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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza


    I only ever eat full fat everything and that's since day one post op. I am so done with the mega processed low fat diet 'food' forever I hope. That stuff made me obese in the first place. I would rather have an ounce of regular cheese than a shedload of pretend cheese. Fat as part of a balanced diet is what helps me feel full/satiated and stops me eating for hours afterwards. So, to answer your question - I eat ALL kinds of cheese, just slowly and in moderation!
  2. And I echo what Arabesque has said - the no drinking with meals, or for at least 30 minutes after, is absolutely vital. The video demonstrates the physical reason for that. Even 2 years post op I adhere to this rigidly, and I think I always will.
  3. Oh no way are you too far gone at this early stage OP! If you can re-read your surgeon's rules and stick to them then you will be absolutely fine. I think there's an in-between stage for all of us when we *can* eat things that aren't on our programme but we know we shouldn't. It's because our healing stomachs don't perceive the solids or carbs or whatever and don't warn us to stop because they can't. When they heal up properly about 8 weeks after surgery you won't be able to eat more than your programme allows. Until then I would advise you to stick to the letter of the law. Carbs have little or no place in your food at the minute, you have plenty of time to reintroduce them over the next year or two. Soup - yes! Allowed protein - yes! (I say eggs all ways). There are loads of tasty things you'll be permitted and so much time to eat the others. Welcome to your new life x
  4. I do soooo love seeing what you and everyone eats ms.sss. Thanks for taking the time to post. 😍
  5. "food after surgery doesn’t have to be boring, just smaller portions. 😎" Absolutely this!
  6. Spinoza

    Not feeling full. ...

    I think from your stats you're less than 3 weeks post op? If so, the nerves in the resected portions of your stomach and small intestine are still healing. They need to re-establish connections. Until then you won't feel anything like what was your 'full' sensation before surgery (and possibly never will again - you'll get other cues to stop eating or better still you will just learn what is enough). In the meantime - enjoy and embrace the absence of hunger - it will come back soon enough. And, FOLLOW YOUR PLAN. It's there for a reason. If it says 1/4 cup puree, or 1/2 cup soft food, or whatever, then that's exactly what you should be having right now - no more. If you push things you might hit a setback. I wish you all the best 😍
  7. Spinoza


    Oh I haven't thought about nocturnal leg cramps for ages! I used to have them *all the time* pre sleeve but almost never get them these days (and never anything like as badly). Another benefit of WLS afaic!
  8. I eat porridge a bit, especially now I'm in maintenance. Potatoes almost never but if I have to, then skin ON. They were an absolute staple before surgery (I'm Irish) but I approach them with real caution now. White carby things (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes) don't contain enough goodness to tempt me any more. If I do eat them it's wholegrain/brown/skin on versions and in small portions after I've had something properly nutritious. *Obviously other than during the holiday season when I loosen up a bit without guilt*
  9. I think if you could get back to tracking asap that might be helpful. Also - could you revert to your immediate post-op diet plan and always go for protein first, veg second, carbs last (or not at all)? That seems to help some people reset. I am sorry that you have so much guilt about what you eat. Get all of the carbs out of your house (especially sugar)? It's really hard to stick to weight loss plans with or without surgery to give us a hand. Please be kind to yourself. You're doing the best you can xxx Your side bar is saying lap band 2009 and I'm thinking you've clearly had something else in the last year so if you could update your stats that would be really helpful to target advice/support better 🤩
  10. I've had 2 holiday seasons with family (who don't know I had surgery) and just coming up to my third! I've handled them all differently. The first was really tough because it would have been less than 6 weeks after my op so I just didn't go. Last year I made sure my partner was sitting next to me and then put most of my food (we get a huge loaded plate each) onto his, in small increments. I also ate 'in reverse order' - carbs first, then veg, then a tiny bit of meat (which halts everything for me, LOL). This year I will be able to eat like half a normal dinner (so a quarter of the massive dinner we seem to get served). I'll push the rest about on my plate and feed some to the dog. Like lots of the *always thin* people have done for years. At various times over the last 2 years I have disposed of food - into bins and occasionally wrapped in serviettes into my handbag, LOL - and hidden food (eg ordered a chicken salad where I eat the salad and then hide all the chicken under the last few leaves). Just to deflect attention. People who can be open about the fact they have had surgery just quote the surgery. If you're telling folks you're on a strict weight loss diet for your health that works too. I do (really do) understand the special pressures of a family Christmas and I hope you get through it well. It gets better, I promise.
  11. Spinoza

    I got THE email!

