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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LookingForward22

  1. On 08/17/2022 at 14:53, heartofmercury said:

    I'm not hungry either after the surgery. Starting off I could only take two small sips before I felt a tightness in my chest. Now I can take three large sips. If I overdo it I feel like I need to stand up to help the liquid go down and I get a pain in my left top shoulder. Then I just feel uncomfortable for about 20 minutes. I realize it's different for everyone.

    That’s what I was expecting to feel, but instead I just keep drinking and nothing feels any different than before.

    I’m going to try not to stress about it. Hopefully as things heal and settle down I can get a better idea of what the restrictions are and how to work with them.

    I’m grateful I don’t feel hungry and that I seem to be getting fluids in ok. I just worry I’m doing something wrong that will hurt me in the long run.

  2. On 08/17/2022 at 14:44, Muffinman1119 said:

    This ^^^^

    I too took a little bit of time to notice that "full feeling". That lower chest tightness I feel, is that your body is telling you that you're likely close to being full and to not go crazy with anymore intake of food. Learning to slow down and pace myself has been and continues to be the most difficult thing with eating.

    I was doing pretty good at pacing myself… but that darn Tomato Soup was so good and went down effortlessly. The only thing I’m feeling right now is the need to adjust my abdominal binder —- every time I sit it scrunches up and hurts like a bugger. It stays I place nicely for laying down, it just does not like sitting.

  3. On 08/17/2022 at 14:07, SHORTY_ said:

    It took me about a week for me to notice the restriction. Honestly, I had felt the same, almost to the point of thinking did they really take out 80% of my stomach?

    By the end of the 2nd week, I started to notice more of the full feelings, and my body started to reject things that days prior I was having no issues getting down. I notice the fullness in my lower chest. A pressure but not the feeling of being overly full. Pace yourself with bites. I noticed I was taking my bites too quick at first and not allowing my body time to really figure out if I was done or not. Almost gave myself about a full min or two before I took another.

    Which honestly was hard because well for 32 years I've been eating the same way I always had so trying to completely change the way I eat has been a small struggle.

    Thank you. I was wondering the same thing (did they really take part of my stomach out?)

    I’m still drinking everything - but I can drink Soup, broth, Water, juice, Protein Drinks - all without any issue. Which is great, I suppose, no reason I can’t get my Fluid intake in.

    I was expecting an ounce or two and I’d feel like I couldn’t take another sip. It scared me a little that I could drink so much without an issue. I need to be better at monitoring or I’ll take in too much.

    I’m hoping I’ll notice a difference when I move on to puréed foods next week. I’m excited for the refried Beans with cheese and the Protein pudding. Lol

  4. Finally home and got that Tomato Soup I was craving since last week. It is fantastic!

    It’s odd because I’m not hungry, but I’m not noticing any restriction either?

    I’m still on full liquids… so does that make a difference?

    For those of that have had the sleeve, what does restriction feel like? I understand it is different for everyone.

    Thanks for your help.

  5. Surgery was yesterday: still on Clear Liquids (can have full liquids when I get home if tolerated. I can’t wait for Tomato soup! Lol. So far I am tolerating and keeping everything down. No nausea today … moving around well.

    The binder they gave me was a wonderful help.

    I’m still sore where the took my stomach out and in the center near my sternum - but that’s where all the work was done (hernia repair also).

    Meds are making me a little groggy but not horrible.

    I’d say I’m dealing more with discomfort than pain (though some movements are painful), but even the worst is bearable and manageable).

    No problems with drinking. I seem to be able to do the warm and cold liquids with no issue.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  6. Surgery update: all went well this morning. I’m in my room for an overnight stay and monitoring (standard practice).

    I’m having some discomfort from the gas, but manageable and my right side hurts some when I change positions - but again, manageable.

    I’m doing Clear Liquids today and if all goes well tradition to full liquids tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Looking forward to cheering on our successes and for everyone to have a speedy recovery!

