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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kirafiki

  1. kirafiki

    I truly need help

    I too have a chocolate addiction. Even since being banded, since I know it slides right down I have had a few binges on the delightful stuff. When I do realize I am doing it, and when I am ready, I usually try to break the dependency, even for the time being, as I know I will be there again and again for the rest of my life, by doing the 5 day pouch test. It really helps me kick the simple carb cravings. I don't know how it does, but it does. It also resets my relationship with my band and we understand each other better after the pouch test. It usually jump starts my weight loss again as well. The pouch test also gives me time to revisit what is really fueling my binging. I am a food addict for life, and I fall off the wagon now and then. The important thing for me to remember about myself is that I now have the mental tools (and physical tools) to recognize it and deal with it when I slip up. Hang in there. It's a lifelong struggle, I know. It's hard. But its worth it. And I know that if I can finally control my eating/weight I can do anything!
  2. Firstly, stress absolutely can affect things. In many different ways, as everyone id affected by it differently. It wasn't until my second or third fill that I really started loosing. Hang in there... it will happen. That you have lost a dress size is great! You must be keeping up with exercise. Which means that you are replacing fat with muscle, so you are losing weight. Muscle weighs more than fat though... so that could be it. Finally, sure, this may be a plateau. My longest one was about three months. It sure was hard to get through, but I just kept at it knowing if I did eventually the scale would reflect what was really going on inside me. You are doing fine... just keep your eyes on the prize and you will make it!
  3. kirafiki

    Another Milestone!

    This morning I made it to my original goal weight, the one I set when the doc asked me "what is your goal?" Not having been this weight since JUNIOR HIGH, I had no idea what it would look like, and as I have gotten closer and closer to it, I knew it needed adjusting, and now I am planning on another 15 pounds, but I do think I will get there and want to go a little lower. My BMI still says I am in the overweight range, but five more pounds and I will be on the upper edge of normal. My new goal is to settle in somewhere comfortably in the normal range, so that I have a little wiggle room for normal weight fluctuations. My band saved my life. In so many ways. Congratulations to all of us for making this amazing decision and then following through. You have all been an inspiration to me, and ear to complain to, and a rooting section. I thank you all for your part in my journey!!
  4. kirafiki

    Has anyone else???

    I am sure its just nerves... which are good! Without them you might find yourself eating too much regularly and actually stretching your pouch. The first few fills are confusing, since you don't usually get much restriction from them. At least most don't. It took me four fills to feel restriction, but I took that time to work on the new habits I needed to make the fill that gave me restriction totally great. As a side note, to this day when I start fearing I have stretched my pouch, it's the first sign I need a fill. I go through a few days of panic and then I realize that I just need a fill. Just hang in there... it all gets better, and then better than you could have ever imagined!
  5. kirafiki

    Another Milestone!

    Thanks everyone! You have all done great! We are all in such good company!
  6. kirafiki

    Fourth fill and got 2cc's!!!!!!

    It was just about my fourth fill when they poured 4cc's into me. Once things settled down, it was a magical moment. I rode that fill for about 8 months. I am at about 11 cc's in a 14 cc band. Now when I get fills, they are just little, tiny tweaks. Hang in there... Everything will work out just as it should! Keep up the hard work!
  7. One thing I found really helpful in the beginning were what are referred to as Protein bullets. They are REALLY sweet, but one made called New whey has 42 grams of protein in it. They make one that has half that too. Very little carbs, about 170 calories (for the 42g one) but tons of protein. I tend to keep my protein higher, in the 80 to 100g a day range, or at least try to. Only three ounces to a serving. Kind of expensive, but I found them very worth it. Also, in the beginning, I relied heavily on fish. Its a great source of protein, and omega-3's. To this day, I start every day with a Protein shake that contains about 32g of protein... my band doesn't like solid food in the morning. Its natural to be worried... its a sign that you are taking this as seriously as you should. Keep up the good work!
  8. kirafiki

    Oh happy day!

