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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by annecolorgreen

  1. WOW--thought I posted on this yesterday???

    Anyway, I'm 70+ pounds down but have been for over a year. During that time, I've fluctuated up and down 5 lbs. It's frustrating--but I'm very thankful not to have gained like I would have in the past!!!

    Someone that had surgery the same day has lost over 250 lbs...and he has documented EVERY bite he has put in his mouth during this time. So...guess what? I'm now journaling it all too. It does help you decide not to eat something just because you don't want to put it down! I am now at the lowest end of my weight and am hoping for a breakthrough this week. In less than a month, dh and I will be in Hawaii celebrating our 25th anniversary!!

    I am also running. I started last fall and ran a 5k and then had a work injury in January and spent 6 months in physical therapy. I'm back with the program now--and my 17 yr old dd is doing it with me!!

    A "new" exercise for me that I started last week--hot yoga. Let's just say that I probably have a screw loose for trying this but it's so different that it is fun!

    Keep the stories coming!!

  2. Wow! Congrats to you all!

    I hadn't really thought about my bandaversary this year except that I'm going back to my trainer to have new measurements done...that will be fun for a change!

    NEXT year, I'm planning to go to Hawaii to Celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary...in late September...so that is my big goal.

    I love to hear what you all are doing! (maybe I'll get glamour shots done for dh's Christmas present...hmmm...)


  3. you do need more restriction...I wasn't losing, and was pretty satisfied as I had LOTS of stress, was not exercising, and was not gaining. I finally decided I was done with that, got back to exercising (some), and got a fill. I CAN'T eat pizza now or I'll PB and I HATE that :-). I just got below 200, am losing slowly, but am okay with that.

    Hope you get your fill and can get back to it. It's too big a blessing to give up.



  4. Julie Ann--you are doing so wonderful!!! Sadly, I have not been able to completely figure out what foods I can and can't have. For instance, last night I ate a couple nibbles of broccoli (just the top), two spoonfulls of mac/cheese, and about 4-5 bites of grilled pork chop chewed well. I threw up...not just a PB IMO. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was the OJ I drank before dinner or the food itself?? Sigh.

    Just wanted to check in to say that, after a three month "stall", I am now losing again!!! I had some major stress during that time, but the surgeon reminded me that, even though I wasn't losing, I wasn't gaining either! Amen.

    I'm in a training group to run a 5k in September (may not be quite ready then...we'll see) and am LOVING it!

    Keep going everyone...


  5. Congrats everyone!

    I've been doing so well--almost to Onederland--and have fizzled out the past couple weeks due to stress (I think). I still have restriction but have been eating and drinking things that aren't allowed.

    Any tips for emotional eating? My son is treating my daughter-in-law horribly (emotional abuse in my opinion) and they have a son who is just almost 4 weeks old. They are both young and didn't even know each other well before the marriage. We paid for a week of intensive therapy--they went--but it didn't help.

    If that were the only stress!



  6. CONGRATS on meeting your goal! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!

    About hair, when you lose weight, it changes your body hormones and can cause that temporarily (like after pregnancy). I did hear Biotin helps. I cut my hair short and have no problems!

    I went to see my band doc yesterday and he thinks I'm doing great. I've had two fills. I lost 10 lbs in the past 6 weeks and he expects a less than a pound a week loss at this point. I'm happy losing no matter how quick!! I don't go back for 12 weeks now...

    I am LOVING walking/running in organized runs. Money always goes to a good cause and it is a great incentive to MOVE. The last one raised money for nature conservation and was on a road running through a state park (woods). Try it if you haven't! The longest one I did was a 10 miler the morning after my first grandson was born and I had been on my feet all day!! It was worth it though :smile:.



  7. Well I had a PB today--bleh. I tried to eat a turkey sandwich for lunch and ate about 1/4 and it got stuck.

    About exercise, I've joined a couple of challenge with co-workers and friends as well as just doing the group classes...both are helpful to me. The group stuff makes it so much more interesting! I go to the YMCA but I saw our community group offers group classes too.

    Hope this helps!


  8. Hi Julie Ann (and everyone)!

    Yes, I love my band too! I've gone from tight 22's down to comfortable 16's. I've been hiking, walking, jogging (slow and short), and just started spinning. My most recent "big" achievement was a 10k this weekend. Our YMCA is starting a hiking club and I'm joining that in a couple weeks and then doing a 10 MILE run (which I will walk/jog).

    I've had two fills.

    I FEEL so much better and my husband loves it that I'm a "cheap" date!

    Happy Spring!


  9. Congrats on your 100 lbs Kathy!!! Woo hoo!

    I "did" a 5k a couple weeks ago and I think I came in at about 46 min...not like you speedy girls! I'm doing another one on Saturday but don't expect a faster time as it will be extremely crowded (I hear).

    Great job everyone!


  10. I have the stomach flu (apparently). One dd was vomiting Tuesday night, the next Thursday night. My nausea started this morning along with diarrhea. So far, I have not thrown up but continue to have diarrhea. I did just remember that I had some phenergan and took a dose.

    My question is what to eat or drink? Normally, I would have sprite. I did try some yogurt earlier and I didn't throw up. I guess chicken broth could be good but the thought kind of grosses me out.

    Maybe the phenergan will make me sleepy enough that I will sleep the night away and wake up feeling better tomorrow! (my dd's did--but they threw up several times)

    I just wonder if having the band is keeping the symptoms "lower".


  11. Hi!

    I have rheumatoid arthritis and struggled to exercise (caused more pain) but am now able to exercise without any problems! I also have eliminated some meds and cut some dosages in half (including my anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory).

    The biggest thing, though, is my self-esteem. I don't feel nearly as "awkward" (does that make sense?) and have no problem getting up and down when I need to (I'm a nurse). Sex is SOOOOOO much better too! :)

    I was banded October 22nd so it hasn't even been four full months...it is SO worth it.

    I, too, recommend exercising...and getting on some eating plan where you are making healthy choices. I know it would be easy to "work around this system" by still eating the crap I used to eat (I did have a gain over Christmas because of that). Basically, I'm following a South Beach Diet type plan.

    Hope this helps!

    ~~anne (41)

  12. Hi! I've been without power for almost a week...it's good to be back! Last week, we had to stay with friends and I was at the mercy of the people we stayed with...but my eating was "okay". I made it to the gym a couple of days but otherwise didn't do as well. Oh well, life happens.

    Good to see how well you all are doing!


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