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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by thinblueline

  1. Oh i know i am ready its just that i am over thinking it a bit and i am well aware in order to Reep the benefits you have to work at it I'm tired of living my life as a man who is heavy and the yo yo diet just don't work for me anymore i am 53 years old and i want to live a life that if fulfilled with health and happiness.


  2. My biggest fear is i won't catch on and follow the diet if you will i will just eat what i want regardless if i get sick or not i am very , very stubborn and i have this mind set i want what i want and i want it now from the sounds of it there are a lot of restrictions and i feel like i will push back if i can't have what i want i am not saying will i just know i don't want to run into a brick wall and defy this blessing to lose weight with the help of the people in my journey.

  3. I have heard that if i eat to fast i will get sick (my wife told me this actually) i tend to eat big bites and again my wife tells me if you eat a big piece you're going to get sick now as far as seconds and thirds i don't know why i do it i know i am full yet i do it why do you think i do it as far as the emotional eating or being board i am not sure if i do both or one or the the other if i had to guess id say emotional i know i drink a lot when i am bored which i mentioned about feeling bloated, i tend to gulp when i drink.

  4. The problem i have with food is i know when i am full but i go back for more for instance dinner i eat until i am full but i make the excuse that i want more i don't know how to explain it and i drink a lot of fluids and then i feel bloat and i hate the feeling it gives me i lose my breath and the only way for me to feel better and to catch my breath is to lay on my back in bed and then i let out this burp ( sorry TMI i know) then i get up and feel a little better anyway what causes the bloat ?


    I forgot to mention when it gets close to dinner time my wife or i will say to the other "what do you want for dinner " i hate thinking about food or my wife or i will say while we are eating dinner what do you want for dinner tomorrow night we are not even finished with the meal in front of us and Shes asking about the next nights menu if you will....By the way my wife had gastric bypass surgery years ago and has stayed under 200 ( this is NOT her goal weight ) for years i think it's been like 17 years and she's a chef and has bachelors degree, I think in culinary arts i will talk with you soon.

  5. Yes , that does make sense being a male i think getting down to 180 is NOT realistic as I'm 290 now and i just can't see myself at 180 now if i get down to 240 250 i am comfortable with that because i have had both hips replaced and i lose 55 lbs before surgery and felt great but of course i put it all back and then some even if i lose 60 lbs I'd be happy anyway thank you for sharing with you having bipolar most would not share such personal stuff.


  6. Shoppgrl , Thank you for being so prompt i am relieved it's a non issue because my quality of life is down to a stand still i mean i can get around but clothes either don't fit me and i go shopping and i cant find anything that fits its so frustrating i have to either wear shorts or sweatpants forget about jeans that is out of the question anyway i don't mean to babble, i am having the gastric sleeve i cant wait to get my life back its so amazing how the weight just creeps up on you and youre 296 lbs i have never been this heavy and its scares me i cannot weight for the surgery date and i know its all a process but i hate to wait , how are things going with you i see you pretty much reached your goal weight that awesome , good for you, i hope to hear back from you with some advice if you wouldn't mind i would appreciate it.


  7. I first want to say that i noticed a few of you mentioned about mental illness in that the doc might be looking for this , well i have a mental illness i have bipolar PTSD and depression ( i am on meds ) i see a psychiatrist and i am in therapy and i have been seeing her for the last 9 years so i guess my next question will this stop me from having surgery or delay it ? I would greatly appreciate it if i could get some feedback , thank you in advance.



  8. I am a little anxious about my appt with a psychologist and I'm curious what kind of questions they will ask me it's a two hour appt so I'm sure there will be questions about my relationship to food , my younger years , can you help me understand what I'm ùp against I really don't want to get blind sided what was it like for you when you had your appt I am just going to tell the doc I'm nervous and maybe that will help me not be so anxious is you can offer some input that would be great for bless and take care


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  9. No i can't go off them as i a, bipolar and have PTSD and the meds level me off to where i won't have nightmares or become manic the med i have for the bipolar is lithium and its dangerous to just come off them but i see your point just come off them and the issues will go away, don't i wish it was that easy, thank you for your insight it was helpful.


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  10. As most of you know i am having the gastric sleeve in about 4 months and i am really looking forward to this as i can finally move on with my life as this tool for a better life can show me that i can for the first time in my life see food for what it is and that is energy and not for comfort like i always went to it and of course i always failed at however i am now up against another battle MY CLOTHES they are all so tight and uncomfortable it really makes no sense to go out and buy a wardrobe of new clothes when i will be losing weight either right after the surgery or soon thereafter.