    Had my first fill since last March this morning! I have been white knuckling it since at least October. I needed that time to let my head catch up with the changes my body has gone through in the last year and a half or so. But it is SO NICE to not be starving again! Now to get the last 20 or 30 pounds off!
  9. I haven't eaten there in at least 10 years, and certainly not since I have been banded. I looked at their online menu, but nothing jumped out at me as particularly healthy. Has anyone eaten there lately? Are they good about making your own meal out of things on their menu? Do they tend to allow a person to order off the kids menu with a band? Its my sister's b-day dinner, and I don't want to miss the whole thing. They are having cake at the house afterwards, but will skip that.
  10. kirafiki

    Suggestions for eating at Red Lobster?

    Thanks everyone! Maybe I will splurge and have lobster. Of course once I get there I am really just going to order fish grilled no butter. The bread will stay FAR away from me!
  11. I have spent the last six months just hovering at the same weight. At first, I was angry that the scale wasn't moving, and then I got real with myself and realized it was because I was getting out more... dating, having dinners out, wine here and there. It wasn't until the other day that I realized that even though I haven't lost anything, I haven't gained. I managed to maintain for six months, with very little restriction. More importantly, the last six months were important for the head work I had been neglecting. I am starting to see my body for what it is now, and not what it was before. My head has begun to accept that I am nearly half the person I was, in volume, but I am easliy twice the person I was emotionally. Going in for a second fill next Monday... the conservative one I got two weeks ago wasn't enough. The bottom line is I needed that time to work through some of the head things. I apologize for not having any tips, since the process was so organic and I didn't realize it was happening at the time. Good luck with finding peace with the head stuff... I am not there yet, but am on my way!
  12. I have been the same weight since October. I still have about 25 to go to my new goal weight. Do you know what is nice about that? I have maintained the same weight since October! I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to do that! Thank you band. And you have taught me so much about me. Thank you, thank you, thank you from my whole being. Now back to work. Just 25 to go. That's nothing! Continued success to all!
  13. kirafiki

    Mad !!!

    Sometimes when I am craving something like that I make a modified version... in this case I would make a salad with hot ground beef, a little low fat shredded cheese, and a small amount of 'dressing' made from the condiments I like to add to a burger. I know, I know, old diet trick, but it really helps me. I satisfied a craving for fried cheese sticks by melting a little low fat cheese in some marinara sauce... I have to say, it really did the trick!
  14. kirafiki

    I don't know what to do....

    Well, I would say that if going to another state is convenient, and by that I mean follow-up would be easy for you to do, then go for it. Otherwise, try to lose the weight in the meantime, as you will have to go on a pre-surgery diet anyway to shrink your liver... if you have been losing weight before the pre-surgery diet, then you may not have to be on the pre-surgery diet as long. Good luck! And I hope you get banded soon!!!
  15. Spot on!! Well said. The exercise suggestion is just right.
  16. I was finally banded in 2008. I had wanted gastric bypass since I was like 14, and couldn't afford it. Then when the band was approved in the US, I knew it was the answer for me. But I couldn't afford it. Finally, at 38, I found a way to get it done. It is the absolutely one best thing I have ever done for myself. I really, really, really, really wish I had found a way to do something earlier. If you can, I suggest doing it if you do think its right for you. Good luck!!
  17. Completely normal for lots of people. At four weeks I completely stopped losing anything and stayed like that for weeks longer. Then I had my first fill, and it just started dropping. Your first fill should be done on the timeline your doctor suggests. Your body has just lost a ton of weight at one time and it is adjusting. Mine did that all along... drop a lot then stall for months, then drop, then stall. It was annoying sometimes, but now looking back I realize how important the stalls were for my self-awareness and knowledge. Congratulations on doing wonderful things for yourself!
  18. kirafiki

    Oh happy day!

