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Victoria Wank

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Posts posted by Victoria Wank

  1. 20 hours ago, PennyinAL said:

    I am so sorry you are hurting so much. I too, had a very rough time of the pain. Like you, I've got major back issues (herniated discs neck, mid and low back) and have had several surgeries in the past and this lapband removal/bypass replacement hurt like hell. I wasn't trying to scare anyone off, I even said I would do it again but just really didn't realize how much it would hurt because compared to the prior LapBand, it was 10x worse in pain. I take Norco (hydrocodone & acet) and Lyrica and that Dilautin (sp?) was awful, it only worked for an hour at most but once I was able to get back on my Norco, it was bearable.

    And I'm not a medical professional, but I am a bit of an observer of human behaviors and the human condition and at my age, I've seen a lot of things and have learned that it is best to try to prepare yourself for whatever life may want to throw at you because bad stuff never seems to happen at a good time :). Thus, I made sure I had my own pain meds because just when a bitchy old hag of a nurse wants to threaten to hold them over your head, you don't have to put up with crap, Or more likely, when staff is short and you are forgotten by the folks who are supposed to be caring for you in the middle of the night, etc. I'm not saying you need to ignore dr orders, I merely said it never hurts to be prepared for people to not do what they're supposed to do for you! Be prepared to take care of yourself.

    I remembered my husband having spinal fusion surgery 10+ years ago, malfunction at hospital pharmacy so he was hours without meds. I watched that man screaming in pain and literally could do nothing to help him! The nurses had the audacity to try to come close his door (so they didn't have to hear him in agony) which made my head explode, I pretty much told them that IF I HAD TO HEAR HIM, THEY HAD TO HEAR HIM TOO AND IF THEY DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR HIM TO GET HIM THE HELLO OUT OF PAIN! Going through these life experiences changes your perception, tends to make you learn what you don't want to go through again.

    SoutheastP-Again, not trying to scare you. You may not have the same pain level or tolerance level, I'm just saying for me, IT HURT. That damned drain "football" suction port thing is what literally felt like they were suctioning my insides out! IF you have one, make them empty it (or have family do it) within 2 hours, do not let it get too full or have too much suction on it because I thought I was going to die from the pain.

    And you don't have to take anything with you, I merely said that you might wish you had it. It is hard enough to be recovering from surgery, but if you are a chronic pain patient like I am, those pain meds help make life bearable most days for me, to be hurting from fresh incisions and still have my back & neck pain & hips hurting is a lot to bear. Many of the bariatric patients I speak to have spinal issues which is why so many of them are overweight to begin with as they cannot get much exercise due to pain issues or mobility issues.

    And I also said, I'd do it again, but just like to be prepared for whatever you are going to encounter.

    I also had a LapBand REMOVED and then replaced with a new Gastric Bypass so a 2-in-1 surgery which may have made mine more painful than what you're getting.

    In any event, see you on the other side of it and wishing you a lot of success! peace

    When there is a chance I might get hospitalized after a visit to the ER, I bring my meds, so that I’ll have my Oxycodone, just in case the nurses ignore/won’t listen to me.

  2. 21 hours ago, Shan0 said:

    I had a pretty rough go. I actually ended up back in the hospital after being discharged because they gave me the wrong pain medication. The pain medication they had been giving me (hydrocodone) doesn’t do anything at all for me. I kept telling them that but they kept using it and then promised that they would send me home with oxycodone and didn’t. So at three in the morning I had to go to the ER and be readmitted. It was excruciatingly painful when I was not on pain meds that were effective. Mostly the gas in my upper shoulders was the painful part. I had a hiatal hernia repair and a bypass.

    My doctor was not fantastic, I did not necessarily need to be readmitted to the hospital. I really just needed the correct prescription. But he wanted me in there so he could watch me, or for some other reason? He seemed very angry with me.

    I will say this. I wish I had known that it could be that painful. I would’ve been able to more completely prepare myself and be more accepting of the pain if I knew it was coming. That’s why I’m mentioning it to you all, not to scare anyone but just so you can get ready in case you are one of the people that it hurts. It clearly doesn’t hurt everyone.

    As for me, I’ve had two spinal cord surgeries that were less painful than this one. So everyone has a different experience, but mine was not fantastic. That said, I feel ok now and am home, doing well.

    Good luck, all.

