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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jillrenee15

  1. jillrenee15

    Port moved? 4th fill - 1st time with pain

    I have had the same thing happen. The doctor found it ok, because he feels around first, but he even commented on it had shifted some because of some weight loss. I have noticed though that since that fill, I have a pulling sensation sometimes at the port site. Like it is still drifting a little and pulling on scar tissue. Especially when my arms are above my head doing something. Anyone else have this?
  2. I too was banded back in September and am down 30lbs since then. I was glad to read your post and the replies, I was wondering too. I feel the pressure also from those who know I had the band. I feel that they are looking at me saying, wow, that was expensive for nothing. But I feel the difference in my clothes, even though I can't actually SEE a lot of difference yet. I try not to weigh myself everyday, because it's a mind game and I'll lose. Those 2-3 pound fluxes were killing me. I knew I hadn't gained them, and a day later they were gone, so I figure this is water, having to go potty, whatever. Have you ever weighed a 20oz bottle of water? It's heavy!! Don't weigh yourself after you've drank a bunch of water. I find the best time is right after I get up. Anyway, good luck to all September bandsters!!
  3. jillrenee15

    what foods restrict you the most

    I have trouble with spaghetti. I made it for dinner a couple of weeks ago and it was horrible. I will probably never eat it again. Also, lettuce, even just a bit on a burger. I've learned to pick it off. Scrambled eggs are also a no no for me. Sandwiches and bread are fine, it i chew well and take my time. Why do people waste their money and calories on Protein shakes?? They don't make me full, and that's 150 calories per shake I don't get to "eat"!!! If you want protein, cheap, have a half cup of cottage cheese. 14gr protein, 60calories, if you get the large curd kind, you actually HAVE to chew it. Make some tuna/chicken salad, keep it kind of dry(less mayo than you are used to) and have it on whole grain/high Fiber crackers, or cucumber slices. Low cal, high protein and you get to satisfy that chewing urge that makes you think, ahh...i've eaten some real food. 6 crackers with a good amount of salad on it and i'm pretty darn full and it lasts 3 hours or more. Good luck and eat!!
  4. jillrenee15

    Fills --not losing!

    I believe that after a fill, the area around your band swells closed a little bit. The first few days after a fill I am very tight and can't eat much, and i say, YES!!! perfect, this is where I want to be. But a week later, the swelling is down, and some of the restriction is gone. Also, as you lose weight, the band needs filled again. The extra fat around and in your stomach diminishes and the band isn't so tight anymore. Doctors don't want to see you right away again, they want you to wait a few weeks to let any swelling go away, and give you time to adjust to the fill. That means to adjust your eating and chewing patterns. Then, if you still need more restriction, by all means, get a fill!!! Make sure between fills you are practicing your new eating plan. Eat your protein first!! Chew thoroughly and slowly. Sit at the table to eat with your family. Take your time. The band is a tool, not an answer to every little thing you are doing to sabotage yourself.
  5. jillrenee15

    Be honest, does it hurt?

    I've had three fills now, and it gets easier every time. The needle does not hurt, it is the doctor pushing around with their hands to find the port that hurts. It is still pretty sore, even after almost 4 months. The needle is the easy part, you really don't feel that. Just brace yourself for some pain and discomfort while they palpatate the area around the port to find it and judge exactly where they want to poke you. My doctor does not do any numbing. The good thing is once they find it it's over in a couple of minutes. Barring any port issues, like flips or tilts or something of that nature, it should be ok. My doctor puts a pillow in the small of my back to arch up my stomach, arms behind my head and asks for a half situp to use the abdominal muscles to push the port as close to the surface as possible. It's over in 3 minutes. Good luck!!
  6. I had my surgery in Detroit, a three hour drive away. Does anyone know of a fill Dr in the Saginaw, Midland, Bay City Area, even Flint? ohh, that doesn't charge and arm and a leg too? Thanks
  7. Nevermind, I answered my own question...:smile2:
  8. Where is Hillsdale? I had my surgery in Detroit, but I'm from Midland. Is Hillsdale closer to me than Detroit I wonder?
  9. jillrenee15

    Lost restriction 4 days after a fill.

