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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by karen_karen

  1. karen_karen

    I am all fixed up and re banded

    im glad everything worked out and im sorry it took so long for them to figure out what was wrong.... but good luck on your journey and you are such a hottie...... cant wait to see what you look like when you make your goal weight
  2. hey i finally went to the keller 24 hour gym its pretty nice ive been swimming laps lately over there but im going to start going as much as possible this month since im trying to drop like 10lbs before hubby gets back.... maybe ill see you there

  3. karen_karen

    4-25-09...40 pounds down 185

    this is such a cute picture.....
  4. karen_karen

    me and my family

  5. love your photos you seem like a fun guy....... i cant wait to see your after photos in about a year.

  6. karen_karen

    Monique's Big Jeans. I fit into one leg

    gratz!!!!!!!! looking awesome!!!!
  7. karen_karen

    1000 calorie diet

    800 calories for dinner is alot if you have to stay in the 1000 calories why not try to just eat lunch and dinner and have your shake in the morning. you can have a lean cuisine or even go to subway they have some good sandwiches there or even flatbread sandwiches around 300 calories. and then for dinner stay around 500 which is pretty easy to do. one thing i can suggest is maybe get a eat this not that book its a real good book they have a supermarket guide one and also a restaurant guide one not all the restaurants are in there but a there are alot of popular ones in there that will help you if you do eat out alot. another thing is what ever you eat for dinner just try to keep the sodium and the fat calories down as much as possible and just see what the calories are if its like over 500 split it. eat half only. if you want you can also switch them get 500 calories for lunch so its easier to burn it and eat 300 calories for dinner since its at night and soon enough you will be going to bed. anything with a slow cooker is good usually if you like that sort of thing. but basically eat what you want but try to eat healthier and not alot of fat calories or sodium since sodium retains water. just remember to drink alot of water throughout the day.
  8. i totally understand what you mean. my body gets very hungry after a work out even if i ate before the workout. i think before since we had so much excess our bodies were like yeah not really hungry i got some fat to burn off. and now getting smaller i seem to get hungier faster. me i just snack on fruits or something healthy like a cliff bar maybe half of one or so. since i am losing weight i will be alittle hungry and just deal with it. but yes i totally understand where you coming from on that point i do get hungier faster and easier and its not hard to eat but i do try to keep myself from eating or if i do i grab a bananna or a apple or something like that. the last fill i got was 1cc about a month and half ago and what i ended up telling my surgeon which was the truth and i actually had my hubby back me up. i told him that i could eat a 10oz ribeye steak from roadhouse and a piece of bread or two and the sides usually green beans and veggies. lol he took my answer and gave me a 1cc fill which helped alot but i still feel hungry no matter what right after i work out. i dont think there is a way around that but maybe there is im not sure.
  9. karen_karen

    Only lose 50% of desired amount of weight?

    i dont go by stats. i think its really all about the individual its that person choice to make the band work for them or not. and by that i mean are you commited and ready to start your new phase in life? are you ready to learn to eat correctly and leave all the junk behind. are you ready to be positive instead of looking at the negative things about weight loss? all these questions change your outcome. excerise and eating healthy is going to improve your stress level your, make you a happier person, and you will see those lbs come off. you have to want it you have to work for it and you have to be dedicated if your not 100 percent there then you will not achieve your desire goal. getting banded is not all about physical state but mental as well.
  10. karen_karen

    Military wives?

    my husband is currently in iraq he actually left right after my surgery i planned my surgery for a few weeks before he left so i had someone take care of me and the kids. i can say it is lonely at times but i do talk to him everyday and get to see him on yahoo messenger web cam so its not that bad. what i ended up doing was channeling my time and focus on our kids and the gym. the gym really helped me out alot so that way i wasnt as depressed as i would have been just sitting at home doing nothing. when he came back for his two week leave about a month and a half ago he was amazed and surprised he said he couldnt believe i lost so much weight and he really couldnt tell through the cam as much as in person. i cant wait for him to be home in august and hopefully by then i will be down to my goal weight which is 27 more lbs to go. and i can tell you the sex is way better lol...... its well worth it...lol
  11. im not sure how tricare standard works but did you ever think about seeing if you can qualify for tricare prime. they pay for everything.
  12. you know i look at your photos and i can tell you have changed so much in a good way not just in weightloss but you seem to be smiling more often and you seem so much happier with life. gratz...... just keep doing what your doing


    remember postive people make postive outcomes!!

