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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by karen_karen

  1. karen_karen

    Denied, and Looking for Support

    this is just a thought have you ever looked into a bodybugg? they seem to be a great tool to help lose weight and keep you movtivated. just google the bodybugg usually if you join a gym that has one you can get it for half the price as you just buying it out right its alot cheaper then lapband. also im sorry to hear about your stress with all the insurance stuff i understand that it can be hard and frustrating but keep your head up.
  2. karen_karen

    Exercise Consultation? Needed For Insurance!

    sorry not er but or(operating room) haha :thumbup:
  3. karen_karen

    Exercise Consultation? Needed For Insurance!

    i had to do one before i got banded and it just helps you have some ideas on how you can stay more active also as the consultant said excerising before the surgery and losing weight gives you a better chance things will go more smoothly in the er and also healing time. pretty much saying gives you a stronger heart. please dont take this the wrong way but the band is not a miracle tool. if you want to see good results truthfully you have to excerise and get your fills. i really believe that excerise is one of the major keys in losing weight and changing our lives in a good way.
  4. karen_karen

    What the Heck

    its not all about the "hard" cardio for 30 minutes its really about if you stay active during the day. i started excerising alot in the morning but i didnt lose anything and i didnt understand why so i got the bodybugg from 24 hour fitness to see how many calories i burn throughout the day and i noticed that its not about doing crazy excerise for a short period of time but actually doing moderate excerise in the morning which will help you burn more calories during the day. but you have to keep active like maybe extra house work just staying on your feet helps alot you wouldnt believe it. try to stay around 135 to 140 heat rate excerising which is usually not hard your not trying to run a marathon or anything your just wanting to lose weight. so no need to pump your heart like crazy. try to keep your food up alittle as well so your body dont feel like your starving and end up storing. another thing to think about if you are doing weights your prob losing fat but gaining muscle but dont take it as a bad thing you need muscle to burn away the fat. will help you in the long run to lose weight faster sort of speak.
  5. karen_karen

    Feeling good and Feeling bad!!!!!

    last friday was my three weeks with a a personal trainer and he measured me and weighed me to see how much i have lost in the past 3 weeks and im happy to say i lost 8lbs (would have been more but i gained 5lbs of muscle supposely) and almost 11 inches around my body which is awesome. i was kinda disappointed about not losing more weight in three weeks when im here working my ass off at the gym and counting calories and watching what i ate for the 3 weeks. but then i went in for a fill yesterday and met a few that was banded and have been banded longer then me and i have lost the most weight out of all them. im finally down 48lbs i just hope i dont pleateau anytime soon. i know alot of people noticed getting smaller around 30 lbs or more but truthfully i havent notice me really getting any smaller i can still wear the same clothes i was wearing before i got banded. my pants are alittle lose but not a biggie. my starting weight was 265 and im down to 217 ive been so wanting to go get a pair of smaller jeans but i guess i still have that fear i will not be able to fit in them. anyone out there that is 5'8 weighing 217 or around there can tell me what size jeans i should be wearing ( i know i know i should just get my butt up and go to the store but i just dont want to disappoint myself) i keep thinking i want to buy those sexy size 8 jeans and just hang them to the wall and hopefully sometime next year i will be able to fit in them. but for some reason i just cant do it. im guess in a way im just scared i will never fit into those jeans and i will just really disappoint myself. im hoping when i get under 200 then i will get my butt up and go out and buy a pair of jeans. haha wish me luck karen
  6. karen_karen

    Feeling good and Feeling bad!!!!!

    last friday was my three weeks with a a personal trainer and he measured me and weighed me to see how much i have lost in the past 3 weeks and im happy to say i lost 8lbs (would have been more but i gained 5lbs of muscle supposely) and almost 11 inches around my body which is awesome. i was kinda disappointed about not losing more weight in three weeks when im here working my ass off at the gym and counting calories and watching what i ate for the 3 weeks. but then i went in for a fill yesterday and met a few that was banded and have been banded longer then me and i have lost the most weight out of all them. im finally down 48lbs i just hope i dont pleateau anytime soon. i know alot of people noticed getting smaller around 30 lbs or more but truthfully i havent notice me really getting any smaller i can still wear the same clothes i was wearing before i got banded. my pants are alittle lose but not a biggie. my starting weight was 265 and im down to 217 ive been so wanting to go get a pair of smaller jeans but i guess i still have that fear i will not be able to fit in them. anyone out there that is 5'8 weighing 217 or around there can tell me what size jeans i should be wearing ( i know i know i should just get my butt up and go to the store but i just dont want to disappoint myself) i keep thinking i want to buy those sexy size 8 jeans and just hang them to the wall and hopefully sometime next year i will be able to fit in them. but for some reason i just cant do it. im guess in a way im just scared i will never fit into those jeans and i will just really disappoint myself. im hoping when i get under 200 then i will get my butt up and go out and buy a pair of jeans. haha wish me luck karen
  7. karen_karen

    The rings comes off...

