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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LookingForward22

  1. 08/08/2022 06:43 PM, JellyBeanz said:

    Twins! I have good days and bad days. This 21 days of hell culminates in 3 days of extra strict starvation so I have that to look forward to. I'm feeling pretty good from a mental perspective. I've really thought hard about whether this is really what I want to do - and it really is! How are you finding it all?

    Oh my 21 days! I’m certainly not going to complain about 8 days - you just made this a whole lot easier on me.

    So far day 1 has been better than expected. After my 2nd (out of three) Fairlife shakes and about 12 oz of juice - I didn’t think I could take one more sweet sip, so I had some chicken broth. I welcomed the savory. I have one more shake, about 6 oz of juice and 15 oz of Water to go yet today.

    No hunger yet - but I think I’ve been to busy running to the potty (it’s a lot of liquids… lol) and focused on hitting my goals to think about it to much.

    I told my husband and kids - that if I can make it to day 3 without being cranky I think I can make it till Tuesday. But you making it through 21 day to get to “Goal” I’m inspired and extra motivated!

  2. 1 hour ago, djhobbes said:

    I started adding broth & bouillon on occasion to deviate from the constant sweetness.

    Thankfully I looked at my plan again this morning and noticed I had my juice total wrong - its only 24 oz a day (not 72) becasue between the juice and the shakes... I was thinking the sweetness would be unbearable. Lots of ice helped cut the juice sweetness. Around 4pm I couldn't take one more sweet sip - so I had some broth to cut the sweetness.

  3. 4 hours ago, SuziDavis said:

    I am a week into a 2 week preop, it hasn't been bad and the numbers going down on the scale have been a help to keep me going! You can do it!

    Thank you! My pre-op weightloss kinda froze for the last two weeks. I am hoping the liquid diet gives me a nudge to loose another 10 pounds or so before the procedure (mine is only 8 days). I figure every pound I loose before is one I don't need to loose after.

    Best of luck over the next week... I will look forward to seeing your progress and cheering you on!

  4. On 08/08/2022 at 13:01, Michelle1.0 said:

    Soo I am on the phone with insurance now. Trying to understand why? This same thing happened to me and my surgeon will not do the sleeve with out repairing the hernia. Today was my surgery day 8-08 :(

    I’m so sorry, I hope you get a clear answer and there is a simply resolution so that you can move forward.

  5. My surgeon did order a few labs pre-op, but nothing nutritionally related. They reviewed my labs sent over by my pcp & endocrinologist (I know because they asked me about my prescription for my Vitamin D and my lab levels for that test) and told me at my initial meeting they didn’t need anything else. I would say if the surgeon didn’t request anything further - you should be good.

  6. On 08/03/2022 at 20:29, JellyBeanz said:

    I'm on day 10 of 21 days of liver shrinking diet. Last night I started dreaming about food. This is pure savagery. Can't they just put me in an induced coma and hook me up to a drip? Sigh.

    That gave me a chuckle… how are things going? I see we are both getting sleeved the same day (16th). It will be here before ya know it!

  7. On 08/05/2022 at 12:13, Dogmom68 said:

    Some of you may already know my surgery got pushed from 8/8 to 8/29 due to an insurance authorization issue. My doctor and surgery scheduler are working hard to try to get me approved for the hiatal hernia repair/ bypass. My insurance said it wasn’t medically necessary. So after already doing one week of pre-op liquid diet I get to start over around the 15th! I also have to have an upper GI to document the hernia. Fun fun! Please keep your fingers crossed that I can get through this!🤞🏻😊

    I’m sorry you got delayed.

    Hopefully you hear back soon with good news!

  8. Thank you for those suggestions. I will look into the ones I can have (I think V8 splash is ok post op, but not pre-op). I haven’t had luck with the sugar free Jello - the aspartame upsets my stomach. I’m trying simply delish jello to see how I tolerate that. So far erythritol doesn’t seem to bother me in other things I’ve tried but I’m not sure about the stevia. I guess I’ll see in a few days.

    Thankfully I’m allowed broth - that is my go to when I don’t feel well. I imagine I will be reaching for the bouillon cubes to make a cup of broth both to help with my Fluid intake and to satisfy my craving for something savory - because everything else I’m allowed is rather sweet.

    I have yet to find a sugar free Popsicle that doesn’t have aspartame in it - which is my issue I think.

    I’m trying to freeze some different zero calorie drinks to see if maybe being super cold and very small quantities is more tolerable.

    When I hit the purée stage I’m going to try to blend some fruit into popsicles - but pre-op I am not allowed to do that.

    I’m sure I’m over thinking and worrying about things needlessly… but I very much appreciate your suggestions. I’m going to check out the V8 splash and ocean spray to see which flavors might work.

  9. Surgery is on the 16th, tomorrow is day one of my high Protein liquid diet. We had 4 options to choose from … I’m going with the option that is 3 Fairlife shakes, 72 ounce of no sugar added juice and 64+ ounces of Water and sugar free liquids/jello/broth. There are 7 days of that along with 1 day of full clear liquids… and then of course my blood thinner injections start (I think it’s one pre-op and 9 or ten post of of the injections).

    I’m more nervous than excited at this point, but I’m sure my emotions will be all over the place between now and surgery day.

    For those of you that have full liquid pre-op or already did the liquid post op - any tricks to dealing with not chewing for a couple weeks?

    I’m worried how I will do with drinking everything for the next week leading up to surgery and then in post op phase. Will I miss that sensation?

    I thought about freezing some juice and blending into a slushy to eat… and of course there is Jello. But other than that… any ideas?

