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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza

    weight loss

    I had my surgery a week before you and I have lost 16lbs so I think you're doing amazingly well! Keep up the good work 💪
  2. How awful Lem! I hope you recover quickly from the second big op and that everything goes really well for you from here onwards. Babin.jessica too.
  3. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi everyone, it's now just over a month since my surgery and I am feeling pretty much back to normal. I'm having some trouble slowing down my eating - I tend eat the first three-quarters of a meal really quickly and then kind of remember I'm not supposed to and slow right down. I'm still having a bit of a problem with getting enough fluids - I really need to prioritise that more. What tends to happen is I get hungry (and sadly I do get properly hungry several times a day) and start eating immediately, when what I should really do is drink a glass of water first to make sure I'm up to date with fluids. Repeat this 3 or 4 times a day and there are several hours when I can't or don't want to drink anything because I'm full. Otherwise it's full steam ahead. After a long stall post-op I have now lost 7lbs since I came home exactly 4 weeks ago. I'm hoping to see a bit more next month - averaging 600-700 calories a day, definitely no more and sometimes a bit less. How is everyone else getting along now?
  4. LadyH do you have an update please? Absolutely everything crossed for you!!!
  5. Spinoza

    Gastric Sleeve (VSG )

    I am not very techy but I *think* you can just click on that graphic(??)
  6. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Don't worry, it'll have worked. Lots of people can be slow to lose immediately after surgery. I am almost 4 weeks out and I have lost 15lbs in total from the day of my surgery and only 7 of those were since I got back home over 3 weeks ago! 13lbs in 16 days on ANY diet is amazing and that's only the start for you. 👍
  7. Spinoza

    Gastric Sleeve (VSG )

    Hi TJ! I'm three and a half weeks out and pretty much back to normal other than a little residual pain behind my big scar. Come share on the November buddies thread - we're all pretty much at the same stage as you. Your loss is brilliant - I know we shouldn't compare ourselves but it's way better than mine! 💪
  8. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Don't stress D&S you'll see movement again soon. I had more than 2 weeks post op where I lost virtually nothing and even now, 26 days out, I have lost only 7lbs since I got home from hospital. I'm taking that though! I think I will change to weekly weighing now so I don't get too knocked by all the ups and downs - they come with the territory. We all know that because we've all dieted soooooo much before. Hope your stall ends really soon. Your calories sound spot on, and so does your protein 👌
  9. Thank you for sharing - you look fantastic. Must be amazing to see yourself shrinking like that looking back! Fingers crossed I get half as much from my surgery.
  10. Spinoza

    Home from surgery

    Brilliant. Onwards and downwards! 💪
  11. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi all, just checking in! 23 days out, 6lbs off. Third day of eating soft food, mostly fish so far, at about 1/4 cup per meal. Still having at least one protein shake a day too. Slightly harder to get the fluids in now because I'm so full after eating the proper food that I can't drink anything for an hour or more, so I've started pre-loading with fluids before meals. Have started getting on the cross trainer in the last 3 days - starting at 5 minutes and increasing by a minute a day. Still have some pain in my left side that with certain movements can be really sharp, and still wakens me at night sometimes. I have two holiday meals out next week, one with friends one with family, it'll be interesting to see how those go! No alcohol so far but I might try something this weekend because I really don't want my first glass of wine to result in disaster at a dinner in a restaurant. And that's my report! How are all of you getting along? Any plans for the weekend? I'm going to a nice festive concert tomorrow - really looking forward to that. Every day is feeling more normal.
  12. Spinoza

    Well that was new

    Oh wow that is interesting, and weird! Sounds like a really tough day, I'm sure that's not what you needed at the end of it. I hope today was better in all ways.
  13. Spinoza

    A little positivity

    Lovely 💟 I am feeling all of this too, and am amazingly grateful that I have had this opportunity to change my life.
  14. Spinoza

    Feel full - No Hunger - Still eat?

    What he said ^^ I am no expert D&S (particularly since I had a sleeve!) so do wait for the people who know more to come along, but for what it's worth I would definitely be eating something. Keep a protein shake beside you and sip? Small amounts of soup and stuff at regular intervals?
  15. Oh wow, what a difference! You look fantastic. This reminds me - I took some photos the night before my surgery - I really need to update those. Won't be sharing them here though, sorry! Not yet anyway. 🤣
  16. Spinoza


    I'm day 22 and this time last week I was eating just purees, about 1/4 - 1/3 cup 2 or 3 times a day. Mostly whatever my family was having for dinner (I cook everything from scratch here) really well blended with broth or gravy. And I was spitting out anything that didn't blend properly just to be on the safe side (gristle from meat etc.) Smooth oatmeal with apple sauce about 1/3 cup total for breakfast or supper. Chicken soup with added protein powder for lunch. About 4-5 small portions of something spread over the day. I still had a protein shake every morning and I was drinking loads of coffee with milk and added skimmed milk powder - that's about 4g protein per mug. I started soft foods yesterday and boy is it filling compared to purees! I'm actually going to have to time it carefully to make sure I get my fluids in too - couldn't face anything for about 2.5 hours after my fish pie filling last night (about two tablespoons, LOL). If anyone had told me this a few weeks ago I would have laughed at them. I know exactly what you mean about the sleeping position I almost cried with joy the first time I could lie on my side again. Sounds like you're doing really well! 👊
  17. Spinoza

    So hungry 15 minutes after eating

    Oh I hear you. I am 3 weeks out and I was ravenous for two and a half of those so don't give up hope (I was just about to!) Over the last few days as I have been eating more protein and more solid textures it has definitely reduced drastically and I am staying much fuller for much longer after my still very small meals (1/3 cup approx). And what vikingbeast said. ^^^^
  18. I can't see that some tofu or even tempeh pureed in your soup would be any different to pureed chicken. I suspect either might end up a bit grainy. I definitely was not allowed shredded chicken at 8 days - programs really do seem to vary hugely though. I did puree some very soft lamb with veg for my first pureed dinners and it was gorgeous (but I don't have a problem with texture). I am 3 weeks post op today and just had my first soft food (fish pie filling without the potato topping).
  19. I don't know what to say LadyH. I really really hope it doesn't get cancelled again. Did they give you a reason? Is there any room for you to go back to them and explain that the reason isn't a good one? I have absolutely everything crossed for you. 😥
  20. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I lost 2lbs today - about time too! Felt like I had been stuck for a century.
  21. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Yes, I have a few meals out lined up over the next 3 weeks and I think I'm just going to order whatever the softest starter is, to come out with everyone else's main courses. If there's soup on the menu better still. I haven't told anyone other than my partner and children about the surgery but all my family and friends are so used to me permanently 'being on a diet' so they won't turn a hair at this latest restriction to my eating. 😏 Gmast - if you had asked me in my before life to split a meal I would definitely have looked at you as if you were mad. 😍
  22. Absolutely amazing series of posts - thank you so much for taking the time to share. I've had a sleeve but so much of your experience is directly relatable and you have answered a LOT of questions I've been thinking about. I do hope you can stick around now to help us newbies. 👏
  23. That's hilarious - so inventive. 🤣

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