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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kirafiki

  1. kirafiki

    Gas Pains

    Hi there! I just wanted you to know you are not alone. I had surgery on 7/2/8, and had horrible gas pains for a few weeks afterwards. I felt like something was wrong. All I could do to alleviate them was a lot of passing gas, and walking. I have a theory that the gas is produced by the Big tummy, because its getting used to not digesting as much, and while it is still trying to digest food that isn't there, it makes gas. I am sure some of it is the leftover CO2 from the surgery, but not all of it. Try drinking some water to coat the big part of the tummy, or maybe protien shake of some sort. warm liquids help too, like tea or broth. Some of us get crazy gas, others don't. I felt like "No one told me this might happen!" It eventually eases up though, so just try to remind yourself it will, and then you won't even believe how happy you are that you did this for yourself - I AM!
  2. kirafiki

    Frustrated....beyond belief

    I really just mean, in the past 30 years of dieting I have never spent this amount of time on this stubborn of a plateau... then again, I am much older now. Just really complaining, sorry about that.
  3. kirafiki

    Frustrated....beyond belief

    I have been on a plateau now for five weeks! I lost 50 or so pounds pre and one week post surgery, and then NOTHING! An hour of aerobics daily (brisk walking, some jogging), 1000 calories or less a day (its all I can manage to get down) and two fills later, and not a pound! I am trying to stay positive. Without the band, I could have lost more it seems. grrrrr
  4. kirafiki

    too tight or wrong food?

    Thanks to both of you... I do eat really slowly, but I think the tighter in the morning thing may be what's up with me. My dietitian finally got back to me and suggested liquids for a while, then do liquids in the morning and add food at night to see how that goes. I am defintely going to wait for the oatmeal for a while, but I love it so much, I am hoping I can have it again. I have a suspicion my band may be a tiny bit tight... they found a kink in the hose, and had a really hard time taking some saline out during that second fill when it was over-filled. Now the doctor who I have to see when I get fills is out of town, so I am going to stick with the liquids.
  5. Hello all! Sorry to ask what is probably a totally rookie question, but here goes: I had my second fill on Monday. My doctor suggests liquids for 24 hours then mushies for 24 hours. I did that and everything was fine. Then this morning, I had oatmeal. That was at 8AM, and I still feel really full, except water passes through. I was having oatmeal for breakfast most days before, and didn't have an issue. It is possible the oatmeal is just to sticky for my newly restricted tiny tummy? I haven't thrown up, and cannot imagine eating anything for a long time. Is this just how the few days after the fill go for some people? Yesterday I ate eggs, refiried beans, and a little chicken just fine. Any ideas? Thanks for any help you might be able to give!
  6. I was totally the same way! Afraid to start eating. I think I had scrambled eggs first, and I vowed to marry them! My friend joked that we should draw a tuxedo on a little egg and have a ceremony. Now when I try something new she accuses me of cheating on my egg husband! Lentils are good, any bean. I was slightly lactose intolerant before surgery and apparently, I am really lactose intolerant after, so yogurt and cottage cheese are out. Savor the mushies... I agree, nothing had ever tasted so good in my life! Success to all!
  7. I posted this in the general area, but being new here I just found this area and thought maybe this would be a better place to post... sorry for the duplication.... Last saturday I bent over to pick up a piece of paper I dropped, felt a twinge in my port spot, put my hand there and could feel the whole port! when I stood up it popped back to its rightful place. Since then, I have been having twitches and twinges in the port spot, so I have been wearing a compression belt and being SUPER careful when bending over and picking things up. Is this somewhat normal or an omen that things are going wrong?
  8. Oh, definitely NOT the same thing. I am also self-pay, and can't really afford a revision either. I can feel the port on a regular day, this popping thing really was quite extraordinary... don't worry, totally not the same thing. The doctor who was there during yesterday's fill said that I should make sure he is there when I get my fills since he now knows what is going on. The fill took extra long, and he had to manipulate my belly lots to get it right, but it certainly wasn't unbearable. I am personally hoping that as I lose more weight maybe the kink will go away. Please don't worry... feeling the port is not the same thing as I am talking about. For just a few seconds I could feel the entire device in my hand, not just underneath my skin. It was really weird and had this strange "twinge" feeling associated with it. I am sorry if I made you worry unnecessarily.
  9. kirafiki

    Any ideas why I am gaining?

