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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thegirlnextdoor

  1. Thegirlnextdoor

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you! In the morning,I typically have yogurt,for lunch,I might have a small amount of tuna on a wheat wrap,which I was told was fine,I have not even 1/2 of it. For dinner,I typically have like steamed veggies and a small amount of fish. I haven't had a fill yet. My first fill will be in January. I was flying high last Wednesday at my first post op appt but now it seems the scale won't budge. I had my surgery on November 3rd. Am I expecting too much ?
  2. Hi Twiggy! I understand how you feel. What I find works for me and this will probably sound strange but when I feel achy,I tend to push myself to go for a walk,I find that it helps. I
  3. I think that's a GREAT idea!!
  4. I'm right there with you!
  5. Can someone describe what they feel when the band FEELS tight ? I hear people all the time say they feel tight in the morning but sometimes I have a weird sensation at night. I don't know how to explain it. Ok ,this will sound stupid so pardon me lol but ,do you know how it feels when you have bad heartburn or you feel like you have to burp but you can't?? That's what it feels like. My other question is ,can someone please describe to me what they feel when they can tell they have had enough to eat. I know this sounds like a crazy question but sometimes I have a hard time telling when i'm full and other times it almost feels like a tightening in my chest ? Is this typical ? Thanks to you all : )!
  6. I wish you the very best :crying: !! Can't wait to hear how it went!!
  7. I was the same way! For me ,I started to feel MUCH better about a week and a half after surgery. I wondered the same thing too as far as if I was going to feel normal anytime soon (I was banded on November 3rd) so i'm right there with you. I promise you will at least 75 % better by next week.
  8. Thegirlnextdoor

    I Cheated!!!!!!! Help

    Hi there. I did that too and like you ,I was really nervous about it. I think you will be fine. The worst ,the very worst that could happen is that your liver may be too large and they may postpon your surgery but I really don't think you will have a problem. I worried the week before surgery and I ended up worrying for nothing. Just get right back on the "2 week pre-op diet" and I think you will be just fine. Congrats on your surgery and let us know how it goes : )!
  9. Hi everyone, When I went to my first post appt ,I ended up getting 2 different answers about when I can stop crushing my pills and take them regularly. The nurse I can start at 2 week post op ,the dietician says about 4-6 weeks . What did your providers say ? Thanks!
  10. Thegirlnextdoor

    Question about meds ?

    Hi there & welcome ! Thank you for your response. I guess every provider does it differently. When you get onto stage 3,you will be so happy,I was practically jumping for joy lol.
  11. I totally understand what you're saying. Hopefully with us losing the weight,some of the stress from just being heavy will be gone. For me just about any kind of stress gets my fibro going but i'm hopeful.
  12. Hi guys, As you know i'm newly banded (on November 3rd). I noticed something today and that is ,I think i'm dehydrated because I don't feel the need to go pee at all and when I do it's very little. I'm not sure what do at this point,It seems like i'm drinking Water off and on all day but why would this happen all of a sudden? I have this fear though that if I drink too much water at a time,that will be bad so I guess i'm at fault for being dehydrated. Any suggestions? Thank you all!!
  13. You know ,that's so true ,baby steps aren't so intimidating. Plus ,I think they are the most important and the ones that last the longest.
  14. Hi Everyone, Well I didn't really know what to expect the first week following the surgery and I'm experiencing a world of emotions as well as some physical symptoms? I'm curious if others have felt this way. 1. Has anyone else felt like they were depressed and their emotions are all over the place? Is this normal? 2. I've gone from feeling like I have no appetite at all ,to being obsessed with food I can't have right now and then back to no appetite? Anyone else? 3. I feel like i'm going through some sort of weird emotional detox, I never realized how much I depended on food for comfort although I knew I was an emotional eater before even having the surgery but this is hard. Any ideas on how to cope? 4. Has anyone else experienced a weird sensation ,when they sit up,almost like something is sticking you in the chest? 5. Last but not least,am I going crazy lol?:thumbs_up:
  15. Hi & congrats. If I already posted to your reply,I apologize. I was banded on November 3rd,so i'm right there with you. I hope your surgery will go well ,which i'm sure it will :thumbs_up: !!
  16. You will certainly get there :thumbs_up: ! I can tell you're someone who has a very positive attitude and that will take you far. I honestly have no idea how long it will take me to achieve my goal. My goal ultimately is to be around 150-160 but I will be happy also with being around 180. Seriously. I don't expect to be model thin ,I just want to be comfy in my own skin.
  17. Hi there! Thank you for your support :thumbs_up:! I'm rooting for you on your lap-band journey as well!
  18. Thank you for the response. It's nice to know there is hope. I think too as we continue to lose weight,some of the stress that's associated with being overweight will go away and that in it's self,will possibly help with the fibro flare ups.
  19. Glad to hear you're doing great :thumbs_up: !! I was banded on the 3rd ,so i'm right there with you! Oh didn't you hate the barium swallow ? YUCK!! I was hoping the radiologist was kidding when he said to keep drinking it all the way down,ick. I was also the first one banded that day. I had to be there by 615 and then my surgery was at 730. I think it's great because it also gives you a little bit more time in the Hospital to be monitored.
  20. Thegirlnextdoor

    Anyone else go through this ? Help!

    Thank you for your response !! I'm so glad I posted here today because since Wednesday I've been feeling rather down. I can't even begin to tell you how much every ones responses has helped me !! I have felt like I'm all of a sudden, somebody completely different. I SO know what you mean by thinking about food all the time and seeing all the commercials,that part is discouraging but I'm determined to keep a positive attitude and stick to it. It's nice to know that this too ,shall pass!! Thank you :thumbs_up: !!
  21. Thegirlnextdoor

    Anyone else go through this ? Help!

    Thank you so much for the reply :frown: ! I'm glad i'm not alone!
  22. I have no experience with this but I imagine there are a lot of people who have dealt with this. I wish you the best in your journey.
  23. Thegirlnextdoor

    Anyone else go through this ? Help!

    I think there are some hobbies out there that I really want to get involved in,right now a lot of my time is being occupied on school ,which is probably a good thing as well. It keeps me busy but I know that I need to do something else for me as well,besides school. Something more fun lol. Although ,don't get me wrong,I do enjoy school but you know what I mean. Is it strange for me to say ,throughout my whole life,i've always depended on "food" to be my "good time" . I know that sounds horrible but really I was like this even before I was overweight but i'm not sure why. I'm ashamed to admit,that so much of life centered around eating. I don't understand it. That's what I so badly need to work on.

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