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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jillrenee15

  1. I'm all for the thin crust. I can eat two pieces and I'm done. I've had regular and deep dish, but have to really chew and have super small bites. Almost not worth the work. I have pasta too, anything but spaghetti. For some reason those long skinny noodles just do not agree with me. I can do any other shape but that. Ravioli, lasagna, shells, elbows, whatever. Pasta sauce is actually a very good vegetable serving. I think I'll make ravioli this weekend, now it sounds really good!!
  2. jillrenee15


    My moment was when I went to Meijers and saw these cheap tshirts for $4.98. Thinking I don't care if they are cheap, I need some short sleeve stuff for summer. I ended up in a Misses XXL, which is probably an 18. I haven't been in the misses department since 9th grade. My pants are still an 18W though, depending. I tried on some of the shirts in a 1X or 2X from the Women's department, and they just didn't fit right anymore. I was pretty happy about that. Hoping to get into a 16 in June.
  3. jillrenee15

    Banded for 7 months and now too much restriction

    I agree about going back on liquids for a day or two. Will give you a chance to let the swelling go down and really find out if you are too tight or not. If you are drinking liquids and not having trouble, this is the way I would go if it were me. Now, I've been too tight, way too tight, and had some taken out the next day. I couldn't keep down my own spit. I also know that I will never get a fill around the middle of my cycle, ovulation or whatever. Never ever again. I am ALWAYS tighter during that week of the month. Keep this in mind also for when you are scheduling fills. This is pretty common. Like right now, I'm not hungry at all all day long, and when I do eat, it is very little, because I get stuck. But last week I had no trouble eating out for dinner with my family, a whole chicken breast and vegetables.
  4. I think I am filled almost as much as I want to be. I still get hungry. I'm hungry about 10am, about 4 pm and about 8pm. Depending on what I've had to drink during the day. The more water I drink, the more often I get hungry. During the middle of my cycle, like right now, I'm not hungry at all for about 4-5 days. And when I do eat, it isn't much cause I'm really tight. The rest of the month I can eat pretty much anything except french fries (go figure?) if I'm careful and eat slow and chew a lot. I would say this is pretty much how I'm supposed to be. Am I at my sweet spot? I don't know. I still think I could use a little bit, but I'm going to put it off for awhile and see what happens.
  5. jillrenee15

    Gross question

    I understand what she's saying. Sometimes you know you are getting sick, a stomach bug, the flu, bad food, whatever. Your stomach hurts and is churning. If you make yourself go throw up, you'll feel a lot better. Once it's out and your stomach is empty it is complete relief. (Just like when I used to be young and drink too much, get home and throw it up, you know you'll feel a lot better!)
  6. jillrenee15

    Friday Weigh-in

    I know it's not Friday, but I forgot last week. I'm at 232 this week. I don't remember what I was last week. I've been fighting the same 3 pounds for 2 months now also. I've not been very serious about this lately. I'm in the middle of my cycle also right now, so I'm really tight. Last week I was thinking fill, this week I'm thinking no way. With the onset of spring weather this weekend I did do a lot more outside, went for a few walks and helped my husband on a building project in the backyard. Hopefully this coming week will be a good one too. I'm on 3rd shift, so I won't feel like doing much, but I won't feel like eating much either. Good luck to all this week!
  7. jillrenee15

    Losing weight and breaking out?

    Extra hormones, especially for us women, are stored in your fat cells. As your fat cells shrink, these hormones are released into your body. Can cause acne and skin problems while actively losing weight. Lots and lots of water is the way to go. I have been on a roller coaster with all kinds of skin problems since my surgery, including a flare of scalp psoriasis, that has been in remission for 8 years, and other cystic acne problems, but not on my face, thank god. Hang in there, hopefully it will get better!!!
  8. I agree with Jachut. I'm not too old, only 33, but me and my husband still go out and have drinks once in a while. I eat what is there, or what looks good on the menu. You don't have to finish it. Share a plate with your girlfriends. Have bites of whatever you want, you are out to have fun. Just chew well and take your time. I don't drink beer anymore, but I do have soda when I'm at the bar. And this is the ONLY time I have a soda. I always drink 7&7's. I try to get diet 7up, but not every place has that. I always ask for extra ice. The more ice, the more it bubbles up in the glass when they pour it, and it takes up more room in the glass. Then I stir really good to pop even more bubbles. The more the bubbles fizz up, the less bubbles go in my stomach. Don't use straws either, that's just more air in your stomach. Sip from the glass and make it last longer.
  9. jillrenee15

    2 Questions: 3 Weeks Out

    Yes it's normal to not lose any more weight after the first week or two. Some don't lose ANYTHING more until they start getting restriction from fills, so don't get your hopes too high right now. Mushies stage and higher you are adding calories back in. You have no restriction, so will still be hungry alot. The next month is going to be rough probably, but it is worth it in the end. I'm a slow loser, but haven't gained any!!! That's how I see it!
  10. jillrenee15

    Getting enough fluids?