    Thanks all for replying... I have been keeping a food/exercise diary, and not drinking while eating or 30 mins before and after, started jogging (which I NEVER thought I would do and now I look forward to!?!). I have determined that since I lost 50 pounds in two months (37 in the month before surgery and 13 after surgery) that its a really gnarly plateau and I just have to be patient and when it kicks in again it will be nice. Had my second fill today, and thanks to some weird popping out of my port a week and a half ago, the doc thinks my tube is kinked! I can only get super tiny fills now, or maybe revision surgery. grrrr. PATIENCE janet, patience!!!
  10. I was banded 7/2. From pre-op to three weeks post surgery, I lost 50 pounds. Then the loss stopped. I assumed it was a natural plateau, or adjustment period, since the first 50 went so quickly. I was still on liquids, because I was totally afraid I would dislodge the band or stretch the pouch. I was finally encouraged to move to mushies, and have spent about a week and a half on them now. In that time I had my first fill, which made the band feel like it did the first two weeks after surgery for two days, but then went back to the norm. In the last week, I have GAINED four pounds. I eat no more than 6oz of mushies at a time, three meals a day, no Snacks. My mushies are ALL protien. At the suggestion of my dietician, I had my first "chew" meal last night. chicken and steamed mixed veggies. It went down fine. I woke up this morning and two of those four pounds went on last night! As far as exercise... three 20 minute walks a day with the dog, plus a 45 minute fast walk or walk/jog (on alternate days) by myself. I just fear its all coming back, and feel like I should go back to liquids or something.
  11. Thanks, they just told me that there is a kink in my tube, that maybe was caused by the popping port... and that I either have to have tiny fills, or maybe revision surgery.... grrrr
  12. Hi there! I was banded 7/2 as well, had my first fill last monday, felt restriction for a few days, but am back to being starving. I haven't gone off the program yet that the doctor suggests, and in fact only just recently started transitioning from mushies to chewies. I love chewing! That being said, I am convinced I need another fill. Even with chewie food, I get hungry and that leads to painful gas. I know everyone is different. Be patient with yourself and your new tummy. I just keep reminding myself that some day my band will perform as it is supposed to and my hard work and perserverence will be all worth it. As it is, no matter how hard I work, I have GAINED 4 pounds in the last week, with no other explanation. Patience and belief... that is what I need!! Good luck and good work all!
  13. kirafiki

    Any ideas why I am gaining?

    I agree... I mean I knew that there was a real major connection between my mind and my weight... I once went to a "food and body image issues" group, and I was the only person there who was overwieght, the others were either bullimic or anorexic. That was quite a shock to me, even though I knew it intellectually, I never personalized that body image issues simply manifest themselves in each individual in their own way. I went for years without a scale, and that is how I got to be the size I was. Now it seems that the scale is my enemy again, but for the same reason, I am on it constantly. grrrr. One of these days, peace will come, maybe this is my "patience" journey.
  14. kirafiki

    Any ideas why I am gaining?

    thanks Brandy, yeah, I weigh every day. I know I shouldn't. I am considering getting rid of my scale and going in to weigh at the doctor's office once a week instead. Having lived a life at one extreme or another, I think learning to find my happy, medium, "normal" place for all things is going to be the hardest part of this journey.
  15. I also had a HUGE gas problem. I was banded 7/2, and had about five weeks of unbeleivable gas, burping, tooting, the shoulder pains... all of it. Eventually it slowed down, now its just every few days or so. I did try gas-x strips, but honestly, they barely make a dent in the kind of gas I get. It is a dent though. I no longer take non-gassy days for granted. I actually find that if I am getting gassy, to eat (or drink) something sort of substantial. It gives the digestive juices in my big tummy something to do other than make gas. TINY TUMMIES ROCK! Keep up the good work everyone!
  16. kirafiki

    Any ideas why I am gaining?

