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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisafitz

  1. Me too that's what they looked like too it's 3 weeks past now How are you feeling?
  2. I don't have stitches I was glued. You can't see the other cuts I have 6 of them...the only one you can see is the one were my port is I guess and then I sat in the sun without thinking and lifted my top up so my stomach would stay tan and my cut turn almost black. But it doesn't look to bad. So everyone is with stitches?
  3. lisafitz

    New from south jersey

    I am Lisa banded Aug 5th 3 weeks ago. I first went to Virtua and sat in and listen to the doctors one of them Dr. Goldstein. It was to much money for me with the gym and all the other stuff out of pocket. My ins covered 100% for my surgery but not the other part with the nurses and stuff. So I went and asked my family doctor who told me to go over there in the first place and she said I have another Dr I want you to see too and then see what you want to do. So I went to Kennedy in Stratford and saw Dr. Balsama and went to one of there seminars and I liked it better there for myself. I felt more comfortable...I don't know why but I did. I hear Dr. Goldstein is very good. So I went though all the tests and everything was done over at Kennedy. Everyone there was so wonderful. I was banded 3 weeks ago and so far down 12 lbs and so far everything is good. I go for my first fill in 4-5 weeks. You should go for it and I have heard very good things about Virtua...that was my first stop. I just didn't have the money for the program. Good luck to you and keep me posted please. It fels great to talk to people who are doing the samething. Lisa also South Jersey:redface:
  4. lisafitz

    How often do you PB?

    Okay I didn't know what it was but I do now. I burp all the time and even when I wasn't banded. I was banded Aug 5th 3 weeks now I burp all the time even if I drink. I have acid reflux so I don't know if that is why too. I do eat to fast always have. I am worried that my band is going to slip or something. I did the other night get a piece of chicken stuck. I was talking and cutting chicken and I just popped it in my mouth and didn't chew...I was freaked out and oh did it hurt. So of course I tried to drink water which only mad it worse and I guess the "slime" your talkjing about came up. I did throw the piece of chicken up. I was Like now...i'm so scared I did something to my band. Okay yesterday my band bothered me today I wake up and it's still tender there but it doesn't hurt me like it did just yesterday does anyone know if this is normal. My mind is going crazy I think I ate to fast and made the band slip and now that's why is doesn't hurt. Plus I get my first fill in 4-5 weeks.....I guess it is so different from before your band is filled? I never feel full but I only eat a 1/2 a cup to 3/4 of a cup that's ...that's all I am suppose to eat and lumpy food now. I know I went off the subject of PB but I have so many questions about if I am doing things right.
  5. I had my band Aug 5th and I had liquids for one week (stage 1) then stage 2 was mushy for 2-3 weeks then stage 3 which i am entering today and that is lumpy foods not mushy and 2-3 weeks for that then stage 4 which is how I eat the rest of my life. my thing is that I have had some foods and not mushy but I never go over 1/2 cup of food I am only aloud 1/2 a cup then now I am aloud 3/4 of a cup I eat mostly veggies and chicken and mashed potatoes and it's in the food processor. Now just lumpy i am thinking that I hope I did not do anything to myself.....I am following my sheets but not 100% I go back in 4 weeks and I get a fill i am nervous now that I did something wrong.......I knew you weren't suppose to eat but I never paid attention on why. My stupid fault. I will watch everything at this point. I just hope it isn't to late. I wouldn't want anything to go wrong with my band after all I went though. I am very upset over myself at this point. I am down 13 lbs. I am so glad I found this web site Thank you all
  6. lisafitz

    pain under ribs on left side

    I was banded Aug 5th and I still to have this stabbing pain were my port is. I guess it is going to take awhile for it to go away. Sometimes I still take meds at night so when I turn from side to side it won't hurt too much. I know the port is in the stomach muscle right there and everything you do uses that muscle. I just started back at work Thursday and my stomach was really sore. Friday wasn't as bad. The doctor told me it will be awhile, but I really thought by now it would go away. Sometimes it feels like someone stabbed me. When I go for a walk sometimes I have to hold that part of my stomach. I gues this is all normal. Lisa
  7. lisafitz

    Started my 10 day liquid diet today!!!