    So here comes the "dumb question" did any of you run into this problem with your clothes i would assume you did and if so what did you do to deal with it i need some help because its really affecting me emotionally that i dont even want to leave the house until i get my date for surgery, my weight gain is really showing now , even back in March my PCP said Mr Cooper i can see you have put on some weight since our last appt i agreed with her as its not like i can hide it , its rather obvious actually'

    Has gaining weight on your part affected you like its affecting me what did you do, what did you do to handle the emotions that came up for you, my wife says i am getting up in the middle of the night , in her words, "eating everything in sight" i would deny this when she would bring it to my attn the next morning until one morning she left the mess i made the night before she showed me there was cookie crumbs, Peanut Butter , loaves of bread left open , Cereal bowl(s) left on the kitchen counter, etc etc i cant keep living like this its almost like i am going to food(by the way , one of my meds the side effect is i sleep walk/eat and i remember nothing )for comfort in my sleep and not remembering this at all i am really struggling and i don't know what to do anymore i am truly hoping someone, anyone has /had this issue that can relate to my issue(s) please don't think any less of me i am simply trying to straighten out my life and coming here to this wonderful site and feeling safe so i can share my pain. 😐


    She's the best that's ever happened to me

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  11. I met with my surgeon and we actually knew each other from the VA veterans ER he fills in there once and a while , anyway i am having the gatric sleeve as a result of some of the meds i am taking that won't digest properly if i went with the bypass, i am pretty excited and look forward to moving on with my life because i know after meeting with him today my quality of life will change for the better. He said the entire process will take about 4 months.


    Thank you to those of you for the words of encouragement i am grateful !

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  12. Well i am meeting with the surgeon( to see if i am a canidate for surgery) this morning for a virtual appt and i am pretty nervous and although i am pretty nervous it's all part of the process , my question is when you met with the surgeon were you feeling the same way and do you think it's a good idea to tell him/her i am edgy i think if i do it will put me at ease, anyway i just wanted to put that out there and maybe get some replies , thank you for taking the time in reading this and i hope you have a good day.


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  13. I have a hard time with negativity so i try and stay away from it because it just brings me down , i figure my SX will be sometime in October i am in the begining stages as i have my second interv iew with the surgeon on the 21st of this month to see if i am a " eligible canidate " god willing i am i am so uncomfortable lately i am feeling bloated all the time and food is just a big turn off for me i am fed up with always trying to figure out what i am having for Breakfast lunch and dinner does anyone have that struggle who has not had the SX yet , anyway i have an appt i wish i could post some more so i dont want to be late , i love this site there are so many genunine nice people who have helped me so much , i will post more later on today if i get the chance, god bless to you all.


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  14. At some point I'm going to have gastric bypass and i want learn Portion Control ( if you will) therefore i want to get ahead of the game , how do i know my portions are either too much or not enough i try to ( eye it ) guess but i know i eat fast and i almost never pay attention to what is on my plate which must be a bd move , is it , even my wife tells me i take huge bites and i don't chew my food enough and a lot of the time i choak i don't know where i am going with this i guess i just want to be prepared for SX so there are no surprises when i sit down to eat and i "think" there's not enough food so i add more to my plater i eat too much and the end result is i get sick and vomit, can anyone help with this post , any advice would really help, thank you very much ☺️


  15. SleeverSk That was beautiful i am impressed with you i felt a little bit like that when i had BOTH HIPS replaced i went through so much emotionally that i ( 10 yrs, in recovery for alcoholism) i sat in my recliner and ate morphine like they were candy because i didn't want to "FEEL" so i numbed my feelings for weeks and then i ran out of pain meds and all the feelings i numbed came flooding back and let me just say i was a mess the morphine was gone they were no longer delivering them to my house and i was " on the pity pot for at least 3 weeks and wanted to die because i still had no meds and no one wanted to help me aside from my wife who anyway i was able to get my shi*t together and take the meds like they were prescribed , my life got better and i got better and if you feel like you won't get better you're wrong I'm telling you, you will it's all part of the process be gentle with yourself you deserve to be happy and deserve to be loved even though you may not feel it now theyll come a day you will look back and say " all the kicking and screaming i got through it " youre stronger then you think , so keep your head up you are so worth it.


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