    I’m so sorry you had to go through that when the “doctor” could have simply called in the prescription to your pharmacy. I’ve had a couple of experiences where doctors at Patient First didn’t listen to me, misdiagnosed me and gave me medication that is contraindicated because of my history of kidney disease (on that one, the “doctor” looked at my back and said “It looks infected.” Well, DUH! 🙄). Turns out I have cellulitis.

    Like you Hydrocodone does nothing for me. Same thing with OxyContin. Only Oxycodone takes care of my pain and the Restless Leg Syndrome. I’ve had to deal with that a bit the last 2 months. Turns out one of my aides was stealing my Oxy, which caused me to come up short.

  3. 2 hours ago, 87cjackson said:

    Had surgery on Wednesday (8/16). I think I’m doing well but it really has been a challenge getting Water and broth down. I am still not hungry or thirsty at all.

    It’s going to be difficult to get the recommended amounts of fluids at first, and having a reduced appetite doesn’t help. It will get better. The surgical area needs to heal. Did your surgeon tell you that it will be difficult to get the recommended amounts in at first? Also, drinking Protein will help the healing process.

  4. I just had the second procedure in my bariatric revision. The procedure is called Endoscopy with Argon Plasma Coagulation. Basically they go down my esophagus to the top opening of the pouch and zap it. It causes scar tissue, which makes the opening smaller, which means my stomach can’t accept as much food. I lost 40 pounds with the first procedure, which my surgeon said was great. I think I’m going to try some of the clear Liquid Protein that BP sells. I also use Atkins shakes, especially the chocolates and the mocha latte.

  5. On 7/12/2023 at 8:01 PM, CarmenG said:

    I had a serious case of buyer's remorse during my second week post op. I even thought, "I should've just stayed the way I was!" But I am feeling better. I try to do a lot of reading about the bypass and revisions. I'm a sleeve to bypass revision. I'm 23 days out and at a weight stall. I'm finding it hard to consume more than 56-64 oz of Water a day. I'm craving caffeine like crazy. And I'm experiencing Constipation and not sure how to add more Fiber without adding more carbs. It's tricky getting just enough of this and not too much of that. What's helping my mindset, though, is looking back at my very first pic (starting weight) and looking at my most recent. I haven't lost much (comparatively speaking), but I feel better. I can wash the dishes, cook dinner for my daughter, and bathe without running out of breath or having my back aching and burning. I can dress myself without having to sit on the bed. My skin looks fantastic. Focus on all of the things that have gotten better since your pre-op diet. Focus on the future weight loss you'll experience (even if it's going slower than you'd like). Focus on things you'll be able to consume in a couple of months. You can look up recipes and save them for month 2 and month 3 and so on. Also, I don't know if you pray, but if you do, pray for peace of mind. All of these things help me, and they may help you as well.

    I experienced the weight stall and Constipation. However, the weight that I have lost took a big load off my back, and I’m not in as much pain from that. I actually ended up in the ER because I was so constipated. I had tried to get it out the natural way, but it got stuck, and I was in so much pain and didn’t know what to do (this was the first time I had ever been constipated), so I called 911. Now it’s something I have to watch out for. I have Miralax and Lactulose on hand if it gets really bad. Try the Miralax first. Get incontinence pads, like Tena, and place them in pairs in the usual place and behind those (you’re going to leak). Also get disposable incontinence Chuks for wherever you sleep, because you’ll leak there, too. Have disposable gloves on hand and be prepared to glove up and get it out manually when it gets stuck, and you can’t push it out without feeling like you’re going to split in half. I know it’s gross, but I lost 6 pounds in about 5 days.

    I spoke with my surgeon, and she told me that stalls and constipation are to be expected with revision surgery. Talk to your surgeon about your concerns, and ask if there are other options that you can do. I learned that the Argon Coagulation surgery I had was only the first of several to expect.

  6. 1 hour ago, ElleRodri said:

    61 days until my surgery and I'm already having buyers remorse. I know it's all in my head. I have an amazingly supportive husband in all of it and he's had to hear the gambit of my emotions from elation to utter defeat surrounding this surgery, so much so that he honestly doesn't know what to think sometimes. But he's on board 100% even if it does mean he will have to do most of the cooking for himself and our kids for a while so that I can adjust to turning down the "head hunger". I ordered a few different Protein powders and shot (an assortment box) so that I could start the prep work. I have been so bad lately about "well I can't have it after surgery, so I'm gonna stuff my face with it now" ice cream, Cookies, I think I had 5 normal sized cupcakes on 4th of July. At this point sometimes I'm eating just to eat because I still have issues to address with my eating. I have psych appointments lined up with the bariatrics team at mayo as well as my usual psych and shrink. I want to get a hold on my relationship with food before the surgery and with so little time left I'm worried that I can't do it.