    gratz keep up the good work
  8. one other thing i can eat anything never had a problem with breads or anything.
  9. austex hey doing good this morning just got back to the gym been doing about and hour to and hour and half workout for the last three weeks. i get hungry alot i only had one fill since i had surgery and i dont think im even at 5 cc yet but i am going in for another fill on monday which should curb my appetite alot. plus doing exericise is really helping with the hungry pains since im busy doing something else most of the day. only thing i can really give you in advice is excerise excerise and excerise build up those muscles so that the fat burns faster and easier. i got the body bugg as well which helps me with my intake in foods and also shows me how many calories i burn throughout the day and one thing i noticed is that its not all about the excerise hardcore but to stay active throughout the day and you will see the results alot quicker and better. have a good day time for me to get cleaned up so i can start my day karen
  10. hey wassup im also from the dfw area forth worth to be exact i been banded since july 3rd. i have been thinking about running lately so i will prob give it a go soon enough

  11. austex im currently in forth worth over here the doctors wanted to charge me 1500 to 5k even with my insurance so i went to austin since i knew they wouldnt charge me. so once a month or so i go back to austin which is not to bad since my parents are in killeen/ft hood. i been gradually losing weight im down 43 lbs since surgery and i have about 82 more to go so i have along ways left lol. just cant wait to get down 30lbs and i wont be obesty anymore just overweight lol. but hopefully i will get there soon enough good luck to you in your journey. let me know how the surgery goes. karen
  12. awesome idea i did get my band put in at the beginning of july in austin by dr. sherrod to bad i didnt know about this one oh well good luck to you. karen
  13. karen_karen

    Banded 2 years ago..no weight loss

    i have to agree with sherryA the way you eat and EXERCISE is so important that the band will not help unless you do both. i been banded since july 08 and i lost about 43 lbs so far but this last two months i have been having a hard time losing anything so i started up at the gym this last two weeks and its been good but still hard to lose i didnt understand it but now i get it its not only about doing hard workouts but its more about staying active as much as you can. now i can eat whatever i want seems like and as much as i want i have had only one fill in august but i been feeling those hungry pains and what i have been doing is eating a bit more but burning the calories i ate just by walking around and doing extra chores and so forth around the house instead of just sitting on the couch and watching tv or playing on the computer.i hope everything works out for you and put some faith in yourself that you can do this and use the band as a tool not as something bad karen
  14. ok i wasnt sure where i should post this but i believe i finally figure out this whole way of losing weight with the help of the bodybugg from 24 hour fitness. i have been losing weight slowly and i mean very slowly didnt understand why i would lost 4 bls and then the next week lose nothing. so i started to go to the gym working out for about 45 minutes every other day four days a week and on the other 3 days working out about one hour and 30 minutes still with this i couldnt figure out why i wouldnt lose weight much last week i lost 4 lbs and gained two everyone said cuz im doing strength training i am building my muscles back but then im not struggling with doing the weight training. so i saw this lady in the locker room with a bodybugg and i asked how she liked it. she told me its great she is training to do a marathon and that its not all about doing lots of excerise but its better to stay active in your daily life . i didnt get that much at the time. but i decided to give it a try. i been trying everything in the last few months i got banded in july and then i got myself a personal trainer 3 times a week and here i am going to the gym 7 days a week but not really much results just a lb here and there and i knew i could do that without the excerise since im banded. i have been using the bodybugg for 4 days now and i totally see results more then anything else. i finally understand what the lady in the locker room said about moving around in your daily life and its not all about working out hard. i do the eliptical machine and my trainer said i need to pin point my heart weight at 135 to 140 and i use to think that was a bit strange cuz i could be around 150 but he explained im not working out to go to a marathon im working out to lose weight. so these past few days ive been going slowly and steady on the machine (and let me tell you i feel really werid doing this cuz the people next to me on the machine is going so much faster and its hard to go slow and steady when you feel so slow lol). i have been putting in all the calories online with myapex.com and with the bodybugg i been downloading all the calories i burn throughout the day and i have been trying to burn about 3000 calories a day and trying to stay around the 1000 calorie intake and it has done alot these last few days i lost 3 lbs almost a lb a day. i finally understand and i know i hear it alot about you have to burn more then you take in and that is a fact but i always thought if you excerise then you will burn more then you take in but if you excerise and then come home and sit on the couch to watch tv or sit at the computer and play on the computer what does it really do for you? nothing and you are still at the same as you were before. i been killing myself trying to work out everyday and i havent seen much results and now i finally do get it i have to keep moving throughout the day. its not all about excerise its all about staying active throughout the day. i know alot of people here dont understand why they hit plateaus or just not losing weight enough or feel discourage and have no idea what to do so i though i would share my story with you guys and my experience and maybe this will put a light bulb in someone elses head. karen
  15. karen_karen

    finally the light bulb comes on in my head

    ready2diet just wanted to let you know that if you do get the bodybugg look and see if the gym carries them i got mines for 180 and that is no where near the 400 like you get if you bought it out right
  16. karen_karen

