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Posts posted by LookingForward22

  1. I’m still in pre-op phase, but I knew the multiple appointments were going to trigger questions from family or others (wanting to know if everything is ok).

    I have driving restrictions so sometimes I needed someone to drive or I had to reschedule other things because of drs appointments. (My husband, kids and one or two close friends know).

    Not wanting to lie, but not ready to go into details - I decided to be … vaguely honest.

    So I answered questions as they were asked and volunteered as needed information.

    When asked about weight-loss… I mentioned I was talking to a nutritionist working with a medically supervised program. I just omitted discussion about the surgery part.

    When having tests… I just said it was regular follow up for a known issue (thyroid, blood pressure, etc) or my dr just wanted to rule something out.

    I’ll decide who gets to know what & when. I don’t want to invite negativity in and as much as I know some of my family means well and loves me (and friends) - sometimes the are not as tactful about sharing the opinion - so rather than invite that in… I just selectively share.

    If someone is curious (looking to gossip) they probably will get vague information. Or nicely told to MYOB.

    If it’s someone interested because they are considering surgery - I’ll gladly be open.

    If they are genuinely encouraging and there for me - of course I’ll share with them.

    I have had friends who shared openly and other who kept things very private. I think whatever works for you is the right way.

    Best of luck on your journey.

  2. On 07/15/2022 at 11:55, STLoser said:

    My liver enzymes came down to normal, so I'm pretty sure it is resolved, although the last time one of them was a few points over normal, but the doctor thinks that's just my body adjusting. I think it was the ALT. It was 39 and was supposed to be 34. All the others were completely normal though!

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

    That’s wonderful. I am in a similar boat. Im still pre-op and I have lost some weight so my numbers are back in the normal range but boarder-line and the last abdominal palpitation indicated improvement in size. I’m hoping this surgery will help that process along to resolving.

    Thanks for your reply!

  3. On 07/15/2022 at 10:49, STLoser said:

    I did not cheat, but I knew my liver was big (I have NASH) and it is the biggest reason I did the surgery so I was terrified I wouldn't shrink it enough.
    I don't think cheating once or twice would ruin the whole thing by any means, but it's best to stick to it if you can.

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

    Can I ask if your NASH resolved after surgery?

  4. On 07/12/2022 at 08:11, KevinS62 said:

    You are almost there. It's crazy all the hoops we have to jump through.

    I’m trying to not complain because my time seems to be on the lower end of some I talked to, but the unknown or open ended time frame really stresses me out for some reason.

    I’m sure time will fly between now and the 21st but what really helps is interacting with all of you (thank you for taking the time to reply 😊). It helps having people to talk to and talk through things with.

  5. On 07/11/2022 at 17:24, E-mom said:

    Boy do I hear you. After fulfilling months of my plan's requirements I had my surgeon consult last February. They are working through a covid backup and battling a hospital staffing shortage. I'm hoping for a late fall surgery. Coming to sites like this one help me keep it real. I hope your call comes soon.

    Thank you … I am meeting with the surgeon on the 21st, I’m hoping to find out then (or shortly after) how far out they are scheduling.

    I hope they can get your surgery scheduled soon for you so a date is locked in. That is hard for me (the not knowing).

  6. My endocrinologist actually recommended bariatric surgery in part because of my metabolic syndrome. He said he had many patients have success with surgery in reversing those health issues and getting off those medications. It’s one of several reasons I’m going through the process now.

  7. I worked with both my PCP and endocrinologist when looking into bariatrics. They were both onboard and worked together for my referral.

    I agree not to worry about looking like you are doctor shopping and think it’s important to understand why the other dr said no. If it’s something they don’t do - find one who does, if it’s a specific reason it could help when looking for a different practice who might be able to offer a different approach who has experience with whatever that issue is.

