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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PNWal

  1. Eric,

    Congrats, you're doing great! To be losing weight under basically little or no restriction is awesome! At this point in your progress most of your loss is from dieting, not the band.

    As your band continues to get filled you will start to feel restriction which will be an aid to control the quantity of your food consumption. If you keep choosing turkey breast, or other low fat options, your consumption decrease will continue to help your weight loss.

    Exercise seems to be missing, as you described yourself as realativly sedantary(sp?) lifestyle". My suggestion is to start exercising, a little everyday. You will build strength from ANY regular activity (just a 15 min walk around the block, will help). If you are physically able to exercise, you need to do it.

    I spent the first 6 months very active and lost 70 pounds. Then I got a job and have not been as consistently active with exercise as I was before (darn work getting in the way of my weight loss job!). I've now started up again and I'm losing weight.

    Eric, keep doing what you're doing and realize that this is a journey and you just left the station. Keep up the great work!


  2. Fritzie,

    Based on your fill history I'd contend that you are not at restriction yet. This is often the toughest time, because your mind wants you to be losing immediately after surgery (or the next few months after) yet the band is not adjusted to give you the restriction that it eventually will. The beauty of restriction is that it keeps you from eating too much at any one sitting. Yes, over time you can learn how to "game" the restriction, but for me restriction was an "ah-ha" moment. I finally understood what the band's true function was.

    Before I felt restriction I just considered myself on a diet and didn't expect to lose massive amounts of pounds during this period. In fact, not gaining was the main goal - though I did lose 10-15 pounds over the first 2+ months. The first month after I felt restriction I lost 13 pounds (and it was the month of Dec!).

    Finally, while we all have different ways to work the "mental" part of eating; weighing daily, guilt, measuring and weighing food, exercise, willpower, etc., I try to remember that this is a marathon not a sprint. I didn't get to 300 pounds overnight and I'm not going to get all the weight off overnight either. If I decide to eat or drink something, I make that choice and try to enjoy it in the moment. If I feel guilty while I'm doing it, what's the point - there's no enjoyment for me. I know that if I enjoy it without guilt, I won't feel as compelled the next day to "do it again", that's just what works for me.

    For me, being obese was such a helpless, negative and hopeless feeling. Now that I have taken the positive step with the band, and I have seen some success, I really try to feel empowered, hopeful and happy. I still find my brain saying, "well you've lost 60 pounds, but you won't lose 20, 30 or 40 more, so you're a loser". But that's a tough line to swallow - since I have seen the results and I know 6 months from now I will weigh less than I do today - I don't know if it will be 5# or 50#, but I do know I will.

    My finale thought (I know I've already gone on and on) is this - the body is a very complex thing, you can eat 1000 calories a day for 2 weeks and not lose any weight, then you have 5 shots of Tequila one night and lose 5 pounds. I don't believe there's an immediate, direct correlation between what you did and the scale. Over time you will see the results, but I don't need to see it everyday to keep me on track. Tomorrow's another day, a new day with zero calories consumed - and therefore a new beginning.

    That's my opinion, but I could be wrong ;-)

  3. It is always ok to ask a man out. With a man, many times if he say's he can't because of this or that, he isn't making an excuse, but more likely really doing this or that. Men and Women tend to be very different this way.

    Amen! We are simple creatures, if we like you and are available that night we say yes. No thoughts of "what it means" :P

    Go for it - have fun!

  4. Hi Mary,

    Don't lose faith - we didn't gain all the weight all at once, it took a long time to get on us, so be patient and pat yourself on the back for losing 30 pounds!!

    I would second the comments that you need to make sure you are getting enough calories - if not your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto weight...What is your fill history??

    So here the answer to the question you asked!! (I'm 51):

    Breakfast: yogurt with nuts (that gets me 30+ grams of protein) (I really stay away from liquid Protein like shakes because they don't leave me feeling full like food does)

    Lunch: a salad w/dressing or 2 slices of turkey, or a hamburger patty (no bread), or a can of tuna with 1 T of mayo

    Dinner: Beef, pork or chicken breast (usually can only eat 1/2), 1 cup of salad with dressing.