    Thanks... unfortunately I cannot blame constipation, bread (haven't had any in months) or my period (unless when I ovulate it affectes me the same). I am sure I am just freaking out for no reason. I just keep seeing it add and add and I am working so hard. It just sorta scares me. I guess I should try to relax.
  17. and congrats to you... its the best, most caring thing I have ever done for myself, and I am sure you will find it is for you too. Let me know how you are afterward! We are about the same age, and had about the same amount to go. My surgery and recovery is fresh in my mind. We could be buddies if you need any?
  18. I agree with the last poster. I think maybe some therapy would help your wife. I had some group therapy years ago for people with food and body image issues, and I found that as a compulsive over-eater, I had EXACTLY the same issues as those in the room who were bullimic or anorexic. Society just doesn't accept that overweight people have the same medically/psychologically based illness as the bullimics and anorexics, since ours is a "self control" issue, not medical. (note, sarcasm) Find a therapist who deals with body image. I would bet it would do your wife a world of good. You are a great husband, I wish all husbands could be as supportive and proactive as you are.
  19. Hi there... I always have my period at the most inopportune time, so yes, when I had surgery, I was on my period. I usually use tampons, but had to resort to pads, since it was going to be much easier. I did find however, that the normal pain associate with my period was not an issue, since I had the other issues that having surgery brought. Don't worry much about it, but mention it during pre-op. GOOD LUCK!
  20. My guess is yes it is your period. Usually a week before I stop losing anything and usually a day or two before, I gain a little. Then a day or two after I start my period, the pounds I gained drop off, and the weight loss starts up again. I have been this way in all my 30 years of dieting. Stay positive! You are doing amazing things for yourself!
  21. kirafiki

    Do You Always Feel The Band?

    Hello there... I was banded on 7/2/08 and I felt the band for about three and a half weeks, and then magically one day I couldn't really feel it any more. I do feel the port still, but like Patchelton, I think its going to be a small price to pay. I got my first fill this past monday, and felt the band monday evening and some of tuesday, but don't again today. I am so amazingly happy to have done this for myself... every day it just gets better and better! Good luck and happiness to all!
  22. I felt a heck of a lot better about day 8. Everyone is different though. It will get a LOT better, and you will never look back on having taken care of yourself like this... and I am only 4 weeks out! I know I did the right thing! 315/278/265 5-22/7-2/current
  23. kirafiki

    Pre-Op Diet

    I wish I had a tour of my favorite foods... the NP at my doctor's office scared me to death thinking I might get my surgery cancelled if I didn't loose any weight before my surgery. In four weeks I lost 37 pounds since I was so scared! I am glad I lost the weight, but I wish I hadn't been scared into doing it.
  24. kirafiki

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Holy crap is what I think too... am on a bit of a stall, but I expect that is normal. I still marvel at the fact that I have lost 1/3 of what I want to already. I consider myself lucky, to be sure.
  25. Hi all... I am sure you have heard this before. I was banded 4 weeks ago today. I am not eating dairy, I am still just having liquid, am loosing very rapidly, but my problem is the gas. Thank goodness I work for myself. I am passing gas, and I am not kidding here, every ten seconds!! Not small amounts either. I just can't imagine that this is the CO2 still. I am sure there is some in me, but from what I understand that is released through respiration. This gas is in my tummy, painful, and distending. I am afraid of two things: this will never go away, and the bloating will dislodge my band. Any info would be great. Other than that, I feel great.

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