    I went through a different program at first… had my surgery date scheduled and canceled 2 weeks before my surgery because I wasn’t comfortable with the program. They didn’t seem to be listening to me, addressing my concerns - it seemed more like they were only worried about pushing me through their program and checking off the insurance boxes. I was worried about how my leaving that program to find another would look going into a new program - but i was open and honest with them explaining why I didn’t think the other program was a right fit and my situation … they were very supportive and reassuring at the new program every step of the way.

    Having my PCP and Endocrinologist work with me through this has been really helpful… they were both a sounding board for my concerns with my first program and helpful in getting the ball rolling when selecting a new program to work with.

    Good luck with everything and hope you feel better soon. Let us know how things are going.

  8. I agree a naturopath can be a big help. If you don’t have someone near you, can your PCP refer you to a digestive health specialist in your area?

    Or do you have a different Bariatric or non surgical weight-loss specialist in your area you can call to speak? (My program has the surgical and non surgical weight-loss specialists in the same office. Both are overseen by medical doctors, have nutritionists and nurses).

    Another option to look into is your health insurance. Some insurance plans offer wellness programs (at no cost) where you can virtually (or by phone) meet with nurses and dietitians that can review your concerns, offer guidance and help connect you with medical professionals in your area that work with your insurance.

    Sorry you are going through this… I hope you can find answers and feel better soon.

  9. On 07/07/2022 at 09:29, LRSB said:

    Thank you everyone. Just feeling a little down and defeated, I guess. I know I'll get through it because I have to in order to better my life and hopefully get rid of this awful Diabetes and excessive insulin (two of three main goals behind doing this, the other of course is losing weight).

    Also, I tried to update my profile to include all the stuff you all have under your names like weight, surgery date, etc, and I couldn't figure out where to do it. I'll check some of the help boards now.

    Take a deep breath… give yourself a little grace and just be honest with your team when you talk to them.

    When I had my first appointment they gave me instructions on what my program required (I didn’t have to loose weight but I couldn’t gain weight). Had my final weigh in today. The dietitian I met with was super nice - she said to call if I had questions, concerns or got off track and she (or her team mate) would answer any questions I had or make recommendations for getting back on track.

    If you are worried about what the pre-op diet is, can you ask for an appointment with the program dietitian/nutritionist so that you can talk about your concerns or ask questions about what is involved?

    Maybe knowing some more information will help set your mind at ease. I was given the pre-op diet ahead of time to go over and ask questions to make sure I understood what they wanted. I started trying some of the options so when the time comes I know I can tolerate the options to make the whole process easier.

    I also have a very enlarged liver - and NASH … that’s what sent me down the path for surgery. I expressed that concern when I talked to the program psychologist about having the surgery. She reassured me that I’m not the only person the surgeons have had to address that with and the nutritionist reiterated that today. The whole point of the pre-op diet is to shrink the liver, make it more pliable and help the surgeons be able to safely do the surgery.

    You can get back on track and while I’m not looking forward to my own Pre-op, I know it will be difficult… but we can get through this.

    You have a lot of support on here and we are all with you in this.

  10. Thanks for the positive words… Im trying to tell myself that everything will fall into place when it’s suppose to happen and to roll with it.

    Our ideal is before school starts but if that doesn’t happen.. we will make it work no matter when the date comes up.

    For now I’m excited to meet with Dr Rodgers and then get through that 8 day liquid Pre-op.

  11. Where I’m getting surgery is about an hour away from where we live. I’m not expecting him to be at the hospital all day - but he said he’d like to stay with me until I go back and I know my anxiety would be better with some company until then.

    My understanding is I will have at least and overnight stay and then home the next day - so he’s expecting to be the one to bring me home… so we are anticipating two days off or a day and a half (depending on time I’m scheduled for surgery and discharge time) - largely because of the travel time.

    I think we are planning to stay at a hotel the night before the surgery close to the hospital - especially if it is an early morning.

  12. Two weeks - July 21st … I’m so excited!

    I’ll meet with the surgeon, decide on the best surgery (I have reflux which is currently under control with medication so I’m leaning toward RNY to avoid that getting worse … but want to go over my other medical issues with her and see what she recommends) and pray we can schedule a time that allows me to have the surgery and heal some before school starts.