    Yeah, same thing here.... should be going back next Monday I hope!
  19. My realize band port did the weirdest thing. About a month after surgery I bent over to pick up a piece of paper off the floor and it popped out! Seriously, I had to push it back in, and then wear a compression belt for about a month. Ever since then there is some funky kink in my hose, and drawing Fluid out is nearly impossible without jiggling my ever more flabby belly around near the port site. All this does though is make it more difficult at fill time. If they put too much in at first, fine tuning the fill is more difficult, but not impossible. On the other hand.. YAY for breaking 200!!!!! Congratulations! Keep up the good work, and try not to spend too much time worrying about your port!
  20. kirafiki

    New Bandster with quesions

    Slider foods are the things that are so liquified once they hit your pouch that they go right through and you are hungrier sooner. For me, that is usually things that are carb based... carbs start being broken down in your mouth with the saliva that is mixed with them, while proteins require the chemicals in your stomach to start the breakdown process. The really bad part? All the calories are still available to you and absorbed. Another bad part? Get too used to them and you aren't using the band correctly. You can get stuck in a cycle of feeling hungry all the time even if you are eating pretty regularly. For sushi... I have always preferred sashimi... just the fish, no rice. So that is what I have when I go. As far as eating out is concerened, it took me about five months to go out to eat. It was when I felt comfortable knowing I could eat and stop when I was full. Now, one trick I do is that I bring my own plastic food containers, and when the food arrives I first remove the food I am not going to eat, and just get it off my plate. No need to ask for a container from the server, I just take care of it myself. The most important thing is to try things out. Nothing is off limits, it is just the quantity that you need to watch out for. Most people have no problem with spicy food, but that will be for you to find out when the time comes if your new stomach pouch likes the spicy. Personally, I start my day with a protein shake. My band is tight in the morning, and that is all I can handle but need fuel for spin class. It usually isn't until around 10 or 11 in the morning that I can handle substantial food. Also, by drinking at least one shake a day I know I am getting my protein in. Good luck! Keep up the good work, and ask as many questions as you need to in order to find the assistance you need!!!
  21. Unfortunately, this is very common. I have tried to analyze it, because that is what I do. The only explanation I have come up with is that there is some level of jealousy... especially when we are very successful. I think (maybe, just a guess here) that some other WLS patients were told that they have the most successful weight loss results, and when those of us who do as well or better than they were told banded patients do they feel as though its not fair that they re-routed their gastrointestinal tract to get the same results we do without having changed our anatomy is such a drastic way. Just my guess though. I have a dear friend who had bypass, did really well, and has been nothing but supportive of me, and I of her. When it comes down to it, I really have no idea why they are like that. I just try to focus on myself, and know that I did the right thing for me and they did the right thing for them.
  22. kirafiki

    Long Plateau

    Oh, I totally understand!!! It is really hard to stay positive and keep on track... and no one is perfect. Be kind to yourself. I also find that once I let go of the frustration, and my mind is set free from that anxiety my body follows. I have learned so much about myself, mostly while in a plateau. Remember though, you are not alone... keep posting and reaching out when you need some words of kindness.
  23. I like GNC Whey Isolate 28 in chocolate mixed with soy milk... I don't drink cow's milk. It has 28g of protein, very little carbs, and when mixed with the soy its very thick and creamy.
  24. kirafiki

    Long Plateau

    Another thing I thought of... I turned plateaus into my time to work on my head. I knew my head would have to change the way it thinks about my body, but had no idea how much it would have to. Now I take this time to get used to seeing a smaller me in the mirror and believing it. I am really impressed with how well you have done so far!
  25. kirafiki

    Long Plateau

    Not sure this will help, but here is my experience. As I hit a plateau, and I have hit many since I was banded, I would analyze the weight I was at, and most times it was some weight where I had stayed over the years for an extended period of time. Its almost as if my body remembered the weight, felt comfortable there and stayed there. They always break. Every time. I just remembered to eat right and keep exercising, and at some point my metabolism would kick back in and take care of things. One thing I find really helpful for kicking a plateau's ass, changing what exercise I am doing. I am in a rut right now, doing spin a lot and not much else. I started kick boxing, and hope that is going to jump start the loss again. Don't get me wrong, I weigh less than I have since junior high school. That still amazes me every day. the bottom line is, the plateau will break... this is the time your resolve to stick with it is challenged. Stay with it. We all get frustrated at times. When I hit 70 lost, I plateaued for a few months, and then once I figured out to change up the exercise it started down again. I like to call that my second wind. I am currently waiting for the 3rd... Good luck and keep up the good work!

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