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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thegirlnextdoor

  1. Hi Mim, I think you're just ready for your first fill,that's all :thumbup: . I was banded on the Nov. 3rd so i'm right there with you. Occassionaly I will feel all of a suddent really hungry and then i'm back to being fine again. I think after you have your fill,you'll feel better. Congrats on the 23 pounds .
  2. Thegirlnextdoor

    Restrictions out the window

    Hang in there !! Don't beat yourself up. If I remember there was a while there when you weren't able to eat much at all,right? I think once your body felt it was safe to eat,it gave you the urge to do so which in my opinion ,I would think would be normal. Try not to feel discouraged,you will get back on track ! ((((HUGS))))
  3. Thegirlnextdoor

    Only water for 5 days

    This is just a thought but I would maybe ask the Doctor if he would at least allow like the special K protein water. I'm not a medical professional but they always preach about getting enough protein and such. I'm afraid you're going to end up feeling really weak and run down.
  4. Thegirlnextdoor

    Only water for 5 days

    In my opinion,that's WAY extreme. I wonder what the reasoning is ? Congrats on being banded though !!:thumbup:
  5. Thegirlnextdoor


    I've had popcorn since my surgery (very little) but to my surprise,I had no problems with it .I LOVE popcorn.
  6. Hi Mgirl, I can SO feel your pain and i'm a month post op as well. When I hit a plateau a few days ago ,what I did was increased my calories some and it did the trick ,plus another suggestion would be to walk a few minutes everyday. I spoke with my dietician and she said when someone loses weight,things shift so the scale may not show weight loss but for example,your pants feel looser. The Dietician also recommended that we measure ourselves with a tape measure so we can see the other positive results besides what the scale says. You're doing great :tongue2:!
  7. Thegirlnextdoor

    Tired of the med crushing.

    I'm OFFICIALLY free from crushing my meds!!! YAY!! I just got back from talking with the Doctor's office.
  8. Thegirlnextdoor

    painful stomache cramps

    I'd be willing to bet that it's your body trying to heal it's self and I think it can also make your incisions hurt,the other possibilty is that it good be gas pains which I know are NOT fun after you have surgery.
  9. I always worse capris in the summer time too and I hated it .It's litterally been years since i've worn shorts. I agree with you,we will be new and improved :sleep2: !!
  10. What I find interesting is that I have no problem eating steak but chicken is a bear and so is Turkey at times.
  11. Thegirlnextdoor

    Tired of the med crushing.

    Hi Steve, I finally just decided that yesterday I would start taking them normally. I've had no problems ,so far.
  12. Hi Julia :blushing: ! That's what keeps me going as well. I keep thinking about being able to wear a smaller swimsuit next year.
  13. Thegirlnextdoor

    Tired of the med crushing.

    Hi Ginny! I'm right there with you on that. I've heard people make those comments even before I had WLS however they didn't know I wasn't having the surgery lol. It's definately not the easy way out. I work harder now than I ever have but i'm so glad I did it :blushing: !! I decided with the pills (starting yesterday) that I would just take them UNCRUSHED. I've had no problems with it so far. I'll never forget ,the very first day that I crushed my Effexor meds (the generic) ,I felt so nauseous and on edge. I hated it. Never again lol. Thanks for your reply :sleep2: !!
  14. Thegirlnextdoor

    Tired of the med crushing.

    That's what I don't get either. In fact ,it's not even my surgeon that I hear this from. I haven't seen him since November. It's the Nurses or the Dieticians that I see and every single one of them ,gives me a different answer. So far I have 3 answers from that office lol. I forgot about the 3rd one lol. It's a huge inconvience and I hate the taste and sometimes the way it makes me feel. I see the Surgeon's Physician Assistant tomorrow so i'm hoping to finally set the record straight. I hope.:whatchutalkingabout
  15. Thegirlnextdoor

    12/3 i joined the band-land

    That's awesome!! Congrats!! I have to say i'm surprised at how quickly they released you. Don't hesitate to call the Doctor's office with any questions you have!! You will do great!!
  16. Thegirlnextdoor

    hair dye anyone?

    I've never heard that. Weird! I've colored my hair since my surgery and I was fine : )!
  17. Thegirlnextdoor

    Weird Pain.

    Yes,you're right I am eating more solid foods but i'm careful about what I eat ,so i'm just not sure. However yesterday ,I did walk a few minutes longer than I usually do??
  18. Thegirlnextdoor

    Weird Pain.

    Hi All, I'm not sure what this but ever since yesterday,i've had a pain between my breasts and around the port. Not a horrbile pain but noticeable. I haven't done anything different. Any ideas ,what this could be ? It's similar to more like a dull ache. :cursing:
  19. Thegirlnextdoor

    Weird Pain.

    Thank you for your response. This helps me to feel a little more relieved. I'm not exactly comfortable right now. I do see the PA on Friday so that's good.
  20. I have a silly question . What is pbing ?
  21. Hi All, I have not taken any otc meds for pain since before the surgery and right now i'm at work and I have the worst headache.ACK! I don't have my list of what are some approved OTC meds I could take for a headache. Can anyone help me ? Thank you !!!
  22. Thegirlnextdoor

    OWWW MY HEAD!! Help !

    Thank you !! I thought it might be tylenol but I couldn't be sure. I know he doesn't want me on aspirin or ibuprophen.
  23. Thegirlnextdoor

    Well the scale finally moved & other stuff.

    I never thought it would be difficult for me but it really is ,especially when i'm home. For some strange reason.
  24. Hi All, Well I weighed myself this morning and finally,I have lost one more pound . I know it's only one pound but I was excited. The only thing that I did different the last couple of days was increased my calories slightly. I've also decided to stay on mushies a little bit longer ,even if the dietician decides to progress me to the stage 4 diet this Friday when I go in for my one month post -op. Last Friday ,I had a tremendous amount of chest pain and I suspect part of my problem has been ,I tend to eat fast because i'm always on the go and I have to stop that because ,BOY OH BOY is it painful,my other issue is,in my opinion I think I probably should have stayed on liquids longer than I have. The nurse I spoke to Friday said that most likely the chest pain is caused by swelling and that I need to evaluate what i'm eating ,so the only thing i've been on the last 2 days is liquid Protein drinks and mushies only but no meat of any kind.I was eating quite a bit of tuna as well as turkey & fish but even though it's on my stage 3 diet list,I think it was too soon for me and the Nurse agrees. I think she didn't want to come right out and say that she thought the dietician progressed me too soon. I was just so excited about being able to eat normal foods,I didn't think much about it. What I did find out is that I can't really do chicken which the nurse told me that most band patients can't. This is truly a trial & error situation.
  25. Thegirlnextdoor

    Well the scale finally moved & other stuff.

    Thank you : )!! I sure hope so!! I realize that the band makes me constantly be aware of what i'm doing,how i'm doing it etc. This is a new concept ,really.

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