    I don’t do great with artificial sweeteners (digestive) - but I can tolerate small amounts. Any suggestions, thoughts or advice appreciated.

    Thank you!

  10. I prefer being productive or having fun when I exercise too. When the weather doesn’t cooperate … I have a recumbent bike that I like using (and I can watch videos, movies or listen to podcasts or music while I cycle). I also pull up YouTube videos to mix up exercises indoors when it’s to hot outside. Swimming is usually good even on hot / humid days.

    I try to alternate cardio and weights (use resistance bands or body weight exercises).

  11. I have hard others talk about a mini-gastric bypass, not as often as sleeve or RNY, but I do recall reading posts on here.

    The best advice I can offer for the weight loss is to try to break your over all goal into mini-goals. For me those have been more “achievable”. 18.2 pounds is a great start, your almost 1/2 way to your goal!

    Start practicing the things you will need to do once you have the surgery… smaller bites, chewing more thoroughly, measured /weighed servings, portions on your plate, hitting your Water goals, not eating or drinking 30 min before or after eating. Also remember to add in some exercise. I do simple weight bands and walking (alternating days). Those things helped me loose some extra pounds as I’m working through my pre-op. Before you know it you will be at your goal.

    My surgery is the 16th, I start my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow. I noticed that I feel fuller quicker and can’t eat as much just from implementing those things … and I’m gradually loosing weight as I go.

    Good luck!

  12. My program allows straws right away (I’m still pre-op, surgery is the 16th) - but I asked them about that because some days I just drink better with a straw.

    We were given a list of several Vitamins to choose from. I opted to start with the Flintsones Complete (or the Walmart brand version - both are on the list) because I knew I could tolerate the taste and I prefer chewable or ez-melts (my b complex is an ez-melt - I was taking that long before my bariatric program vitamins, along with a chewable Vitamin C). My program doesn’t recommend starting Calcium until after the surgery, once I have blood work done. I’m hoping I don’t need that one - but I will have to look at the list to see the options. I remember my mom taking a chocolate chewable one that wasn’t to bad. I thought about the patch vitamins, but my program doesn’t allow those.

  13. I have 4 different “menus” to choose from pre-op, that is one that’s offered. I have a milk intolerance - I’m ok with a little, but to much upsets my stomach/digestive process… so I’m doing one of the other options they offer (3 fairlife shakes a day, 72 oz of no sugar added juice + 64 or more ounces of Water or approved liquids).

    We can either pick one of the 4 “menu” options each day (if you want to change it up) or stick with one option for 7 days. Then on the 8th day switch over to all Clear Liquids.

    The nutritionist did say if we find ourselves struggling, since there’s no “food” outside of the yogurt (if you pick the milk and yogurt option) to call and they will modify the plan so we can safely fulfill the pre-surgical requirements and stay on track for surgery. Knowing there is a safety net if I need it makes me feel a little better, but I’m thinking I can make it through 8 days.

  14. 08/02/2022 12:43 PM, AmandaD. said:

    Ok, I’m sorry for all these questions I’m just new to all of this… so theoretically I’ll get bills throughout my mandatory procedures (therapy, dietician, appts, etc) that will be my deductible that I would need to pay when due. Then I would tell my Bariatric specialists office that I will pay them after insurance processes the claim? Is the out of pocket maximum part of that small chunk bills that I’ll be getting throughout my appts, etc or is that after the surgery as well??

    With my insurance there is my deductible (the amount I first have to pay, before my insurance kicks in - on your explanation of benefits you’ll see the provider charge - the negotiated discount and whatever is left you pay out of pocket, and it goes towards satisfying your deductible). I think my individual is $300 my family is $600. Those are the bills you get if they run tests or there’s charges beyond the office visit.  Your co-pay and out of pocket costs go towards satisfying that amount. 

    My insurance has co-pays for office visits (not all ins have this, if you do it’s usually written on the front of your card (ex $25 PCP office visit, $25 specialist, it may even list an ER or urgent care). I pay that every time I check out (or some places process that at check-in). 

    Once my deductible is satisfied, my insurance will process the bill from all of the submitted claims (applying their negotiated discount with that provider - again, you’ll see that on your explanation of benefits from your insurance as they process each claim) - and my insurance plan will pay 80% of the allowed expenses and I pay the remaining 20%.

    You should see an out of pocket maximum that is set in you benefits booklet or listed on your explanation of benefits that comes in a mail from the insurance company when a claim is processed. (we have a new plan that started July 1st, I don’t remember my new limits) … for example an out of pocket maximum could look like: a set amount for an individual (ex. $4,000) or a higher set amount for everyone covered under a family plan (ex. $18,000). So that means if you tally up all the out of pocket medical bills for a member during a plan year, the plan will pay 100% coverage when an individual or family meets that designated amount that they have spent out of pocket. (I’m not sure I’ve ever met that amount, but I think we came close one year when two family members had a surgery… or possibly when I had my kids 20 odd years ago).

    The law requires that a facility give a good faith estimate to you upon request, so if you are concerned you could reach out to your program insurance or billing coordinator to go over the financials and expected insurance coverage. I’ve heard of some places requiring payment upfront before surgery and others (like mine) billing post surgery … so your office should be able to tell you their policy. Since mine is within a hospital network, they will also do the zero interest medical payment plans if requested for balances over a certain amount. They should also be able to tell you that policy if you get a pricing estimate.

      My program - each office bills individually for tests and consults, then the hospital will bill me for the surgery, but all accumulate towards the deductible and out of pocket totals. 

    I hope that helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