    When I snack I will have nuts, chips, fruit, but at my current fill level I'm so restricted I seem to be eating my meals for 1-1.5 hours! I take 2-4 bites, get the feeling of being so full, I have to stop for 15 min. before I can eat more.

    I "cheat" with chocolate, chips, alcohol and carnitas (pork) tacos :)! Again, I'm so restricted that even if I do "cheat" it's a very small amount.

    I exercise 5 days a week on average - on cardio days I do 30-50 min. on strength days I do the machines for 20 min. then cardio for 20 min.

    Hang in there :w00t:- NSV's and giving yourself credit for what you've accomplished can help put things in perspective. All the best,

  5. I am 4 weeks post-op. I have lost about 30 lbs due to per and post-op diet but I have no restriction. I am now on regular food and can (I am not) eat whatever just like before. Is that normal? I have appointment in 2 more weeks when I assume I will get my first fill. I am exercising and have lost lots of weight on my own in the past but I am looking forward to this tool actually helping me. Thanks.

    I had no restriction until the 2nd fill - which is unusual (most say 3rd fill before feeling restriction)....My second month, before I had the second fill, I only lost 2 lbs. My doc thought I'd be upset only losing 2#, but I really understood that I was in this for the long haul, and didn't have any restriction (it was also the month that included Thanksgiving!)..I also knew I was not overeating, and I was exercising, so I knew I was losing weight even if the scale didn't show it...funny thing was within 3 days after the fill I lost 7 pounds....I knew that didn't have anything to do with the new restriction I was feeling, as much as the work I did the previous month (hey, the band is good, but not that good!).

    So, I suggest keep working your program (less consumption, get your Protein and exercise, and all will be fine)...Most of us have been successful with short term weight loss, so treat this as just that sort of situation, and you'll do fine until you feel restriction..which could be another 30-60 days.

    Good Luck!

  6. Started pre-op diet for keeps yesterday. 800 calories a day. I can deal with everything except the dull headache. Does anyone know what causes that.

    On a lighter note, I managed to not eat the dog, not to fire anyone, and not to yell at wife.

    I would love to hear pre-op diet suggestions.

    Headaches are likely from either sugar or caffeine withdrawals..Hang in there it will only take 3-5 days to kick it - 800 cals seems aggressive to start - might want to go 1200, 1000, then 800 over the course of the time you have left.

    I did it in stages, based on shakes as a Meal Replacement. First week, I replaced 1 meal with a shake, second week, I replaced 2 meals, third week all shakes..worked for me. I was also exercising 3 days and then 5 days a week.

    Good Luck!!

  7. :party: I am so glad that I came across this post! I was banded back in October and I have only lost 20lbs. I felt so discouraged that I didn't even want to show my "face" again on Lap Band Talk. Yesterday is the first time I have logged on in a long time. I have had one fill and my band is up to 5cc's. I am so glad, in a way, that I am not the only one that is having this problem. I go for my second fill on the 23rd of this month and I hope that it really helps. I am so scared of failure.:cheers2: Thanks again for posting this and boosting my hopes!!!

    Ru: we can all relate to the feelings you're having. We are so used to seeing the negative, so used to failure, so worried that we will disappoint ourselves again..so we overlook the positives that are right in front of us....You have lost 20+ pounds in 3 months, if you do the math that's 1.6# a week! They say the average loss over time is 1-2# a week. Now, some weeks you won't lose any and others you will, but in the long run, it will average out to the 1-2/week.:thumbup:

    You're doing great, keep it up, be proud of your decision to help yourself, it's the best thing you've ever done for you :w00t:

  8. Happy Birthday Anne! :party:

    I got done at the gym early today and had time to go shopping before I had to pick up my daughter from dance. I fit in a size 16! It may be the only size 16 I fit in, and it may take advantage of some elastic, but darned if those pants didn't fit! So, as slow as I've been losing this month, I am still making progress! Getting closer to saying good-bye to Lane Bryant. :w00t:

    KarenK, that is awesome!!:thumbup: NSV's are sometimes better than when the scales says you lost, but you do see any outward change!!

