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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kirafiki

  1. kirafiki

    Feeling a difference with p90x

    A super insane exercise program... they have a website if you want to check it out.
  2. Slime is saliva. It is amazing how much we produce just sitting around doing nothing. When something does get stuck, it backs up in your esophagus. Your body reabsorbs the H2O from the saliva, or at least some of it, and the remainder gets concentrated and become slime. It happens to me if I don't chew enough or eat something my band doesn't like. I learn not to eat those foods then. I have periods of when sliming happens more often than other times. I haven't found any rhyme or reason to it. I agree, it is rather uncomfortable and that is why I pay attention to what I ate just right before it and analyze if it was because I didn't chew or if maybe its something my band didn't like. Just so you know, when a PB happens, it is a mixture of saliva and the food you just ate coming up. Its not like throwing up, since the food hasn't really started being digested yet, so none of that stomach acid taste comes with it usually. Its just pretty much icky. All of these are the fun things you get to learn about as you go through this journey. Good luck, and here's to not sliming or PBing very often!
  3. kirafiki

    Help! I SOO want to cheat!!!

    You may think this is harsh, but think of the pre-op diet as getting you ready for the drastic change of eating habits you are going to have to stick to for the rest of your life! It starts now. Plus, part of the reason you are on the pre-op is to prepare your body physiologically for the stresses of the surgery. Hang in there... your husband is SO RIGHT! Think end result and how much doing this is going to prove to yourself that you care about yourself enough to go through all of this to be healthy!!!
  4. kirafiki

    Feeling a difference with p90x

    I bought P90X to help get rid of the last 20-30 lbs I am holding onto... mainly to change things up from my 4 times a week spinning, two times a week of aqualogix and a recently added day of kickboxing. I think I might be in an exercise rut. Nice to hear its going well for you. I have to figure out a way fit the P90X workouts into my schedule though. Some days are a morning and night workout, right? How much actual room do you need to do the workouts? I live in a tiny studio apartment and don't have much room! Did you get the chin up bar? If not, how do you do that part?
  5. kirafiki

    Beans & salad

    Personally, I am a big fan of making my salads with baby spinach... much more nutritionally beneficial!!! And its not as hard-edged and other types of lettuces. Delicious as well!
  6. kirafiki

    Hungry again after 2nd fill

    TOTALLY normal! It took me six fills to get where it get over the irritation around the band after the fill and keep me from being hungry all the time. Everyone is different though, so that doesn't necessarily mean it will take you that many fills, that was just my experience. It is good this way, because it allows for you to be sure you have made the behavioral changes before being fully restricted. Hang in there... when you reach the correct restriction it will be a wonderful magical day... and all things happen when they are supposed to!
  7. kirafiki

    Tips for self-payers?

    The one sort of annoying thing I have found out very recently: At 315 pounds I was uninsurable. At 172 with a band installed, I am also uninsurable. No private insurance company will take me on as the band has made me high risk. I continue to be one of the millions of uninsured Americans, albeit a MUCH healthier one. I guess when the economy improves I might be able to find a job that offers health insurance. Until then I just continue to help my Dad's business and keep my fingers crossed. Still, I would do it over again regardless of the inablitly to get individual insurance.
  8. illuminationlady: I can only hope that something I might say some day can be of use to someone. Thank you for sharing that... it made my day!

  9. What I found helpful with the gas was walking and gas x strips. Plus, if you start walking, you are on your way to incorporating that into your new life. Usually bands are installed without any fill in them. You probably won't get a fill this early. They will just be checking to make sure your puncture sites are healing right and that you are coming along in the right way. Usually your first fill isn't for a month or so. Your stomach is still irritated from having a foreign object placed around it and needs to heal first. What to expect when you do get a fill? It depends on how your doctor does them. This is a great question to ask on Friday when you see them again. I hope this was somewhat helpful. Good luck and success on your new life!
  10. kirafiki


