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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Absolutely amazing series of posts - thank you so much for taking the time to share. I've had a sleeve but so much of your experience is directly relatable and you have answered a LOT of questions I've been thinking about. I do hope you can stick around now to help us newbies. 👏
  2. That's hilarious - so inventive. 🤣
  3. Spinoza

    Surgery Day

    I hope it all goes smoothly for you 🤗
  4. You sound like you've totally got this Angelina. Best of luck to you. 😊
  5. Spinoza

    Clear liquids post-Op for 7 days?

    Hi, yes I had a week of clear fluids and then a week of soups and shakes. You're almost there and you have done so well - just one and a bit more days to go! Every step feels like a big one towards a completely new way of eating but it's like waiting for the holidays - I get all "hurry uuuuuup!" every single day 😂
  6. Oh lord I have no idea. In the same way that I have no idea where you get the stamina to deal with them all year round! Are you sure you're ready to go back so soon?
  7. I was ravenous for over two weeks LouLou - my hunger really only settled yesterday (day 18). It's so hard but I found that hot drinks filled me up more than cold if that's any help. Also I added dried skimmed milk to coffee and soups because it's easy additional protein. Keep going, you're already over the hardest few days 💪
  8. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Don't give up FMO. I put ON a pound today so that leaves me a total loss of 3lbs 19 days post surgery. Something has got to give soon. You control what goes in - hope you managed to stick to the program. Even if you didn't, back on it today and I bet all the stickers here see a big loss soon 🤞🤞🤞
  9. Honestly don't worry LadyH - trust your procedure, the weight will come off when you've recovered from the surgery itself. 5lbs in 5 days is amazing actually! I am 18 days post sleeve and have lost 4lbs only. I know it's disappointing because we compare ourselves to others who sometimes seem to have lost lots more. Keep the faith, drink your water and get your protein - you'll be fine!
  10. Spinoza

    Liquid diet

    Amen to that! 🤣
  11. Spinoza

    UK friends

    Hi Kirsten! I'm in Ireland, 2.5 weeks post sleeve and getting on very well now. First couple of weeks I had some pain and a lot of hunger but both are subsiding thankfully. There are loads of lovely, welcoming, helpful and knowledgeable people on this forum so jump right in!
  12. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Your food sounds delicious too OG! Full of protein too. Fingers crossed for a good loss for both of us this week. 🤞
  13. Spinoza


    It's really hard. I found hot things (broth, herbal tea) filled me up a bit better than cold but whatever way you look at it it's brutal. BUT - it's shrinking your liver right down so you can have your surgery and your new life. I hope the last 2 days fly by for you and your surgery goes super smoothly. Please let us all know how you're getting along.
  14. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Just checking in again today my sweets. Still stuck at a 4lb loss 18 days post op and really needing my whoosh now! Am taking in about 600 calories a day and around 60g protein. Pain is getting better every day - the only time I notice it now is when I straighten up too quickly after bending over, or when I try to sleep on my side at night. Hunger was less noticeable yesterday - it has been hard, so nice to see it subsiding at last. All in all, everything going the right way, kind of apart from the weight, which has to come soon, right?? Just about to start a big Sunday roast here, which I will puree for myself. Also boiling ham for lunches (everyone else) during the week so I will use the stock to make some 'ham', lentil and veg soup for my own lunches! How has everyone's weekend been so far?
  15. Kirsten I suspect you just hit a stall at the wrong time! You've already lost 25lbs so if they need evidence that you can stick to a diet there it is! At 800 calories a day you will definitely start losing again, I really hope you see a good loss this week, sounds like you're doing amazingly.
  16. Spinoza

    One Year Anniversary

    Amazing - you look fabulous. 👍
  17. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh enjoy Tab. What are you having first?? 😍
  18. The pre-op diet is super hard. And your sounds like the hardest I've heard of. Mine was 2 weeks of 600 calories a day - I ended up using low carb meal replacement shakes x 3 a day because at least I was getting some vitamins and all my protein that way. You're on zero calories zero everything - sounds awful. BUT - you've done it, you're doing it, and you only have a few days left. You've got this. 💪
  19. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Yeah I think lots of them count that MomaDance! Makes the results look better I suppose? What was the date of your op? I am just moving on to soft foods and loving every bite. Tasted a teeny bit of the bolognese sauce I made for everyone else's dinner this evening (can't cook without tasting!) and it was such a flavour explosion.
  20. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi all, just checking in. Hope you're all doing OK. Have finally lost another pound so that's 4 in total in the 17 days since my op. Feel like it's gonna be slow but sure for me and I'm fine with that. I just got my 'A Pound of Cure' book this morning and it looks like good general advice so I'll be reading that cover to cover. Can already see that giving up dairy may be one of the hardest for me - I drink a lot of coffee with a lot of milk every day. Anyway it's for the long term, milk is helping with protein goals at present so as far as I'm concerned it's my best friend! Still on 2 protein shakes/mousses a day along with very soft/liquid foods like soups and smooth oatmeal made thin. Meeting my goals, getting my vitamins, eating around 600 calories a day. I'm still very hungry but hoping that will settle a bit when I eventually get onto more solid food. Pain is only when I bend over or try to lie on my side in bed - again getting better every day. Back to work on Monday so that will be my challenge for next weel! How is everybody else doing?
  21. I am also hungry - properly hungry - since my op 16 days ago so I guess I might be one of the unlucky 20%. Sticking to my volume restriction of 1/3 cup pureed whatever per meal and also taking 2 protein shakes. And a tiny cube of cheese every day. Cannot wait for soft foods, also keen to see whether solids will allow me to feel my restriction and to finally feel FULL!
  22. That's super useful - thank you! I'm just over 2 weeks and well into pureed phase. JoyLilith I can drink water pretty quickly too, and have been able to since day 2 or 3 after the surgery. 30 minutes for a protein shake or smoothie sounds perfect to me.
  23. Spinoza

    Going in tomorrow!!!

    Sounds like you're in good (Irish!) hands. I hope you're getting over the surgery. First few days can be really tough. I'm 15 days out and eating smooth oatmeal and apple sauce for the first time - it tastes like filet mignon and bearnaise sauce (not literally).
  24. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh I wanted to record what I'm eating just for my own reference later. Current eating routine is a protein shake in the late morning, protein mousse thing for lunch and dinner (takes me two attempts to finish the whole thing) and then pureed whatever I made for everyone else's dinner for supper (I cannot go to bed hungry). About 1/3 cup of that. I have one proper coffee in the morning and then pretty much sip decaf with milk and added skimmed milk powder all day long (same as ever). I don't eat breakfast - never have and probably never will now! One piece of cheese the size of a die when I take my tablets at bedtime - this is my routine - the dog gets one too when I put him in his crate for the night, LOL. Currently sucking that in a pretty disgusting fashion so no lumps remain when I swallow. I reckon I'm getting about 50g protein. I have at least another week before I can try soft diet - champing at the bit for that of course! What's your average day's eating at the minute?

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