  7. On 08/15/2022 at 19:57, AliceFD said:

    Anything ending in "itol" will send me straight to the bathroom. Those are sugar alcohols and have a laxative effect. Any other artificial sweeteners taste like metal to me but I can tolerate them if necessary. I won't eat Jello, though, as it's not vegetarian.

    I’ve only had Built Bars and the simply delish (in very limited amounts) and so far neither bothered me … but I imagine if I had enough of either it might bother me like aspartame and sucralose do.

    I will probably end up skipping sugar free and waiting for the purée stage. I know those popsicles won’t upset my digestive system.

  8. 08/15/2022 05:02 PM, LibbyAbby said:

    Honestly, I usually cannot taste the difference between regular and sugar free foods. I just use Jell-o brand of the premade stuff and if im making it myself I use Royal brand because it is cheaper. Some people just don't like Jello. My mother wouldn't eat it to save her life.

    I like Jello … but the artificial sweeteners kill me. First the taste, then digestively.

    I wish I could find something without aspartame. Erythritol doesn’t seem to bother me as much - but I’m not finding popcicles made with that. The simply delish is the best of the jellos I have found - but pricy. I have some of their pudding to try - when I’m allowed to have it.

    Once I’m allowed purred fruits, I will make some Protein fruit popcicles and Gelatin “jello” - but that’s not until week 2 for me. 

  9. On 08/15/2022 at 13:47, I Am Enough! said:

    I've got my bag packed, I've paid the hospital bill. All I've gotta do is drive to Spokane (6 hours away) and get checked in on the 18th. I finally found peace with the pre-op liquid diet, but I am seriously looking forward to full liquids once the surgery is over! We're starting at a gorgeous little Air BnB during the surgery stay and a couple days after before making the long drive home. Anyone else have to travel far for their surgery and appointments?

    We are heading to the hotel now. It’s not that far, about an hour - but I didn’t want the stress of the traffic and run the risk of being late (or needlessly stressed).

  10. Good luck everyone having surgery this week and speedy recovery to all.

    Just got my time for tomorrow and my heart jumped into my throat when I saw the hospital name on the caller ID.

    I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 am … not sure if I’m their first of the day, but at least I’m before lunch… so hopefully by this time tomorrow I am in my room and resting comfortably… or taking a lap. Lol.

    Deep breaths… calm, relaxing & positive thoughts… 😊

  11. On 08/11/2022 at 10:12, Rachael101 said:

    To loose all that weight by yourself is amazing! I have every confidence that your going to do very well after surgery. Best of luck :)

    Thank you… I’ve struggled during that loss (putting weight back on, resetting - going back to what I know works to get it off again). I’m hopeful that will help me do the same after surgery if I slip up.

  12. On 08/14/2022 at 12:29, callnutt said:

    Hello August buddies! I am scheduled on 8/16 😱. I have had thoughts of cancellation but my pancreas is no longer functioning correctly so I realize this is a lifesaving procedure for me. My doctor told me 100 lbs needs to get off of me ASAP. I can’t remember how 140 felt, lol!

    Looks like we are surgery twins… and I’m right there with you on that surgery anxiety.

    My liver function numbers were not great and my liver was VERY enlarged. That’s what finally made me agree to even look into WLS. I have more to loose than you but knowing the weight loss I have had leading up to this has already made a difference, I know I’m on the right path.

    I’m scared… anxious and a little overwhelmed right now. The closer it gets the more those feelings flood me. I know that this is the best thing for me (and my family).

    My pcp sat me down and said - are you committed to going forward? I said, yes - I think it’s the right thing to do (kinda hesitating). He said no… if you are sure this is the right thing and committing to it - then you go into with a positive attitude and go forward with confidence, it will make all the difference in the world. So I’m trying to be confident and positive.

    I’m scared - and it’s ok to be scared, but we all have more reasons to go forward than not, make the most out our new tools and find success no matter how many or few pounds that is.

    Together we can get through this! Deep breaths… we got this!! 🥰

  13. On 08/14/2022 at 14:31, jmkmom said:

    My name is Shannon, I live in Oregon but will be having surgery in Nampa Idaho. Anyone else??? I am 56 and want to feel better for the rest of my life. I don't want BP, Cholesterol, bad knees, sleep apnea, and other issues to stop me from living a full life. At least another 15 or so years!