    I did ask to be put on a cancelation list just incase an earlier time opens up - but she only has clinics on Thursday so it’s not likely to be earlier.

    My pre-op diet is 8 days so the earliest it can be scheduled is July 28th. I highly doubt that her schedule will allow for that, so we are just hoping that we can get scheduled before Aug 12, so hubby won’t need to take any time off work.

    Anyone have any “I wish I had asked that” questions that you didn’t know to ask or think about when you met with the surgeon?

    I have my list of questions That we have started about medication and my medical concerns - but from anyone who’s been there before … is there something that you recommend asking that you either didn’t know to ask or didn’t think to ask? Either about the recovery - surgery or anything?

  13. Had my final weigh-in today, lost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks. (My only requirement was to not gain weight from the initial weigh in). That brings me to 50 pounds down since June 2021. I’m happy about that (and eager for that progress to continue).

    Appointment went well, however I had a slight disappointment. I was told if I had everything done by this appointment I would schedule with the surgeon, for their consult, when I check out. When I checked out I was told the coordinator hadn’t reviewed my final test from July 1st yet. Once she does that - THEN they will call to schedule with me.

    I’m trying to take a deep breath and be patient, but it’s hard.

    This is a big difference from last year when I was going through another program and I canceled my surgery two weeks before it was scheduled (I was not confident in the team or program I was dealing with). It’s a little frustrating that if I had stayed with that original program - I’d be 5 months post op by now… but then again, both my husband and I were not confident I would have the support and guidance needed to be successful in the other program.

    So for now I’ll try to be patient for that next phone call to come in.

  14. On 07/07/2022 at 07:58, kthorn1 said:

    Congratulations for getting to this stage! I know for me, this period is the hardest to stay patient. lol.

    I echo what others have said - every program/hospital seems to be different. My last clearance appointment was on June 6. The bariatric coordinator called me a couple weeks later to schedule the surgery. It's been scheduled for July 21,

    Thank you. I’ve never been very good at being patient - lol. I am an over preparer… so not having everything laid out is hard for me.

    I appreciate all the feedback from everyone - it helps me focus on the possibility this could happen before school starts back up.

    I know every program is different, and Covid can change plans at any point… but I just want to try to have realistic expectations.

    The idea of surgery still scares me - but not doing something to improve my health scares me too.

    On my way to my final weigh in and last “class” so the only thing left is the appointment with the surgeon and scheduling the surgery.

    Hoping I have a better idea after today when the surgical appointment will be.

  15. On 07/06/2022 at 08:42, ice75002 said:

    It’s been 3 weeks since my ESG procedure. I was concerned about the 4th of July but I got Covid. So, I’ve been isolated upstairs 🥺. But all is good. Felt bad for about 2 days, now getting better

    Everything is going well my procedure. No issues getting Water, tea or coffee in. I’m typically over 120oz a day. Protein is primarily from supplements iso pure and Core / Fairlife. I’m sure missing the standard Fairlife Protein Shakes. The 30gr of Protein per bottle. I can’t find any at Sam’s or costco. I’m now ordering on Amazon at nearly twice the cost. Although a lot cheaper compared to eating out lol.

    Anyone else having a difficult time finding it? Let me know of any locations.

    My weight loss has been going well.

    Pre Surgery weight 336

    Surgery weight 331

    Current Weight 307

    My goal weight is 270-275. Same as my college football weight.

    I’m not hungry but when I smell food, I would love to grab a bite. This week I start soft foods. I’m sure my weight loss will stall a bite as I’m sure most was still Water.

    Good luck everyone

    If you’re looking into ESG, this is still a relatively new procedure. So far, I would fully recommend it. The procedure was quick. I left my hotel at 6am and was back in my hotel room by 930am. No cutting! Only feeling gas pains. Some nausea but not bad. The first few days I was hungry. Since I was tolerating everything, the doctor increased my protein to 120g. Mind you, I’m 6’7 at the time 330. Procedure was on Wednesday, flew home Friday and flying for work on Sunday.

