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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chicalynn

  1. chicalynn

    Exercise Talk

    Hello everyone. I am looking at increasing my exercise activities. I will not go to a gym or Curves so was wanting to invest in a treadmill. After looking in to machines online I am seeing a lot of them have weight limits for 250 or 300:glare:. Does anyone have any information on treadmills for someone 350+? I am not concerned about cost I just want a really good one that will last and can withstand the weight. Any information would be helpful. UPDATE: Do walk dogs outside but want an inside option as well.
  2. chicalynn

    Finally talking about it

    thanks for the words of advice, elayne.
  3. I have finally started talking to my close friends and a few of my family about my potential lap band procedure. I have been overweight all my life and I have major emotional issues about it. I struggled all through school as the bigger one in every group I was associated with. it wasn't until I was 22 and I began a Dr supervised weight loss medication program (yes the dreaded phenfen) and lost over 75 lbs that I saw what life could be like for thinner women. I was in size 8 clothes for the first time in my entire life. however, when those medications were stopped, all those pounds and about 100 more came back. After my dad's sudden death five years later, I dealt with the pain the best I knew how. I am now at a VERY unhealthy weight and starting to see that I may die earlier if somethign is not done. I have cheated death many times in the past 8 years because of my reckless and self destructive behaviors due to grief and depression. I have severe joint pain and knee pain from arthritis, with baker's cyst. I now have high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I have been in denial about my weight being the cause of all my pains for the past 2 or 3 years until now. My body is so tired of supporting my denials. I have a very stressful and rigorous sales job that has really taken a toll on me physically and emotionally. I feel like I need to just lay down and die sometimes. I am literally that tired. My friends are all obsessed with their weight but they have no idea what it really feels like to be this size. They all need to loose about 20-30 lbs which is peanuts to the amount of weight I need to loose.....I have totally and completely withdrawn from my social life with them b/c all they do is talk about their diets. I have 2 friends who I have confided in totally (one being my brother) and I never feel like I need to put up a front with them. however I need support from people who feel or have felt like me. I am in a holding pattern for the next 6 months due to the unreasonable demands from my insurance company. i need to be able to talk back and forth to someone who understands the darkness around being overweight (I hate the word obese!). As I type these words I can not stop the emotions coming from me because I have kept all of this bottled up for so long. Even if no one reads these I know that just by posting my words on here throughout my process will be theraputic for me. Thanks for taking the time to hear me today.
  4. chicalynn

    Now I am Scared!!!

    Well I was also mortified and scared when I was told from my sleep study that I had "severe sleep apnea" and had to come back for second study for the cpap. I did this on Sun night and it was horrible. I have never slept so poorly in my entire life. I woke up more than 5 times pulling at my mask when they increased the pressure. there is no way I will ever get use to that feeling. However this is a requirement by my doctor before he will even clear me for surgery. Therefore I picked out my mask and I will *try* to use it at home but I can not promise this will help. I am going through some insurance requirements as well so right now I'm following orders and doing what I have to do to get approved. Good luck and I'm sure you results will go smoothly. Unfortunately it is something we just have to do.
  5. chicalynn

    Exercise Outrage

    I wanted to tell you to keep your head held high! I stay away from crowds all the time just because of this type of thing. However your courage is inspiring to me so today will be the day me and the dogs get out on the block for the first time in months. btw-Dr. Felts will be my surgeon. How did you like the experience and what should I expect with this Center? I am in my 6 month insurance holding pattern right now so just getting to know the staff on my monthly visits. Would love to hear more about your experience so will read more of your posts. But Feel free to private message me.
  6. chicalynn

    Finally talking about it

    Actually I didn't even start with my primary dr. Isn't that horrible? I have not been to her in almost 4 years for anything and I am fortunate enough to have a PPO insurance that doesn't require me to go to my primary. This whole thing started with a sudden change in my menstrual cycle that scared the crap out of me. For someone who has avoided the doctor for many years, I sure did see a lot of them suddenly. It was enough to send me in to a full anxiety attach to the point that I easily mistakened it for a mild heart attack. I immediately called this Center here in the area after seeing a commercial while in the midst of my anxiety attack. My blood pressure was through the roof, etc.....so that is what started it. I went immediately to cardiologist and did stress testing, etc....I realized I was this close to being a statistic. so no, no problems from my primary doc. i'm not taking my health for granted any more. Stay strong with your dr. appt! Just remember that your primary doctor is not a specialist who understands about overweight. I draw this conclusion from the statement you made about him saying to get up and run at dawn. I'll be thinking about ya on Aug 7.
  7. chicalynn

    Finally talking about it

    Thanks for everyone who has replied to me. I feel so much better after having a *slight* emotional breakdown last night. lol. Today I began my first exercise program in more than 3 years. I know it will get easier and easier the more I go. I am going for my 2nd sleep study appt in a few weeks, as well as a pysch appt which is requirement of my insurance company. Any suggestions for that appt? I have a feeling the appt is only for insurance purposes. I have 6 months of dr supervised weight program before they will approve the surgery. I was just so ready to have it done last month when I went to my first consult appointment. I quickly got my medical evaluations that my consult required (sleep study, cardiologist, blood work) and now have to wait. Kinda deflated my bubble. BUT, now that I'm working through it and starting my little lifestyle change program with small plates at meals and exercise. My PA at the dr's office said she wants to really focus on prepping me for after surgery life these next 6 months. I've been reading tons of posts on here now and know that there is so much I have to change to make this the most successful procedure. So I'll keep updating my profile as things change and move along. thanks again for helping me last night with your words of encouragement. It's good to be able to talk to people who truly understand. :biggrin2:

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