    I recently fit into an XXL shirt I bought at Costco...in fact, it was loose and comfortable. That's the first time I've been able to buy a clothing item not from a B&T store!!

    Keep it up!!:cheers2:

  9. I was waiting for someone to mentiong FATBURGER....Ohhhhh

    I don't live in LA anymore but all the talk of In-N-Out has had me thinking of FB it was the best ever......

    Now we know why I'm here.....FB's gave me a FA

    Fat Burger, In n Out are nice, but where I grew up in LA it was Tommy's (Double Chili cheese Burgers!) that did it for me!! MMMmmmmm......:thumbdown:

  10. Hey guys........New to here....getting banded in St. Louis in 3 weeks.....starting at 342 and 5' 9":thumbdown: Can't wait to get this going! Any bits of advice from you experts?



    I'm in no way an expert (banded 10/2/08) but I can give you some insight into the first few months (for me anyway)...Most Doc's put band in empty = no restriction....the liquid diet I did the week before and first 2 weeks after surgery basically shrunk my stomach, so when I started on mushy foods, I had already decreased my intake, and felt full after eating much less food. but 1, 2, up to 3 fills, you don't feel restriction so you can eat anything (almost)..I tried to do 1 Protein shake for a meal to make sure I could get a decent amount of protein...(I lost 17 pounds in the 2 weeks leading up to surgery, then 8 pounds in month 1 post op. I had first fill after month 1 (2cc's) and felt NO restriction. I lost 3 more pounds in month 2, (again eating whatever I wanted but quantity was way less), 2nd fill (2cc's more = 4cc's total) and POW, I felt restriction! I lost 13 pounds in December!! Couldn't eat rice, Pasta, potatoes, corn, and was struggling to get enough Protein in each day. Chew, chew. chew, rest between bites, slow down. It often takes me 30+ mins. to eat 1/2 a chicken breast. or 1/2 a hamburger patty...but I definitely feel full!!

    I need to echo the exercise mantra: you need to get moving, everyday at least walk, I also am in the gym for cardio (elliptical, light weights, stretching, core strengthening, just started on the Stair Master)...you have got to do it. A little bit in the beginning, and if you do it everyday, you will feel stronger, and can increase the duration/resistance, etc.

    Good Luck, Allan, it's a great decision you're making to take care, and to care about yourself!! Have faith in you, and you will see results :scared2:

    Good luck, and keep in touch to share you progress.

  11. PBing mean productive burping and it is what happens if you eat something that cannot get past the band. Basically you just throw it back up. Sliming usually precedes pbing and it is when your body creates a lot of saliva in your mouth and mucus in your stomach to aid in throwing the stuck item(s) back up.

    Sounds like fun, right!?! :thumbdown:

    Hope that helps,

  12. I believe that PB stands for "Productive Burping" which is a nice way of saying what you just ate returns from where it came :tongue2:

    Can be preceded by hiccups, gasping for breath, sliming (massive production of saliva prior to and following the PB event)...

    It's not fun, but teaches many important lessons including:

    1. take smaller bites

    2. chew your bites more

    3. don't eat this particular food ever again

    4. don't eat that quantity of food

    Etc....I have found this out a couple of times with the following foods:

    -cooked spinach

    -Chinese food (the pork from sweet and sour pork - the light breading was the killer)

    -Bread (fresh, untoasted, sandwich type)

    -just eating past when I've had enough (before I feel full)...