    Try to be patient. Your stomach needs time to heal before reintroducing solid foods, but I know you have been told that before. When the band is placed it is not inflated, which is why now you can eat more than you thought you would be able to. Even after your first fill, many times you aren't totally restricted, since they don't want you to go directly to learning what sliming and pbing are about. I was banded, and then two weeks after I had absolutely no restriction, so I had to rely on myself to eat correctly. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose. Then I had my first fill, and the weight started dropping off. For me, it took six fills before I was restricted enough to feel the effects. Keep trying different protein shakes. They are all so different, there is one out there you will eventually like enough not to be sick of. To this day, my breakfast is a shake. I get one made by GNC, that has 28 grams of protein, and only four carbs. Its a powder, but I mix it with soy milk (I don't drink cow's milk). I like the chocolate flavor. Its called Whey Isolate 28. As far as problems in the future: we all have one or two or more! The important thing is to learn to listen to your body and your band as you have them. Learn what foods your body and band can handle and have them, and the ones they don't and avoid them. Once you phase into more substantial foods your energy will return. Don't be afraid of your first fill. I do agree, it can be a little anxiety producing. Keep in touch with the resources your doctor's office offers, and keep reading around on this site. There is a lot of good information here. Consider finding a buddy/mentor here.. they can be an immense help. Good luck and hang in there! I hope I was of some help!
  11. First, check into liquid or chewable Vitamins. Some of them are very tasty. Then you won't have to worry about the pills getting stuck. I used to view them as my "treat" at the end of the day, since they were fruity and sort of like candy. It wasn't until very recently that I started taking any sorts of pills... I was even taking liquid tylenol for headaches if I needed it. I can now take advil in pill form, but expect that to change again when I get another fill. I haven't had one since last April, and haven't had restriction since at least October. But I exercised and ate right and continued to lose. About the sweet spot: I have never found mine. I think I have it and then lose some more weight and need another fill. Maybe some day I will find it? But I know that 99% of the work is mine to do, and that my band is just my assistant. When I do find my "temporary sweet spot" I know it. Its hard to explain, but it just makes me feel in control, and not so hungry so soon after a meal. My nurses, dietitian and PA used to tell me to slow down on the exercise too, but I never did, and yeah, I hit TONS of plateaus. But they always eventually broke, and now I am glad I did as much exercise as I did, and do, because I am the healthiest I have been in my life, including when I swam competitively in high school. As for motivation... there are times I lose it too. Sometimes the only way I can get back on track is to do a few days of liquids to trick myself into being back at the beginning. Then baby steps... mushies and slowly adding more substantial foods. At the end of a cycle like that I tend to be more in tune with my band and its advantages. This method is not for everyone, but it does work for me. I spend that time being kind to myself, and talking to myself about my successes, kind of pumping myself up. Good luck, keep at it. Its a long, slow process for some. There is much more to being banded than just eating right and exercising. Its about a total frame of mind change, and that takes a lot more time than establishing new eating and exercising habits. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
  12. kirafiki

    Burp/Hiccup Sensation

    Oh I know you must be so uncomfortable! I didn't experience this, and I can only hope you find comfort soon. I am sure you will. Bodies do strange things after major surgery! Good luck and hang in there!
  13. I guess it is what people call bandster hell. Keep in mind though... you lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. The body will always adjust to that and stop temporarily. It will happen time and time again during your weight loss. Be assured that you are doing everything just right. I was looking back at my emails to my dietitian from the beginning, in the first month after surgery. I stopped losing weight about week two, until my first fill, and then it just started dropping off again. I don't really have an explanation for why we start losing again after a fill... If I am doing everything right all along, why not lose all along? Be patient with yourself... keep up the good work, and one day it will start up again, I promise. Be sure to get LOTS of Water and to take your Vitamins too! They are unbelievably important for loss! Good luck!!!
  14. I haven't had this issue, but I do know that you NEED to see a doctor about the vomit taste and reflux. It could be a stretched pouch or an enlarged esophagus, or both. You need to figure out what the problem is. I am self pay also, and I know how hard it is to foot the bill when issues come up... but you need to do it! Good luck... and I hope someone who had the same issue responds soon so that you can feel better.
  15. Right after surgery, your band is not inflated with any saline. Once the stomach swelling goes down, some people feel like they can eat quite a lot, if not normal amounts of food. After five days, it is possible that your stomach swelling has gone down enough to do a can of soup. Hot/warm liquids will most likely always go down a little easier than cold things. The reducing of the stomach swelling may also explain being able to eat really chewed up crackers and noodles. The reason you aren't given guidelines in the first two weeks for caloric intake is that most people need that time to heal and can't get enough down to meet more than 600 to 900 calories. I do know how much better you feel after having some food that required chewing. The day I was able to start chewing again I nearly cried out of being so happy. Just be aware that this is about changing eating habits forever. The chew-chew-chewing is good, and a skill you must carry with you for the rest of your life. I would, however, watch out for volumes of food. Even though they are liquids, you can over do it (its hard, but possible), and you don't want to screw things up so early. I would suggest portioning out a small amount of the can of soup, and then eating another small portion as soon as you feel you need it. If I recall correctly, as long as they are clear or thick liquids (since you have been given the go-ahead on the thick liquids) you can have them as often as you need them. Hope this helps, and welcome to the journey. Follow the rules, exercise regularly and they will become your new habits. Studies show it takes three weeks to make something a new habit. You have chosen a wonderful journey to take, and as long as you listen to your band you will be successful! Good luck!
  16. kirafiki