    I have been working towards this surgery a few months. I am currently at the point where they are submitting my papers to insurance this coming week. I am so excited! Stopped smoking now 48 days, has to be 60 days for surgery. I am thinking late September, but probably October for surgery after all is said and done. Who knows lol.

    I have a couple concerns and would interested in knowing what you do.

    1. constipation. I had in after my third C-section (many years ago) and it was horrid! I want to do everything I can NOT to have it. What do you do?

    2. Any secret ideas on how to get Water in, other then sipping all day? I will do that, but I have history of kidney stones and need to make sure I get plenty of liquids,

    3. For those who have been doing this years, what side effects or issues have you seen, say after 10 years? My husband, while he is being supportive, is not fond of the surgery. He is worried what effects I will have later on in life.

    4. Hormones..... My daughter has PCOS and wanted to me to ask the Dr about hormones and how this effects me. He told me that actually it will get better. That part of the stomach taken out has hormones in it and will reduce any issues. What have you seen or heard?


    Hi Shannon,

    I live in Pennsylvania, and I am scheduled for surgery Tuesday (16th)… I’m 48 and have similar goals as you.

    While I’m not a veteran, I have friends who are 7-15 years out and I grilled them about several of these things so I will share my experience this far and some of theirs.

    Let me just say there are tons of people who will help with their experience also… and one of the things I learned from this board is everyone is different. (I love this app and the people on here - they are so awesome!)

    1) I have IBS (largely well managed) and dealt with Constipation after my c-sections as well. The high Protein pre-op diet made that flair up for me. In addition to Water (I struggle with that) and hitting my other liquid goals, I add Miralax once or twice a day (depending on my needs) to help keep things moving. Also moving around - walk, walk walk… even puttering around the house. Moving helps keep things moving. At the first sign of things not cooperating I take an approved laxative by my program. That’s my last resort (because that is never fun) but I know my body and I know when it’s necessary - so if I catch things early enough a partial dose (I prefer liquid to pills) is usually enough to keep things productive.

    2) I have digestive issues with artificial sweeteners. So I like Sodastreams water enhancers (Bubly) zero calories, zero carbs. But lately I’ve enjoyed my zero water filter enough to not bother with the flavor. I can easily work 3 20 oz bottles of water (some days 4 or 5). Keep in mind I’m pre op… but I’m hoping that post surgery I will be able to get back into that habit after surgery, because I too have kidney stones and am eager to avoid that. Right after surgery they all warned me I won’t make my goals most likely - but to do my best. With time it will come. broth and bouillon have been helpful in hitting (and exceeding) my goals. So I will use those to work towards my daily goals.

    3) Depending on your surgery - will depend on the long term possible side effects, one of the reasons I’m having sleeve (shorter potential list).

    However my surgeon balanced it by saying the potential side effects of not doing it the surgery or taking other steps to loose weight (prolonged joint deterioration, effects of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiac disease, elevated risk of cancers and although I’m not diabetic - eventually I’m likely to be, liver disease, etc) are equal or greater. On balance the surgery is a toll that helps me improve more than it risks in my case.

    4. Hormones can be real - hunger, menstrual, general emotional. I was told that some women who stopped menstruating, would start again… (also warned to watch out for later in life babies), some women who have fertility issues, see a reversal… weight loss - especially large amounts, can result in an estrogen release (hormone swings).

    There’s no guarantee of if my hunger hormone will be gone - or how long. Everyone is different in that area.

    My hubby and I had a talk of what to possibly expect after (throw back to postpartum depression). Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    I have Virtual appointment already scheduled with my therapist for the week following surgery and recurring every two weeks after (with the options to call if I need to see sooner and ability to cancel if I need to rest and not up to it as long as I check in). I’ve been seeing him for a while now to adjust to life after a car accident.

    I also have my pcp follow up scheduled and my endocrinologist scheduled within a few weeks after my surgery so I will have those check-Ins to help with anything non-surgical that might pop up.