    I am also usually very tight two days after a fill, but it goes away. I do attribute it to swelling of my stomach at the band site. I can still eat what I want, just not as much, but if I'm careful, take my time, and chew enough, I can eat what I want. That is the whole point of the band to me, and it is doing what it is supposed to do, and as long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, I will lose weight and it will work for me, and it will work for you too!! Get your fills when you need them and take small portions to see how it goes. I still have the eyes are bigger than my stomach syndrome. I take way more than I will be able to finish most of the time. I am still getting used to not being able to eat a whole plate full of food like I used to. It is early on and we have to change the way we think about food and eating. It takes time.
  10. I was self pay, my insurance will cover nothing having to do with weight control. It's not the insurance company though, it's the company I work for. They chose to not have any of that type of coverage offered to us. I got fills free for 90 days, then $150 after that. I checked into going elsewhere for fills, somewhere closer to home, but they were $300. Do I want to drive 3 hours and pay $150, or drive 45 min and pay 300? I chose to stick with my surgeon and make the drive to Detroit.
  11. jillrenee15

    Exercise frequency

    I have just last week begun exercising to help with my weight loss. I fast walk (3.4mph) at least 20 minutes 4 days a week, and try to get some weight training in on the days that time allows. I wish we had sidewalks where I live so I could walk the dogs, but our road is too busy. Days I have more time I do more, the days I don't, I get at least 20 minutes in. I'm looking for a used treadmill to buy after the holidays. I think having something in the house will be a huge help in the amount of time I can spend exercising. I could do it when the 2yo napped. I plan to work myself up to more time, and maybe try an elliptical or something new, once I am used to the treadmill. Everyone just needs to move...Anything is better than nothing.:smile2:
  12. jillrenee15

    The Holidays on Lapband

    I had a fill two days before Thanksgiving, and by the time dinner rolled around, my stomach was swollen and I could hardly eat anything, actually, it was great!!! If you think you are ready for a fill, definately do it before your holiday celebrations if you can, it might help keep you on track.
  13. I've read and read on here that it's not too bad, it doesn't hurt, well, IT DOES. It did hurt a lot more than I expected, but it wasn't so much or so prolonged that I couldn't handle it. So, for all of you waiting to get your first fill....IT WILL HURT. Just take a bunch of little breaths, close your eyes and wait for it to be done. I think the doctors probing and pushing around with their fingers hurt much worse than the actual poke did. My port is right under my longest incision on the front of my stomach, and that one is still tender anyway. I had my surgery 9/12/08 and my first fill today 11/4/08. I had 4cc in an AP standard band, which I think holds 12-14cc. I made an appointment for my next fill in three weeks the second I got home. With the holidays coming up, I wanted to make sure I got in again before everyone was to busy. BTW-Did you know there is actually Fluid in your band now? They test it for leaks first and inevitably leave some in. SO--there was already 2cc in my band, they sucked that out and put 4cc in. So I actually only have 2cc more than I started with. Kind of a bummer. I wish they would have put it all in so I'd have 6. Just seems like a way for them to make me come back more to make more money.:thumbup: I've only lost 19lbs since surgery, and all of that in the first 2 weeks, so I hope this will start things up again. Good luck to all:smile2:
  14. I would not eat large chunks of solid food without chewing well, but remember, ANYTHING can be a mushie once you get to that stage. You can have all the foods you used to, just in a modified form and smaller quantities. A cookie won't kill you, smush it up and chew it until there's nothing left, then its a mushie. Your meat, cook it in a slow cooker with liquid, till it's really tender, smush it up with a fork and eat it. Chew until there's nothing left, and it's a mushie. I don't understand why people are limiting themselves to mashed potatoes, pudding and yogurt when almost anything can be transformed into mushie food. You'd be surprised that the more you chew, the quicker you are satisfied, especially when your jaws are tired!!
  15. jillrenee15

    Excercise for Person Over 250 lbs ??

    You can see my ticker, so know where I've been. I just joined the free employee gym at work. I'm not losing very much and am hoping this will help me lose. I'm starting SLOW. I walk on the treadmill, I can only do about 20 minutes at 3.2 mph, with a 3% incline. Then maybe I'll do some arm work, and a little ab work. But I take my time. The elliptical scares me to death, but I'm hoping I can try it some time down the road. You have a treadmill at home, if you're not comfortable in front of other people, stick to that until you are more confident in your abilities. Use your treadmill, say 15 minutes in the morning, 15 after dinner. Nothing says you have to do all your exercise in one session. ANYTHING is better than nothing after all!!! I use my 5lb weights to work my arms at home. They are inexpensive. Use a jug of water if you don't want to buy weights. I too am the biggest person there I feel, and don't like going when it's busy. I wish I had a treadmill at home! Good luck and don't give up, you are worth it, and the more often you do it the easier it will get!
  16. jillrenee15

    4th Fill...help!