  13. you look awesome!!!!! i got banded in july 08 and you caught up to me sooooooo quickly... im currently a size 10 so gratz i know how it feels to grab them and put them on such an amazing feeling. i cant wait for another 10lbs so i can be in the single digits. you will prob beat me though lol.beautiful own it girl.
  14. hi, i just read some of your newest blogs. and you seem so much like a young at heart guy.... good luck on your surgery and i cant wait to come back and see your profile to see how much you have lost in about 6 months.

  15. karen_karen

    Southwest Bariatrics

    i had my surgery done with them southwest in austin and i drive 4 hours each time to go see my doctor i havent heard of your doctor but i have Dr. Sherrod supposely he is the best they have and he is really great. they call him the go to doctor if there is any issues in the operating room since he knows just about how to do everything. i really cant say enough about him. he really does try to help you in any way from what i have seen. i remember when i was going in for my band there was a another Doctor having complications in the OR and he was in there helping him before my surgery. plus he has a great dietian on staff there named Jared that i have called a few times asking for some information and advice and he is a great guy as well. overall i had a great experience with them and wouldnt go anywhere else.
  16. karen_karen

    cravings after banding

    i didnt have any craving for along time but i know about 6 or 7 months out i wanted a junior bacon cheeseburger from wendys and i ate that and i can tell you my body wasnt use to the grease anymore so i was in the bathroom for the rest of the day. and so there goes my craving issues lol....... i think when you start eating healthier and you make better choices you will find yours not liking the crappy foods anymore. i can say the burger was still good though but at the same time i knew it was to greasy for my taste. i think once your body gets use to eating healthier you will see that you will choose them over the bad foods.
  17. karen_karen

    Need Iron???

    honestly if you are feeling run down the best remedy is excerise. it takes about a month to feel good but its the best thing for you. it will make you feel happier, less stressed and give you more energy throughout the day as well as you will sleep better at night.
  18. it matters all about your bmi if your at 40 bmi you need to have one co morbity if you are at 50 you dont need any if your not at 40 bmi then i suggest you to make yourself weigh more at the doctors office. depending on how far you are from that and if its 10 lbs you should get away with having a full bladder and some heavy clothes and some weights maybe (lol) you might still have to gain a few lbs. but when your on your pre op diet you will lose it all.
  19. karen_karen

    Silly Question?????

    well i can say i am 87 lbs or around there and my breast look like the tube socks but they havent really gotten any smaller. very frustrating right under my breast im a 34 and if i wore the right size bra i would be a 34ddd when i started i wore a 42dd so my cup size got bigger but my breast stayed the same. it really sucks since i cant find the right fit bra most of the time either to big or the cups are tooo small if i could just lose like 10 or 15 lbs off my breast i think i would be doing good right about now lol. but im prob going to op for the breast lift and reduction with a tummy tuck soon enough.
  20. karen_karen

    Extreme Pain with Fill

    i know what you mean and no its not suppose to be painful. i remember back in january they tried to give me a fill tried so many times and moving the needle around in a circular motion all around your stomach. at the end my stomach looked like a pin cushion. what he ended up doing was giving me a bigger dose of pain meds to numb that area and worked pretty good. usually when this happens you might ask for an xray maybe your stitches popped out and you need to get a port revision that is what happened to me i actually had my stitches pop out due to my muscles growing and they popped out the stitches and the doctor couldnt get to my port easily. i had surgery to fix that problem and now no issues at all went in to get a fill and was in and out. but i do understand what you mean
  21. karen_karen


    you guys look adorable.... congratz keep it up
  22. karen_karen

    Me In Jan 09-About 100 pounds lost

    gratz u are looking wonderful
  23. karen_karen

    Bypass Bias

    I think the doctor don't understand your needs and not very supportive I believe it's better for u to find a new surgeon

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