    I have some help lined up (kids, husband and one friend I told what I was doing) just in case I need a little extra help right after. However the rest of my family (siblings, parents, extended family and others) know only that I’m getting a hernia repair and that I started working with a nutritionist pre-op and will continue post op due to some other health issues … which is not untrue, just not the whole truth.

    I’m taking care of me first for the pre-op and the post-op recovery. I’m hoping by doing that, I can reduce my stress and help manage any of the hormone fluctuations that MIGHT pop up and well as focus on meeting my nutritional and water goals.

    I hope this helps!

  14. My program gave me several options to choose from.

    I ended up choosing 2 Flintstone complete a day for a multivitamin (the target or Walmart brands were approved as ok). I went with that because I knew I could tolerate it, their price and they are easily available. (That was one of 4 options they gave me). I asked about Patches - they said no to those.

    I also take ez-melts B complex.

    I take two other Vitamins beyond their program requirements, but I always have (including a prescription Vitamin D).

    They won’t have me add any other vitamins until they do my labs at my follow up, including Calcium. They said most people get enough calcium in their diets - so I might not need to take that one.

  15. Thank you! I appreciate the comforting words… they are a big help. They did ask me to bring a few specific things along (an inhaler and the medications they want me to take that morning) and suggested a case for my glasses … so I’m trying to make sure I get those things in.

    I think I’m wearing a loose dress that day (bought it on clearance this week at Kohl’s) and I’ll wear that home to make that one less thing to pack.

    I keep going back and forth about taking things with me or having my husband just bring them in as well.I have to check their visitor policy - to know if he has a limit of when he can come in. Our local hospitals don’t restrict support persons (family/significant others), so I’m not sure what this hospital does.

  16. On 08/14/2022 at 01:00, Marii said:

    Hey love, my surgery was on August 2nd and I was also worried about my overnight bag the night before surgery I kept asking the nurse if I could bring my things with me or should I get it dropped off. They told me I was able to bring it with me but for some reason I decided not too. I was going to let my boyfriend drop it off for me. My surgery was scheduled for 10 Am and I honestly I didn’t go into surgery until like 2 or 3pm I believe. I woke up in the recovery room around 6pm and went into the actual room I was staying at around 7pm I was in so much pain due to the gas that I forgot that I didn’t have my phone with me but my bed was next to the window and I realized it was already dark outside meaning that it was night time. So my boyfriend was not able to drop off my bag. To be honest you don’t need much I’ll recommend a change of clothes to leave the hospital and some headphones. You are provided with everything else to be honest.

    Thank you for sharing that - I thought I was the only one.

    I know everyone was so kind at my endoscopy, if I get overwhelmed I will make sure I tell the nurses on Tuesday.

    I know I need to do this - for my liver, health and over all well being… and I want to do it, I’m just terrified of anesthesia and being intubated.

    Hopefully I will glide through, not remember a thing and I’m sure I’ll breath a big sigh of relief when it’s over too. :)

  17. On 08/13/2022 at 16:01, heartofmercury said:

    You've got this. I was also really nervous before and even cried in the pre-op waiting room. Everything ended up fine. Remember a long phone charger and a heating pad! Some other things I was glad I brought were single use face cleaning cloths, chapstick and an eye mask. It all goes by so quickly and before you know it you'll be discharged from the hospital. Sending good thoughts your way!

    Thank you… the closer I get the more nervous I get. I know I’ll want to cry going back, but if I do - my poor husband will start to cry also and I don’t want that. Lol.

    For my upper endoscopy I was brave until I went back - but when I was back in the waiting area myself (for like 2 minutes) before they rolled me into the operating room I started to tear up and I swear the whole place was consoling me telling me it will be the best nap of my life and I’ll be annoyed that they woke me up. Of course that made me laugh.

    Thanks for the reminders…. I didn’t think about an eye mask, great idea! I just grabbed my Moxa packs (heating packs that don’t need plugged in - they last 12-24 hours), my lip balm and the long charger will go with me that day.

