lollies, I just love lollies, not that I had them regularly, maybe 100g once a month. Anyway I was driving around a few days ago and I realised I don't think I can ever have lollies again (I was banded 3rd Sept). God i'm going to miss them, snakes were my favorite. Oh well I guess i'll just have to settle with being healthy and sexy.
  11. noosagirl

    Holy Shiat!

    That is truly amazing! I don't know you but I very proud of you! You deserve to treat yourself to a weekend away and a new wardrobe. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!
  12. I hate when doctors think they know everything! Every body is different and you know your own body better than anyone.
  13. Don't worry our weight will come off as the lap band is for life and its not going to happen over night. I was banded 3rd Sept weighed myself on 12th and had lost 15 pounds and then nothing. I weighed myself this morning and have put on 2 pounds, maybe because I started mushies yesterday? Please don't stress this will work for all of us and it isn't going to be all positive, it will have its ups and downs, just like life. Hang in there!
  14. I am getting banded at the Apollo Hospital in New Delhi, India on 3rd September and was just wondering if anyone else has been banded there? If so can you give me some advice or just tell me how your experience was. As the days draw closer I am starting to get nervous. Cheers
  15. Don't tell them till about a month after your lap band and by that stage you will have lost weight and be on soft foods if you visit them. And tell them you got the lap band because all of them were so concerned about your weight and then thank them for caring so much. hee hee And then after around a year they will be probably be saying to you that they are so worried about you cause you've lost so much weight.
  16. noosagirl

    should banding be for me?

    I would highly recommend spending time going through this web site looking at lots of threads and posts. I was banded on 3rd September and it was one of the best decisions i've made and I highly recommend it, but having said that you need to do what is right for you. Don't forget to ask lots and lots and lots of questions.
  17. noosagirl

    Not losing weight

    I was banded 3rd Sept. I have lost 15 pounds but haven't lost anything for the last five days either. It is not going to happen all at once and at the beginning it is normally fast. I am happy if I lose 4 pounds a month. Don't be discouraged by the scale our lap bands are for life and its not going to all happen at once, you are doing great!
  18. noosagirl

    back pain day 3

    I was banded on the 3rd sept and my back is killing me as well. I wish it would go away, I didn't realize that it could be from gas pains. Thank you for posting.
  19. noosagirl

    Has anyone been banded in INDIA?

    I was banded 3rd september Apollo Hospital Delhi and I was very impressed with quality of care I received. My surgeon was excellent and his name is Arun Prasad his email is surgerytimes@gmail.com Healthbase are great to go through cause they can organize everything for you and they are reliable, although I did organise my own accomodation, I stayed at www.delhibedandbreakfast.com I don't know if they made a mistake but I only ended up paying US$5700 for op and that included tests and two nights stay in hospital, but I was quoted US$6700. Good luck! If you have anymore questions, ask away.
  20. noosagirl

    Diarreha and cramping?

    I got banded on the 3rd and I am having the exact same problem.
  21. noosagirl

    What will you do with your hands

    Only been back home 24hours from being banded and I hope I get an addiction to cleaning, a really bad one!
  22. I only told two people my sister who lives on the over side of the world and my husband both of whom I thought I could trust 100% and to my apsolute surprise word has spread quickly. So I am now thinking that maybe this is a good thing as I always keep everything to myself and I want being banded to change my life and it is in more ways than one. I am having a whole new adventure in my life, might even change my name to reflect the changes. I am becoming the person I always wanted to be but was hidden inside and now is slowly escaping. Watch out world here I come!
  23. I think my sister has just told my mum that i'm being banded and its tomorrw. I'm away from home, alone and and i am not looking forward to talking to her. She has rung my sister heaps and my sister rang my husband to warn him that she would try and call. My head is going in circles and tears are building up. I think I am doing the right thing by being banded but I feel no one is behind me. I feel so sad and alone and dont need this the night before sugery. Some one out there in lap band world please give me words of wisdom. PS I am 35 bl**dy years old.
  24. My mum kept hounding my sister and my husband all yesterday, cause where I am staying told her I was in hospital. Luckily neither one of them told her anything. When I finally got to speak to her (she is also abroad) I said don't be silly mum I have been out sight seeing and that where im staying was talking about another guest. She believed me, which was a huge relief! I love my mum to bits but she worries over every little thing and everything is dangerous to her, I wasn't aloud a push bike growing up cause it was to dangerous and I could kill myself. ANYWAY Thank you so so much all for helping me I am leaving for the hospital in an hour and all your support has given me strength. I am doing this for me cause I know this is right. THANKYOU ALL

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