    I'm petrified that I am going to mess myself up worse having the surgery than if I just kept going without it. Weightloss isn't the #1 reason I'm having the surgery, just a big bonus. I have to have the surgery because of another surgery I had almost 20 years ago starting to come undone and causing issues and more damage. I'm so scared right now that I'm going to end up hating myself for putting myself through the misery. But it's time to "Embrace the Suck" and move forward.

    We are all in various places, but it's so great seeing everyone be so supportive from every walk. I'm happy to have found this site.

    I understand the “let me eat it all now, because I won’t be able to eat it after the surgery.” I’ve done it, too.
    I know you’re scared about the surgery. The only thing I can suggest is for you to think of the reason for the surgery. You’re not having “weight-loss surgery.” You’re having a surgery to fix another problem. Actually, that’s how we got the Roux-en-Y. It was for a different gastric problem, and the patients and doctors noticed the weight loss. Then they started using the surgery specifically for weight loss.

    You’re fortunate to have a very supportive husband. It will be helpful during your recovery and the weight loss that accompanies it. You can do this!

  7. You nailed it about the “mind hunger.” I didn’t have it as much with the original bypass, probably because those no-no foods felt uncomfortable and/or I dumped, always out the back way. It took almost 2 years to be able to eat the bad stuff. After what turns out to be Part 1 of my revision surgery, it took a lot less, plus I don’t dump. I spoke with my surgeon to say that I wasn’t sure the Argon zapping was working, and she told me that the revision process takes several surgeries and that I should have been contacted by their obesity management team and scheduled for the next procedure. They’re working on scheduling that for August, and I’m in contact with the team. She also suggested calorie counting, as well as some of those online weight management sites like Noom. It’s as much about how you think of food and realizing why you overeat. I was getting therapy, but it was once a month, and I don’t think it really helped.

  8. I had the Argon-zapping revision surgery in June 2022. I started losing weight, to the extent that people noticed. I lost 40 pounds from my pre-surgery weight. My 16th-century dresses fit better. I noticed that I would get stuck at a certain weight. I also got constipated. Getting unconstipated helped with the weight loss. At 40 pounds lost, I got stuck for a long time. I got frustrated. At one point, I got an appetite for pastries, and I went on a tear. I gained 20 pounds. I thought that perhaps the revision wasn’t working. I have lost 13 of those pounds (being poor-ish helps). I just had a telehealth visit with my surgeon. She said that I am at a better place than expected! She gave me more information about revision surgery. One procedure isn’t enough, and I should have been scheduled for the second procedure and been followed by their obesity surgery team. I will be scheduled for the next surgery in August.
    If you’re frustrated about weight loss after revision surgery, speak with your surgeon, and ask if there are further surgeries that are part of your plan.
    One surgery isn’t the end-all of your plan!

  9. When I had my original surgery, I added black pepper and crushed red pepper flakes to my broths. It got me through the bland phase. I know it’s difficult the first few weeks until you can eat more solid food. What I’ve done with ricotta cheese, yogurt, sugar-free pudding and cottage cheese is to add Splenda and extracts or professional flavorings (like cake decorators use; I did some cake decorating). Missing pumpkin pie? Add pumpkin pie extract or flavoring to ricotta cheese. I use flavorings by Lorann Oils. You can find some at Michaels, Joann, and local cake and candy supply stores. You can also order them online at www.lorannoils.com.

  10. Hi Bebaeg,

    Thank you so much for asking. I had my revision on May 9. I’ve lost 33-ish pounds. I get stuck in the middle of the next 10 pounds, so right now I’m fluctuating between 264 and 266. When I first stalled, I realized that I was severely constipated. I’m finding that that happens a lot. Unfortunately, the solution leads to the opposite problem of diarrhea. 🙄 I’m grateful for what I’ve lost, but it’s still frustrating.

