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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Thank you so much for the update - I love hearing how people fix things because I have no doubt I'll have to do that in the future! So glad you're making better choices (not meant in any way judgementally - I mean you're using your tool better!) and seeing the benefit already. Sorry to hear about your pooch - they can be a big drain on all resources, can't they? You have done amazingly and now you're doing amazingly again. I bet you smash your target by June. I am aiming to reach my (self-set) goal by November, which will be my one year anniversary. Almost halfway there already.
  2. Spinoza

    Final Choice

    I did my own research before I went to the surgeon and was pretty sure I wanted a sleeve, but he did talk me through the pros and cons of bypass too. I do have reflux, but it always settled in the past when I lost weight, so I took a gamble on that happening this time too (and it has!) I liked the fact that I could lose a significant amount of weight whilst keeping my anatomy much the same. TBH I also kind of liked the safety net (that I never intend to use, but who does!) of a conversion to bypass if the sleeve didn't do what I was hoping it would. Almost 3 months on I am really happy with my decision to go with the sleeve. But if my surgeon had recommended bypass I believe I am likely to have gone with that and probably been equally happy!!!
  3. I can't see it any more! Has it been removed for some reason??
  4. Spinoza

    Determining Goal Weight

    Oh you said it much more eloquently than I (and at the same time!!) LOL.
  5. Spinoza

    Determining Goal Weight

    Sounds like your psychologist may have dealt with a lot of disappointed patients in the past. I have never had an ideal weight suggested to, or discussed with me by surgeon, nutritionist, or psychologist. I've been told repeatedly that the average loss at 5 years after sleeve gastrectomy is 70% or thereabouts of excess weight. Big ballpark. I want to be much lighter than that so I have set my goal for a weight I have been at various points in my life and felt suited me. If I don't reach that, or anything near it, I might be be a bit miffed, but I'll still have lost loads of weight and be way healthier than when I started out, and that's what really matters to me. My body has a new set weight as of surgery day, and my job is to find that and make my peace with it, or consign myself again to a life of fighting my own body to lose weight it wants to hold on to!
  6. Spinoza

    COMPLETELY fallen off the wagon :(

    You can do this. You've identified the problem and you already know how to fix it because you did it and lost an amazing 90lbs!!! You're like a professional athlete who has taken a few months off. You've still got it (because you went to the trouble of having surgery so it's always there for you). Track every mouthful, protein first, veg second, chew like the blazes, eat slowly. No liquids for at least half an hour. You know it works. You own that diet.
  7. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I am now 10 weeks post op and I have lost 27lbs since the day of my surgery. I had just one long stall of about 2 weeks post op but have lost about 2lbs a week since then. I'm so so pleased with that. I have quite a way to go but I feel like I'm into the swing of things. I do have a little alcohol every weekend but it's one or two drinks and all counted in my calorie allowance, which is around 800 per day now and 1000 at weekends. Good luck to everyone, hope it's going well for you all.
  8. Spinoza

    Same shirt, new me!

    Fabulous - you look amazing GG, bet you feel amazing too! And yes that shirt will soon have to find another home. 🤩
  9. Spinoza

    New here, have some questions...

    That's almost four months from surgery, isn't it? Your weight loss stats are very similar to mine. I lost 25lbs before surgery and 27lbs since. My first advice would be to take a week and track absolutely everything you eat. Go back to basics - protein first, then veg, then good complex carbs if you have room. No drinking fluids for at least half an hour after eating. Clear the house of junk - you sound like you know that's what's holding you back and causing the dumping. Sticking to the program works (well it has for me so far!) I hope you smash that stall in no time. 💪
  10. Spinoza

    Tips to break a stall...

    Excellent post, thank you for sharing all of that! Note to self - move more! And in different ways!
  11. Spinoza


    Amazing. In such a short time too (probably feels like forever when you're watching the scale though). Huge congratulations!!!
  12. Hi guys, I'm just over 2 months out from VSG surgery and things are going pretty well. There are certain things that I know I can easily fit into my new pouch - like one egg. I tend to eat these things very quickly now, kind of waiting for my full feeling to catch up afterwards. Also when I start a (tiny) meal I eat the first half really quickly, protein first, and *then* slow my eating right down tiil I find my full point. Is there anything wrong with that?
  13. Spinoza

    my year anniversary

    That's fantastic, you've done so well and clearly made good use of your tool. Congratulations!
  14. Spinoza

    2 pounds down after 30 pound regain

    Brilliant - that's 2 in the right direction. You are doing this! 💪
  15. Thanks all - general lack of time here too but I am very careful not to eat anything new quickly. An egg is an egg and half a bowl of soup is the same every time. So far anyway!
  16. Same here. I have had reflux for years. Always improved when I lost weight so I gambled on it getting better (not worse) when I lost weight after my surgery, whatever that might be. And it did. On paper if you have established GERD then RNY is a better choice because of the risk that GERD might actually worsen with VSG. My surgeon spent some time going through the risks with me pre-op. Just worked out OK for me I guess!
  17. I have had some berries with greek yoghurt but that's about it. Once I've had my protein and veggies I'm usually done!
  18. Spinoza

    End goal weight

    I picked a weight I got to over 10 years ago when I felt and looked really good. I'll be working towards that but not be too disappointed if my new set weight is above that. Hard to say this far out and honestly I licked my finger and held it up in the wind if I'm honest. I'll take anything lower than the BMI of over 40 where I started out - that's a win in my book! Good luck all on reaching your goal!
  19. Spinoza

    90 Minutes of Cardio Every Morning

    I do too little and only walking. Short dog walks 4 days a week (about a mile) and Longer (about 3 miles) the other 3 days. I would like to get back to running eventually and the dog would love it but I'm too heavy at the minute (knees!) I do have a cross trainer in the house but it's boring and I use it about once a week. What you're doing is amazing - where do you get the time???
  20. Ah - thought it might have been a chain we have in Ireland too! Thanks anyway - will definitely keep my eyes peeled for anything similar here.
  21. Spinoza

    Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?

    Just to prove your point even further, I realised after I posted this that I am sitting here in a tee shirt at least 2 sizes too big. 😂
  22. Which store please? Also a massive cauli fan here - hangover from my keto days when I must have eaten it almost every day in some form. And celeriac (celery root). Makes nice pretend fries baked in the oven with oil, and also very low carb and low calorie. I have never tried cauli as wings - definitely gonna give that a go - thank you for that idea!
  23. Spinoza

    Clothes shopping weirdness...can you relate?

    Totally relate to this. Not from this weight loss episode but from one years ago when I dropped 4 sizes in a few months (VLCD - I know, I know). My brain took *months* to catch up with my body so shopping took forever. I started off in the changing room with clothes that were ridiculously big, then brought in the next size down, and so on. Hope your brain catches up with all your good work very soon and enjoy your shopping (not for leggings, LOL)! ❣️
  24. Spinoza


    Woohoo! You only went and did it! Huge congratulations - what an amazing mark of your dedication. 👏
  25. Chicken was my go-to for some weeks as soon as I was allowed proper solids. Chicken with gravy, or cold chicken and a bit of mayo. Always went down well and has a good protein hit. Thigh/leg meat is nicer than breast but then that's always been my opinion. I had lamb and beef and pork too pretty early on - basically whatever I was cooking for the family!

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