    Hi, Hope your feeling better. I had my lapband Aug 5th and my stomach was killing me and I didn't go for almost over a week. Actually I went when I started my Stage 2 of the diet......I started only for one week liquids which included nothing but broth, sugar free jello, water and crystal light. Week two mushy foods and my protein shakes. Then I went finally. But you could have gas....they do blow you up in your stomach....it does have to come out. If it's really hurting you call the doctors on Monday and see what you should do. Did you stay over night or same day? I was over night. I could have done two days in the hospital I think I would have felt better....I have been so sore were my port is. Good Luck Lisa
  8. lisafitz

    pain under ribs on left side

    My port still hurts not anything like last week but like coughing, sneezing, and when I sleep when I move from side to side sometimes it's like some one is stabbing me. I worked today for 4 hrs for the first time in 2 weeks and my port hurt allot. My whole stomach hurt. I do another 4 hrs Friday too. Then Monday back to full time. I have to make myself understand that it will take awhile for the port to feel better. Lisa
  9. I think it is something you should do. If you can be approved for Lapband then do it. Your health is at risk, that's is what maters. This will help you in the long run forever. I see nothing wrong with it at all weight isn't the issue. Your health is important. Lisa
  10. I was banded Aug 5th two weeks yesterday I am still on mushy foods and my doctor doesn't want me to do any workouts until I go back in 4 weeks. He said I can walk but slow and not long periods of time. I asked about going to the gym he said not yet. I guess every doctor is different. I am down 11 lbs. Which I am glad. He doesn't want me back at work until Monday, but I have to it's been two weeks. I am going only 4 hrs on Thursday and Friday, then Monday I start back. He doesn't want me in the sun or ocean or pool yet either. Going nuts. I am so glad it's August other wise I would go insane. I love the beach. I have been walking like ever other day and slow but for long walks...now I better take my time. I don't want anything to happen to the band, by rushing myself. I need to heal inside too. Lisa
  11. First congards on your weight loss....awesome. Thanks for your insite we all need it....I know I do I guess I should just relax and sit back and just let it be and stop worring about everything. Thanks Lisa
  12. lisafitz

    pain under ribs on left side

    seems like everyone had to do the liquid diet much longer then me. I am following what my diet stages say. I have stage 1 to 4 and I am on stage 2 mushy foods. only 1/2 cup when I have any foods in the food processor with broth...too help make mushy. Lisa
  13. lisafitz

    Started my 10 day liquid diet today!!!

    I only had one week of clear liquids I think I would have died too....I would have been so hungry. I started mushy the 2nd week and this last for 2 1/2 weeks, then less mushy more chunky that is for 2 1/2 weeks then I go norm and I am suppose to have my first fill then Good luck I did it an egg once during my liquid days. Lisa
  14. Hey I am not good at cut copy paste which ever I am trying to get that tickerfactory on my messages how do I do this already made one and I thought I did it but I don'tsee it anywahere lol silly but I just don't know

    Thanks Lisa

  15. I feel like I am not even close to how I use to eat that weight should just come off. I do move around allot and walk, but not suppose to be working out...until I go back on Wed to see the doctor. He said he will see how I am and let me know when I can workout. Banded Aug 5th....how is everyone doing? Lisa <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wdHBPgp/weight.png"></a>
  16. Hi it's Lisa how are you doing? I haven't heard from you.

