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Posts posted by Azlife

  1. Wow!!! It is so great to see everyone's success stories!

    I am down about 118lbs after my first year, I have had some ups and downs. I have discovered when I work to much or have an infection of some sort I tend to have a lot of issues with my band. I have two complete unfills and I am back to 2.5cc so I doing good.

    I want to lose about another 40lbs, my doctor has told me this is very possible, however take my time at this last part.

    As always still working on those good choices of food, dang I wish it was so easy to make the bad ones, but we just gotta do it.

    Check out my profile I just added a one year pic of before and now. I just wanted to add the before pic was four weeks post surgery and I was already down 35lbs.

    Good Luck everyone and thanks for all the support it does help!

  2. I have had Fluid taken in and out for the past two months. My scale has bounced back and forth. My doctor explained yesterday that my body needs to readjust and figure out what is going and to realize once you have hit that 80-90lb loss it is readjusting the weight will continue to come off, just most likely at a slower pace for awhile. Remember it is tool and you control how the tool works and sometimes it is just a slower than others ... be patient and remember this is a new lifestyle.

  3. I hope this finally hits it for everyone! I had another fill yesterday. After feeling as though I was at my sweetspot and then getting sick and having some removed I am finally at a point where I feel I am getting back to where I was at. I wanted 1cc, but he said only .5 to make sure we are where we want to be and not another overfill. scale has bounced up and down so much these past two months I just want it to slide down. I am definately planning on this being a better month. Good luck everyone!

  4. Well I haven't weighed in a long time, I had a rough month in February and had to have a partial unfill of 2cc. I gained some weight back and it was up and down all month. I finally got a full adjustment on Tuesday and dropped a few pounds, so I am hoping to be on the downhill road now. So, down a total of 94.5lbs since 8/8/08. Good luck everyone!

  5. Rough week for me. Had to have some of my fill removed. Had over worked a lot the week prior and an asthma attack, so the doctor took our 2cc, said my stomach had inflamation to it. So I was up and down all week, managed to stay the same, but will have to be careful until next appointment. He will put 1cc back in if I can maintain or if I am struggling.

  6. Wow looks like everyone is doing so good! What a beautiful Grandbaby, Shamrock! I haven't logged in in a while, but I gained a lb one week and then lost the past weeks, so I am down a total of 10.5 for the past three weeks. I getting close to that 100lb loss so I am happy about that, I will be happier to under the 200lb mark on the scale.< /p>

  7. Way to go Everyone! Looks like we are all still trucking down that road, occasionally hitting some pot holes, but still heading down hill. I had a good week. Discovering putting a scoop of unflavored Protein in my coffee with some s/f vanilla sure helps me make sure I get enough protein in.

    Last week 233.5

    This week 229

    So I am happy with my loss and I am going keep pushing.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!:thumbup:

    And of course GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Good Morning,

    As always I am a day off in my weigh in. First I want to say Congratulations!!!!! to everyone for keeping up with the dropping of those lbs during this difficult season full of fun foods. I had a follow up with my doctor this week and there was no need for a fill yet, he thinks I am dropping slow enough, so I was happy about that. I am hoping to hit that 70lb loss by Christmas! :rolleyes2: However, I am down 3.5lbs this week and hoping to drop a little more next week! Good Luck everyone! Have a wonderful week. :cursing:

  9. Well it was a good week, I lost 3lbs this week, and finally over that 60lb loss mark!:blush: I am going to keep pushing. I increased my mornings to a Protein Drink and got to walk a few mornings this week along with evenings. I don't think I was consuming enough Protein. I hope my schedule allows me to keep that up for bit. I have a appointment this week, but don't know if I will need a fill, I am still pretty restricted. :) Good luck everyone!

  10. Okay lellow! YoU GO GIRL!!!!! The only advice I can give you is to make sure you get enough Protein, without it you will not lose as quick. I was told here from another banster that you must take your current weight and multiply it by .37 and that is the amount of protein you need. Eat your protein first, veggies second and YOU WILL lose! When I had my rough weeks, I started to watch my protein and bam it started coming off again. Good Luck and Make sure you post a picture in that new HOT dress!

  11. Good Morning Everyone!

    I had a pretty good week, I dropped 3.5lbs this week. I have increased my work outs to 40 minutes in the morning and nice brisk 30 minute walk at night. I had part of my last fill removed on last Friday afternoon, because it was too much and I couldn't hold down Water. It appears everything is going good now. I love to see so much success with everyone! Have a great weekend.

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