    I’m sure everything will be fine… it’s just freaking me out being intubated and the length of the surgery. I know it will all go smoothly… I just am ready to be in recovery. I’m looking forward to coming home and having Tomato Soup and working to meet my Water goals. Lol.

  18. Went for my pre-op covid test today. I need to quarantine until Tuesday (surgery day).

    We made hotel reservation to be closer to the hospital (it is an hour drive from the house).

    Today and tomorrow still on the high Protein liquid diet… Monday is all clear liquid and I start my blood thinner shots.

    I need to get my overnight bag packed pack yet, but I’m trying hard to not over pack (like I always do).

    I’m super nervous and ready to be on the other side of surgery.

    How is everyone else doing?

  19. On 08/12/2022 at 21:00, ScaredButReady2.0 said:

    I am doing a bit better than before ... today was not a very good day... not making very healthy food choices and still feel like I'm starving! My Husband drinks heavy so I've fell back into drinking because I can eat. He can't fix my mood so he drinks and I hate when he drinks and I can't eat food so I drink. I need therapy but I also don't feel it will work so here I am .

    Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I’m glad to hear you are doing better but sorry you are still struggling.

    I’m working closely with a therapist (for years now) … since my accident, and talking through my decision to take this step (surgery … I’m scheduled for next Tuesday). I also see a separate therapist with my husband.

    There are days I feel like both are a waste of time, but usually I feel like it helps and I even look forward to it sometimes. Even sessions when I don’t think are really head on dealing with “things”… usually end up lightening my load and making everything easier to deal with until my next session.

    My best therapy advice is find someone you connect with and you enjoy talking to. Sometimes you need to go through more than one, and that’s ok. When you find the right person - it will make all the difference in the world.

    Thankfully my therapist is experienced with bariatric / weight loss issues. If he wasn’t, I would reach out to my bariatric program (they have a great therapist in house) or if I wasn’t comfortable with their person, I’d ask them for a referral.

    I hope things continue to get better.

  20. On 08/12/2022 at 16:09, KaitlynAnne93 said:

    What did you do for pre surgical consult with anesthesia? I didn’t have to do that. Not the blood thinner either. Hmmm

    Their office called me to go over my medications and make sure I stopped anything I needed to stop prior to surgery. They asked me about my history with prior surgeries and anesthesia - if I had any problems. Asked me if I had any cold symptoms and then they had a Dr call me back to explain what to expect that day.

    They will do most of that again the day of but during the first call they said they do it prior to the surgery so they can make sure they get medicine ordered I will need in the hospital ordered (my regular prescriptions), tell me which to take the morning of and to skip as well as give me a chance to ask questions.

    The blood thinners vary by practice, dr and sometimes patient. I know blood thinners are protocol for my program (it’s in the book) but amount and duration varies by patient.

  21. On 08/12/2022 at 09:12, athrash87 said:

    Hello. How are things going for you on your pre-op liquid diet? Good luck to you on your surgery. I'm sure this is an exciting but scary time. This definitely seems like a very supportive place for people like us on all types of weight loss journeys. If you would like to talk and become friends send me a message. [emoji2]

    Sent from my moto g power (2021) using BariatricPal mobile app

    So far so good! I haven’t been hungry at all (but cravings still creep up… especially when food pictures or ads pop up).

    Thank you! I’m eager to to Tuesday, but scared a little also. Had my anesthesia consult yesterday so that is the last appointment (other than my covid test) before the big day.

    It’s been a wonderful experience to be able to learn from others through their experience and to share the journey with people who really understand.

    Best of luck and I can’t wait to see all the progress we make as time passes!

  22. On 08/11/2022 at 21:12, KaitlynAnne93 said:

    Awesome! I had to do a 2 week liquid diet so on day 10. I honestly thought it would be so much harder than it is. How are you feeling?

    Over all, things are going pretty good. No real hunger but head hunger is getting to me today.

    I had my pre-surgical consult with anesthesia today. I go for my covid test Saturday … then my blood thinner injection Monday and surgery Tuesday.

    Im excited to get things underway…. But I’m also very nervous.

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