  11. Thank you! That does explain why people experience the stall without being constipated. It may have been a concurrent phenomenon, but all I know is that as soon as I got all that stuff out of me, my weight started dropping again and is continuing to. I also wish my surgeon had warned me. I’m going to ask if she agrees with the concept of the early stall.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Raw188 said:

    I'm not sure what a stall and being constipated have in common. Could you connect the dots for me?

    Yes. In my 3rd to 4th week, my weight loss stalled. I was consuming the same things I was when my weight loss was steady. Last week I realized that I had not had a bowel movement in a while. I tried taking Colace and Senna, and it felt like there was stool on the way. When I tried to expel it, it got stuck. I tried to get it out manually, but it didn’t work. After an afternoon and evening in the ER, I was sent home with prescriptions for Miralax and Lactulose. For several days I used a gloved finger to get the big, hard chunks out when I pushed and it got stuck. When I weighed myself on Monday, I had lost 6 pounds. Six pounds of poop. Since then, my weight loss is back on track. I hope that helps.

    Some here say that a 3rd week stall is normal. Maybe for some. I only know my stall ended when I got rid of all that stuff in me.

  13. 15 hours ago, Oomamacita said:

    may 17,2022!!
    my start weight was originally 250, the with pre op diet i was 238, now at post op of one month 214.
    i haven't lost weight in over a week!!! :(
    any advice?

    Are you constipated? How long has it been since you had a bowel movement? If it’s been enough that you can’t even remember, you probably are. Call your doctor, and tell them that you’re constipated.
    Some on this forum are saying that a 3 week stall is normal. I don’t think that’s correct. I don’t recall getting constipated with the original surgery.

  14. On 6/12/2022 at 3:01 PM, Darcell76 said:

    So I’m in the beginning of week three and I have not lost any weight all week. I’m also constipated. I’m down a total of 28lbs since the preop liquid diet. I started at 249lbs and I’m now 221lbs. What are you taking for constipation? How long is the stall period?

    I was just looking for this topic. I had revision surgery on May 9, and I was losing at a nice pace, and then suddenly I can’t get past 20 pounds. I realized last week that I hadn’t had a bowel movement in a little bit, so I started taking Colace. It started feeling like it was coming, so I tried straining. It started coming out and got stuck. I was in immense pain! I was sweating and breathing heavy. I didn’t know what else to do, so I called 911. At the hospital they offered me a couple of options. I asked if they could give me an enema at the hospital, wait a bit, and then do some “drilling.” Oh Boy!
    The doctor sent me home with prescriptions for Miralax and Lactulose. I had disposable gloves, which I used to go it and dig out the big pieces when they were stuck halfway out. You can get Miralax OTC. I don’t know if Lactulose comes OTC. It’s the Lactulose that really does it, but don’t go anywhere for a while. Buy overnight-size pads, because you’re going to leak. That’s the Miralax.
    Call your doctor/surgeon and tell them you’re constipated and stuck in your weight loss. I lost 6 pounds of poop, and I’m back on track. It took 3-4 days to get that much out.

  15. On 5/6/2022 at 6:37 PM, Ninabnina77 said:

    I am the opposite of you, I am also looking to get a revision, except I am worried about losing weight too fast. I want to slow but steady weight loss journey so my skin will not hang too much. So maybe slow weight loss is not such a bad thing after all. But I am sure you can speed it up by doing all the things you mentioned religiously.

    Sent from my SM-G991U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I suspect you’ll still get saggy skin. I don’t know that the pace of weight loss affects that. One way or another, your skin is losing its padding. I was able to get a panniculectomy (the skin below the bellybutton) in 2007 due to skin breakdown. Unfortunately, I don’t think the insurance companies have gotten in-step with post-weight loss needs like saggy skin.

  16. On May 9, I had a revision to my original gastric bypass RNY (2004). It’s called Endoscopy with Argon Plasma Coagulation. Basically they go down your esophagus to the pouch’s exit and zap it to create scar tissue which makes the opening smaller. I’ve had to go back to the post-surgery meal plan. I’ve worked my way up to chicken. I’ve lost 21 pounds since. It seems like it’s a slower loss than before, but maybe my body has grown accustomed to having the smaller stomach, and maybe the gastric juices aren’t as concentrated as they were. Here’s me now (top) and before revision (bottom).

    I’m glad this forum is here. I need the support from fellow bariatrics.



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