    Lady needing candid advice...

    Ok, I am not a guy, but I do know that both the high BP and the meds for it can cause a man or woman to loose their libido. I don't have any ideas about helping that though. I hope the men out there can give some advice! Good luck.. Nothing like getting some good nookie to make a day better!
  17. kirafiki

    Never thought 299 would feel so good!

    It does feel great, doesn't it! Congratulations!!!!!!!
  18. And I seriously can't believe I forgot to include my condolences about your brother. I lost my mom on her 65th birthday two years ago.. its so hard to lose someone we love (or anyone for that matter!)
  19. So, here I am, a year and a half after my surgery. I feel I have done extremely well. 140+ pounds lost, the last six months without restriction, since I can't afford a fill at this time. But have still been steadily losing until now. I exercise and feel off if I don't make it to the gym. But here is the problem. And it comes at a time when with no restriction, my old compulsive habits are creeping back, now that I know what foods can go right through me. I recently got some results of some labs, not pertaining to my band, that have suggested that there is a possibility that I am going to be facing a bout with cancer. I have to wait at least two weeks for my next tests regarding this, and then another two weeks or so for those labs to come back. My head is reeling, I am scared, and trying to make all kinds of plans in case the worst results come back. I am not ready to scare my family about this possibility. Part of my problem is that I have no insurance. When I started this journey I weighed 315 pounds, having been heavier than that, I just don't know how high I got since I had stopped weighing myself years before. I was uninsurable at 315, and part of the reason I wanted to get control of my compulsive eating was to get to a weight that would be insurable. Facing this possible diagnosis, I started looking into insurance so that the bills of a fight with cancer would not be something I would have to excessively worry about. Come to find out, at least in California, having had adjustable gastric band surgery, I have rendered myself a "high risk" and uninsurable for that reason. Still, I am happy I was banded. I am healthier than I have ever been, and so I am in the shape to take on cancer. Back to the head reeling. Unrestricted, I notice my compulsive overeating feelings, habits, and thoughts creeping back in. I can't afford therapy. Any books anyone knows that can help me here? Anything. I need some help. This may be beyond the scope of anyone's comfort, but I would really appreciate anything anyone can give.
  20. I was self pay... my dad was kind enough to lend me the money for the surgery. The only way I could get him to agree was to go to the local university, since he holds them in high regard, medically. They unfortunately don't take payments. I thought about it this morning, and I figure I can squeeze the $250 out of my bank account for the fill this month, since I so desperately need it. Thanks for your kind words. I will do my best to keep you posted on the outcome... a month or so for lab results (you know how these things go slowly if one has no insurance!)
  21. Thanks for the book idea... I will definitely look into it! I do thank you for the prayers as well. I am not a prayer, but am always thankful for those who are extending theirs to me. Thank you for your kind words and extending your email address to me as well. I am just trying to keep a positive attitude about all of this, since I won't really know any lab results for about a month (that's how fast things go when one has no insurance!)
  22. You might be slightly overfilled if that is how you are eating six days after the fill. You should call the doctor's office and see what they say. Good luck!
  23. kirafiki

    Anyone With Lap Band In San Diego

    You aren't too far from goal either! Congrats to you too!!!!
  24. kirafiki

    Anyone With Lap Band In San Diego

    UCSD for me too! I live in OB. I just connect with other bandsters at the support meetings when I can make them. Its surreal being this close to goal! Send me a private message any time!
  25. Never thought a burp would be so good! Congrats on your surgery. Things will only get amazingly better from now on. Good luck!

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