    finally the light bulb comes on in my head

    bodybugg is a armband you wear throughout the day that calulates your calories burned throughout the day so you know how much you lose and how much you take in here is a website for you to look into it further BODYBUGG :: HOW IT WORKS
  17. karen_karen

    anyone from the dallas/forth worth area

    hey guys i just wanted to see how you guys were doing! i have been working out and trying to stay active these past few weeks and this last 4 days i finally figured out how to do it lol....... i mean i always knew you have to burn more calories then you take in but i never understood it really i went and got a bodybugg from 24 hour fitness and it has been doing great. i have even put my little mini eliptical machine i got in good use i put it in front of my kitchen counter and when i need to use the computer i have to get on it and move. lol.. well hope you guys are doing great. karen
  18. karen_karen

    Fat girl on campus

    dont let it get you down just keep thinking about what you will feel like and look like in about a year. i can totally understand those feelings but you can only go down on the scale and not up. i live in keller about 30 minutes away from denton and my cousin actually goes to school at UNT hey if you ever need to talk ill be more then happy to help anyway i can. karen
  19. good luck on your surgery tomorrow hope all goes well

  20. karen_karen

    anyone from the dallas/forth worth area

    hey josephine i have been keeping steady with the trainer been going to the gym the last 6 days for about an hour to and hour and half. 3 days i am with the trainer for about 50 minutes and i do about 15 to 25 minutes on the eliptical and then the other days im doing just cardio for about 45 minutes and 15 minutes in the sauna im hoping this will work i dont see much improvement but i do know i have lost about 4 or 5 lbs this week. im trying to go to the gym everyday and hopefully i will see bigger results in about a month. seems to me alot of us are really close to each other maybe we can start are own support group in this area i would really like the support. if anyone is interested in starting a group let me know im never ran one and im not sure what it intells but im willing to figure it out.
  21. karen_karen

    Anyone in DFW area?

    hi i got banded on july 3rd of this year and i too live in the dfw area (keller to be exact). i would love to go to some kind of support meeting or find supportive people in this area to reach my goal
  22. karen_karen

    Why get a Lapband?

    im so going to try that every time i feel down im just going to go online and look at them jeans i will be able to fit in!!!!!
  23. karen_karen


    take other things in consideration like water weight and a swollen belly those things account for you not losing as much weight. i didnt lose alot either that first week. but that month i lost 16lbs. so give it time and be patient
  24. karen_karen

    Why get a Lapband?

    cyndy i hear alot about people being hungry and they are counting calories alot too but i have been banded since july 3rd and i dont see it that way i dont count calories i get hungry sometimes but if i eat something fairly healthy i pretty much full for a good while. the whole purpose for the band is instead of getting full off one 12oz steak and all the good things that go with it you will get full off about 3 oz steak and maybe just alittle more like some veggies. pretty much to sum it up you eat more like a 3 or 4 year old and your satisfied. i read in another post about how people feel bad about eating some chips but you will find yourself not eating that full bag of chips but maybe a quarter or less. i think that excerise will be a big key in losing weight i dont hear alot about people excerising as much as i would have thought but i think that will be the key. right now i eat what i want to eat i dont over do it before i could eat 10 chicken wings and some rice and now im eating like 4 chicken wings and im good. and as time goes by you will be able to eat more and more and that is where the fills come in. i have had one fill and prob another and the end of the month and getting a fill you even eat less then that for about two weeks. one thing you have to becareful with is staying about from the wasted calories like starbucks or shakes and things that go down easily. some people tend to do that sometimes cuz they feel like its ok to drink that cuz of the band and they will still lose weight you might but wont me as much as with excerise and getting good foods. well i hope that helps you alittle. me personally i was regretting what i did the first two weeks but i think that was cuz of the diet they put you on the first two weeks and going through surgery and all the pain but now im happy with it and i know i wont touch the wasted calories as much (yes i still have a starbucks maybe once every 3 weeks but hey who can resist lol) and i see that i dont eat as much as i use too and i am satisfied with what i ate. your still going to have to work at losing but it will be alittle easier then the average person without the band since you know you will not be able to over eat.
  25. karen_karen

    anyone from the dallas/forth worth area

    hey guys thinks for joining in andrew and luluc. watauga is so close to keller haha i go there alot sadly its not for the beer anymore. bea im getting more excited finally did my first workout with my trainer and i tell you its not very easy but i know i WANT to do it and i NEED to do it. tomorrow will be a very different day cuz i know i will be very sore. i finally found a friend of mines last nite that has a 24 hour membership but she doesnt want to go to the gym very often so i guess im making her go atleast twice a week with me. im really going to try with the pt 3 times a week and hopefully i can get some good cardio in 2 to 3 times a week for about 45 minutes. good to hear someone who is banded works out at 24hourfitness. when i ask my pt if he knew more people like me with the band he said no he knew quiet a few in cali but not here. but i know there are so many of us out there just have to look in the right place. ^^

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