    I have trouble with cold liquids first thing in the morning too. Since I'm a coffee addict, it's alright with me!!! If you don't do coffee, do herbal tea, green tea, whatever. Skim milk is very good for you, crystal light really tastes good. I have a hard time keeping my kids and husband away from the pitcher in the fridge. I like water, and drink lots of it with ice when afternoon hits. We just had city water run to the house, so I'm happy happy happy!! The way I see it, coffee is a fluid and it counts. I drink 3-4 cups in the mornings, and maybe 2 later in the afternoon. I ALSO drink ATLEAST 3 20oz waters a day, so I figure the dehydrating effect of the coffee is counteracted by the water. The more you pee, the more you are flushing fat and toxins out of your body, just remember that!!! And yes, it is hard to follow the don't drink before/after eating. I'm better at the after part than the before part.
  11. jillrenee15

    Friday Weigh-in

    It's friday again already!! Where did the week go. I'm still at 237. I did excersize for 30 minutes 4 times so far this week. Still eating too much at night. Did get my water in all week long. I'm just stuck in a rut I think. I need another small fill, I was going to call today to see if I could get in the 15th, but time got away from me. Hopefully next week will be better!!
  12. If the band is defective, shouldn't the manufacturer pay for replacement, and if it is something the doctor botched while placing, shouldn't he cover removal and replacement with a new band? Does anyone know how this would work? I'm kind of curious myself. I am so sorry about your kitty. I hope she is ok.
  13. I had a teensy hiatal hernia that was found during my band procedure. I think it was repaired at that time, but I really don't know. I did have very frequent heartburn before banding. Things like cheese crackers and tomato based things gave me horrible heartburn. I can honestly say I have not had one day of heartburn since banding!! It really is amazing. I think the band helps to keep the acid in the lower part of your stomach, that way it can't "splash" up into the esophagus and give you that burning feeling. :smile2:
  14. jillrenee15

    healthy frozen dinners

    My solution to that is usually to pick a frozen dinner with the highest protein content, and don't eat the noodles or potatoes, and leave most of the gravy or sauce in the plate too. I know I'm wasting half of it, but sometimes it's what I have to do if I haven't planned ahead.
  15. jillrenee15

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    6-8am Three cups of coffee with splenda 930am-1cup of Kashi GOLean Honey Almond crunch w/ 3/4C skim milk (That my 2yo kept saying "me bite please" the whole time I was eating it) 100pm-single serve 2%cottage cheese, two slices turkey breast, reduced fat colby cheese stick 630pm-WW smartones cranberry turkey w/veggie meal 1200am-(afterwork) probably a very small leftover chicken breast and a couple of spoonfuls of baked beans that have been drained of most of the sauce. We'll see if I'm hungery or not when I get home. I usually am.
  16. jillrenee15

    I'm a failure...PLEASE HELP ME!!!

    I just personally feel that protein shakes are evil. I won't drink them hardly ever. I don't want to waste my calories on a protein shake. Most are 150 calories or more. That is a really decent sized snack for me when I'm trying to stay around 1100 calories. I will have a shake or two the day of a fill, or maybe the next day, but other than that, I haven't wasted my money on them. I really really believe that chewing my calories and protein is much better for me than drinking them, especially when I drink a shake and I'm hungry an hour later. I have noticed that I take in much fewer calories when I'm not having protein shakes, because my stomach is staying full longer from real protein I had to chew. I do buy protein meal bars though. The pure protein brand at walmart is ok. Most have 20g protein. I watch the calories though. Those I have for breakfast and they keep me full until lunch. Maybe for those of you who are still doing protein shakes, just cut them out. Plan your protein intake accordingly without the shakes, and see if you are staying full longer, and can stretch your meals out further. Just a thought.
  17. jillrenee15

    Mid-Michigan LapBandsters

    I live in Midland, and went through Great Lakes Weight Loss in Detroit. Does your Dr Lane except patients from other doctors for fills and such? Just curious, I think Lansing is closer than Detroit. Hurley in Flint wanted to charge $275 for fills from other Drs' patients. Have any idea how much they charge for fills? The bariatric group in Alma wouldn't even consider taking me. Thanks!!
  18. jillrenee15

    Great Lakes Weight Loss

    I also went through GLWL. The only issue I had was with the nurses at Harper who were very preoccupied and ignored repeated requests for pain meds and liquids. But that is not the fault of the GLWL team. Other than that, I've been very happy with them all around. I've seen all of the doctors for fills so far. They have an answering service to schedule there appointments, and they screw up sometimes. I always call a day before my appointment to make sure it is actually there before I make the three hour trip to Detroit. The doctors and fellows are all very nice. I personally have a preference for the fellow. I wish I could remember his name, I think its Mcintyre. He seems much gentler than the surgeons themselves when giving fills. He's very personable and kind. Just watch out for the answering service, they don't always know the rules, and screw up sometimes. Call to confirm your appointment. Don't let them tell you you have to see the same surgeon for the fill that did your surgery, because you don't. I schedule my fills when it is convenient for me, not when it is convenient for my surgeon, especially since I'm paying out of pocket. Good luck!!
  19. jillrenee15