    Fab. The start of your new life. Any idea when it will happen?
  12. I also told only my partner and children and will never tell anyone else. I admire anyone who can be open and face the censure/answer the questions but I just feared exactly the negativity you're experiencing OP. I get admiration for taking 'the hard way' that I probably don't deserve but, let's face it, no way is the easy way when you're morbidly obese. People who aren't or haven't been don't have A CLUE. Get your support here.
  13. Spinoza

    GERD before gastric sleeve?

    Good advice above! I made a very very considered choice to have a sleeve despite being on PPIs for years for reflux. Only because I knew when I had previously lost significant weight my reflux had gone. My gamble paid off but I know that the recommended surgery for people with reflux is bypass. Concerned that your surgeon is trying to railroad you into anything else. My choice was very much mine after a long discussion of the pros and cons. This is too important a decision to get wrong.
  14. Fab. I lost most of my excess weight within the first year of my sleeve. Wasn't planning to lose much more in the second year but I did drop another stone. Sooooo slowly. Keep the faith OP, if you stick to your programme it will work and you will continue to lose weight.
  15. Oh wow. Fantastic. Getting to your goal is the absolute dream. Enjoy!!!!
  16. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Anyone else still around from the group 2 years back??
  17. I had a running battle with my dietitian for 2 years about breakfast. To please her I actually tried multiple permutations. 2 years and 10 stones later and guess what? I re-discovered the fact that I don't like breakfast. I don't eat breakfast. Because I just don't do breakfast. 😂 Not everyone is the same. If your modified plan is working for you and your team is in broad agreement then I say stick to that. 🤩
  18. Spinoza

    Post Op Sleeve 8 years

    Best of luck to you Joann! Absolutely nothing but support for you on this forum x It's so fantastic to hear of someone who has been through 8 years and gained so little (and so recently!) Welcome. Or welcome back x
  19. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi November 21 guys!!!! Exactly 2 years to the day since my sleeve so I need to post something to mark the date. I've lost exactly half my body weight since my surgery. I can't believe that - way beyond what I ever expected and I know it's just the luck of the draw but I feel so blessed to be in this position. The figures tickle me, LOL. My maintenance calorie intake has settled around 1500. I don't think I'll ever be able to exceed that without regaining. That's fine - a small price to pay. I still track absolutely everything I eat and I think I always will. I can chug about 7 or 8 swallows of a drink (strangely this is the thing that bothered me most NOT to be able to do over the last 2 years). I am running 2 or 3 times a week. Short distances but my aim when I started this process was to get back to that so - win. Please could you share your experiences of the last 2 years? Good or bad.
  20. Spinoza

    Damn Tik-Tok

    OK, breathe. Lots of people have revision surgery for lots of reasons and the vast majority of them are *absolutely* fine. I'm sorry you're having this worry - I know you don't need that when you've had to go for an additional procedure. I hope everything will be good for you long term. 😍
  21. Spinoza

    Worst compliment

    Oh I can't think that your mother saying that comes from a place of any 'best' intention OP. Sorry your mum has this approach. I've had SO many people ask me whether or not my weight loss was intentional (subtext being- are you ill??) I beam them a beatific smile and say yes, absolutely intentional - hard work but so worth it! Perhaps get yourself ready to counter the next inappropriate comment and move on?
  22. Spinoza

    How many calories

    That does seem low calorie-wise. Is this in keeping with your team's plan OP? I agree with the others - focus on macros now - you should be hitting those goals every day (or as close to that as possible). I wish you all the luck in the months ahead. S
  23. Loving this recipe! Will totally ditch the toast but liking the veg alternatives.
  24. Soups, stews, potato topped pies will be your friends. Irish stew - if you can get lamb or mutton and braise slowly with the usual veg - plus or minus potatoes of various types. Beef shin with Guinness or red wine and root veg. Shepherds pie (sorry @summerseeker the clue is in the name!!) is lamb mince based. Cottage pie is beef based. Absolutely yes to potato OR cauli based colcannon. Fish pie. Chicken/mushroom and gravy pie.
  25. Spinoza

    The value of a Recliner

    0/10 here, I know I might just have been lucky but I managed to roll/lever myself out of bed in the weeks after surgery without a major issue - painful but not a deal breaker.

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