  17. lisafitz

    pain under ribs on left side

    So how long does it take for that pain goes away. I feel great other then that. I also want to start working out, but I have to go back to the doc on Wed for my 2nd visit. I was banded Aug 5th. I feel like my stomach is still hugh, actually bigger then before. So Tuesday will be two weeks. I haven't been back to work since the 4th and I go back this Thursday. I am bored to death. Did some replanting and stuff, but everything I do kills my side, my port. I guess it's going to be awhile. At least football started back up and some of the oplymics. I think I am so bored I feel like I always want something to eat. But I am ot hungry. Afraid I am going to stretch my band out....I just have this fear. What is everyone else eating? Lisa
  18. lisafitz

    1st Fill Today

    I am doing better, thanks for asking. Bored out of my mind out of work for two weeks...so I will go back on Thursday. I go 2nd visit to my surgeon on Wed. I am not eating mushy food now and coming off of just liquids and eating mushy foods and only 1/2 cup of it. It makes me feel like now I am just fat again. I don't know. Started my protein powder and drinks also. I think in four weeks I will get my first fill. The doctor said I will feel more restricted when I have my first fill. I don't feel like that now, I don't ever feel full. I am not really hungry but I don't know it's weird. I feel like is this really working. Still have some soreness were the port is. So how was it all with the first fill how do you feel now and have you lost any more weight? I am down only 6 lbs and feel like I gained weight though. Maybe it's just me. Lisa:blink:
  19. lisafitz

    Exercise frequency

    Thanks so much for saying all that. You made me feel so much better. I am taking this 6 weeks and doing want I am suppose to do. I do not want to do anything to my new band. I am going to do just what I am suppose to do with walking...My doctor told me to take it slow and slow is how I am going to take it. I just read so many different things...on how this one after a few days of being banded is mowing the lawn, and going to the gym etc. I need my wounds to heal inside and out before I do any damage to myself and the band. Thanks I needed to hear what you had said perfect Thank You again Lisa:redface:
  20. lisafitz

    Exercise frequency

    I only started walking slow around my block....my surgeon doesn't want me ding anything other then walking until I see him again. I am bored and going nuts....I want to get back to the gym in the worse way. I go back on Wed and back to work Thursday. My port is still very sore when I move around to much. How long did it take you to bounce back? I am just so going crazy not knowing if I am doing the right thing. Lisa
  21. lisafitz

    pain under ribs on left side

    Give it time...it's been like ten days and my port still hurts to.....I am sure it will feel better as each day passes. I put ice on it like three four times a day. That helps allot and you need to move around...that also helps to. If it still is so sore and you feel something is wrong you need to call and talk to someone. Lisa
  22. So I am calling the surgeon tomorrow and finding out if I can go to the gym and start working out. Everyone esle seems to. I am still sore I just don't get it. I must be doing something wrong then. I am not aloud to go back to work until next Thursday. He said two weeks I needed (my surgeon Dr Balsama) I will call tomorrow to see if I can start. I walk a bit but that's it. I feel like I am never going to lose weight only 6 lbs so far and I am on my second week. Lisa:cursing:
  23. Hello how are you doing? I am ok still sore on my left side went to Doctor on Wed and everything is fine. Eating my mushy foods now and protein drinks and powder. I feel gross and fat and I feel like I am not doing the right thing. I follow what I am suppose to do but I just feel like I amnot doing something right. I don't have a full feeling ever, but I am not really hungry. I just don't know and when should I excrise? I have started walking around the block. My side still hurts so I am still taking it easy and it still hurts when I sleep, like turning from side to side. I feel like I am in a bad way. Tuesday will be 2 weeks. I fel like I am going to be the one the lapband doesn't work on. I'll follow the diet and I fail....oh boy I am in a foul place. Help! lol sorry


  24. I have the samething but I am only taking short walks around the blck banded Aug 5th and I haven't even started doing anything like a treadmill, wow I am still sore on my left side....so you are fine and can walk that fast all ready...something must be wrong with me.
  25. lisafitz

    Exercise frequency

    I need to know about all of this too banded Aug 5th and want to know when you start to exercice. I have started walking around the block slow but that is it. I am still sore. Lisa

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