    I've also had issues with swelling a few days after a good fill, but haven't had issues with liquids. Try warm liquids, warm soup, tea, coffee. This is my big helper when I've just had a fill. I can usually tough it out 3-4 days until the swelling has abated. If you are really worried about yourself, by all means, have alittle taken out. Even .3cc can make a huge difference. Just think of it this way, you have to be close to your sweet spot!!!! That is a reason to celebrate.
  17. jillrenee15

    Two fills and no restriction

    I feel your pain!!!! I was banded Sept 12, and have been fighting the same 5 pounds for two months! I do not go up at least between fills, that is the only thing I have to be thankful for. I have my third fill Dec 30, hoping this will get me close. I was tight through thanksgiving and that was great, I loved being able to leave food on my plate, but that wore off quickly once the swelling had gone down from getting the fill. I don't feel hungry sometimes for hours and hours, other days I'm hungry all day. We just have to be patient and keep getting our fills until the day we KNOW we are in the right place. Good luck!!
  18. jillrenee15

    Frist fill today, OUCH!!!

    Well, I've had my second fill now, and it didn't hurt as much as the first one. The incision site over the port is not as tender as it was the first time, which was a relief, but it is still painful when they are poking around with their fingers for it. My surgeon did the fill this time, and it took him a little wiggling around with the needle to find the right spot. The tech/resident who did it the first time was better I think. I wish I could ask for him without offending my Dr!! Anyway, I don't think I will be getting any fills using xray, it has not been discussed. I was disappointed with the 1cc I recieved for my second fill though. I'm hoping for at least 2cc for my third, but I don't think I'll get it. The way I see it is since now I will be paying cash for them, I should get what I want. I was pretty tight throughout Thanksgiving, which was a good thing!! My mother sat next to me during dinner and I felt kind of bad I couldn't do her excellent dinner justice like the rest of the family!! I have FINALLY started dropping a couple of pounds, and I'm hoping to join the new employee fitness center at work to get some exercise.
  19. Just remember that the first 2-3 days after a fill your stomach will be irritated and swollen in the banded area. I am always way tight the first couple of days after a fill, I can only eat 4-5 bites and get that stuck feeling, but then on the 4th day and beyond it loosens up some. Sometimes a wait and see approach is best, especially if you are just starting to get small fills and know you are far away from really good restriction. Also, instead of water, try hot tea or coffee. The warmth seems to be soothing to my stomach after a fill. Good luck and take it slow!!:biggrin:
  20. jillrenee15

    Self Pay and all these Fills!

    I am using my FSA to pay for my fills in Michigan. An FSA is a federal program that your employer offers you, therefore it has to cover what the IRS says is covers. It should cover your fills, because they are a medical procedure. If you go to the IRS website and read up on FSAs that should answer your questions.
  21. jillrenee15

    Frist fill today, OUCH!!!

    Well, I just realized that I'm a lousy proof reader!! I was glad to read other's experiences. I think as time goes by when I am not so tender that the fills will get easier. The only part that hurt was them feeling around, the needle poke I didn't even feel. It wasn't my intent to scare anyone, and I'm glad that for others it was a breeze!! :rolleyes2:
  22. jillrenee15

    Going for 1st fill tuesday, scared

    I had my first fill on Nov 4. I was very nervous and I hate needles. I warned the doctors if I start sweating and pass out, don't worry, I'll come out of it. I currently weigh 260 and have lost about 19 pounds since my surgery. They put me on the table and put a pillow under me in the small of my back so my stomach area was arched up as much as possible. They swabbed off the area where they were going to poke me with betadine. Then the doctors started probing for the port with their fingers. That was VERY painful, as it is right under my biggest scar in the middle of my stomach. I was told as time goes on it will be less painful as we heal more and more. (My first fill was at 6 weeks). They also asked me to put my arms under my head and do a crunch while they were looking for the port and feeling around, I guess your muscles would push the port upwards, which makes sense. I didn't even feel the poke really. They don't numb the area where I go. So, you will have some pain from them feeling around, but other than that it was over in about 5 minutes. Good luck!!!
  23. jillrenee15

    Health Savings Accounts

    Does anyone know if when you put money into an HSA, can you use it for your adjustments? I know the uses have to jive with what the government says you can use it for. Is this an approved expense? I would ask my insurance company, but if the procedure doesn't have a code I don't know if they will even know.
  24. jillrenee15

    First fill...does it work

    I am in your same boat, don't worry, you're not alone. I find I'm hungry the minute I have something to drink. Just had my first fill today, 4cc in 14cc band. Hope that will help, but I'm drinking a glass of crystal light and hungry right now!! Good luck
  25. jillrenee15

    Health Savings Accounts

    I did mean an FSA not an HSA. They have to cover what the federal government tells them to. Does anyone know if this is a covered expense?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