    I hope that helps,

  13. I find cottage cheese (large curd) one of those sneaky foods - its so soft I forget to chew it...and if I don't, then I feel major restriction :wink2:

    I would try chewing it ( I add some chopped nuts in mine to make it taste better and to remind me to chew!)..it's such a great source of Protein, I'm glad I can eat it :)

    Good luck and Happy New Year,

  14. I had a business trip for a job interview 2 weeks after I was banded, that included a lunch. I had just started the soft food stage, and was stressed when they took me to a Mexican place for lunch! Luckily, they did have Soup on the menu, so that's what I ordered. I did feel self conscience so I just mentioned that I had just finished 2 weeks of liquid diet, so I was easing my way back into food. There were no follow up questions and we just went about discussing the job opportunity.

    The good (?) news about the band is that after the first 3 weeks, and until you get 2-3 fills, you can eat fairly regular food, and nothing gets stuck. For me, I was able to keep making good food decisions, and lost 8 pounds, but it wasn't because the band was "restricting" me. It had more to do with 2 weeks of liquid diet that shrunk my stomach and made it easier to control my food quantities.

    In early Dec. I had my second fill, and finally felt the restriction that the LB promises. I have spent the last few weeks trying to figure out what foods I can eat, and what I can't. Even the foods I can eat, I can't eat much before feeling extremely full..so when I'm eating out I usually order an appetizer or soup/salad. The other thing is that it takes a good 30 minutes for me to get close to finishing, because it takes time between bites, before I feel like I'm ready for another bite. Since I'm an extrovert, I just talk more during these meals, since I'm not shoveling food in like before my LB.

    I've been over to friends and a few Holiday Party's and have just tried to make good choices, but I'm really limited with what I can eat, so I try to concentrate on Protein first, then if I have any room, I can try other stuff. Also, I can't drink anything when I eat now, so at the party I've really had to decide do I want a drink, or do I want to eat, since I can no longer do both.

    For the first time since I can remember, I've lost weight during the holidays! Since my fill on 12/3, I've lost 13 pounds!! I've had some wine, a couple of Martini's, but overall my food intake is so restricted now, I'm focused on getting 75 Grams of Protein in each day, and that's the biggest challenge. I'm sure it will get easier as i learn what food are easier for me to eat, and stay away from those that I have trouble with.

    I hope that helps. Good Luck!! :party:

  15. I was banded in October. Prior to the banding, I was riding my bike for about 45 mins a day on hills and flat. Now, I do 50 mins of cardio every other day on an elliptical machine (weather is not nice enough for me to bike!), then some weights on the other days. But 2 weeks after surgery I tried some strenuous cardio and found that I would be very sore the next few days. I didn't experience any weak feelings during the exercise. The bike riding (especially up hills on a bike) probably uses your stomach muscles too much at this point in your recovery...a couple more weeks and you should be stronger.

    As for the 500 calories, seems way too low..I was at 1200 my first few weeks (liquid diet phase)...especially with the amount of exercise you're trying to do, I'd suggest considering more calories since you're probably burning between 500 and 1000 just from your exercising.

    Good luck,

  16. Thanks for sharing your experiences, SueAZ! Sorry to hear about the issues you had after surgery.....in some ways I have the opposite problem - I will push myself too far, overdo it and suffer the consequences :-( It's something I'm working on because if I suffer an injury from overdoing it, then I can't exercise at all!! So far, so good. I appreciate your comments.

    All the best,


  17. Hi All,

    I'm 51 and just banded on 10/2. Surgery and 1st week went well. Was up and walking (for exercise) on day 4...(short walk with the dog!). By day 8 I'm walking 1 to 3 miles each day!!

    I'm in the right "state of mind" right now, eating mostly liquids, though I don't feel ANY restriction, at all. I'm having creamy Soups and Protein shakes, with some chicken noodle Soup for a change - chicken goes down with no problem.

    I've lost 4 pounds since the operation, but I lost 7 the week leading up to my surgery. I was wondering about exercise, as I'm pretty active and would like to get back to some biking and exercises for strengthening my core. When did any of you start to include more strenuous exercise? I have done a little too much a couple of times and have had soreness in my stomach the next day.

    Thanks, this site is great, and I've lurked and found a lot of great info and ideas!!

    PNWal :)

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