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Posts posted by Drs.R,assholes

  1. This is in response to the person whom posted the article, I hope your brother is doing ok and I would like to emphasize I am in no way saying you should attempt what I'm about to tell you however it was a shot in the dark as well and I was lucky enough to save my fiancee from a horrible fate......

    My gf/fiancee had a duodenal switch surgery which was very successful inside of 2 years her weight stabize at 160 lbs down from 300lbs. Shortly after her target weight was obtained she started having severe depression with suicidal ideation when she had been a very happy person her entire life. After a 6 day stay in the psych ward she went back to work and soon after developed back pain sever enough to leave her screaming in pain at times she had muscle spasticity, difficulty swollowing breathing, peripheral numbness, muscle wasting in legs and arms.

    I had to put hand rails in our home so she could get around. Incontinence and difficulty swollowing, breathing, and speaking came next.....after much reading and a near refusal to do any mris by the hospital that did surgery.(I suspected they feared a large lawsuit)

    The reumatologist and neurologist we were referred to both said they suspected als. I became obsessed with finding a way to heal her save her from what was already horrifying illness. I had a lot of trouble sleeping because her breathing scared me and I just sat and read listening to her shallow strained breathing. I swear I read enough studies and articles to have completed medical school.

    I accumulated almost 220 pages of hand written notes in 2 weeks time I came up with a plan there are many Vitamins and antioxidants said to be imbalanced in the brains of pals the problem is supplemented antioxidants take to long to get into the Central nervous system so once the imbalance is bad enough to cause motor neuron death its like a snow ball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger that can't be stopped by ingestion due too the blood brain barrier making absorption slow and difficult this is made harder by malabsorbative aspect of surgery. I needed to get large doses into the brain and fast. I have read many article how methamphetamine exposure in small amounts stimulates brain cell growth and protects against cns and brain diseases by causing a small amount of damage stimulateing a neuroprotective effect as well as making the blood brain barrier more permeable these are the supplements I used in order of imprtance. I am not a Dr. I have no medical training please don't think I'm saying I truly know why or how thos worked but it did all supplements taken 3x a day with a small smoked dose of approximately 50-100 mg of street grade methamphetamine.

    N acetyl cysteine 600 mg

    Alpha lipoic acid

    Acetyl l carnitine

    Curcumin with black pepper

    Magnesium chileate


    Vitamin e


    B vitamin complex (especially folic acid)



    Tart cherry extract

    Zinc pico lineate

    As well as a gluten free diet and several other listed in linked article.

    A full dose of bariatric vitamins 3x a day as well here is a link to a article written by a world renowned neurologist going over all these compounds how they could work and why as well as how they help


    It's been hard just getting her to take all supplements 3x a day caused conflict but slowly she got better now the only symptoms she has is occasional incontinence and a mild parkinsonism when she sleeps as well as mild spasticity. She is a bit slow but walks fine talks perfectly and breathing is normal as well as respiration normal and blood [pressure went up too normal range....


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