    Pork rinds

    I try to eat pork rinds instead of chips or crackers when I'm having a "crunchy, salty" craving. I've had them maybe three times since surgery, without any trouble. There's only one brand I like and I always get them because they have lots of salt. I figure the way you do, at least it's not sugar. We are not NEVER going to eat slider foods. This is not a "you can't eat this ever again" diet. You have to have what you want occasionally, or a good substitute for what you want that will fullfill the craving. Try one and see what happens. If it's bad, you'll know.
  20. jillrenee15

    Friday Weigh-in

    Hey there, I would like to join you all on Fridays! I am at 237.7 this morning. I've not really lost anything since my fill a month ago. I was down to 234 right after the fill, then I was sick and didn't exercise for about two weeks, but started again this past week, and did three days so far this week for 30 minutes. Hope to get some more in this weekend. My weakness is nighttime eating. Crunchy stuff I shouldn't eat. I've been on 1st shift for 2 weeks now and that is my worst shift for bad eating. Next week will be easier because I'll be on 2nd shift and at work at night. I always lose lbs the weeks I'm on 2nd and 3rd shift. It's been a month and I need another small fill. Don't know when I'll have the time for that. I'm going to try to hold off until the end of April...too much going on right now. See you all next Friday!!
  21. I'm in the same boat as you, we get two 10 minute breaks and one 20 minute lunch by contract. I normally have a single serve cottage cheese at first break (11gr protein), then at lunch I have a pure protein bar (20gr protein) and afternoon break I might have a couple of turkey slices or a string cheese, if I'm even hungry at afternoon break, because those pure protein bars are very filling. I don't eat on the floor, because everything is contaminated and dirty and usually so are my hands. I agree with all the suggestions. Eat before you go, if you can. Keep RTD protein shakes in the fridge if they have one, if not use an insulated lunch bag and ice packs. I myself don't do protein shakes, I want to chew my calories, not drink them. You don't think you deserve special treatment, but you do. You have a medical condition that has to be accomadated, and losing your job over this is discrimination. Check your state to see what the rules are, and annonymously tip off the labor board, if you can't bring yourself to talk to your supervisor.
  22. jillrenee15

    Still Hungry...

    You can probably only get fills so many weeks apart, so you are officially in what is called Bandster Hell!!! :smile2: I know it's not something to celebrate, but you are on your way. It sucks and you're hungry all the time because you have no restriction yet. Everything you are eating is passing right through your pouch and to your lower stomach. But your doctor has you measuring your portions now so you will be a pro at it in 6 months when it really matters. Be as good as you can, when you're starving, have a good for you protein snack. Hopefully by the time you've had your third or fourth fill, you will have some restriction and won't be hungry all the time. Lots of us don't follow the strict three meal a day thing. It just doesn't work for us. Some of us have our three meals and a couple of protein snacks throughout the day or evening, because it just makes sense to our bodies. When you are further along, you will have more idea of the eating plan that will work for you. Be patient, start exersizing and practicing eating like a bandster. You'll need this for the rest of your life. Good luck.
  23. jillrenee15

    help!!...cant eat or drink much of anything

    How much of a fill did you get? You haven't had one in a year, and maybe it was just a touch too much. Ask your doctor to take out half or a third of what he put in. That should give you some relief, without having to lose all of your recent fill. You got the fill a month ago? Are you in that PMS time of the month? Mine is always much much tighter around then, and losens up after a couple of days. This is a judgement call on your part. Did you recently eat something that you shouldn't have, irritated your stoma and now are having problems? Think back to what has happened in your life when you started getting too tight. Some people's fills just catch them a few weeks afterward. You need to decide, and quick, what will be best for you and your quality of life. I would consider getting a teeny bit taken out, just so you can be comfortable. Good luck and call your doctor!!
  24. jillrenee15

    Stomach Numbness?

    Yeah, it's pretty normal to have numbness after surgery in the area where you've been cut. They are cutting nerves and such too. I'm still numb in the bikini area after two c-sections, and will probably always be numb, my last child is 2 1/2 now. The feeling might come back, and it might not. But it is such a small area of your body, something that isn't routinely used or touched like a hand would be, so I wouldn't stress about it.:smile2:
  25. jillrenee15

    Cold Food Ideas?

    I make salads alot to bring to work for lunch. Cook extra chicken breasts and save them to top your salads. I also like baked beans cold too. I always drain a lot of the extra juice off though, I'm sure that is where most of the sugar and calories comes from. I love hummus, and have that with greenpepper slices and high fiber crackers. Turkey slices spread with onion and chive cream cheese and rolled up is good too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
