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Posts posted by Kay_G_B

  1. At 7 months post-op, I finally hit 100 Lbs lost. I am scheduled for a conversion on September 1st due to the fact that a recent EGD revealed a kink in my stomach (the part that empties into the intestines). This kink has caused me to not be able to eat and has resulted in the rapid weight loss.

    My surgeon is going to convert my sleeve into a bypass to correct the issue. I'm supposed to have my gallbladder removed as well due to the fact that I now have gallstones also. It really sucks to have to go through this all over again (the pre-op diet, the procedure & the recovery).

    Everyone keeps telling me that I need to get myself better and back to 100%, which I agree, but what is to say this is going to do it. I didn't expect this result from the first surgery. But I guess it is a risk you take in having WLS.


  2. I really don't think there is a time frame. I'm covered in tattoos. My surgery was in January & my last pre-op tattoo was in December. My first post-op tattoo was in May (but that was because the artist was booked). It's not like donating blood where they ask you those types of questions.

  3. I was told by the hospital & my insurance that my procedure would be covered, then I received a bill for $32k. I was back & forth with the hospital several times prior to my surgery when my original responsibility was $12k. Then after my surgery the price doubled. Nobody could explain to me why & I got hung up on every time I asked. When I look at the breakdown, I could see that the hospital billed my insurance for $151k, which is like 5x the amount of the surgery. But once again, nobody from the hospital can explain to me why.

  4. This is exactly what happened to me and I still struggle to eat 3 months post-op. I have an appointment to have another EGD done in June because they are concerned there could be scar tissue causing the pain and discomfort. Thankfully I have not had any issues with malnutrition or dehydration. It sometimes does take longer to heal than others, is what I was told. It definitely isn't any fun but it will get better. Just make sure you express your concerns to your doctor so it doesn't get swept under the rug.

  5. 24 minutes ago, thinblueline said:

    I first want to say that i noticed a few of you mentioned about mental illness in that the doc might be looking for this , well i have a mental illness i have bipolar PTSD and depression ( i am on meds ) i see a psychiatrist and i am in therapy and i have been seeing her for the last 9 years so i guess my next question will this stop me from having surgery or delay it ? I would greatly appreciate it if i could get some feedback , thank you in advance.



    Definitely not. I've been seeing a therapist regularly for the past 6 years. The psych I saw for my evaluation did recommend that I get a letter from my therapist saying that she supported my journey for surgery & that she would continue to act as part of my support system going forward. It's not a requirement he said, but the larger support system is beneficial.

  6. My nerves got to me as well but the psych was very easy going & understanding. If you are seeing someone who is used to doing this kind of examination, then they will most likely be aware of your uneasiness. Mine was also a 1 hour appointment where they asked about my relationship with food, how my current situation is as well as my childhood. They are checking to see if you have a history of mental illness to see how you deal with stressful situations & how you will be able to handle them going forward. Since some people handle stress by eating. After my one-on-one with the psych, they also sent me a questionnaire that I had to complete which was similar to that mentioned above. A lot of the same questions but phrased or worded differently. Ultimately, after working myself up, there was really nothing to be nervous about. You got this.

  7. 46 minutes ago, liveaboard15 said:

    what surgery did you get? If you can, update your profile with your information on your surgery, weight ect... It helps a ton. You can do that by editing your profile and under the surgery section.

    I had the Gastric Sleeve procedure done, along with a Hiatal Hernia repair.

    I've also attempted to update that information (both via the app and desktop platforms) but it won't let me.

  8. I am down 71 Lbs since my surgery on January 27th. Unfortunately, I am still not able to really tolerate or eat solids without experiencing pain which has limited altogether what I eat or eat at all.

    My doctor suggested I meet with the nutritionist, who simply suggested "smaller portions". Even though portions had never really been the issue.

    So now I have to have an EGD done to make sure everything looks okay. They said it could be built up scar tissue that is irritating my stomach.

    I have been told that it can take longer for some to heal than others but my doctor said after 3 months, I should be able to handle some sort of solid Protein by now.

    Anyone else experienced this? Fingers-crossed I get some answers and it's nothing major.

  9. Thanks so much for the tips , can i ask why you struggled with the soft food phase ?
    It just was uncomfortable and hurt when I would try and eat. I got different advice/opinions about the situation as well. Suggesting that maybe my body now couldn't handle dairy, maybe I was eating foods with too much acidity, maybe I was eating too fast, etc. It would feel like heartburn or like a lot of pressure in my head when I would try to eat something new or different. I'm not sure how else to explain it. So I've become rather fond of yogurts, jellos, puddings, Soups, applesauce, and of course sugar free popsicles.


  10. I am 6 weeks post surgery and have struggled as well. Eating period has been difficult for me and I figured it was a result of my hiatal hernia repair. I am not able to eat much at all and have had a hard time with transitioning through the stages. I have not been able to successfully handle anything aside from yogurt, Jello, Soup, pudding or applesauce. People have suggested maybe it is dairy, maybe I am eating foods with too much acidity, eating too fast, etc. But Caloric intake was never discussed. I believe as long as you are getting your Protein and liquid intake, you should be fine.


  11. You should try sugar free pudding or Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. You can make the pudding using Protein Shakes instead of milk to give you the added Protein as well. I was never a fan of Greek Yogurt, but the Light & Fit brand has so many different flavors to choose from that you can't even taste it. I struggled with the Puree and Soft Solids Phase of the diet so yogurt was my saving grace. I had my surgery on Jan. 27th, so you are not far behind me. Keep up the good work and remember that it's not a sprint, it's a marathon.


  12. I ended up with back pain as well post surgery. The nurse at my doctor's office said it is common and typically the result of lying on that hard flat surgical table.

    I had issues with back pain prior to surgery though as a result of an epidermal, so every now and then I'll have reoccurring problems (usually after laying flat).

    What works for me is taking an anti-inflammatory, heating pad and stretching. It usually takes a couple of days, but the pain will go away.


  13. I had the Gastric Sleeve procedure done almost a month ago. I've had no issues with the Full liquid diet stage, but when it came to transitioning to purees, it felt as though my stomach wasn't happy. It was suggested that it could have been the foods I was eating (too acidic, diary, etc) or that they weren't pureed enough. Other suggestions were that I wasn't eating slow enough. But sometimes, as soon as I took one bite my stomach would immediately start gurgling or I'd get the instant pain of acid reflux/heartburn.

    I am supposed to start "Soft Solids" on Saturday, but I fear with the trouble I faced with the purees...that I might need an extra week. I've had no issues with eating yogurt, Jello, pudding, or Soup (which is what I've tried to stick with since I know how my body will react). But with anything else I've tried, it is either the immediate gurgling or acid reflux/heartburn feeling. Is this something commonly experienced or something I should inform my doctor about?


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