    Our Sam’s just started getting it again, but as a backup I saw BJ’s has had the chocolate fairlife pretty consistently - some of the other flavors occasionally.

  16. On 07/05/2022 at 10:21, kcuster83 said:

    I didn't need cardiac clearance, I assume that is case by case.

    I did however have surgery scheduled within 30 days of my last appointment. My final appointment was 2/24 or 2/25 (can't remember without looking at my calendar) but my surgery was 3/21.

    Thank you… I’m hoping that will be about the time frame I’m looking at.

    I had a reg cardiac clearance, but because of a medication I took 25 yrs ago they wanted an echo just to be safe. Thankfully all was fine.

    My final weigh in and nutrition appt is this Thursday. Praying I can get an appointment relatively soon to see the surgeon and then my surgery will follow closely.

  17. 07/04/2022 06:54 AM, Erin18 said:

    You can use the bubly drops without using the soda stream device? I mean I have one and never used it same with some of the flavors. Never knew you could use the flavors

    I use the bubly drops in my plain Water without issue. I’m sure that’s not how they intended it to be used but gives the Water a nice subtle flavor when I want a little change from plain water.

    I like that it’s zero carbs and zero calories, and I have a sensitivity (digestive) to some artificial sweeteners so crystal light and things like that aren’t an option for me - but this keeps me for reaching for juice or other calorie drinks when I want something different. 

  18. On 07/03/2022 at 11:33, Kcfromkc said:

    Can you ask your coordinator how far out the surgeon is scheduling right now?

    This program does things differently than others I have looked at. You go through the classes and tests - once you get through everything then you pick your surgeon and schedule to meet with them - so they can review everything with you.

    So I won’t pick my surgeon until after my final class (this week) and I was told all the surgeons have varied schedules (some do more than just bariatrics if they specialize in other digestive diseases) so the schedules vary.

    She did recommend that when they schedule with me I ask about which surgeons have availability in our targeted timeline (if any) - so I suppose that is what I will do.

    They did great with getting my tests scheduled and completed - I just wish they were able to schedule to meet with the surgeon once the tests were scheduled - rather than wait until the last class … then contact you at some point after. Leaves the timeline to open and uncertain.

  19. On 07/03/2022 at 15:33, Erin18 said:

    What is zero Water? I can't stand our water pitcher, it doesn't taste as good as Poland spring water. But since I don't have Poland spring eater here all the time, I have to drink the filtered water. That sounds good tho. I hope my taste buds change to the point where I don't crave sweets anymore. Water with lemon is so good!. What are bubly drops?

    Zero Water filter is a 5 stage water filter…

    (I have the 40 cup ready pour dispenser, but their pitchers are good too).

    Soda stream bubly drops are great (I don’t carbonate my water but just add a little sometimes if I want a splash of flavor)


    I think I got my zero water filter dispenser on Amazon and the bubly drops I usually grab at target… but you can get the drops anywhere that sells soda stream.

  20. On 06/22/2022 at 22:49, ShoppGirl said:

    My surgeon didn’t want one initially, but after I mentioned I had a murmur as a baby he decided to do one in the hospital the morning of the surgery. Guess maybe I should have mentioned that sooner. We had time to kill anyways cause I couldn’t pee so they had to rush a blood pregnancy test. They really should give you a cup to bring home.

    I’m glad they were able to do it that day!

    They did a pregnancy test at my upper endoscopy - which I almost had a similar issue as you. My bladder was being very shy under pressure.

  21. On 06/22/2022 at 22:29, Juniper123 said:

    I had my ekg done at my primary care clearance visit. I was already scheduled for surgery at that time. Seems like every doctor does it differently.

    They did my EKG at the cardiac clearance - but not an echo … it’s not routine but they wanted one for me because of medication I had taken in the 1990’s. I’m glad they are being safe and checking things… it was just annoying it’s been broke up in to two visits because of a communication error.

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